equal right
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2022 ◽  
pp. 91-99

India has taken a big step in the year 2005 by amending the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, giving women the equal right of inheritance as their male siblings. However, there remains a loophole where women are still marginalized when it comes to the division of property; the division of matrimonial property after separation. It is observed that divorce leads to women facing several hurdles starting from the legal system to their natal homes; the conditions are not suitable for women to have a good life after divorce due to loopholes in the legal system in India. Due to these issues faced by women, they are forced to stay loyal to their exploitative marriage for the rest of their lives. The introduction of the Marriage Law Amendment Bill of 2010, which eases the laws on divorce, brings further problems for women as they subjected to a rough legal system that upholds social morality over constitutional morality.

2021 ◽  
Nishchal J

Every person has an equal right to information, therefore, impairments shouldn’t restrict people from gaining this knowledge from any form of source. Social Networking applications have tremendously grown their popularity among all kinds of age groups for providing socialising opportunities, entertainment and exchange of knowledge. Hence, the motive of this paper is to propose a social networking application pipeline with a strong Machine Learning backend which makes it more accessible to the blind, deaf and dumb section of the society who otherwise do not enjoy the features of social networking platforms.

2021 ◽  
Nishchal J

Every person has an equal right to information, therefore, impairments shouldn’t restrict people from gaining this knowledge from any form of source. Social Networking applications have tremendously grown their popularity among all kinds of age groups for providing socialising opportunities, entertainment and exchange of knowledge. Hence, the motive of this paper is to propose a social networking application pipeline with a strong Machine Learning backend which makes it more accessible to the blind, deaf and dumb section of the society who otherwise do not enjoy the features of social networking platforms.

2021 ◽  
Henrik Serup Christensen ◽  
Janette Huttunen ◽  
Fredrik Malmberg ◽  
Nanuli Silagadze

Democratic theorists have long emphasized the importance of participatory equality, i.e. that all citizens should have an equal right to participate. It is still unclear, however, whether ordinary citizens view this principle as central to democracy and how different violations of this principle affect subjective democratic legitimacy. The attitudes of citizens are imperative when it comes to the subjective legitimacy of democratic systems, and it is therefore important to examine how participatory inequalities affect these attitudes. We here contribute to this research agenda with survey experiments embedded in two surveys (n=324, n=840). We here examine 1) whether citizens consider participatory inequality to be an important democratic principle, and 2) how gender and educational inequalities affect subjective legitimacy and the perceived usefulness of the participatory input. The results show that citizens generally consider participatory inequalities to be important, but only gender inequalities affect subjective legitimacy and usefulness. Hence it is important to consider the type of inequality to understand the implications.

2021 ◽  
Lavinia Benson

Towards the end of 1953, formal steps were taken to join Southern and Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland into a political Federation. In this very new country, the policy is to work towards an integrated society with freedom for each one, black and white, to develop his capacities to the full.<br><br>In South Africa, the government is controlled by the Europeans. The Africans, on the other hand, hold the reins of government in the Gold Coast. The Federation is opening doors to the African to enable him to develop into responsible citizenship. As Lord Llewellin, Governor-General of the Federation, has stressed, it is neither a black man's country nor a white man's country. "Africans, Europeans and Indians have an equal right to be there, and have a right, when capable of doing so, to have a say in the Government. We are trying an experiment to see if people cannot make a happy land where people can live together in friendship and peace, whatever the colour of their skins."

2021 ◽  
Lavinia Benson

Towards the end of 1953, formal steps were taken to join Southern and Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland into a political Federation. In this very new country, the policy is to work towards an integrated society with freedom for each one, black and white, to develop his capacities to the full.<br><br>In South Africa, the government is controlled by the Europeans. The Africans, on the other hand, hold the reins of government in the Gold Coast. The Federation is opening doors to the African to enable him to develop into responsible citizenship. As Lord Llewellin, Governor-General of the Federation, has stressed, it is neither a black man's country nor a white man's country. "Africans, Europeans and Indians have an equal right to be there, and have a right, when capable of doing so, to have a say in the Government. We are trying an experiment to see if people cannot make a happy land where people can live together in friendship and peace, whatever the colour of their skins."

