concept model
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2022 ◽  
Vol 464 ◽  
pp. 109849
Jessica Boyer ◽  
Kasondra Rubalcava ◽  
Shawn Booth ◽  
Howard Townsend

2022 ◽  
Agus A. Putrawan ◽  
Ni W. D. Ayuni

2021 ◽  
Tomasz Korona ◽  
Pawel Kowol ◽  

Abstract In this article the design and manufacture of the innovative MR rotary brake based on peristaltic pump inspired by the concept model of the pliers and the Rochester Pean forceps are presented . For the calculation and analysis of created structure comprehensive of roller, housing and pliers, simulations concerning the stress and strain are conducted to investigate the deformation and possible failure of part or assembly. Experimental tests including measurements of compression force and magnetic field were conducted to evaluate the performance of proposed designed MR rotary brake based on peristaltic pump system constituted by tube containing MR fluid and pliers with arm responsible of the movement and arm completely hold on bench vise

2021 ◽  
pp. 73-79
Marina V. Gavrilova ◽  
Viktor V. Alekseev ◽  
Vladislav V. Alekseev ◽  
Mihail S. Portnov ◽  
Galina N. Egorova

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 1064-1076
I Wayan Suartana ◽  
Gerianta Wirawan Yasa ◽  
Ica Rika Candraningrat ◽  
Luh Putu Virra Indah Perdanawati ◽  
Made Setini

Public Policy is a factor in supporting or hindering situations in Independent learning activities and the concept of entrepreneurial activities are a unique collaboration, but based on 8 activities in independent learning, there is no mentioned in explicit of social entrepreneurship that intersects with local wisdom of a region, while social entrepreneurship is a concept that can solve social problems with a business approach. An ideal social entrepreneurship, directed and sustainable can be carried out through higher education activities oriented to the development of social entrepreneurship. Graduates are expected to become agents of change who can make a socio-economic contribution by providing new opportunities for the community. The purpose of this study was to identify, photograph, identify and map the development of an independent learning curriculum based on social entrepreneurship in universities, especially the Economics and Business faculties of all universities in Bali Province. The research method is descriptive qualitative, while the determination of the sample is carried out by the saturated sampling method (all members of the population are members of the sample). Data collection uses a combination of approaches that include surveys, observations, field studies, and interviews. The results obtained a research concept model related to IL-IC by adopting social entrepreneurship and Balinese local wisdom.

AIP Advances ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 125116
Feng Guo ◽  
Wei Tan ◽  
Chi-hua Zhou ◽  
Jian Xia ◽  
Ying-xin Chen ◽  

A. M. R. Abante ◽  
C. G. R. Abante ◽  
A. M. Mascariñas ◽  
C. J. V. Cortez ◽  
M. A. B. Guiriba ◽  

Abstract. The paper presents a Land Use Policy Area (LUPA) Concept Model adding the three basic elements: (i) ecosystem-based land use regarded as the intersection of the ecosystem and land use elements, (ii) subwatershed-based land use as the intersection of the subwatershed and land use elements, and (iii) integrated environmental management is the intersection of the subwatershed and ecosystem elements regarded as the Integrated Ecosystem Development Planning Unit (IE-DPU). The basic (spatial) elements are mathematically expressed as the paired sets of the three main variables, namely: ecosystem (dependent), watershed (dependent) and land use (independent) variables. The challenging work in this study was the development of a geospatial information model for use in policy areas LUPA applying these variables. There are four steps applied to answer the research objective, these are: ecological zone assessment, ridge-to-reef watershed delineation, land and water use heads-up mapping, ecosystem-based land use overlay analysis, watershed-based land use overlay analysis, integrated environmental management overlay analysis, and LUPA overlay analysis. The concept model analysis steers the geospatial information modeling for LUPA which carried the intersections of the paired variables: ecosystem-based land use, subwatershed-based land use and integrated environmental management as variating inputs to process by extracting the science-based information (overlay output) which practically highlighted the LUPA classification: (i) Protection with 49.1% or 3858.2 Ha of mangrove forest reserve and water use, (ii) Production areas with 46.5% or 3631.7 Ha mostly agricultural and aquacultural areas, (iii) Settlement with 2.7% or 209.2 Ha of urban and urban uses, and (iv) Infrastructure with 1.5% or 116.7 Ha of development. The authors concluded that land use policy areas will relatively change as land use changes which is also seen reliant on the impacts of climate change.

A. M. R. Abante

Abstract. The paper presents an exposure-stance concept model with three basic elements: proximity regarded as a measurement of nearness, accessibility which refers to the road stance serviceability that convey the people or goods from place to place by means of a vehicle, and connectivity of uncontrolled activities i.e. road and/or building constructions, nearness (measurement) information to be reached from or to be reached by to transport people and resources regardless if it traverses the danger or hazard zones in the slopes of Mayon Volcano. The challenging work is modelling the level of exposure-stances operationally defined as the accessibility in terms of road stance serviceability, connectivity in terms of road constructed and building footprints’ nearness measurement with danger or hazard zones relative to the risk reality phenomenon information happening in Mayon Volcano. This paper practically highlighted results, specifically on the matrix of levels of exposure-stances contexts that creates knowledge prompted by spatial information (nearness measurements) featuring accessibility, connectivity, proximity, risk reality, danger and hazards zones, and OSM roads and building footprints variables. The study concluded that rejecting roads and building (lines and polygons) mimics the perpetual relocation of exposed residents. Also, closing the proclaimed protected forest areas to any activities will likely nil exposure, thus lowering risk hotspot level of significance. Hence, nulling exposure stance variable if not dispersing exposure featuring roads and buildings within the protected areas, development constraint areas, and permanent and extended danger zones of Mayon Volcano has a practical implication to stabilize and sustain developments at the foot slopes of the volcano.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Jared Berends ◽  
Joanita Bendita da Costa Jong ◽  
Tarni Louisa Cooper ◽  
Kanar Dizyee ◽  
Olavio Morais ◽  

Small-scale pig farming is highly important to the economic and social status of households in Timor-Leste. The presence of an African Swine Fever (ASF) outbreak in Timor-Leste was confirmed in 2019, a major concern given that around 70% of agricultural households practice pig farming. This research used a virtual spatial group model building process to construct a concept model to better understand the main feedback loops that determine the socio-economic and livelihood impacts of the ASF outbreak. After discussing the interaction of reinforcing and balancing feedback loops in the concept model, potential leverage points for intervention are suggested that could reduce the impacts of ASF within socio-economic spheres. These include building trust between small-scale farmers and veterinary technicians, strengthening government veterinary services, and the provision of credit conditional on biosecurity investments to help restock the industry. This conceptual model serves as a starting point for further research and the future development of a quantitative system dynamics (SD) model which would allow ex-ante scenario-testing of various policy and technical mitigation strategies of ASF outbreaks in Timor-Leste and beyond. Lessons learned from the blended offline/online approach to training and workshop facilitation are also explored in the paper.

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