impact of technology
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2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Doddahulugappa Goutam ◽  
Shirshendu Ganguli ◽  
B.V. Gopalakrishna

PurposeThis paper aims to explore impact of technology readiness (TR) on e-service quality (ESQ) and effect of ESQ and TR on purchase intention (PI) and behavioral loyalty (BL) in the context of online shopping.Design/methodology/approachWith the help of the existing literature, the authors propose a conceptual model. Questionnaire was designed to collect data, and analysis has been done using a final sample of 341 respondents.FindingsThe results show how TR has a significant impact on ESQ, PI and BL. Outcomes also highlight that only three dimensions of ESQ have a positive impact on both PI and BL. System availability dimension of ESQ impacts neither PI nor BL. Therefore, TR and ESQ together play a vital role as enablers in influencing BL and PI in online shopping context.Practical implicationsThe study results will serve as a guide to business-to-consumer e-commerce players and help them to determine how TR and ESQ dimensions will help them to build BL and PI for online shopping.Originality/valueThis is one of the first studies that takes into consideration both TR and ESQ and check how they impact PI and BL. Also, in the Indian context, it is an under-researched area and tries to fulfill this gap.

حيـــــاة قـــــــزادري

The subject of media and digital education in the family and school has become a necessity in the new technological environment, where it has become an important requirement for social upbringing as a process of giving individuals the values, beliefs, norms and social norms that enable them to reconcile and facilitate them in dealing with the problems of their society in the future in a positive way. Among the most prominent problems facing social development now are the problems of the unconscious interaction of children and adolescents with the media, which are exposed to all the content that is destructive to values and morals and that is threatening to public belief and morality. In addition to the lack of opportunities for interaction and communication within the family, children and students today are communicating more with technology than with their families, families and teachers, so that the impact of technology on them is greater than social influences, as a generation that has developed in a rapidly accelerating world. The purpose of this intervention is to provide the right skills to these generations through their education, media and digital education, which will enable them to deal properly with these means, to make good use of them, to avoid their risks, to avoid their implicit messages that rob privacy and generate various forms of violence, crime, and to destroy values and morals. The role of the family and the school is integrated in this field.

Elias G. Carayannis ◽  
Joanna Morawska-Jancelewicz

AbstractThe concept of Society 5.0 and Industry 5.0 is not a simple chronological continuation or alternative to Industry 4.0 paradigm. Society 5.0 aims to place human beings at the midpoint of innovation, exploiting the impact of technology and Industry 4.0 results with the technological integration to improve quality of life, social responsibility and sustainability. This ground-breaking perspective has common points with the objectives of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. It also has major implication for universities transformations. Universities are called upon producing knowledge for new technologies and social innovation. In our paper, we argue that digitalisation opens new perspectives for universities and can become one of the main drivers of their change. Incorporating the assumptions of Society 5.0 and Industry 5.0 into the universities practices and policies will allow both universities and societies to fully benefit from digital transformation. Making the human-oriented innovation as the universities trademark and developing new cooperative models will also help to achieve sustainable priorities. The use of the Quintuple Helix Model (QHM) might foster the process of necessary transformations capacities as it integrates different perspectives and sets the stage for sustainability priorities and considerations. As far as the practical goal is concerned, the paper proposes a set of recommendations for universities aiming at developing new forms and channels of distribution of education, research and innovation within in the context of QHM and Society 5.0. We call them socially and digitally engaged model.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 33-37
Cesare Fregola

This article describes a research study involving 132 students on a Primary Education Sciences degree course at Roma Tre University. A complexity paradigm was employed for the research, which used group activities to design a questionnaire that was subsequently analysed to provide 8 different perspectives. The underlying theoretical perspective involved investigation of the applicability of the transactional analysis concept of Cultural Parent (and the associated concepts of Frame of Reference, Script and Ego States) as a way of understanding how changes are needed in educational processes to reflect how family, school and societal cultures have changed, with particular reference to Generation App and the increasing impact of technology on virtual spaces, and the need to reflect cultural diversity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 333
Waldimeiry Correa da Silva

