signage system
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Isaac Sim ◽  
Young Ghyu Sun ◽  
Soo Hyun Kim ◽  
SangWoon Lee ◽  
Cheong Ghil Kim ◽  

In this letter, we study a scenario based on degenerate unmixing estimation technique (DUET) that separates original signals from mixture of FHSS signals with two antennas. We have shown that the assumptions for separating mixed signals in DUET can be applied to drone based digital signage recognition signals and proposed the DUET-based separation scheme (DBSS) to classify the mixed recognition drone signals by extracting the delay and attenuation components of the mixture signal through the likelihood function and the short-term Fourier transform (STFT). In addition, we propose an iterative algorithm for signal separation with the conventional DUET scheme. Numerical results showed that the proposed algorithm is more separation-efficient compared to baseline schemes. DBSS can separate all signals within about 0.56 seconds when there are fewer than nine signage signals.

2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 200-221
Azhar Mohd Ibrahim ◽  
Muhammad Arif Kamaruddin ◽  
Azni Nabela Wahid

Every year, many disasters occur to buildings causing their destruction and leading to huge casualties. One way of preventing casualties is by evacuation drill activity. Although accurate evacuation drills could enhance the efficiency of the process during the real event, these drills are not fully effective because participants miss the sense of being stressed or under pressure while in action. Several gaming concepts have been introduced to train the participants on how to cope with and evacuate effectively during an emergency. For instance, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) interfaces could provide virtual content to enhance the effectiveness of evacuation drills. However, accurate representation of different evacuation scenarios and its impact analysis during emergency using the above technologies are still debatable, mainly due to immersion quality. Thus, this study proposes an Immersive Augmented Reality (IAR) application that is mainly the amalgamation of AR and VR in realizing fast and safe evacuation during on-site building emergencies. A virtual dynamic exit signage system is also developed in the proposed “Smart Evacuation application“. This work evaluated the efficiency of a virtual dynamic exit signage and also a proposed “Smart Evacuation“ system by analysing on-site emergency evacuation processes. By setting up various scenarios imitating real life disasters, this research analysed the time taken and level of stress of the occupants during the evacuation of a chosen site. The proposed “Smart Evacution“ achieved 33.82% better perfomance compared to normal evacuation thus indicating a faster and safer evacuation. ABSTRAK: Secara statistik, kebanyakan bencana kemusnahan bangunan yang berlaku setiap tahun telah menyebabkan kerugian besar. Salah satu cara bagi mengelak kejadian ini adalah melalui aktiviti latih tubi evakuasi. Walaupun latih tubi evakuasi ini dapat menambah proses kecekapan semasa kejadian sebenar, latih tubi ini tidak benar-benar berkesan kerana peserta kurang mendalami perasaan tertekan atau di bawah tekanan semasa kejadian. Pelbagai konsep permainan telah diperkenalkan bagi melatih peserta bagaimana perlu bertindak dan evakuasi secara efektif semasa kecemasan. Sebagai contoh, antarmuka Realiti Terimbuh (AR) dan Realiti Maya (VR) mungkin dapat menghasilkan simulasi secara maya bagi menambah keberkesanan latih tubi evakuasi. Walau bagaimanapun, ketepatan representasi pelbagai senario evakuasi dan analisis tekanan semasa kecemasan menggunakan teknik-teknik di atas adalah masih boleh dipertikaikan terutama kerana kualiti kedalamannya. Oleh itu, kajian ini mencadangkan aplikasi Realiti Terimbuh Mendalam (IAR) di mana tumpuan adalah pada kombinasi AR dan VR dibuat dengan secara evakuasi pantas dan selamat semasa kecemasan pada bangunan kejadian. Sistem maya penunjuk arah keluar dinamik turut dicipta dalam “Aplikasi Evakuasi Pintar” yang dicadangkan ini. Kajian ini menilai keberkesanan sistem maya penunjuk arah keluar secara dinamik dan juga sistem “Evakuasi Pintar” dengan menganalisa proses evakuasi kecemasan pada tempat kejadian. Dengan mengadakan pelbagai jenis senario dan meniru bencana sebenar, kajian ini menganalisa masa yang diambil dan tahap tekanan penghuni bangunan semasa proses evakuasi berlaku pada tapak pilihan. “Evakuasi Pintar” ini mencapai 33.82% keberkesanan pada prestasi berbanding evakuasi biasa. Ia membuktikan proses evakuasi ini lebih pantas dan selamat.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (21) ◽  
pp. 6960
Hyeog-in Kwon ◽  
Yong-su Jeon ◽  
Bo-hyun Baek

The purpose of this study is to design a business model that generates profits by developing eco-friendly convergent products. This study proposes a new concept of solar signage in the digital signage system that helps carbon emission reduction. This study developed a solar signage business model using the eco-science methodology specialized in manufacturing servitization. Following the ecosystem platform service strategy (EPSS) framework of eco-science optimized for convergent industry service design, this study implemented service derivation, convergent ecosystem definition, and business model development. The developed business model was evaluated by 10 experts in the field. The business model obtained 43 points, which exceeded the standard commercialization decision cutoff of 35 points. This study’s results imply that the business model is developed from an integrative perspective and defines the convergent industry ecosystem, a convergent knowledge service methodology, in digital signage. Moreover, through the business model, the perspectives on technological development can be expanded and the model can play an important role in carrying out new industry commercialization based on convergent technologies.

