specialized institutions
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2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (02) ◽  
pp. 61-71
Shah Abd ul Raof ◽  
Dr. Muhammad Feroz ud Din Shah Khagga

Moral values are considered an integral part of every aspect of life, but when they reach the extremes of social degradation and deprivation, they encompass all aspects of life that lead to the emergence of morality and civilization. This kind of dilapidation affects pure scientific tendencies and activities. The tragedy is that when moral and scientific values and traditions are destroyed in the specialized institutions and schools and universities for knowledge, wisdom, and cognition, it’s astonishing. It is a state of moral and mental inferiority beyond which and the concept of decline is not possible. Presenting the intellectual ideas and results of a leading researcher as one's own is called plagiarism in the field of science and research. Electronic theft refers to the theft of information that is available online in which the computer is used as a tool. Stealing data by using information technology devices or forcibly stealing something secure is called electronic theft. Using someone's property without his permission is an undesirable act in Islamic law and seizing someone's property from head to toe is an unforgivable crime. It is illegal in Islamic law to get acquainted with a person's secrets and to spy on his secrets. In this regard, the relevant Shariah point has been clarified in the article.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 277-290
Maria Sverzhevskaya

The article is devoted to the activities of specialized institutions that studied the productive forces of the country within the Academy of Sciences. The Commission for the Study of Natural Productive Forces was established in 1915. It was the answer to the challenges of the First Word War. The Commission existed in the structure of the Academy of Sciences until 1930 and laid the foundation for many academic research institutes. The Council for the Study of Productive Forces, which was created on the basis of the Commission in 1930 during the reorganization of the Academy of Sciences, helped the Academy survive in the face ofincreased pressure from the government. Over the next three decades The Council coordinated the activities of academic institutions and laboratories in the field of productive forces and also organized scientific expeditions of the Academy of Sciences. The article examines the emergence of these institutions, their structural features and main areas of activity. The study covers the period from 1915 when the first academic unit for the study of productive forces appeared, until 1941 when the work of the Academy of Sciences was significantly transformed because of The Great Patriotic War.

Vladimir Šebek ◽  

Specialized anti-corruption institutions are not product of the new age. First specialized departments in fighting against corruption went into effect in the middle of last century, but the beginning of creation of these departments has been connected with founding of the most significant specialized institutions. Although its effects on democratic institutions and economic and social development have long been apparent, the fight against corruption has only recently been placed high on the international policy agenda. The UN Convention Against Corruption, which came into force in 2005, is the most universal in its approach; it covers a very broad range of issues including the formation of specialised bodies responsible for preventing corruption and for combating corruption through law enforcement. It is the author’s intention to present to the public the organizational solutions of the anticorruption bodies predicted in the UN Convention against Corruption and folloving standards to act effectively. On the one hand, this text represents models of specialized anti-corruption bodies in the world, and on the other hand, it contains display of institutional anti-corruption model in Republic of Serbia as well, with the focus on the Department for Corruption Suppression (OBPK) in the Ministry of Interior and special departmens of Public prosecutor's offices. In order to compare efficiency of police and prosecutorial work, a data analysis was performed for the period before and the period after the Law on organization and competence of state bodies in supression of organized crime, terrorism and corruption, entry into force.