2021 ◽  
pp. 82-86
Dr. Josit Mariya

Vaikom Muhammed Basheer is a notable writer of Malayalam literature. His works are always close to nature. People can easily identify his works because of their lucid language and their inclination to nature. In his work, ‘Bhoomiyude Avakashikal’ (The Inheritors of Earth), the author tries to talk about the need of considering the animals and birds around us because they are also a part of our earth. Basheer sheds light on the truth that the entire species in this world have the same rights that man holds. Each and every living being has the equal right to live and enjoy their surroundings as human beings. If we don’t protect our nature - the vegetation and biodiversity around us - we have no future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 143-172
Linda Hogan

Abstract The changing religious landscape in Ireland is the context for this analysis of the implications of the insertion of the 8th Amendment to the Irish Constitution (which in 1983 inserted Article 40.3.3 into the Constitution to give the unborn an equal right to life with that of the mother) and its subsequent repeal in the 2018 referendum. It considers how women’s right to abortion (within the limits specified by the Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy Act 2018) can be vindicated in the context of claims to freedom of religion or belief and in light of the continuing institutional power of the Catholic church in the provision of healthcare. The broader political implications of the changing religious landscape are also considered, as is the question of whether and how the relationship between religion and politics in Ireland can be re-conceptualised.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Amri Marzali

This article discusses an important political concept in Malaysia, that is the political supremacy of the Malays. The Malays supremacy was resulted from a social contract between the native Malays, on one part, and the Indian and Chinese immigrants, on the other part, during the negotiation concerning the independent of Persekutuan Tanah Melayu before 1957. It was said in the contract the native Malays slackened the prerequisites for the citizenship of the Persekutuan Tanah Melayu for the Chinese and Indian immigrants, while the Chinese and the Indian immigrants admitted a dominant position of the Malays in political administration. However, after the Persekutuan Tanah Melayu changed into Malaysia in 1963, the Chinese and the Indians begin to be disloyal to the social contract. They wanted equal right among all Malaysian citizens. By using archaeological dan ethnohistorical approaches, I will trace the origins of the concept of native supremacy in the Malay Nusantara sosiocultural context. Secondly, I will discuss the challenges facing the concept after Malay Land occupied by the British colonialist, particularly after the 1960es. The concept of “native sovereignity” is called beschikkingsrecht in Dutch language. It was invented by a Dutch expert of customary law, van Vollenhoven, in 1909 (ter Haar 1962). The concept of “native sovereignity” was originally aimed to remind the neighbour villagers or the foreigners when they passed on, or open a rice field, in a new area. They had to ask permission to the master of the land. Therefore, for the sake of harmonious social life, all ethnic groups in todays Malaysia, especially the new immigrants from different cultural background, it is suggested to learn and comprehend basic concepts in traditional native Malays customary law. Keywords: native Malays, ethnicity, native sovereignity, beschikkingsrecht, Will of the Malay Kings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-36
Suriawan Surna ◽  
Priyantoro Widodo

In order to protect the equal right to freedom of thought, belief and religion of all students in all public schools in Indonesia; in February 2021, the central government represented by three ministers, namely Minister of Education and Culture, Home Affairs Minister, and Religious Affairs Minister issued Joint Ministerial Decree (SKB) on the Use of Uniforms and Attributes for Students, Educators, and Education Personnel in state schools at the primary and secondary level .On 3 May 2021, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia revoked it. The purpose of this paper is to state a universal Christian ethical attitude in the midst of national and state life which is based on Pancasila and Bhineka Tunggal Ika (“Unity in Diversity”), especially in response to the revocation of the 3 Ministerial Decree that used to guarantee and protect religious freedom in state schools. The method used in this paper is phenomenological-qualitative research. The result is hoped to become a consideration for the central government and every child of the nation in general, and especially for followers of the Lord Jesus Christ in the land of Pancasila, Indonesia.Keywords: freedom of religion, Christian ethics, universal AbstrakDemi menjaga kebebasan dalam mengekspresikan keyakinan yang dianut semua siswa di semua sekolah negeri di Indonesia, maka pemerintah pusat yang diwakili tiga Menteri yaitu Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Menteri Dalam Negeri, dan Menteri Agama mengeluarkan Surat Keputusan Bersama (SKB). Penggunaan Pakaian Seragam dan Atribut bagi Peserta Didik, Pendidik, dan Tenaga Kependidikan di Lingkungan Sekolah yang diselenggarakan Pemda pada Jenjang Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah pada bulan Februari 2021. Namun SKB tiga Menteri tersebut terkesan mengekang dan membatasi tradisi atau budaya masyarakat yang sudah lama ada di daerah di Indonesia. Pada tanggal 3 Mei 2021, Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia mencabut SKB 3 Menteri tersebut. Tujuan dari makalah ini adalah untuk menyatakan sikap etis Kristen di tengah-tengah kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara yang berdasarkan Pancasila dan Bhineka Tunggal Ika dalam menyikapi ketiadaan SKB 3 Menteri yang menjamin dan melindungi kebebasan beragama di lingkungan sekolah negeri. Metode yang digunakan di dalam makalah ini adalah metode penelitian fenomenologi-kualitatif. Hasilnya diharapkan menjadi pertimbangan bagi pemerintah pusat dan setiap anak bangsa pada umumnya serta khususnya bagi pengikut Tuhan Yesus Kristus di bumi Pancasila, Indonesia.Kata Kunci: Kebebasan Beragama, Etika Kristen

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