migration timing
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Ornis Fennica ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 98 (4) ◽  
pp. 162-174
László Bozó ◽  
Yury Anisimov ◽  
Tibor Csörgő

Different elements of weather, such as wind speed, wind direction, precipitation and temperature are very important regulators of bird migration. Weather conditions also play role on the body condition such as body mass and the deposited fat. In this study we selected four warbler species to examine the impact of different weather variables on their spring and autumn migration timing and their body condition in one of the most extreme weather areas of the Earth, at Lake Baikal in Siberia. We also studied the changes in body mass and fat reserves during the spring and autumn migration periods of these species. For the analyses, we used ringing data of 2471 birds from five spring and five autumn seasons during 2015–2019. According to our results, it can be stated that the weather did not have a significant association with the migration timing of the studied warblers, perhaps due to the geographical location of the study site. However, the body mass and the fat reserves of the birds increased during unsuitable weather conditions because of the increased energy requirements. Birds generally migrate with low fat reserves, which is due to the fact that this area is not an important stopover site for these species.

The Auk ◽  
2022 ◽  
Ana Morales ◽  
Barbara Frei ◽  
Greg W Mitchell ◽  
Camille Bégin-Marchand ◽  
Kyle H Elliott

Abstract Migration consists of a sequence of small- to large-scale flights often separated by stopovers for refueling. Tradeoffs between minimizing migration time (more flights, shorter stopovers) and maximizing energy gain (fewer flights, longer stopovers) will affect overall migration timing. For example, some individuals make long-term stopovers in high-quality habitat that maximize energy gain (e.g., molt-migration), but movement to those habitats likely costs time. We used radio telemetry and blood plasma metabolite levels to examine physiological and behavioral tradeoffs between molt-migrant (birds molting at the molt stopover; n = 59) and post-molt (birds that presumably completed their molt elsewhere; n = 19) migrant Swainson’s Thrushes (Catharus ustulatus) near Montreal, Canada. Molt-migration was a large time investment as the average stopover duration for molt-migrants was of 47 ± 9 days (~13% of the entire annual cycle), almost twice as long as previously assumed from banding records, and far longer than stopovers of post-molting individuals (7 ± 2 days). Daily mortality rate during the molt stopover was similar to the average annual daily mortality rate. Molt-migrants’ circadian rhythms closely matched light levels, whereas post-molting birds had irregular rhythms and averaged 1 hr greater activity per day than molt-migrants. Despite being less active, molt-migrants had similar refueling rates based on metabolite profiles. As compared with migrants that completed molt earlier, molt-migrants at this stopover site had slower subsequent migration rates. Thus, birds using long-term stopovers appeared to tradeoff energy (efficient refueling) for time (slower subsequent migration).

2021 ◽  
Scott F. Colborne ◽  
Lawrence W. Sheppard ◽  
Daniel R. O’Donnell ◽  
Daniel C. Reuman ◽  
Jonathan A. Walter ◽  

AbstractBackgroundUnderstanding movement patterns of anadromous fishes is critical to conservation management of declining wild populations and preservation of habitats. Yet, infrequent observations of individual animals fundamentally constrain accurate descriptions of movement dynamics.MethodsIn this study, we synthesized over a decade (2006–2018) of acoustic telemetry tracking observations of green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris) in the Sacramento River system to describe major anadromous movement patterns.ResultsWe observed that green sturgeon exhibited a unimodal in-migration during the spring months but had a bimodal distribution of out-migration timing, split between an ‘early’ out-migration (32%) group during May - June, or alternatively, holding in the river until a ‘late’ out-migration (68%), November - January. Focusing on these out-migration groups, we found that river discharge, but not water temperature, may cue the timing of migration, and that fish showed a tendency to maintain out-migration timing between subsequent spawning migration events.ConclusionsWe recommend that life history descriptions of green sturgeon in this region reflect the distinct out-migration periods described here. Furthermore, we encourage the continued use of biotelemetry to describe migration timing and life history variation, not only this population but other green sturgeon populations and other species.