Uladzimir Snapkouski ◽  

The article examines the main directions of activity and forms of interaction between the USSR, the Ukrainian SSR and the Belarusian SSR in the UN and its specialized institutions during the years of perestroika (1985 - 1991). To disclose the topic, materials from the journal “International Affair” were used (reviews of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the foreign policy of the USSR, articles by the foreign ministers of the Union republics, primarily Ukraine and Belarus), book and journal publications of Union / Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian scientists, documents of the United Nations and foreign policy of the USSR, the Ukrainian SSR and the Belarusian SSR. The author’s conscious emphasis on the union level reflects the real situation in relations between the Union Center and the republics in the Soviet federation during the perestroika period, when these relations rapidly evolved from the foreign policy dictate of the Center to greater autonomy of the republics in the international arena, which ultimately has led to the collapse of the USSR and the proclamation of independence all union republics. The article analyzes such issues as the new approach of the Soviet Union to the UN in the years of perestroika, the formation of new relations between the Union republics and the Center, diplomatic cooperation of Soviet delegations and representatives of socialist countries in the UN, Belarusian initiatives at the 45th session of the UN General Assembly (1990). During the years of perestroika, the Soviet leadership and the union Foreign Ministry did a tremendous job of clearing the rubble of the Cold War, developing broad international cooperation and integration the USSR into the world economy. The Belarusian and Ukrainian diplomatic services have made a significant contribution to this activity within the framework of the UN and its specialized agencies and have received much broader opportunities for realizing the national interests and needs of their peoples within the framework of radically renewed relations between the Union Center and the republics. The article is one of the first attempts in post-Soviet historiography to investigate the activities of the USSR, the Ukrainian SSR and the BSSR in the UN and its specialized institutions during the period of perestroika

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 39-47
О. Agapova ◽  
Yu. Shpak

Abstract. The article is dedicated to the issue of gender inequality in general, and in particular in the field of forensic expert support of justice, including the problem of vertical segregation of labor in leadership positions in state specialized institutions of Ukraine. The article outlines possible reasons for the existence of gender imbalance in the form of vertical segregation of labor in leadership positions in the field of employment and in the field of forensic expert support of justice, as well as examples of gender inequality manifestations. An analysis of previous researches of distinguished women scientists and representatives of civil society institutions as to the problem of gender imbalance in the field of education, professional self-determination and career growth has been carried out. A specific focus is drawn to particular manifestations of gender imbalance in science. At the same time, the analysis of legal regulations of national and international significance on counteraction to gender inequality in different areas of public life has been considered. The activity of central executive agencies regarding advancement of women in society and influence of initiated programs on counteraction to gender imbalance in the field of forensic expert support of justice is studied. Statistics on manifestations of possible vertical segregation of labor in leadership positions in state specialized institutions of Ukraine is provided. Examples of international organizations which activity has a wide range of influence and the ones which activity is aimed at improving the state of women forensic experts in the field of forensic expert support are outlined. The experience of such organizations for preventing and overcoming gender imbalance, as well as specific proposals for solving this problem are taken into consideration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 56-64
M. Nechyporuk ◽  
V. Pavlikov ◽  
A. Ivanović ◽  
Nataliia Filipenko

The article analyzes conceptual framework for specific expertise use while conducting forensic examinations related to aviation accidents. Foundations of such activities have been developed. In particular, it is stressed that effective implementation of criminal proceedings depends to a greater extent on the results of expert researches, especially if it is a complex process of aviation accident investigation. Similarly, the quality of expert researches depends on organization of research institutes activity regarding creation of effective methodologies for the analysis of different physical evidence obtained at the aviation accident scene. By using specific expertise, employees of forensic institutions independently or jointly with employees of other specialized institutions, law enforcement agencies, specialists-doctors can advance methods of expert research and, consequently, combat criminal offenses or ensure timely detection of the offender whereabouts. The possibility of expanding the compulsory appointment of forensic examinations in aviation accident criminal proceedings is being considered. Factual and legal grounds for the appointment and conduct of a forensic examination in this case are outlined. Scientifically substantiated recommendations on directions of counteraction to attacks on the aviation industry facilities are suggested, as well as the algorithm for developing innovations for the needs of law enforcement agencies is proposed. It is emphasized that the use of forensic science possibilities within the framework of a criminal proceeding related to aviation accidents is quite influential, since it helps to perform a multidisciplinary professional analysis of evidence, facilitate organization of forensic experts’ work, protect the rights of citizens and contribute to fulfillment of justice tasks in general.

