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SinkrOn ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-79
Bita Parga Zen ◽  
Irwan Susanto ◽  
Dian Finaliamartha

Advances in information and technology have caused the use of the internet to be a concern of the general public. Online news sites are one of the technologies that have developed as a means of disseminating the latest information in the world. When viewed in terms of numbers, newsreaders are very sufficient to get the desired information. However, with this, the amount of information collected will result in an explosion of information and the possibility of information redundancy. The search system is one of the solutions which expected to help in finding the desired or relevant information by the input query. The methods commonly used in this case are TF-IDF and VSM (Vector Space Model) which are used in weighting to measure statistics from a collection of documents on the search for some information about the Covid 19 vaccine on news then tokenizing it to separate the text, stopword removal or filtering to remove unnecessary words which usually consist of conjunctions and others. The next step is sentence stemming which aims to eliminate word inflection to its basic form. Then the TF-IDF and VSM calculations were carried out and the final result are news documents 3 (DOC 3) with a weight of 5.914226424; news documents 2 (DOC 2) with a weight of 1.767692186; news documents 5 (DOC 5) with weights 1.550165096; news document 4 (DOC 4) with a weight of 1.17141223;, and the last is news document 1 (DOC 1) with a weight of 0.5244103739.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 264-291
I Gusti Agung Made Diah Kencana Putri ◽  
Witri Elvianti

Abstract This study aims to analyze the factors behind the establishment of sister city cooperation between the Denpasar City Government and the Mossel Bay Government since the end of 2019. The author conducted qualitative research to achieve this aim. Thus, this research is expected to enrich other research tools in matters relating to sister city cooperation or paradiplomacy in Indonesia, especially Denpasar. The main data analyzed in this study were obtained through semi-structured interviews with the Head of the Sub-Section for Foreign Cooperation of the Denpasar City in 2020 at the Secretariat of Denpasar. In addition, other types of data that support this research were obtained from the official local government website, several books, journals, reports, and online news sites which reliable and suitable for the content of the research. The focus of this research is to comply with the concept of paradiplomacy and south-south cooperation in identifying the motives behind this sister city cooperation, especially from the side of the Denpasar City Government. As a result, five motives were found that could encourage the Denpasar City Government to accept the sister city cooperation offered by the Mossel Bay Government in 2019, including the international market, tourism and culture, establishing the identity of international partners, the status of government administration, and most importantly, the bilateral relationship between the Indonesian government and the South African government, which in this regards, is an example of the implementation of the South-South Cooperation (SSC) concept. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa faktor-faktor yang melatarbelakangi terjalinnya kerjasama sister city antara Pemerintah Kota Denpasar dengan Pemerintah Teluk Mossel pada akhir tahun 2019. Penulis melakukan penelitian kualitatif untuk mencapai tujuan ini. Sehingga, penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memperkaya perangkat penelitian lainnya dalam hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan kerjasama sister city atau paradiplomasi di Indonesia khususnya wilayah Kota Denpasar. Data utama yang dianalisis dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui wawancara jenis semi terstruktur dengan Kepala Sub Bagian Kerjasama Luar Negeri Kota Denpasar tahun 2020 di Sekretariat Kota Denpasar. Selain itu, jenis data lain yang mendukung penelitian ini diperoleh dari situs resmi pemerintah daerah, beberapa buku, jurnal, laporan, dan situs berita online yang dapat diandalkan dan sesuai dengan isi penelitian. Fokus penelitian ini adalah menggunakan konsep paradiplomasi dan kerjasama selatan-selatan dalam mengidentifikasi motif dibalik kerjasama sister city ini, khususnya dari sisi Pemerintah Kota Denpasar. Sebagai hasilnya, ditemukan lima motif yang dapat mendorong Pemerintah Kota Denpasar untuk menerima kerjasama sister city yang ditawarkan Pemerintah Teluk Mossel pada tahun 2019 antara lain pasar internasional, pariwisata dan budaya, membentuk identitas mitra internasional, status administrasi pemerintahan, dan yang terpenting, hubungan bilateral antara pemerintah Indonesia dengan pemerintah Afrika Selatan yang dalam hal ini merupakan contoh implementasi konsep Kerjasama Selatan-Selatan (KSS).

