training specialists
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L. V. Kurylenko

The activities of specialists in the social sphere are aimed at creating conditions for the successful development of society as a whole and the welfare and prosperity of each of its members. At the same time, the quality of training of such specialists does not always correlate with the expected results. The reason for this discrepancy lies in the absence of a clearly expressed methodological strategy for training specialists in the social sphere. This article is devoted to the substantiation of the spheral approach to the training of specialists in the social sphere, which serves as a kind of methodological guideline, since the social sphere itself is a kind of springboard that launches this process. The study confirmed the assumption of the spheral approach as a global strategy, following which it is possible to predict with a certain accuracy the results aimed at transforming both the social sphere itself and the social institutions that make up it.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 175
Muhammed Bahadır Sandikçi ◽  
Metin Yıldız ◽  
Abdurrahman Kırtepe

This study aims to determine the relationship between self-leadership behaviors and job satisfaction levels of Sports-Sports Training Specialists working in Provincial Directorates of Youth and Sports. The research population consists of 230 Sports-Sports Training Specialists working in the Provincial Directorates of Youth and Sports in the Eastern Anatolia Region. “Personal Information Form”, “Self-Leadership Questionnaire-SLQ” and “Job Satisfaction Scale” were used for data collection. 72.2% of the participants are male, 73.4% have an undergraduate degree and 64.6% are working in their institution on a contractual basis. There is a significant difference in favor of women between gender and the self-talk sub-dimension of the self-leadership scale. There was a significant difference between the working positions and the total score of the self-leadership scale and the sub-dimension of self-cueing in favor of permanent employees. There was a statistically significant difference between the job satisfaction scale and the sports training specialists having poor economic status. No positive relationship was found between self-leadership and job satisfaction. It has been concluded that female sports-sports training specialists are more focused on self-talk than males and this has an effect on self-leadership levels, but gender does not affect their job satisfaction levels. Permanent staff experts motivate themselves better and have a better sense of self-leadership than contracted experts. It has been determined that compared to their senior colleagues, newcomers to the profession are in an effort to reveal their self-leadership behaviors more in order to prove themselves in their institutions and to be successful.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2096 (1) ◽  
pp. 012034
N Chebotov ◽  
D Davydova ◽  
K Patutin ◽  
N Prokudina

Abstract A relevant task in the organization of comprehensive training of specialists in various fields is the development of the necessary theoretical and practical competencies. In the conditions of pandemic restrictions and the need to conduct classes in a distance mode, there is a need to develop new educational resources and means of representing knowledge, functioning on the basis of modern information technologies. One of the promising approaches is the transfer of laboratory and practical exercises to a virtual platform that allows you to master the necessary practical competencies on a computer. However, the functioning and visualization of physical or chemical processes in such virtual platforms must correspond to real processes. The article discusses the mathematical modeling of a virtual platform for training specialists in the oil and gas industry. An approach to the construction of a mathematical model based on the collected experimental data, the study of the laws of equilibrium of liquid and gas, and hydrostatic equations is considered. On the basis of the obtained model, an algorithm for the functioning of a virtual stand on the Unity platform is built. The presented approach can be used in the implementation of various virtual platforms for organizing the learning process in a distance form.

2021 ◽  
pp. 127-138
Irina Iurevna Matasova

The article is devoted to the issues of training specialists in the field of environmental safety in universities in the context of the implementation of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard higher professional education 3++ training direction «Technosphere safety», the introduction of the professional standard «Specialist in environmental safety (in industry)», taking into account changes in regulatory legal acts in the field of environmental safety. The purpose of the research is to determine the current requirements for the system of training specialists in the field of environmental safety, taking into account changes in the legislation regulating this area. The following research methods are used in the work: the study and analysis of regulatory legal acts, domestic literary sources, resources of departmental and educational Internet portals in the field of environmental safety. As a result of the study, it was revealed that fundamental changes in regulatory, administrative, economic, control and supervisory management methods and the use of state online services in the field of environmental safety in the Russian Federation determine the specifics of the content of theoretical and practical training of environmental specialists. It is concluded that the professional standard for specialists in the field of environmental safety, introduced in September 2020, the requirements for the content of bachelor's and master's training in the direction of «Technosphere safety» should be the basis for the development of the Main educational professional program by universities (the choice of professional competencies, the formation of the curriculum, the formation of practice programs, the final certification program).

