command and control system
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2022 ◽  
pp. 165-176
Nurkhodzha Akbulaev ◽  
Elvettin Akman ◽  
Ferruh Tuzcuoglu

Kyrgyzstan is a relatively young state that was previously part of the USSR. As a legacy from this state, Kyrgyzstan received an outdated command-and-control system. Almost immediately, the question of changing the state system became acute. It was necessary to reform the education system for state cadres because earlier employees could be sent from other regions of the USSR. Still, now it became necessary to train qualified personnel for each region completely independently. The subject of the chapter is the training of government personnel in Kyrgyzstan. The work aims to identify all the specific features in the training of government personnel in Kyrgyzstan, compare training with other countries, and highlight the key problems in this area. As a result of the work, the main problems will be summarized, and recommendations for eliminating these difficulties will be proposed. The work will use the following methods: analysis, generalization, description, comparison, synthesis, deduction, induction, and abstraction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 15-23
Aoife Watson ◽  
Benjamin Clubbs Coldron ◽  
Benjamin Wingfield ◽  
Nigel Ruddell ◽  
Chris Clarke ◽  

Background: People with diabetes frequently contact the ambulance service about acute problems. Overall, treating diabetes and its associated complications costs the NHS 10% of the annual budget. Reducing unnecessary hospital admissions and ambulance attendances is a high priority policy for the NHS across the UK. This study aimed to determine the characteristics of emergency calls for people with diabetes who contact the ambulance service and are subsequently conveyed to hospital by the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service (NIAS).Methods: A retrospective dataset from the NIAS was obtained from the NIAS Trust’s Command and Control system relating to calls where the final complaint group was ‘Diabetes’ for the period 1 January 2017 to 23 November 2019.Results: Of a total 11,396 calls related to diabetes, 63.2% of callers to the NIAS were conveyed to hospital. Over half of the calls related to males, with 35.5% of callers aged 60‐79. The more deprived areas had a higher frequency of calls and conveyance to hospital, with this decreasing as deprivation decreased. Calls were evenly distributed across the week, with the majority of calls originating outside of GP working hours, although callers were more likely to be conveyed to hospital during working hours. Calls from healthcare professionals were significantly more likely to be conveyed to hospital, despite accounting for the minority of calls.Conclusion: This research found that older males were more likely to contact the ambulance service but older females were more likely to be conveyed to hospital. The likelihood of conveyance increased if the call originated from an HCP or occurred during GP working hours. The availability of alternative care pathways has the potential to reduce conveyance to hospital, which has been particularly important during the COVID-19 pandemic. Integration of data is vitally important to produce high quality research and improve policy and practice in this area.

2021 ◽  
Bo Dong ◽  
Xiaofang Liu ◽  
Aiguo Lu ◽  
Xiaoye Tong ◽  
Wen Li ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (8) ◽  
pp. 855
Amado-George Ștefan ◽  
Lucian Ștefăniță Grigore ◽  
Silvia Marzavan ◽  
Iustin Priescu ◽  
Ionica Oncioiu

The underwater robot is part of a project with “terrestrial–maritime” collaborative robots, whose mission is recognition and rescue. From a structural point of view, some small changes were made in this study to the original robot. These changes consisted of making supports to hold the two plexiglass tubes, since the tube containing the battery system is larger. A larger tube was chosen because the aim was to increase the travel autonomy of the mini remotely operated vehicle (ROV). The mini submarine will move in an unstructured environment and will be able to reach a depth of 100 m. The purpose of the article is to present a point of view regarding the effect of the behavior of the mini ROV on tensions produced by the forced assembly of the sealing cover of the cylinder containing its command-and-control system. Both the gripping elements and the sealing lids are made using 3D printing technology, and the material used is polylactic acid (PLA). For the numerical analysis, the finite element method is used in both static and dynamic conditions. The results of this work refer to the field of tensions and displacements. The main conclusions emphasize the fact that the gripping performed for sealing is influenced by the usage of oiled mechanisms.

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