Surrogacy or surrogate motherhood is a global phenomenon that has been on the rise since the 1980s. Academic research on surrogacy has adapted to the emerging challenges of this practice by becoming vast and highly multidisciplinary. To orient future research, we employ a bibliometric analysis to make a radiograph of past and current trends in the surrogacy literature. Our results indicate that (1) despite surrogacy being a global market, perspectives from economics and international law are being neglected; (2) research is not addressing the most concerning issues for policy, such as exploitation or human trafficking and the impact of technologies for the protection of the rights of the parties involved; and (3) surrogacy literature output is largely clustered in a handful of Western countries. Taken together, these results point to a huge gap between research and policy. Future research should address these neglected issues to better inform policy makers and the impact of technology on the law.

2021 ◽  
Vol 107 (7) ◽  
pp. 144-151
Igor Shcherbak ◽  

The article analyses the fundamental research “Multilateralism in Transition: Challenges and Opportunities for the OSCE”, prepared by a team of Swiss experts under the leadership of the renowned Swiss diplomat Thomas Greminger (the Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the OSCE, the UN and the International Organizations in Vienna). The fact that T. Greminger served as Secretary General of the OSCE from 2017 to 2020 gives added value to the research. This created a unique opportunity to combine in the research his vast experience, personal impressions from the observance of the “internal kitchen” of the Organization and his analyses of the main directions of the work of the OSCE. The research focuses on the central problems of the OSCE’s activities- preservation of the European security, prevention and regulation of conflicts, new challenges to the European security, strategic partnership of the OSCE with major international organizations, introduction of modern technologies to the operational activities of the Organization, reformation and modernization of the OSCE’ s management system and operational functions. Special attention is payed to the revitalization of the OSCE Structured Dialogue ‒ the main platform for discussions of the most important politico-military problems and confidence-building measures, exchange of information on current perceptions of threat, military capacity, de-escalation measures, best practices for the prevention and improved management of military incidents. The book contains a positive assessment of the concept of cooperative actions aimed at a collective response to the new challenges to the European security: climate change and environment destruction, impact of technology on the societies, illegal migration, pandemics, cross- border organised crime, cyber threats, nuclear security. The authors of the book consider that the collective security initiative could stimulate trust, convergence of interests of participating states and finally would improve European security through cooperation. They also bring to attention the problems of the longstanding reform of the OSCE through presentation of the ten-point reform agenda, including management reform of the OSCE Secretariat, reform of the budget cycle, information security and automating work processes. leveraging partnerships with international and regional organizations.

Laila Mohebi

With the fast progress of technology and the vast amount of research papers related to technology integration in education being published yearly, a study that reviews models used in these papers is needed. Therefore, this paper (1) reviewed and analysed theoretical frameworks with models used for integration of technology in classrooms, (2) reviewed studies that discussed the impact of technology integration on students’ learning capabilities, and (3) discussed the importance of preparing teachers to effectively integrate technology in teaching. The models reviewed were: Teacher Thoughts and Action Process (TTAP), Theory of Planned Behavior, Expectancy-Value Theory of Achievement Motivation (EVAM), Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition (SAMR), Technology Acceptance (TAM), Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), and Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK).

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 164-170
Saron Obia

The globalization era, also known as the era of technological evolution, has changed the narrative of international, regional and national security strategy. Terrorism is an evitable word use to describe recent events in the world. the emergence of new technological devices has both negative and positive impact in the world challenged by transnational actors. The paper examines the definition and forms of acts of terrorism in connection with technology, in order to understand the continual existence of the menace despite measures adopted by states. Hence, there exist no generally accepted definition of terrorism. The paper analysis the link between terrorism and technology from two dimensions; first, exploring the impact of technology in relation to the rise of terrorist groups and as well the role of the media. The second part, examines the challenges and the advantage of technology in relation to national security.

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