Оксана Товканець

The article analyzes the impact of international strategies for modernization of education on the content of training specialists in educational management in the European higher education system. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the influence of international strategies for the modernization of education on the content of training specialists in educational management in the European system of higher education. The research was carried out on the basis of methods of theoretical generalization; comparative analysis; methods of grouping and systematization. It is revealed that in modern conditions, among the fac-tors of development of European higher education, three important ones are substantiated, which are direct-ly related to the development of the educational space: smart growth: development of the economy based on knowledge and innovation; sustainable growth: creating an economy based on the rational use of resources, ecology and competition; inclusive growth: promoting employment, social and territorial consensus. The strategic goal of the national policy of the EU in the field of education at the beginning of the XXI century there are problems of purposeful influence on the conditions and preconditions for the implementation of the rules of law, focusing on the benefits of modernization of educational activities in the period of transfor-mation, improvement of the entire education system and the mechanism of realization of the constitutional right to education. The areas that have the greatest impact on the process of training specialists in education management in European education are identified: focus on methodological support of activities within Eu-ropean education; standardization of educational content, licensing, certification and accreditation of educa-tional institutions, recognition of qualifications at the level of higher education; improving the education management system, decentralization and diversification in education. It is emphasized that the develop-ment of human capital is at the heart of the global development strategy

А.Д. Обухов ◽  
Д.Л. Дедов ◽  
В.В. Вострикова ◽  
Д.В. Теселкин ◽  
Е.О. Суркова

Одним из современных инструментов организации процесса обучения специалистов является использование виртуальных тренажерных комплексов, позволяющих смоделировать штатные и аварийные сценарии профессиональной деятельности и выработать необходимые компетенции у обучающихся. Существующие подходы к взаимодействию с виртуальной реальностью в рамках тренажерных комплексов основаны на использовании различного рода контроллеров, что негативно сказывается на иммерсивности процесса обучения. Контроллеры также не позволяют смоделировать физическую нагрузку, возникающую при ходьбе или беге при подготовке специалистов в ряде областей (МЧС, военная отрасль, горнодобывающая промышленность и другие). Для решения этой задачи необходимо использование различных беговых платформ. В рамках исследования выявлены определенные проблемы существующих подходов к взаимодействию с виртуальной реальностью посредством беговой платформы. Для их решения предлагается разработка новых методов управления платформой. В работе рассмотрено несколько алгоритмов управления платформой: линейный, нелинейный и нелинейный модифицированный. Представлено математическое описание алгоритмов и проведены экспериментальные исследования, позволяющие выбрать оптимальный алгоритм управления в соответствии с набором определенных метрик. Использование разработанного алгоритма управления позволит улучшить качество взаимодействия обучающего с виртуальной реальностью на беговой платформе. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы при организации процесса обучения специалистов с применением систем виртуальной реальности One of the modern tools for organizing the training process for specialists is the use of virtual training complexes, which make it possible to simulate regular and emergency scenarios of professional activity and develop the necessary competencies for students. Existing approaches to interacting with virtual reality within the framework of training complexes are based on the use of various kinds of controllers, which negatively affects the immersiveness of the learning process. The controllers also do not allow simulating the physical activity that occurs when walking or running, which is necessary when training specialists in a number of areas (Ministry of Emergency Situations, the military industry, the mining industry, and others). To solve this problem, it is necessary to use different running platforms. The study identified certain problems of existing approaches to interacting with virtual reality through a running platform. To solve them, we propose to develop new methods of platform management. The paper considers several algorithms for platform control: linear, nonlinear and nonlinear modified. We present a mathematical description of the algorithms, we carried out experimental studies, which make it possible to choose the optimal control algorithm in accordance with a set of certain metrics. The use of the developed control algorithm will improve the quality of the teacher's interaction when interacting with virtual reality on the running platform. The results obtained can be used in organizing the process of training specialists using virtual reality systems

2021 ◽  
pp. 144-152
Малика Усамовна Байсаева ◽  
Алихан Зелимханович Бурсагов ◽  
Аминат Вахахажиевна Дааева

