Long-term, individual-level records are of great importance in
biological sciences. By understanding how individuals contribute to
their populations during representative temporal scales, we can answer
pressing questions in ecology, evolution, and conservation biology.
These questions include identifying which, how, and where species’
populations will go extinct or become invasive. Calls for the
collection, curation, and release of these kinds of ecological data have
contributed to the open data revolution in ecology. Birds, particularly,
have been the focus of much citizen science and international research
for decades, resulting in a number of uniquely longterm studies.
However, accessing some of these individual-based, long-term datasets
can be challenging. Culina et al. (2021) introduce an online repository
of individual level, long-term bird records with ancillary data (e.g.
genetics). Similar efforts have also been undertaken for mammals, fish,
and even more recently for corals and insects. By releasing these
ecological data open-access, the research community is starting to fill
“Noah’s ecological ark”. However, important challenges still lay ahead
to address the most pressing research questions. Here, I briefly
overview the open access landscape of long-term animal ecological
studies, provide suggestions for how to most efficiently expedite our
knowledge of long-term animal population dynamics, and highlight four
key challenges in the use (and misuse) of these large volumes of animal
ecological data.