passionate love
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El erotismo ha sido siempre una constante en la producción literaria de Marcel Prévost. Una sutil exaltación física del deseo que el escritor parisino proyectaba en la narrativa de aquellas escenas y situaciones que recreaba en sus textos. En muchas de ellas, la cama será el centro neurálgico de esa amatoria, generada o contenida, alrededor de la cual las mujeres burguesas tamizaban su existencia en el círculo social al que pertenecían. A lo largo del presente estudio profundizaremos en los significados de la cama, yendo desde la sacralidad del lecho conyugal a los camastros improvisados en lugares ocultos para consumar la infidelidad, concibiéndose este mueble de sueño y ensueño como dual representación física de libertad y sujeción entre los individuos. Abstract: Despite not being recognised by the literary critics as an erotic writer, Marcel Prévost frequently invokes the heightening of passionate love and the scenes which depict it. In many of them, the bed was the nexus of that ars amatoria, created or contained, around which Bourgeois ladies sifted their existence within the social circle they inhabited. This paper examines in depth the meanings of the bed, from a sacrosanct marital space to a clandestine mise-en-scene to consummate adulterous liaisons, approaching this piece of furniture, created for sleep and dreams, as a dual physical representation of freedom and subjection between individuals.

Human Studies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Bogumił Strączek

AbstractIn his last book René Girard depicts apocalypse as disclosure of mimetic violence that is world-ending. He claims that in times of violent pandemic we are not called to fight for this world, but follow Christ in his withdrawal from the world. However, such an assertion creates serious theoretical and practical issues for the effort to heal interhuman relations from the virus of mimetic hostility. I argue for the importance of restoring a foundational distinction between passionate love and acquisitive mimetic desire from the forgotten regions of Girard’s oeuvre. With Max Scheler’s interpretation of Stendhal’s concept of l’amour passion, I explore in each thinker a fundamental insight about possibilities of transforming violent contagion through empathy and loving commitment to the world. I conclude that respective “passive” and “active” approaches to the contagion of mimetic rivalry and violence are necessary and equally valuable.

2021 ◽  
Vol 52 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 295-320
Jennifer Tobkin

Abstract The ghazal chapters of Muḥammad b. Dāwūd al-Iṣbahānī’s poetry anthology Kitāb al-Zahrah include 109 brief poems attributed to baʿḍ ahl hādhā al-ʿaṣr (a Man of Our Times). Ibn Dāwūd has conventionally been assumed to be the author of these poems. The “Man of Our Times” poems stand out among ‘Abbāsid ghazal because of their focus on justice, their appeals to reason, and their depiction of brotherly friendship (ikhā’) imbued with passionate love (hawā). Moreover, their repurposing of motifs from the poetic canon, such as the lover’s desert wanderings and nature’s lamentation in sympathy with him, adds to their tone of erudition. This gives the impression that the relationship they describe is an intense friendship between educated men of similar age. As with other early ʿAbbāsid bodies of ghazal, the poems can be categorized according to rhetorical function. For the “Man of Our Times” poems, these subcategories are 1) personal messages, 2) aphorisms, 3) petitions for justice, 4) alienation narratives, and 5) urban narratives.

2021 ◽  
Zheng Liu

As an old Chinese saying goes, “got married with a woman will make a man forget his mother”. It describes a situation that after a man establishing an intimate relationship, his psychological support and emotional input for his mother will be shifted to some extent to his lover. This research aims to explore the effects of love states and gender difference on the gaze of his lover or mother under the condition of pain. In this study, 35 college students were recruited, and 34 valid data (21 females, 13 males) were finally collected. Participants were divided into non-love group and in-love group by filling up the Passionate Love Scale (PLS). The length of tolerance under the cold pressor test and corresponding eye movement data are recorded. The results show that mother and intimate others’ picture can act as sources of social support which is helpful for pain relief. Non-love female participants significantly spent more time watching mothers’ pictures compared to lovers’ picture under the condition of pain. This distinction became smaller among in-love female participants. However, no statistical difference in the duration of mothers’ and lovers’ picture was found. In-love male participants significantly spend more time watching lovers’ pictures compared to their mothers under pain. The result suggests that love state affects the duration of mothers’ and lovers’ pictures among females. There is also gender difference in social support seeking.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Lorrayne Stephane Soares ◽  
Ana Luiza Costa Alves ◽  
Danielle de Souza Costa ◽  
Leandro Fernandes Malloy-Diniz ◽  
Jonas Jardim de Paula ◽  

