targeted assistance
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2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (12(62)) ◽  
pp. 20-24
Irina Yuryevna Khlobystova ◽  
Alexey Anatolievich Miroshnichenko ◽  
Andrey Sergeevich Rudin

The article is devoted to finding a solution to the problem of targeted assistance to schools with low educational results. The structure of a simulation simulator for overcoming (minimizing or eliminating) risk factors for low educational results is proposed for consideration. The simulator is intended for the management of educational organizations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (6) ◽  
pp. 87-95
Klimova Olga G. ◽  

The study of the socio-cultural activities of entrepreneurs including the history of everyday life as its integral part is one of the important aspects of the study of regional history. The historiography of the history of socio-cultural practices in pre-revolutionary Siberia has not been fully studied yet. The purpose of the article is to identify the patterns of the modern historiographic situation on the basis of understanding the study of the history of socio-cultural practices of business people in pre-revolutionary Siberia. The work used the general methods of scientific knowledge: historicism, logical analysis, deduction and induction, which made it possible to conduct a consistent analysis of the works of researchers, to identify the main characteristics. Modern researchers in their works have raised a number of problems: trends in the development of charity, the scope of investment of donated money, forms of participation in various events, contributions to the development of libraries, museums, schools, orphanages, etc. Historians used quantitative indicators of the participation of entrepreneurs in the social and cultural life of Siberian cities, the motives of the merchants’ charity. The following topics were studied: support for education, participation in the improvement of cities, contribution to the development of culture and museum affairs, financing of expeditions, church and charitable activities, targeted assistance to those in need. In general, and in the conclusions of this article, the expansion of scientific knowledge about the socio-social history of Siberia after the reform period is emphasized, the points of view of historians on the role and place of businessmen in the cultural and social spheres of the life of the region are revealed. Historiographic analysis is relevant from the point of view of modern discussions about the contribution of entrepreneurs to the development of cities, culture, economy, and charity in pre-revolutionary Siberia. The revival of entrepreneurship, modern socio-economic processes encourage specialists to in-depth study of the history of socio-cultural practices of the Siberian merchants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 339-348
E. A. Alpeeva ◽  
O. V. Zanina

The issue of fighting poverty is especially acute today. Scientists from different countries of the world have come to a common opinion that targeting is the most important component of the existing mechanisms of social protection of the population. There is an assumption that legislative equality is not identical with social equality. Equalization of incomes of the population and strengthening of the middle class can only be achieved after the formation of targeted social protection of the population. The targeting of social guarantees should include a large list of mechanisms for its regulation, including a differentiated approach and a flexible framework focused on an individual approach. Needy families, whose incomes slightly exceed the established limits, should be able to receive social guarantees from the state in a short amount. At the same time, the establishment of criteria requires constant change, focused on the quarterly living wage of the subject in question. The statement of a fixed income in the current market conditions is unfair. When establishing targeted assistance, it is especially important to take into account the financial condition of the family, not only in terms of income, but actual expenses. It is here that each situation must be considered separately, taking into account external factors. Therefore, there arises an objective need for interaction between social protection bodies of the population with credit (financial) institutions, state tax authorities and other services through the introduction of a single database. This will make it possible to avoid receiving benefits for citizens receiving “shadow” income, as well as to save financial resources for the population in need. Support for the needy segments of the population should not be only quantitative – there should be a qualitative component. The number of planned support programs and implemented programs does not indicate an effective policy, since official statistics on the number of those in need may not correspond to the real picture and the target figures may be underestimated. As part of the implementation of programs to help the population, a conditional number of citizens may be planned, determined according to funding, however, the number of those in dire need may differ significantly. The effectiveness of the implementation of social programs can be determined by a significant reduction in the number of citizens living below the poverty line. There is an objective need to reform the current system of social protection of the population. External and internal economic factors cause changes in wages, employment levels, purchasing power, etc., all of this affects the change in the average per capita income of the population, the real size of wages, etc. To equalize incomes, support the poor and reduce social risks, it is necessary to create a new format based on the principle of targeting.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 7-24
Alexander Abroskin ◽  
Natalia Abroskina