Anda Rozukalne ◽  
Vineta Kleinberga ◽  
Normunds Grūzītis

This research focuses on the interrelation between news content on COVID-19 of three largest online news sites in Latvia (,, and the audience reaction to the news in the Latvian and Russian channels during the state of emergency. By using a tool for audience behaviour analysis, the Index of the Internet Aggressiveness (IIA), for analysis of audience comments, the study aims to uncover how and whether news about COVID-19 affect the level of audience aggressiveness. The study employs two data collection methods: news content analysis and IIA data analysis, in which ten index peaks are selected in each of the two emergency periods (spring 2020, fall and winter 2020/21). The study data consists of content analysis of 400 news items and analysis of ~80,000 comments, identifying the level of aggressiveness, the number and structure of comment keywords. The results show that the level of public aggressiveness is only partially formed by the attitude towards COVID-19 news: less than half of the most aggressively commented news is devoted to information about COVID-19. An increase in the level of aggressiveness of the audience of online news sites can be observed at the end of 2020 and at the beginning of 2021 when it is higher than over the course of 2020.IIA is an online comment analysis platform, which analyses user-generated comments on news on online news sites according to pre-selected keywords, allowing to grasp the dynamics of commenters’ verbal aggressiveness. In addition, IIA exploits a machine learned classifier to recognize not only potentially aggressive keywords but also to analyse the entire comments. In January 2021, the IIA data set consists of ~24.89 million comments (~611.97 million words) added to ~1.34 million news articles. 

2021 ◽  
Jennifer Lee

The birth of the World Wide Web has made it convenient and cheaper to produce and transfer information to the receiver. Many online news sites provide information for free and the Internet and social media have brought on the affordance to self-publish and engage with the media. New media tools have made it easier to produce a variety of online blogs, magazines, digital papers and content aggregators. In the wake of the information era, journalism has developed into niche news sites, producing different types of news writing. By analyzing news accounts from the same event, this Major Research Paper compares how news language, content and structure deviate between traditional and alternative online news sites. The study reveals that alternative news sources tend to report their news in a more subjective manner, deviating from the goal of being objective, a fundamental element in traditional journalism. Analysis of how information is structured in the news articles also reveals that alternative news sites deviate from traditional forms of the inverted pyramid style (Kovach and Rosenstiel, 2007, p. 82), reporting in a narrative, chronological fashion.

2021 ◽  
Jennifer Lee

The birth of the World Wide Web has made it convenient and cheaper to produce and transfer information to the receiver. Many online news sites provide information for free and the Internet and social media have brought on the affordance to self-publish and engage with the media. New media tools have made it easier to produce a variety of online blogs, magazines, digital papers and content aggregators. In the wake of the information era, journalism has developed into niche news sites, producing different types of news writing. By analyzing news accounts from the same event, this Major Research Paper compares how news language, content and structure deviate between traditional and alternative online news sites. The study reveals that alternative news sources tend to report their news in a more subjective manner, deviating from the goal of being objective, a fundamental element in traditional journalism. Analysis of how information is structured in the news articles also reveals that alternative news sites deviate from traditional forms of the inverted pyramid style (Kovach and Rosenstiel, 2007, p. 82), reporting in a narrative, chronological fashion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 111 (3) ◽  
pp. 831-870 ◽  
Ro’ee Levy

Does the consumption of ideologically congruent news on social media exacerbate polarization? I estimate the effects of social media news exposure by conducting a large field experiment randomly offering participants subscriptions to conservative or liberal news outlets on Facebook. I collect data on the causal chain of media effects: subscriptions to outlets, exposure to news on Facebook, visits to online news sites, and sharing of posts, as well as changes in political opinions and attitudes. Four main findings emerge. First, random variation in exposure to news on social media substantially affects the slant of news sites that individuals visit. Second, exposure to counter-attitudinal news decreases negative attitudes toward the opposing political party. Third, in contrast to the effect on attitudes, I find no evidence that the political leanings of news outlets affect political opinions. Fourth, Facebook’s algorithm is less likely to supply individuals with posts from counter-attitudinal outlets, conditional on individuals subscribing to them. Together, the results suggest that social media algorithms may limit exposure to counter-attitudinal news and thus increase polarization. (JEL C93, D72, L82)

2020 ◽  
pp. 016344372097231
Abdelfettah Benchenna ◽  
Dominique Marchetti

This article presents an overview of the emergence of online news sites, which has radically altered news provision and media consumption patterns in Morocco. This sector has rapidly become a strategic site. Firstly, its precedence over print media and national television networks does not only stem from the high traffic figures of news websites. Along with certain social platforms, these websites are the only vehicules for 24/7 news in a country which currently has just one such news channel and where, in spite of the ‘liberalisation’ of media, national networks provide very institutionalised news programs based on the activities of the state official institutions and of the monarchy. Secondly, certain domestic Arabic-language news websites have become the main platform for the voicing of political dissent. Based on 31 interviews, the article briefly describes the historical development of the online press, since the ‘February 20th Movement’ of 2011. This case study provides a good example of the new challenges surrounding the control of information: an issue long shaped by the limitation of news provision to duly authorised political and journalistic organisations and by limited ‘demand’ resulting from widespread illiteracy. This article describes how the Moroccan establishment react to the explosive growth of online news media by creating new mechanisms to control it.

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