calcite dissolution
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2022 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Pei Li ◽  
Hang Deng ◽  
Sergi Molins

In various natural and engineered systems, mineral–fluid interactions take place in the presence of multiple fluid phases. While there is evidence that the interplay between multiphase flow processes and reactions controls the evolution of these systems, investigation of the dynamics that shape this interplay at the pore scale has received little attention. Specifically, continuum scale models rarely consider the effect of multiphase flow parameters on mineral reaction rates or apply simple corrections as a function of the reactive surface area or saturation of the aqueous phase, without developing a mechanistic understanding of the pore-scale dynamics. In this study, we developed a framework that couples the two-phase flow simulator of OpenFOAM (open field operation and manipulation) with the geochemical reaction capability of CrunchTope to examine pore-scale dynamics of two phase flow and their impacts on mineral reaction rates. For our investigations, flat 2D channels and single sine wave channels were used to represent smooth and rough geometries. Calcite dissolution in these channels was quantified with single phase flow and two phase flow at a range of velocities. We observed that the bulk calcite dissolution rates were not only affected by the loss of reactive surface area as it becomes occupied by the non-reactive non-aqueous phase, but also largely influenced by the changes in local velocity profiles, e.g., recirculation zones, due to the presence of the non-aqueous phase. The extent of the changes in reaction rates in the two-phase systems compared to the corresponding single phase system is dependent on the flow rate (i.e., capillary number) and channel geometry, and follows a non-monotonic relationship with respect to aqueous saturation. The pore-scale simulation results highlight the importance of interfacial dynamics in controlling mineral reactions and can be used to better constrain reaction rate descriptions in multiphase continuum scale models. These results also emphasize the need for experimental studies that underpin the development of mechanistic models for multiphase flow in reactive systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Kay Vopel ◽  
Alexis Marshall ◽  
Shelly Brandt ◽  
Adam Hartland ◽  
Charles K. Lee ◽  

AbstractEcosystem feedbacks in response to ocean acidification can amplify or diminish diel pH oscillations in productive coastal waters. Benthic microalgae generate such oscillations in sediment porewater and here we ask how CO2 enrichment (acidification) of the overlying seawater alters these in the absence and presence of biogenic calcite. We placed a 1-mm layer of ground oyster shells, mimicking the arrival of dead calcifying biota (+Calcite), or sand (Control) onto intact silt sediment cores, and then gradually increased the pCO2 in the seawater above half of +Calcite and Control cores from 472 to 1216 μatm (pH 8.0 to 7.6, CO2:HCO3− from 4.8 to 9.6 × 10−4). Porewater [O2] and [H+] microprofiles measured 16 d later showed that this enrichment had decreased the O2 penetration depth (O2-pd) in +Calcite and Control, indicating a metabolic response. In CO2-enriched seawater: (1) sediment biogeochemical processes respectively added and removed more H+ to and from the sediment porewater in darkness and light, than in ambient seawater increasing the amplitude of the diel porewater [H+] oscillations, and (2) in darkness, calcite dissolution in +Calcite sediment decreased the porewater [H+] below that in overlying seawater, reversing the sediment–seawater H+ flux and decreasing the amplitude of diel [H+] oscillations. This dissolution did not, however, counter the negative effect of CO2 enrichment on O2-pd. We now hypothesise that feedback to CO2 enrichment—an increase in the microbial reoxidation of reduced solutes with O2—decreased the sediment O2-pd and contributed to the enhanced porewater acidification.

2021 ◽  
Olivier Sulpis ◽  
Priyanka Agrawal ◽  
Mariette Wolthers ◽  
Guy Munhoven ◽  
Matthew Walker ◽  

Abstract In the open ocean, calcium carbonates are mainly found in two mineral forms. Calcite, the least soluble, is widespread at the seafloor, while aragonite, the more soluble, is rarely preserved in marine sediments. Despite its greater solubility, research has shown that aragonite, which could contribute between 10 and 90% to pelagic calcium carbonate production, is able to reach the deep-ocean. If large quantities of aragonite settle and dissolve at the seafloor, this represents a large source of alkalinity that buffers the deep ocean and favours the preservation of less soluble calcite, acting as a deep-sea, carbonate version of galvanization. Here, we investigate the role of aragonite dissolution on the early diagenesis of calcite-rich sediments using a novel 3D, micrometric-scale reactive-transport model combined with 3D, X-ray tomography structures of natural aragonite and calcite shells. Results highlight the important role of diffusive transport in benthic calcium carbonate dissolution, in agreement with recent work. We show that, locally, aragonite fluxes to the seafloor could be sufficient to suppress calcite dissolution in the top layer of the seabed, possibly causing calcite recrystallization. As aragonite producers are particularly vulnerable to ocean acidification, the proposed galvanizing effect of aragonite could be weakened in the future, indirectly boosting calcite dissolution further.