The article deals with the actual problems of providing targeted social assistance to the population during the economic crisis. The research subject is a set of measures to stabilize the income of the population, implemented by the Government of the Russian Federation in 2020 during the most acute phase of the crisis associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the research is to analyze and summarize the practice of social assistance to the population, to identify problems and prospects for using the monetary approach to neutralize the negative socio-economic consequences of the restrictions associated with the pandemic. The main aspects of the analysis involve measures to stabilize the income of the population, including measures to support employment in the economy and stabilize labor income, as well as measures of targeted social assistance to households implemented in Russian practice. In the research, the monetary approach is considered in a broad context, extended to the criteria determining the resource provision of households and the population property status, the characteristics underling the households grouping by the degree of need, and targeted assistance measures implemented in the cash transfers form. The results of the research revealed a number of problems with the monetary approach using in the implementation of the anti-crisis strategy in the Russian Federation in its simplified version, focused on the indicators of household monetary income without taking into account other components of disposable resources. Additional challenges in identifying targeted social assistance groups during the pandemic were associated with the established practice of building structural groupings of households, based on the dichromatic principle, as well as the transition from 2021 of russian statistics to the new principles of calculating the minimum subsistence level, which is the basic criterion for determining the property status of the population. Improving the effectiveness of social assistance measures to the population in the Russian Federation during economic crises involves adjusting the existing methodological and information base used in assessing the degree of household need. If detailed statistics are available, the corresponding monetary indicators can serve as an information basis for identifying the objects of targeted social assistance. Such indicators, by analogy with foreign practice, can also be supplemented by non-monetary characteristics that determine the degree of household need on other grounds, on the basis of combination of which their groups can be identified in accordance with the priorities and types of social assistance provided. The article was prepared within the framework of the RANEPA state task research.

Bruce Chapman ◽  
Lorraine Dearden

The rapid worldwide growth in higher education undergraduate enrollments since around 1990 has meant that governments have had to rethink provision and funding arrangements to help ensure both cost-effective and equitable outcomes. It is important to understand in detail the fundamental financial conceptual building blocks that are necessary for an efficacious and socially just higher education financing system. In response to the critical question of who should pay for higher education and student income support, the case for the sharing of the costs between students, graduates, and taxpayers is overwhelming from the perspectives of both efficiency and equity. Further, there is a consensus that governments should intervene with respect to the underwriting of student loans, but there are very important and quite different implications for borrowers with respect to loan collection arrangements. The most equitable and effective higher education financing instrument involves loans that are repaid only when and if debtors can afford to do so, known as income-contingent loans. The less desirable form of student loans, defined by time-based collection, is internationally still the most common approach, but recent advances in economic theory and econometric methodology provide both conceptual bases and exciting and innovative ways for governments to understand why traditional student loan approaches are inferior to income-contingent collection. When the effects of student loans on access and welfare become more properly understood, the case for targeted assistance for all disadvantaged prospective students for reasons of social justice remains compelling. The importance of the attainment of the right financing system was highlighted by the economic trauma associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, an ordeal that caused many universities to experience an entirely unexpected financial crisis and led millions of students to struggle with unanticipated loan repayment difficulties.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 395-402
Alfina Shafira ◽  
Muhammad Iqbal Fasa ◽  
Soeharto Soeharto ◽  
Rio Kartika Supriyatna ◽  
Dedi Junaedi

Socialization of activities is carried out by visiting the community or business owners directly and providing information related to this village website. Evaluation of activities, visiting the community and digging up information about community knowledge in conducting information and education must be continuously conveyed to the community, and supervision must also be carried out so that the community is educated and has the ability to operate technology. In fact, digital marketing launched by Tiyuh Pulung Kencana has a large commercial impact on business if it is implemented through various targeted assistance and socialization. In addition, essentially in Islam the muamalah system is based on permissibility/permissibility. However, the low willingness and understanding of the SME group in the use of information technology as a means to market their products is one of the obstacles faced when carrying out this socialization.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 125-132
Alfina Shafira ◽  
Muhammad Iqbal Fasa ◽  
Soeharto Soeharto ◽  
Rio Kartika Supriyatna ◽  
Dedi Junaedi

Socialization of activities is carried out by visiting the community or business owners directly and providing information related to this village website. Evaluation of activities, visiting the community and digging up information about community knowledge in conducting information and education must be continuously conveyed to the community, and supervision must also be carried out so that the community is educated and has the ability to operate technology. In fact, digital marketing launched by Tiyuh Pulung Kencana has a large commercial impact on business if it is implemented through various targeted assistance and socialization. In addition, essentially in Islam the muamalah system is based on permissibility/permissibility. However, the low willingness and understanding of the SME group in the use of information technology as a means to market their products is one of the obstacles faced when carrying out this socialization.  

