weak field limit
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2022 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 05002
Andreas Ipp ◽  
David I. Müller ◽  
Daniel Schuh

In these proceedings, we report on our numerical lattice simulations of partons traversing the boost-invariant, non-perturbative glasma as created at the early stages of collisions at RHIC and LHC. Since these highly energetic partons are produced from hard scatterings during heavy-ion collisions, they are already affected by the first stage of the medium's time evolution, the glasma, which is the pre-equilibrium precursor state of the quark-gluon plasma. We find that partons quickly accumulate transverse momentum up to the saturation momentum during the glasma stage. Moreover, we observe an interesting anisotropy in transverse momentum broadening of partons with larger broadening in the rapidity than in the azimuthal direction. Its origin can be related to correlations among the longitudinal color-electric and color-magnetic flux tubes in the initial state of the glasma. We compare these observations to the semi-analytic results obtained by a weak-field approximation, where we also find such an anisotropy in a parton's transverse momentum broadening.

Wajiha Javed ◽  
Iqra Hussain ◽  
Ali Övgün

In this project, our foremost intention is to analyze the angle of deflection of photon by NED black holes with many horizons in the context of non-linear electrodynamics. For the accomplishment of our intention at first we manipulated the optical metric of the desired black holes for the calculation of Gaussian curvature. After that, the angle of deflection in leading orders is attained from the desired black holes in weak field limit by using the famous Gauss-Bonnet theorem. Moreover, we evince the effect of plasma medium on the angle of deflection. At last, the graphical impact of the angle of deflection for NED black holes with many horizons is examined with respect to black hole charge and impact parameter in both the plasma and non plasma medium. In addition, we discuss the rigorous bound for grey body factor of the desired black hole and also observer its graphical behavior.

Wajiha Javed ◽  
Muhammad Aqib ◽  
Ali Övgün

The objective of this paper is to analyze the weak deflection angle of Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity in the presence of plasma medium. To attain our results, we implement the Gibbons and Werner approach and use the Gauss-Bonnet theorem to Einstein gravity to acquire the resulting deflection angle of photon's ray in the weak field limit. Moreover, we illustrate the behavior of plasma medium and non-plasma mediums on the deflection of photon's ray in the framework of Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity. Similarly, we observe the graphical influences of deflection angle on Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity with the consideration of both plasma and non-plasma mediums. Later, we observe the rigorous bounds phenomenon of the greybody factor in contact with Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity and calculate the outcomes, analyze graphically for specific values of parameters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (34) ◽  
M. Novello ◽  
A. E. S. Hartmann ◽  
E. Bittencourt

We analyze the recently obtained static and spherically symmetric solutions of the Spinor Theory of Gravity (STG) which, in the weak field limit, presents an effective Newtonian potential that contains an extra logarithmic behavior. We apply this solution to the description of the galaxy rotation curves finding an interesting analogy with the dark matter halo profile proposed by Navarro, Frenk and White.

Universe ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 417
Giuseppe Gaetano Luciano ◽  
Massimo Blasone

We analyze the effects of gravity on neutrino wave packet decoherence. As a specific example, we consider the gravitational field of a spinning spherical body described by the Lense–Thirring metric. By working in the weak-field limit and employing Gaussian wave packets, we show that the characteristic coherence length of neutrino oscillation processes is nontrivially affected, with the corrections being dependent on the mass and angular velocity of the gravity source. Possible experimental implications are finally discussed.

Chinmoy Bhattacharjee ◽  
David J Stark

Abstract We calculate the vorticity generation rate in the accretion disk near a slowly rotating black hole in the low velocity, weak-field limit of general relativity. Specifically, we find that the frame-dragging effect due to the black hole’s rotation – manifested through the gravitomagnetic field – can generate vorticity in a moving plasma in the accretion disk. The mechanism remains operational as long as the accretion disk has non-negligible vertical height and is independent of the exact thermodynamical profile of the disk. The enstrophy density generation rate, as a measure of turbulence and dissipation, is presented, which indicates that the frame-dragging effect can disrupt the stability of the disk away from the z = 0 plane.

2021 ◽  
pp. 2150164
Weijun Li ◽  
Bo Yang ◽  
Cunliang Ma ◽  
Xia Zhou ◽  
Zhongwen Feng ◽  

The precession effect of periastron for a massive test particle in the spacetime of a Janis–Newman–Winicour wormhole is studied in the weak field limit. Based on the metric of this static and spherically symmetric wormhole in harmonic coordinates, we derive the second post-Newtonian dynamics of the particle. The second-order orbital precession of periastron is then obtained via a post-Newtonian iterative technique under the Wagoner–Will–Epstein–Haugan representation. Our result is found to be consistent with the classical precession effect when the asymptotic scalar charge is dropped.

Mohammad Bagher Jahani Poshteh ◽  
Nematollah Riazi

A regular static, spherically symmetric electrically charged black hole solution of general relativity coupled to a new theory for nonlinear electrodynamics is presented. This theory has the interesting feature that, at far distances from the black hole, in the weak field limit, the theory reduces to Maxwell Lagrangian with Heisenberg–Euler correction term of quantum electrodynamics. The singular center of the black hole is replaced by flat, de Sitter, or anti de Sitter space, if the spacetime in which the black hole is embedded is asymptotically flat, de Sitter, or anti de Sitter, respectively. Requiring the correspondence to Heisenberg–Euler Lagrangian at large distances, in the weak field limit, we find that (i) a minimum mass is required for the formation of an event horizon for the regular static, spherically symmetric solution of the theory, and, (ii) the mass of the solution must be quantized. We also study the basic thermodynamic properties of the black hole solution and show that they are qualitatively similar to those of Reissner–Nordström black hole.

Weijun Li ◽  
Zhongwen Feng ◽  
Xia Zhou ◽  
Xueling Mu ◽  
Guansheng He

The exact metric of a moving Kerr black hole with an arbitrary constant velocity is derived in Kerr–Schild coordinates. We then calculate the null equatorial gravitational deflection caused by a radially moving Kerr source up to the second post-Minkowskian order, acting as an application of the weak-field limit of the metric. The bending angle of light is found to be consistent with the result given in the previous works.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (4) ◽  
Adrià Delhom ◽  
J. R. Nascimento ◽  
Gonzalo J. Olmo ◽  
A. Yu. Petrov ◽  
Paulo J. Porfírio

AbstractWe consider the metric-affine formulation of bumblebee gravity, derive the field equations, and show that the connection can be written as Levi-Civita of a disformally related metric in which the bumblebee field determines the disformal part. As a consequence, the bumblebee field gets coupled to all the other matter fields present in the theory, potentially leading to nontrivial phenomenological effects. To explore this issue we compute the post-Minkowskian, weak-field limit and study the resulting effective theory. In this scenario, we couple scalar and spinorial matter to the effective metric, and then we explore the physical properties of the VEV of the bumblebee field, focusing mainly on the dispersion relations and the stability of the resulting effective theory.

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