Minerals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 1017
Ritwick Sudheer Kumar ◽  
Carolin Podlech ◽  
Georg Grathoff ◽  
Laurence N. Warr ◽  
Daniel Svensson

Pilot sites are currently used to test the performance of bentonite barriers for sealing high-level radioactive waste repositories, but the degree of mineral stability under enhanced thermal conditions remains a topic of debate. This study focuses on the SKB ABM5 experiment, which ran for 5 years (2012 to 2017) and locally reached a maximum temperature of 250 °C. Five bentonites were investigated using XRD with Rietveld refinement, SEM-EDX and by measuring pH, CEC and EC. Samples extracted from bentonite blocks at 0.1, 1, 4 and 7 cm away from the heating pipe showed various stages of alteration related to the horizontal thermal gradient. Bentonites close to the contact with lower CEC values showed smectite alterations in the form of tetrahedral substitution of Si4+ by Al3+ and some octahedral metal substitutions, probably related to ferric/ferrous iron derived from corrosion of the heater during oxidative boiling, with pyrite dissolution and acidity occurring in some bentonite layers. This alteration was furthermore associated with higher amounts of hematite and minor calcite dissolution. However, as none of the bentonites showed any smectite loss and only displayed stronger alterations at the heater–bentonite contact, the sealants are considered to have remained largely intact.

2021 ◽  
Ilgar Baghishov ◽  
Gayan A. Abeykoon ◽  
Mingyuan Wang ◽  
Francisco J. Argüelles Vivas ◽  
Ryosuke Okuno

Abstract Previous studies indicated the efficacy of the simplest amino acid, glycine, as an aqueous additive for enhanced water imbibition in carbonate reservoirs. The objective of this research was to investigate the importance of the amino group of glycine in its enhanced water imbibition. To this end, glycine was compared with two carboxylates (acetate and formate) with/without adding hydrogen chloride (HCl) for adjusting the solution pH. Note that the amino group is the only difference between glycine and acetate. Contact-angle experiments on calcite were carried out at 347 K and atmospheric pressure with 68000-ppm reservoir brine (RB), and 4 different concentrations of glycine, acetate, and formate solutions in RB. To test the hypothesis that calcite dissolution is one of the main mechanisms in wettability alteration by glycine, we performed another set of contact angle experiments by adding HCl to brine, acetate, and formate solutions. HCl was added to match the pH of the glycine solution at the same concentration. We also performed imbibition tests with Texas Cream Limestone cores at 347 K with brine, glycine, acetate, and formate solutions (with and without HCl) in RB at 5.0 wt%. Contact-angle results indicated that glycine changed calcite's wettability from oil-wet to water-wet (45°). However, acetate solution was not able to change the wettability to water-wet; and formate moderately decreased the contact angle to 80°. The pH level increased from 6.1 to 7.6 after the contact angle experiment in glycine solution, indicating the consumption of hydrogen ions due to calcite dissolution. The levels of pH in formate and acetate solutions, however, decreased from 8.4 to 7.8. The acidity of glycine above its isoelectric point arises from the deprotonation of the carboxyl group. Imbibition tests with carbonate cores supported the observations from the contact-angle experiments. The oil recovery was 31% for glycine solution, 20% for RB, 21% for formate solution, and 19% for acetate solution. This re-confirmed the effectiveness of glycine as an additive to improve the oil recovery from carbonates. An additional set of imbibition tests revealed that acetate at the pH reduced to the same level as glycine was still not able to recover as much oil as glycine. This showed that glycine recovered oil not only because of the calcite dissolution and the carboxyl group, but also because of the amino group. It is hypothesized that the amino group with its electron donor ability creates a chelation effect that makes glycine entropically more favorable to get attached to the calcite surface than acetate. Another important result is that the formate solution at an adjusted pH resulted in a greater oil recovery than RB or RB at the same pH. This indicates that there is an optimal pH for the carboxyl group to be effective in wettability alteration as also indicated by the pH change during the contact-angle experiment.

2021 ◽  
Igor Ivanishin ◽  
Hamidreza Samouei

Abstract Chelating agents are used to stimulate high-temperature carbonate reservoirs and remove mineral scales. For field applications, commercial chelates—EDTA, DTPA, GLDA, etc.—are commonly supplied as 3550 wt% (1.2-1.7 M) solutions and diluted two times in water. However, the dependence of the reaction rate on the concentration of chelate in solution has never been quantified. This paper focuses on determining the kinetics of calcite dissolution as a function of the dilution factor of commonly used chelates at acidic pH. Using a rotating disk apparatus, the kinetics of calcite marble dissolution in 0.10.25 M EDTA (pH=4.9-5.0), 0.1-0.25 M DTPA (pH=3.5-5.0), and 0.28-0.85 M GLDA (pH=3.7-5.0) solutions has been investigated. The dissolution of calcite in all chelates has a negative fractional-order that increases with temperature in the range -0.6 < n< -1.9. Thus, less concentrated chelate solutions react faster with calcite, and the effect of chelate dilution becomes less pronounced with a temperature increase. For example, three times dilution of pH=3.7 commercial GLDA solution—from commonly used 50 vol% (0.85 M) to 16.7 vol% (0.28 M)—increases calcite dissolution rate 8.4, 4.9, 2.7, and 2.0 times at 98.6, 116.6, 134.6, and 188.6°F, respectively. Dilution of pH=5.0 EDTA and pH=3.5 DTPA from 0.25 M to 0.1 M increases the dissolution rate of calcite 1.4-3.1 times at 98.6-188.6°F. Probable reasons for such an unusual reaction behavior are discussed in the paper. Presented results are integral for designing the stimulation operations in carbonate reservoir rocks and the removal of carbonate scales.

2021 ◽  
pp. 241-244
Teri DeMaio ◽  
D.E. Grandstaff

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