Introduction: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) figures among the most common neurodevelopmental disorders. Despite having opposite stereotypes, both ADHD and ASD compromise, though in different ways, skills such as social interactions, communication skills, and social thinking, which may underlie difficulties in romantic relationships.Methods: We evaluated 306 adults about their romantic relationships and the intensity of their love. Participants were from one of four groups:, individuals with ASD-only traits, a group with symptoms of ADHD-only, participants with neither ADHD nor ASD symptoms (control) or from a fourth group of individuals with both ADHD and ASD traits.Results: The ASD traits group had fewer married people and more people who have never been married, while the rate of divorce was higher in the ADHD traits group. Regarding the intensity of love, the mean scores of the ADHD and the ADHD+ASD traits groups were higher in the Passionate Love Scale than the mean score of the control group. Passionate love in the ASD group was no different from the other groups. Small positive correlations were found between passionate love and ADHD and ASD behavioral problems.Conclusion: Marital status was distinct depending on symptoms of a neurodevelopmental disorder in adulthood. Also, ADHD and ASD symptoms were associated with greater passionate love. Therefore, ADHD and ASD behavioral dimensions may impact long-term and short-term experiences of a person's relationship with a significant other in distinct ways. Understanding how people with neurodevelopmental disorders experience love might help us to better clarify the mechanisms associated with their relationship patterns.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 194-212

Subhash Chandra Bose was one of India’s greatest freedom fighter. He revived the Indian National Army, popularly known as ‘Azad Hind Fauj’ in 1943 which was initially formed in 1942 by Rash Behari Bose. He provided an influential leadership and kept the spirit of nationalism burning during the slack period of national movement in India. Netaji was a patriot to the last drop of his blood. In his passionate love for the motherland, he was prepared to do anything for the sake of liberating his country. Subhash Chandra Bose is a legendary figure in Indian history. His contribution to the freedom struggle made him a brave hero of India. However, there has been controversial debates about Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose’s political views in his struggle for India’s freedom till date. This paper studies about 1. Controversy on Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose’s political views; 2. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose’s relation with Japan from contemporary perspectives; and 3. Subhash Chandra Bose’s relation with Japan in comparison with that of Phan Boi Chau in Vietnam. Received 9th December 2020; Revised 2nd March 2021; Accepted 20th March 2021

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. e0251425
Cédric A. Bouquet ◽  
Melissa Lafleur ◽  
Virginie Quintard ◽  
Stéphane Jouffre ◽  
Yannick Wamain ◽  

Previous research has shown that romantic relationships can lead to the cognitive inclusion of a romantic partner into one’s own self-representation, resulting in blurred boundaries between self and intimate other. Recent work suggests that this self-other integration process encompasses the two dimensions of the self–the conceptual and the bodily self. In line with this, it has been proposed that romantic love is associated with cognitive states that blur or reduce the saliency of self-boundaries in the bodily domain. The present study tested this hypothesis by investigating the influence of the self-other integration process in romantic love on passability judgments of door-like apertures, an action-anticipation task that rests on the representation of bodily boundaries. Romantically involved and single participants estimated whether they could pass through apertures of different widths. Moreover, inclusion of romantic partner in the self was assessed using the Inclusion of Other in the Self (IOS) scale. The pattern of correlation and the ratio between participants’ shoulder width and aperture judgments did not differ between romantically involved participants and singles. However, our results revealed that in romantically involved participants, the relationship between individuals’ shoulder width and aperture judgements was moderated by IOS scores. A greater inclusion of romantic partner in the self was associated with a weaker prediction of aperture judgment by participants’ shoulder width. A similar moderating effect of the intensity of romantic feelings (as measured by the passionate love scale) on shoulder width-aperture judgment relationship was found. IOS scores, but not romantic feelings, also moderated aperture judgments made for another individual (third person perspective). Together, these findings are consistent with the view that inclusion of romantic partner in the self triggers cognitive states affecting self-boundaries in the bodily domain.