Thomas P. Quinn ◽  
James P. Losee

Each year, juveniles of eight salmonid species enter the Salish Sea - the inland marine waters between northwestern Washington, USA and British Columbia, Canada. These species vary in the proportions remaining there and migrating to feed in the Pacific Ocean. Such differential migration affects their growth rates, and exposure to habitat alteration, predators, fisheries, and contaminants. We review these diverse migration patterns and present data from Puget Sound illustrating the variation in downstream migration timing, residency in the Salish Sea, and upriver return timing. Recreational catch records indicate that proportionally fewer remain in the Salish Sea than in past decades for several species, and the declines began after peaks in the late 1970s – early 1980s. These declines resist easy explanation because the factors controlling residency are poorly understood, and the Salish Sea has changed over the past decades. Regardless of the cause, the diversity of migration patterns is important to the ecology of the salmon and trout species, and to the humans and other members of the Salish Sea community with which they interact.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Briana Abrahms ◽  
Claire S. Teitelbaum ◽  
Thomas Mueller ◽  
Sarah J. Converse

AbstractMigrating animals may benefit from social or experiential learning, yet whether and how these learning processes interact or change over time to produce observed migration patterns remains unexplored. Using 16 years of satellite-tracking data from 105 reintroduced whooping cranes, we reveal an interplay between social and experiential learning in migration timing. Both processes dramatically improved individuals’ abilities to dynamically adjust their timing to track environmental conditions along the migration path. However, results revealed an ontogenetic shift in the dominant learning process, whereby subadult birds relied on social information, while mature birds primarily relied on experiential information. These results indicate that the adjustment of migration phenology in response to the environment is a learned skill that depends on both social context and individual age. Assessing how animals successfully learn to time migrations as environmental conditions change is critical for understanding intraspecific differences in migration patterns and for anticipating responses to global change.

Erik Prytula ◽  
Ann E McKellar ◽  
Larry Schwitters ◽  
Matthew W Reudink

Climate change has generated earlier springs, later falls and different weather patterns. These changes may prove challenging to migratory species if they are unable to adjust their migratory timing. We analyzed changes in migratory timing of Vaux’s Swifts (Chaetura vauxi Townsend 1839) by examining first arrivals (date the first swift arrived) and peak roost occupancy (date the maximum number of swifts were observed) at migratory roosts in both spring and fall from the citizen science organization Vaux’s Happening. First arrivals and peak occupancy date in Vaux’s Swifts advanced over time from 2008-2017, and the timing of first arrivals advanced with an increase in local wind gust speeds. In contrast, fall migration timing did not change over time from 2008-2016, but higher temperatures were associated with later fall migration (both first arrival and peak roost occupancy) and higher local wind speeds were associated with earlier fall migration (peak roost occupancy only). Like many other migratory birds, Vaux’s Swifts may be tracking earlier spring phenology, and may also be altering their migratory timing in response to local weather conditions, especially during fall migration. Our results indicate that swifts may be able to adjust their migration to a changing climate, at least in the short term.

Polar Biology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Koki Tsujii ◽  
Mayuko Otsuki ◽  
Tomonari Akamatsu ◽  
Kazuo Amakasu ◽  
Minoru Kitamura ◽  

2021 ◽  
Katherine A. Culbertson ◽  
Mark S. Garland ◽  
Richard K. Walton ◽  
Louise Zemaitis ◽  
Victoria M. Pocius

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Saeedeh Bani Assadi ◽  
Kevin C. Fraser

Many different aspects of an animal’s lifecycle such as its behavior, patterns of hormone activity, and internal clock time, can be affected by anthropogenic light at night (ALAN). Exposing an organism to ALAN during its early life could also have an impact on its development. Since photoperiod can trigger or schedule the migration timing of long-distance migratory birds, there is great potential for anthropogenic light to interact with photoperiod to affect timing. However, very little has been investigated regarding the impacts of ALAN on post-hatching development and migration timing. We investigated the impact of ALAN during nestling development in a long-distance migratory songbird to determine the potential impact on the timing of post-breeding movements in the wild. We experimentally manipulated the light by using programmable lighting, in the nest boxes of free-living nestlings of purple martin (Progne subis) in Manitoba, Canada. We exposed two groups of developing nestlings, from hatch to fledge date, to green or white LED lights (5 lux) during the night. We also included a control group that experienced natural, ambient light at night. We found that some adults abandoned their nests shortly after starting the experiment (4 of 15 nests in the white light treatment). For the nests that remained active, nestlings exposed to the white light treatment had higher weights (at day 20 or 22), later fledge dates (1.54 ± 0.37, 95% CI 0.80–2.28), and later colony departure date (2.84 ± 1.00, 95% CI 0.88–4.81), than young of the control group. Moreover, nestlings of both white and green light groups had longer nesting duration than nestlings of the control group. This study demonstrates the impact of ALAN on the development of post-breeding movement timing in nestlings of wild migratory birds. However, our results also indicate that green light may have less of an impact as compared to white light.

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