Anna Kavga ◽  
Ioannis Kalemikerakis ◽  
Anastasios Faros ◽  
Maria Milaka ◽  
Dimitra Tsekoura ◽  

Background: Vascular strokes are the leading cause of long-term disability for adults. They impose high levels of burden on the patient, the family, and national healthcare systems worldwide. This study aimed to assess the effects of patients’ and caregivers’ characteristics on the perceptions of burden in families caring for a loved one living with stroke in Greece. Methods: Using purposive sampling, 109 dyads of patients and their respective caregivers were recruited from the Attica region. Patients completed a questionnaire that included personal characteristics and the Barthel Index, while caregivers completed a set of questionnaires—personal characteristics, revised Bakas Caregiving Outcomes Scale (BCOS), Personal Resource Questionnaire (PRQ 2000), and Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression (CES-D). Results: Caregiving burden was linked to both patients’ and caregivers’ characteristics. A patient’s educational level, the number of family members living in the same house, the existence of equipment and facilities in the house, and the duration of provided care were associated with perception of greater burden. Regarding caregivers’ characteristics, those in good health had a significantly lower perception of burden. Higher PRQ 2000 scores were significantly associated with higher BCOS scores (less burden), and higher CES-D scores were significantly associated with lower BCOS scores (more burden). Conclusion: Caring for a loved one affected by stroke places a considerable burden on the caregiver. Systematic assessment and intervention strategies can help to identify caregivers at risk so that suitably targeted assistance may be provided.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_2) ◽  
pp. 623-623
Yan Bai ◽  
Lieven Huybregts ◽  
Lora Iannotti ◽  
Melissa Chapnick ◽  
Andrew Jones ◽  

Abstract Objectives Meeting infant needs requires complementing breastmilk with the gradual introduction of solid foods after 6 months. Existing studies have limited evidence on the availability and cost of complementary foods needed during the 6–23 month window when millions of children experience irreversible harm from inadequate diets. Methods Using food prices from the World Bank on 374 items potentially used for infant foods and available for sale in 31 low-income countries, food composition data, and dietary reference intakes (DRIs), we compute least-cost diets for children between 6–23 months. We further used data for food yield and nutrient retention factors and introduced volume constraints. DRIs differ for children aged 6–8 months, 9–11 months, and 12–23 months. We used lower and upper bounds on 25 different nutrients plus fiber and sodium. Our primary specification (Scenario I) considers only total protein and fats, while a more restrictive Scenario II also considers 11 essential amino acids and fatty acids. Results The cost of complementary foods to replace breastmilk is $1–2/day at 6–8 months when small quantities of high-cost ingredients are needed, then declines to below $/1day at 9–11 months when lower-cost foods can be used before rising above $1/day again as children grow. Increased breastfeeding substitutes for complementary foods to a limited degree, as shown by the small decline in cost as breastmilk intake rises, and there is a clear threshold beyond which sufficiently nutrient-dense ingredients are very expensive or entirely unavailable. Average intake recommendation levels of breastmilk measured in low-income countries are close to that which makes complementary feeding least expensive, except in Scenario II for the youngest children. Conclusions We find that sufficient nutrients from complementary foods for infants from 6 to 23 months are not affordable for many households in these countries, implying a need for targeted assistance, especially in settings where household incomes are below the global poverty line of $1.90/person/day. Funding Sources This study was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation through the project Advancing Research on Nutrition and Agriculture (AReNA), Phase II (Investment ID: OPP1177007), jointly with the project Food Prices for Nutrition (INV-016158) funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and UKAid.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
pp. 45
Jenna W. Kramer ◽  
Stephany Cuevas ◽  
Angela Boatman

Innovation in instructional technology has contributed to the rapid implementation of technology-driven instructional platforms, particularly in developmental math coursework (Bickerstaff et al., 2016). In this phenomenological study, we investigate how faculty perceive and respond to a mandated, technology-driven instructional model for developmental math coursework at public colleges in Tennessee. Through interviews with faculty members across four colleges, we find that many faculty agreed that technology helped them to better track student performance, provide more targeted assistance, and communicate directly with students. Faculty also expressed concerns that technology provides the opportunity or temptation to game the system, interfering with true learning, and that students with the greatest needs may not be well served by the instructional model. We draw policy implications related to the role of educators in the development and implementation of curricular policy, provision and requirements for ongoing professional development, and postsecondary learning accountability.

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