single particle density
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2021 ◽  
Michele Fabrizio

Abstract In periodic systems of interacting electrons, Fermi and Luttinger surfaces refer to the locations within the Brillouin zone of poles and zeros, respectively, of the single-particle Green's function at zero energy and temperature. Such difference in analytic properties underlies the emergence of well-defined quasiparticles close to a Fermi surface, in contrast to their supposed non-existence close to a Luttinger surface, where the single-particle density-of-states vanishes at zero energy. We here show that, contrary to such common belief, coherent `quasiparticles` do exist also approaching a Luttinger surface in compressible interacting electron systems. Thermodynamic and dynamic properties of such `quasiparticles` are just those of conventional ones. For instance, they yield well defined quantum oscillations in Luttinger's surface and linear in temperature specific heat, which is striking given the vanishing density of states of physical electrons, but actually not uncommon in strongly correlated materials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Hiroyuki Tajima ◽  
Pierbiagio Pieri ◽  
Andrea Perali

We investigate single-particle excitation properties in the normal state of a two-band superconductor or superfluid throughout the Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer (BCS) to Bose–Einstein-condensation (BEC) crossover, within the many-body T-matrix approximation for multichannel pairing fluctuations. We address the single-particle density of states and the spectral functions consisting of two contributions associated with a weakly interacting deep band and a strongly interacting shallow band, relevant for iron-based multiband superconductors and multicomponent fermionic superfluids. We show how the pseudogap state in the shallow band is hidden by the deep band contribution throughout the two-band BCS-BEC crossover. Our results could explain the missing pseudogap in recent scanning tunneling microscopy experiments in FeSe superconductors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 102 (22) ◽  
V. N. Valmispild ◽  
C. Dutreix ◽  
M. Eckstein ◽  
M. I. Katsnelson ◽  
A. I. Lichtenstein ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 86 (2) ◽  
Giovanni Manfredi

Density functional theory (DFT) is a powerful theoretical tool widely used in such diverse fields as computational condensed-matter physics, atomic physics and quantum chemistry. DFT establishes that a system of $N$ interacting electrons can be described uniquely by its single-particle density $n(\boldsymbol{r})$ , instead of the $N$ -body wave function, yielding an enormous gain in terms of computational speed and memory storage space. Here, we use time-dependent DFT to show that a classical collisionless plasma can always, in principle, be described by a set of fluid equations for the single-particle density and current. The results of DFT guarantee that an exact closure relation, fully reproducing the Vlasov dynamics, necessarily exists, although it may be complicated (non-local in space and time, for instance) and difficult to obtain in practice. This goes against the common wisdom in plasma physics that the Vlasov and fluid descriptions are mutually incompatible, with the latter inevitably missing some ‘purely kinetic’ effects.

2020 ◽  
Vol 101 (1) ◽  
Jun-Hui Zheng ◽  
Bernhard Irsigler ◽  
Lijia Jiang ◽  
Christof Weitenberg ◽  
Walter Hofstetter

Computation ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 66 ◽  
T. S. Müller ◽  
W. Töws ◽  
G. M. Pastor

Recent developments in the density-functional theory of electron correlations in many-body lattice models are reviewed. The theoretical framework of lattice density-functional theory (LDFT) is briefly recalled, giving emphasis to its universality and to the central role played by the single-particle density-matrix γ . The Hubbard model and the Anderson single-impurity model are considered as relevant explicit problems for the applications. Real-space and reciprocal-space approximations to the fundamental interaction-energy functional W [ γ ] are introduced, in the framework of which the most important ground-state properties are derived. The predictions of LDFT are contrasted with available exact analytical results and state-of-the-art numerical calculations. Thus, the goals and limitations of the method are discussed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 85 ◽  
Andrey R. Kolovsky ◽  
Dmitrii N. Maksimov

We analyze the quantum state of fermionic carriers in a transport channel attached to a particle reservoir. The analysis is done from first principles by considering microscopic models of the reservoir and transport channel. In the case of infinite effective temperature of the reservoir we demonstrate a full agreement between the results of straightforward numerical simulations of the system dynamics and the solution of the master equation on the single-particle density matrix of the carriers in the channel. This allows us to predict the quantum state of carriers in the case where the transport channel connects two reservoirs with different chemical potentials.

Entropy ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (7) ◽  
pp. 705
Robert Alicki

Macroscopic fields such as electromagnetic, magnetohydrodynamic, acoustic or gravitational waves are usually described by classical wave equations with possible additional damping terms and coherent sources. The aim of this paper is to develop a complete macroscopic formalism including random/thermal sources, dissipation and random scattering of waves by environment. The proposed reduced state of the field combines averaged field with the two-point correlation function called single-particle density matrix. The evolution equation for the reduced state of the field is obtained by reduction of the generalized quasi-free dynamical semigroups describing irreversible evolution of bosonic quantum field and the definition of entropy for the reduced state of the field follows from the von Neumann entropy of quantum field states. The presented formalism can be applied, for example, to superradiance phenomena and allows unifying the Mueller and Jones calculi in polarization optics.

2019 ◽  
Vol 64 (3) ◽  
pp. 250 ◽  
M. D. Tomchenko

We diagonalize the second-quantized Hamiltonian of a one-dimensional Bose gas with a non-point repulsive interatomic potential and zero boundary conditions. At a weak coupling, the solutions for the ground-state energy E0 and the dispersion law E(k) coincide with the Bogoliubov solutions for a periodic system. In this case, the single-particle density matrix F1(x, x′) at T = 0 is close to the solution for a periodic system and, at T > 0, is significantly different from it. We also obtain that the wave function ⟨w(x, t)⟩ of the effective condensate is close to a constant √︀N0/L inside the system and vanishes on the boundaries (here, N0 is the number of atoms in the effective condensate, and L is the size of the system). We find the criterion of applicability of the method, according to which the method works for a finite system at very low temperature and with a weak coupling (a weak interaction or a large concentration).

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