Adelina Martín-Salvador ◽  
Karima Saddiki-Mimoun ◽  
María Ángeles Pérez-Morente ◽  
María Adelaida Álvarez-Serrano ◽  
María Gázquez-López ◽  

Dating violence is a significant problem among adolescents. It encompasses a variety of violent behavior, from verbal abuse to physical and sexual abuse, from threats to rape and murder. Among young people, idealization of love and romantic myths are very common as a consequence of our culture and society, which lead them to develop dysfunctional relationships that somehow favor and facilitate partner violence and sexist ideas in daily life. Education is the basic tool to eradicate discrimination and violence against women. The objective of this study is to explore the false myths of romantic love in adolescents and their related factors. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 16–19-year-old teenagers (n = 180), through questionnaires and by employing the romantic love myths scale, the ambivalent sexism inventory, and the love attitudes scale. Adolescents accepted to a greater degree the love myths associated with idealization than those related to abuse with scale values of Med = 2.72, SD = 0.55, and Med = 1.34, SD = 0.68, respectively. Designed models predict love idealization on the basis of benevolent sexism (β = 0.03; CI 95% = 0.021–0.039), religion (β = 0.198; CI 95% = 0.047–0.349), passionate love (β = 0.038; CI 95% = 0.015–0.061), practical love (β = 0.024; CI 95% = 0.001–0.047), and friendly love (β = 0.036; CI 95% = 0.014–0.058). Hostile sexism and undergraduate studies were associated with the myths that relate love and abuse (β = 0.19; CI 95% = 0.007–0.031, β = 0.208; CI 95% = 0.001–0.414, respectively).

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 ◽  
pp. 119-132
Klaudia Rodziejczak

The current population of widows and widowers in Poland is over 3.1 mln, whereof the vast majority is over 60 years old. Death of long-life partner is one of the most stressful events in an individual’s life and it may affect their physical and mental condition. At the same time acceptance of spouse’s death and successful adaptation to widowhood are the developmental tasks of late adulthood phase, which may provide to personal growth. A widowed person can decide if they desire to engage new romantic relationship. Research shows that starting a new relationship is motivated by various factors: psychological (e.g. spouse idealization, anxiety), biological (e.g. age, health), and external factors (e.g. socioeconomic situation). New late-life romantic relationships differ from previous stages of life – we can observe changes in: relationship goals, dynamic of the relationship and together activities, although seniors experience passionate love the same way that younger generations do.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-121
Khalil Alquraidhy

In the novel Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen has selected the basic unit of human relationship, the family.  In the family we have several forms of relationships. The most fundamental relationship is there in terms of love and marriage which form the basic theme of the novel Pride and Prejudice. In the research paper, love has been analyzed as an evolutionary process. It is the logic of love that unfolds the characteristics of its main characters.  Their love has been brought out from the usual shadow of emotionalism and sentimentality. It has been put under the direct control of their ratiocination. And that is the peculiarity of Austen's treatment of love. The characters have passed through various stages of love so that, ultimately, they reach the final stage of passionate love, shorn of their pride and prejudice. From there they move to marriage which I have called the companionate marriage. When they enter matrimony, they enter it as pure companions moving together, hand in hand, in their life. It is not the marriage as established and defined by the early nineteenth century society. Austen's lovers do not abjure the society, yet they do not accept this society's concept of marriage completely. As they have shaped their love, so they will shape their marriage.

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