Samat Kazbekovich Imanbaev

This article examines the pension policy, which is usually attributed to the direction of the state’s social policy. Designed to improve the well-being of the population and ensure a high standard and quality of life. The state pension policy is the basic and one of the most important state guarantees for the stable development of society, since it directly affects the interests of the able-bodied and disabled population. The results of an online survey revealed that the most important condition for creating an effective system of social support for pensioners in the current reality is the improvement of pension policy, as well as the system of social services, the development of new social technologies to provide assistance to the population, in particular the elderly, and the formation of a network of specialized institutions. social services to the population, an increase in the volume and expansion of the list of social services provided by them.

Beáta Grešš Halász ◽  
Lucia Dimunová ◽  
Ivana Rónayová ◽  
Viliam Knap ◽  
Ľubomíra Lizáková

Background: Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the number one cause of death globally. Most can be prevented by addressing behavioral risk factors, where advanced practice nurses- clinical specialists in cardiovascular nursing play a fundamental role. This modern and effective role is based on advanced activities, knowledge, skills, and experience in a specialized field, which can make a significant contribution to solving the problems of these civilization diseases. The aim of this work is to explore the self-perception of advanced-practice nurses (APNs) working in cardiology and vascular medicine departments within the context of advanced-practice nursing. Methods: This quantitative exploratory study included 103 APNs working in cardiology and vascular diseases departments of specialized hospitals in Slovakia. A validated instrument was used. Results: The overall perception was at the level of 68.01%. The highest-rated domain was the outcomes for patients/clients, and subdomains were meeting the needs, education of healthcare workers, and quality in relation to management. There was a significant difference found among hospitals with a better scoring of specialized institutions. Conclusion: There have been promising advances due to the current legislation in Slovakia defining APNs and specialists’ competencies. However, the practice in nursing for CVD patients remains fragmented, uncategorized and less valued by stakeholders and the public. According to the results, nurses have the potential and preparedness for this role in the context of their knowledge and skills in general. The Authors conclude that there is a need of such specialization of APNs in Slovakia.

2021 ◽  
pp. 117-122
Анастасия Дмитриевна Пашукова

Рассматривается вопрос об особенностях формирования профессиональной компетентности сотрудников уголовно-исполнительной системы в работе с осужденными – бывшими работниками судов и правоохранительных органов. Проанализировано понятие «профессиональная компетентность» и проблема ее формирования и совершенствования. Отмечается, что организация работы и межличностного взаимодействия сотрудников с осужденными – бывшими работниками судов и правоохранительных органов имеет ряд специфических особенностей. Акцент делается на том, что сотрудники данных учреждений должны обладать особыми профессиональными знаниями, умениями, навыками и быть компетентными специалистами. Подчеркивается важность поэтапного формирования профессиональной компетентности в системе исправительного учреждения. Описана педагогическая программа развития профессиональной компетентности сотрудников специализированных учреждений, которая состоит из трех основных модулей. Реализация данной программы поможет улучшить эффективность профессиональной деятельности сотрудников в работе с осужденными – бывшими работниками судов и правоохранительных органов. The article deals with the peculiarities of the formation of professional competence of employees of the penitentiary system in working with convicts-former employees of courts and law enforcement agencies. The concept of «professional competence» is considered, as well as the problem of its formation and improvement. It is noted that the organization of work and interpersonal interaction of employees with convicts-former employees of courts and law enforcement agencies has a number of specific features. The emphasis is placed on the fact that the employees of these institutions must have special professional knowledge, skills, and be competent specialists. The development and implementation of important moral and psychological qualities and abilities is more successful with timely and properly organized psychological and pedagogical support. The importance of gradual formation of professional competence in the correctional institution system is emphasized. The article describes a pedagogical program for the development of professional competence of employees of specialized institutions, which consists of three main modules. The significance of the developed program is that it provides a comprehensive synthesized volume of special knowledge, skills and abilities for employees who carry out their professional activities in specialized institutions. The implementation of this program will help to improve the effectiveness of the professional activities of employees in working with convicts-former employees of courts and law enforcement agencies.

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