short food supply chains
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Susã Sequinel de Queiroz ◽  
Adriana Maria de Grandi ◽  
Clério Plein

Este estudo objetiva analisar o enraizamento que os produtores e consumidores apresentam em sua interação nos mercados locais por meio dos estudos empíricos nas cadeias curtas de abastecimento de alimentos. Para tanto, utilizou-se a metodologia de revisão sistemática para analisar as publicações sobre as cadeias curtas de abastecimento de alimentos, disponibilizadas nas bases Web of Science, SCOPUS e material complementar. Para isso, utilizou-se como apoio o software Ucinet®. Os resultados encontrados apontaram que, dos 26 trabalhos pesquisados, publicados de 2014 até 2019, 21 possuem aplicabilidade empírica. É possível vislumbrar, nesses estudos, que o aspecto social é o que possui o maior destaque, porque são capazes até de servir de ponte entre diferentes mundos sociais, tanto em seus componentes de necessidades quanto nos de seu potencial. Já o aspecto econômico aparece às vezes de forma neutra ou tendo a principal motivação na redução de custos de transporte e eliminação dos agentes intermediários que representavam gastos pesados. Algumas questões, como os cuidados ambientais de pequena escala em pequenas propriedades, por exemplo, mostram-se como lacunas do estudo, o que suscita a questão: as SFSCs (Short food supply chains) serão capazes de limitar os danos ambientais gerados e se conseguirão, além disso, promover externalidades positivas produzidas por alguns modelos de agricultura, em termos de aprimoramento da paisagem ou de proteção da agrobiodiversidade? O papel da confiança na relação produtor/consumidor mereceu destaque. Os demais estudos são pesquisas referentes ao perfil de consumidores ou de agricultores, pesquisas de comportamento e sociodemográficas.

2022 ◽  
pp. 7-22
Ronan Le Velly ◽  
Frédéric Goulet ◽  
Dominique Vinck

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Jianli Luo ◽  
Yuanxiang Liang ◽  
Yanhu Bai

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to identify major research topics and propose future research directions for the short food supply chains (SFSCs) by conducting a comprehensive bibliometric analysis.Design/methodology/approachA step-by-step literature review was performed. A total of 684 scientific papers were retrieved from Scopus, dated between 2000 and 2020. Then, content analysis was conducted based on 162 articles selected from the co-citation analysis. Bibexcel and Gephi software were employed to analyse, integrate and visualize the data.FindingsThe results of the descriptive analysis provided insights into publication trends, prominent countries, institutions and journal sources, which had not been fully captured or evaluated by previous reviews. In the citation analysis, the authors determined the highly cited papers based on the global citation. Additionally, in the co-citation analysis, the authors derived six research clusters, identified research gaps in each of six clusters and then suggested possible future research directions.Originality/valueAlthough several reviews have focused on certain aspects of SFSCs, a comprehensive review has been lacking. This study is among the first to comprehensively examine the knowledge structure of SFSCs research by using rigorous bibliometric analysis. More importantly, the future lines presented here offer potential insights for SFSCs researchers and policymakers.

2021 ◽  
Zsófia Benedek ◽  
Lajos Baráth ◽  
Imre Fertő ◽  
Elvia Merino‐Gaibor ◽  
Adrienn Molnár ◽  

New Medit ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  

Whereas population is showing increasing distrust rates in the regular agri-food system, Alternative Food Networks (AFN) are gradually gaining space. This paper analyses the role of a specific kind of AFN, Short Food Supply Chains (SFSCs) and its contribution to the restoration of consumers’ trust in Spain. An online survey (n= 423) focus on trust and concern over food safety was conducted. The survey was addressed to very concerned and active consumers, which are interesting because they represent a powerful consumers’ profile from the policies point of view. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) studied consumers’ preferences on the different SFSC categories. This paper draws a map that signals which of SFSC attributes (such as labelling, common values or direct contact with producers) are more relevant in order to build consumers’ trust. In addition, this paper offers a classification of SFSC consumers according to their priorities. The information provided by the article offers ideas to policy makers and producers for designing their marketing strategies according to different consumers’ demands.

Nilmar Diogo dos Reis ◽  
Luiz Gonzaga de Castro Junior ◽  
Jaqueline Severino da Costa ◽  
Marina de Barros ◽  
Antonio Carlos dos Santos ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 217-236
Anna Kapała ◽  
Pamela Lattanzi

The study aims to identify what food information is required for the sale of food by farmers in short food supply chains (SFSCs) in EU law in accordance with Regulation (EU) 1169/2011 and legislation of selected Member States (Poland, Italy and France), which are allowed to adopt national measures in some issues. A comparison with US law serves as a benchmark for drawing conclusions, in particular, whether the requirements are appropriate and proportionate for SFSCs. The Regulation takes into account these alternative sales channels, as Art. 44 only requires information on allergens when offering unpackaged food for sale to final consumers or mass caterers, or when foodstuffs are packaged in the sales room at the consumer's request or packaged for direct sale. However, Member States have adopted national measures imposing an obligation to provide, in writing, more information on food in the direct sale, such as the ingredients list, but not the nutrition declaration. The US legislature is more restrictive, as it requires not only ingredient lists but also nutritional information for nearly all packaged and unpackaged food products, except for agricultural raw materials. The multitude of obligations imposed at various legislative levels is undoubtedly a challenge for farmers involved in SFSC, who are not prepared on a par with professional food companies to implement them.

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