2021 ◽  
pp. 252-262
Chengyu Sun ◽  
Shuyang Li ◽  
Yinshan Lin ◽  
Weilin Hu

AbstractPassengers principally rely on signage to making wayfinding decisions in transportation buildings. Most existing research focuses on the analysis of the wayfinding trajectory, but there is less attention on the process of how passengers make the wayfinding decision. So, it is hard to accurately locate the causes of the wrong wayfinding decision. Taking the Satellite Terminal of Shanghai Pudong International Airport (PVG Airport) as an example, we adopted the eye-tracking technology and recorded the eye-tracking data of passengers observing the signage and making wayfinding decisions. Then, we compared and analyzed the data, presenting it by data visualization. This study found the causes of passengers making wrong wayfinding decisions and the visual behavior of wayfinding: the reconfirmation behavior, the priority of attention, and the clockwise observation. Finally, corresponding suggestions for signage design optimization are put forward regarding some wayfinding decision points. As a result, the optimized signage system in the satellite terminal is welcomed by the passengers two months later according to monthly questionnaires.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Wencheng Su ◽  
Zhangping Lu ◽  
Yinglin Sun ◽  
Guifeng Liu

PurposeWayfinding efficiency is an extremely influential factor to improve users' library interior experience. However, few research has studied the different functions of various wayfinding signages for university library users through mobile visual experiment. To fill this gap, the purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between university library signage system design and patrons' wayfinding behavior features.Design/methodology/approachIn this article, an eye movement tracking method was introduced to record eye movement data during the wayfinding process of participants in the library interior, targeting the cognition and psychology of library users in the wayfinding signage system. The visual guiding usability of landmarks, informational signages and directional signages were quantitatively tested, and the fixation on the signage system between orientation strategy users and route strategy users was compared. This study also investigated the effects of library users' spatial anxiety and environmental familiarity on their fixation on the area of interest of the wayfinding signage system using the differential test and regression.FindingsThis paper observed that informational signage had the best visual navigating competence. The difference of fixation duration and searching duration between patrons used various wayfinding strategies was significant. The informational signage was most attended by the route strategy users, and the orientation strategy users rarely focused on the directional signage. And participants with high anxiety tended to ignore the visually auxiliary function of the landmarks but paid attention to the directional signage. The participants with low anxiety could capture the landmarks that could not be easily found by the route strategy users. And participants less familiar with the environment were more sensitive to the landmarks. Furthermore, this paper offers optimization measures for university library wayfinding signage system, from the perspectives of informational signage understandability improvement, directional signage physical specification design and wayfinding assistant system with automatic landmark technology.Originality/valueThis article adds to the relatively sparse literature on university library user wayfinding experimental study in China. The experimental findings of this paper also have important practical implications for academic libraries' wayfinding system evaluation. The whole process could be seen as a repeatable and standard framework and methodology to inspect university library's wayfinding signage system usability and user wayfinding behavior performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (01) ◽  
pp. 79-91
Ahmad Akrom ◽  
Toto Haryadi

AbstrakKota Semarang merupakan ibu kota Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang berlokasi di Pantura (pesisir pantai utara Jawa. Simpang Lima menjadi kawasan strategis di Semarang dan layak dikunjungi karena menjadi pusat kegiatan ibadah, rekreasi, belanja, serta aktivitas positif lainnya. Namun, potensi yang dimiliki Simpang Lima belum bisa dieksplorasi secara maksimal karena kurang tersedianya media informasi untuk pengunjung, khususnya dalam bentuk signage system. Padahal, signage system memiliki fungsi penting dalam memberi informasi tentang nama dan lokasi suatu tempat. Hal tersebut mendorong penulis melakukan penelitian desain signage system dengan metode kualitatif. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara, kuesioner, dan studi pustaka. Desain signage system dikembangkan menggunakan signage pyramid method yang terdiri dari tiga tahapan: information content system, graphic system, serta hardware system. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu desain signage system beberapa tempat penting di Simpang Lima beserta mockup pemasangan di lokasi tersebut. Penelitian ini bisa dikembangkan lebih lanjut dengan mengadaptasi teknologi augmented reality yang mampu menyajikan signage system secara virtual dan bisa diakses melalui perangkat smartphone. Kata Kunci: media informasi, simpang lima, signage system, placemaking  AbstractSemarang is the capital city of Central Java located on Pantura (the northern coast of Jawa). Simpang Lima becomes a strategic area in Semarang well worth a visit by citizens and tourism for being the center of activities such as worship, recreation, shopping, and also other positive activities event. However, the potential of Simpang Lima cannot fully be explored due to a lack of information for visitors, especially in a signage system form. Nevertheless, a signage system's primary function was providing information about the name and location of places. This case has pushed the authors to research signage system design by using the qualitative method. Research data obtained by observation, interview, questionnaire, and literature study. Signage system design developed using the Signage Pyramid Method that consists of three steps: information content system, graphic system, and hardware system. The result of this research is the signage system design of some primary places in Simpang Lima and a mock-up of installation on that place. This research can be developed further by adapting augmented reality technology that can present the signage system virtually so it can be accessed by using a smartphone. Keywords: information media, simpang lima, signage system, placemaking

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