renormalization group flows
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2022 ◽  
Vol 128 (2) ◽  
Gabriel Cuomo ◽  
Zohar Komargodski ◽  
Avia Raviv-Moshe

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (9) ◽  
Ziqi Yan

Abstract We put forward a two-dimensional nonlinear sigma model that couples (bosonic) matter fields to topological Hořava gravity on a nonrelativistic worldsheet. In the target space, this sigma model describes classical strings propagating in a curved spacetime background, whose geometry is described by two distinct metric fields. We evaluate the renormalization group flows of this sigma model on a flat worldsheet and derive a set of beta-functionals for the bimetric fields. Imposing worldsheet Weyl invariance at the quantum level, we uncover a set of gravitational field equations that dictate the dynamics of the bimetric fields in the target space, where a unique massless spin-two excitation emerges. When the bimetric fields become identical, the sigma model gains an emergent Lorentz symmetry. In this single metric limit, the beta-functionals of the bimetric fields reduce to the Ricci flow equation that arises in bosonic string theory, and the bimetric gravitational field equations give rise to Einstein’s gravity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (8) ◽  
Matthijs Hogervorst ◽  
Marco Meineri ◽  
João Penedones ◽  
Kamran Salehi Vaziri

Abstract Quantum Field Theories (QFTs) in Anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetime are often strongly coupled when the radius of AdS is large, and few methods are available to study them. In this work, we develop a Hamiltonian truncation method to compute the energy spectrum of QFTs in two-dimensional AdS. The infinite volume of constant timeslices of AdS leads to divergences in the energy levels. We propose a simple prescription to obtain finite physical energies and test it with numerical diagonalization in several models: the free massive scalar field, ϕ4 theory, Lee-Yang and Ising field theory. Along the way, we discuss spontaneous symmetry breaking in AdS and derive a compact formula for perturbation theory in quantum mechanics at arbitrary order. Our results suggest that all conformal boundary conditions for a given theory are connected via bulk renormalization group flows in AdS.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (3) ◽  
Fabian Klos ◽  
Daniel Roggenkamp

Abstract As put forward in [1] topological quantum field theories can be projected using so-called projection defects. The projected theory and its correlation functions can be completely realized within the unprojected one. An interesting example is the case of topological quantum field theories associated to IR fixed points of renormalization group flows, which by this method can be realized inside the theories associated to the UV. In this note we show that projection defects in triangulated defect categories (such as defects in 2d topologically twisted $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = (2, 2) theories) always come with complementary projection defects, and that the unprojected theory decomposes into the theories associated to the two projection defects. We demonstrate this in the context of Landau-Ginzburg orbifold theories.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (2) ◽  
Martin Fluder ◽  
Christoph F. Uhlemann

Abstract Renormalization group flows are studied between 5d SCFTs engineered by (p, q) 5-brane webs with large numbers of external 5-branes. A general expression for the free energy on S5 in terms of single-valued trilogarithm functions is derived from their supergravity duals, which are characterized by the 5-brane charges and additional geometric parameters. The additional geometric parameters are fixed by regularity conditions, and we show that the solutions to the regularity conditions extremize a trial free energy. These results are used to survey a large sample of $$ \mathcal{O} $$ O (105) renormalization group flows between different 5d SCFTs, including Higgs branch flows and flows that preserve the SU(2) R- symmetry. In all cases the free energy changes monotonically towards the infrared, in line with a 5d F -theorem.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (2) ◽  
Mark Van Raamsdonk ◽  
Chris Waddell

Abstract $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = 4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) theory can be defined on a half-space with a variety of boundary conditions preserving scale invariance and half of the original supersymmetry; more general theories with the same symmetry can be obtained by coupling to a 3D SCFT at the boundary. Each of these theories is characterized by a quantity called “boundary F”, conjectured to decrease under boundary renormalization group flows. In this paper, we calculate boundary F for U(N) $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = 4 SYM theory with the most general half-supersymmetric boundary conditions arising from string theory constructions with D3-branes ending on collections of D5-branes and/or NS5-branes. We first perform the calculation holographically by evaluating the entanglement entropy for a half-ball centered on the boundary using the Ryu-Takayanagi formula in the dual type IIB supergravity solutions. For boundary conditions associated with D3-branes ending on D5 branes only or NS5-branes only, we also calculate boundary F exactly by evaluating the hemisphere partition function using supersymmetric localization. The leading terms at large N in the supergravity and localization results agree exactly as a function of the t’ Hooft coupling λ.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (11) ◽  
Simone Giombi ◽  
Himanshu Khanchandani

Abstract Using the fact that flat space with a boundary is related by a Weyl transformation to anti-de Sitter (AdS) space, one may study observables in boundary conformal field theory (BCFT) by placing a CFT in AdS. In addition to correlation functions of local operators, a quantity of interest is the free energy of the CFT computed on the AdS space with hyperbolic ball metric, i.e. with a spherical boundary. It is natural to expect that the AdS free energy can be used to define a quantity that decreases under boundary renormalization group flows. We test this idea by discussing in detail the case of the large N critical O(N) model in general dimension d, as well as its perturbative descriptions in the epsilon-expansion. Using the AdS approach, we recover the various known boundary critical behaviors of the model, and we compute the free energy for each boundary fixed point, finding results which are consistent with the conjectured F-theorem in a continuous range of dimensions. Finally, we also use the AdS setup to compute correlation functions and extract some of the BCFT data. In particular, we show that using the bulk equations of motion, in conjunction with crossing symmetry, gives an efficient way to constrain bulk two-point functions and extract anomalous dimensions of boundary operators.

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