Повышение уровня качества образования является одним из ключевых факторов повышения конкурентоспособности страны. Ежегодный пересмотр образовательных и образовательно-научных программ подготовки специалистов дает возможность своевременно вносить коррективы в учебные планы и повышать уровень качества образования с целью большего соответствия подготовленных специалистов требованиям рыночной среды. Приобретение международного опыта в подготовке специалистов помогает сформировать компетентности будущих специалистов таким образом, чтобы они были конкурентоспособными на международном рынке труда. Несмотря на современные процессы глобализации мировой экономики и интеграционные процессы русской экономики система оценки качества образования при формировании профессиональных компетенций экономистов требует совершенствования и дальнейшего развития. Улучшение качества образования специалистов, в частности экономистов, в условиях интеграционных процессов и программ международной мобильности будет способствовать росту конкурентоспособности будущих специалистов и повышению рейтинга университета. Одним из условий конкурентоспособности учреждения высшего образования является наличие у него внутренней системы качества образования, которая отвечает современным требованиям национальных и международных стандартов. Процесс создания таких систем в учреждениях высшего образования происходит медленно, что может привести к определенным потерям в формировании интеллектуального потенциала страны. Такие потери могут в дальнейшем сказываться и уровне национальной безопасности. Специалисты по экономике работают во всех сферах национальной экономики и на всех видах предприятий. Improving the quality of education is one of the key factors in improving the competitiveness of the country. The annual revision of educational and scientific programs for training specialists makes it possible to make timely adjustments to curricula and improve the quality of education in order to better meet the requirements of the trained specialists of the market environment. The acquisition of international experience in training specialists helps to form the competencies of future specialists in such a way that they are competitive in the international labor market. Despite the modern processes of globalization of the world economy and the European integration processes of the Russian economy, the system of assessing the quality of education in the formation of professional competencies of economists requires improvement and further development. Improving the quality of education of specialists, in particular economists, in the context of European integration processes and international mobility programs will help to increase the competitiveness of future specialists and improve the university's rating. One of the conditions for the competitiveness of a higher education institution is that it has an internal education quality system that meets the modern requirements of national and international standards. The process of creating such systems in higher education institutions is slow, which can lead to certain losses in the formation of the intellectual potential of the country. Such losses may further affect the level of national security. Economics specialists work in all spheres of the national economy and at all types of enterprises.

Ильфак Элфикович Вильданов

В педагогических исследованиях достаточно перспективным считается внедрение интеграции в процессы подготовки специалистов в технических вузах. Интеграция проникает практически во все компоненты педагогических процессов: методологические подходы, технологии обучения, содержание общетехнических, специальных дисциплин и т. д. Данное утверждение позволяет говорить о необходимости «системной интеграции» в техническом профессиональном и высшем образовании. Известно, что понятие «системной интеграции» получило широкое применение в связи с внедрением во все сферы общественной жизни информационных технологий. Считаем возможным расширить применение данного понятия и на педагогические исследования. В статье под системной интеграцией понимается деятельность, направленная на синергетическое взаимодействие отдельных аспектов педагогической интеграции для повышения эффекта и качества профессионального строительного образования. Цель исследования - охарактеризовать процесс системной интеграции как фактор повышения эффективности профессионального строительного образования. In pedagogical research works, the introduction of integration into the processes of training specialists in technical universities is considered quite promising. Integration is involved in almost all components of pedagogical processes: methodological approaches, teaching technologies, integration of studying general technical, special disciplines, etc. This allows us to speak about the need for “system integration” in technical vocational and higher education. The concept of “system integration” is known to be widely employed due to the introduction of information technologies in all the spheres of life. We consider it possible to expand the application of this concept in pedagogical research. In the work, system integration is understood as activities aimed at synergistic interaction of certain aspects of pedagogical integration to increase the effect and quality, in particular, in engineering education. The purpose of the study is to determine the factors of system integration of the process of training specialists in the scientific and educational cluster. The practical significance of the research lies in the establishment of interdisciplinary connections, the expansion of the relationship between education and production.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (003) ◽  
pp. 150-160

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