dispersal patterns
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2022 ◽  
Glenn R. Sharman ◽  
Daniel F. Stockli ◽  
Peter Flaig ◽  
Robert G. Raynolds ◽  
Marieke Dechesne ◽  

ABSTRACT Detrital zircon U-Pb and (U-Th)/He ages from latest Cretaceous–Eocene strata of the Denver Basin provide novel insights into evolving sediment sourcing, recycling, and dispersal patterns during deposition in an intracontinental foreland basin. In total, 2464 U-Pb and 78 (U-Th)/He analyses of detrital zircons from 21 sandstone samples are presented from outcrop and drill core in the proximal and distal portions of the Denver Basin. Upper Cretaceous samples that predate uplift of the southern Front Range during the Laramide orogeny (Pierre Shale, Fox Hills Sandstone, and Laramie Formation) contain prominent Late Cretaceous (84–77 Ma), Jurassic (169–163 Ma), and Proterozoic (1.69–1.68 Ga) U-Pb ages, along with less abundant Paleozoic through Archean zircon grain ages. These grain ages are consistent with sources in the western U.S. Cordillera, including the Mesozoic Cordilleran magmatic arc and Yavapai-Mazatzal basement, with lesser contributions of Grenville and Appalachian zircon recycled from older sedimentary sequences. Mesozoic zircon (U-Th)/He ages confirm Cordilleran sources and/or recycling from the Sevier orogenic hinterland. Five of the 11 samples from syn-Laramide basin fill (latest Cretaceous–Paleocene D1 Sequence) and all five samples from the overlying Eocene D2 Sequence are dominated by 1.1–1.05 Ga zircon ages that are interpreted to reflect local derivation from the ca. 1.1 Ga Pikes Peak batholith. Corresponding late Mesoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic zircon (U-Th)/He ages are consistent with local sourcing from the southern Front Range that underwent limited Mesozoic–Cenozoic unroofing. The other six samples from the D1 Sequence yielded detrital zircon U-Pb ages similar to pre-Laramide units, with major U-Pb age peaks at ca. 1.7 and 1.4 Ga but lacking the 1.1 Ga age peak found in the other syn-Laramide samples. One of these samples yielded abundant Mesozoic and Paleozoic (U-Th)/He ages, including prominent Early and Late Cretaceous peaks. We propose that fill of the Denver Basin represents the interplay between locally derived sediment delivered by transverse drainages that emanated from the southern Front Range and a previously unrecognized, possibly extraregional, axial-fluvial system. Transverse alluvial-fluvial fans, preserved in proximal basin fill, record progressive unroofing of southern Front Range basement during D1 and D2 Sequence deposition. Deposits of the upper and lower D1 Sequence across the basin were derived from these fans that emanated from the southern Front Range. However, the finer-grained, middle portion of the D1 Sequence that spans the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary was deposited by both transverse (proximal basin fill) and axial (distal basin fill) fluvial systems that exhibit contrasting provenance signatures. Although both tectonic and climatic controls likely influenced the stratigraphic development of the Denver Basin, the migration of locally derived fans toward and then away from the thrust front suggests that uplift of the southern Front Range may have peaked at approximately the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary.

2022 ◽  
Minhyung Jung ◽  
Jung-Wook Kho ◽  
Do-Hun Gook ◽  
Young Su Lee ◽  
Doo-Hyung Lee

Abstract The spotted lanternfly (SLF), Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae), has the potential to become a global pest and is currently expanding its range in the United States. In this study, we investigated the dispersal patterns of SLF in Ailanthus altissima during its oviposition period in South Korea using fluorescent marking system. Oviposition patterns of SLF were then analyzed by surveying egg masses in A. altissima patches. The recapture rate of fluorescent-marked SLF rapidly decreased < 30% within the first two weeks. During the oviposition period, seven cases of among-patch dispersal of SLF adults were observed with a minimum estimated dispersal distance mainly ranging between 10 - 60 m and a maximum of 1,740 m. Also, the number of A. altissima trees detected with fluorescent-marked SLF increased until late September. Based on the egg mass survey, a total of 159 egg masses were detected from 38 out of 247 A. altissima trees. Furthermore, ca. 80% of egg masses were located < 2.5 m above the ground. Finally, the number of egg masses showed significant positive correlations with the height and diameter at root collar of A. altissima trees; both tree height and DRC were significantly larger from the trees with egg masses.

2021 ◽  
Antoine Saint-Amand ◽  
Alana Grech ◽  
Severine Choukroun ◽  
Emmanuel Hanert

A major coal mine project in Queensland, Australia, is currently under review. It is planned to be located about 10 km away from the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (GBRWHA). Sediment dispersal patterns and their impact on marine ecosystems have not been properly assessed yet. Here, we simulate the dispersal of different sediment types with a high-resolution ocean model, and derive their environmental footprint. We show that sediments finer than 32 µm could reach dense seagrass meadows and a dugong sanctuary within a few weeks. The intense tidal circulation leads to non-isotropic and long-distance sediment dispersal patterns along the coast. Our results suggest that the sediments released by this project will not be quickly mixed but rather be concentrated where the most valuable ecosystems are located. If accepted, this coal mine could therefore have a far-reaching impact on the GBRWHA and its iconic marine species.

Plant Disease ◽  
2021 ◽  
Yeirme Jaimes ◽  
Carolina Gonzalez ◽  
Jairo Rojas ◽  
Jessica Johana Rivera ◽  
Christian Cilas ◽  

The witches’ broom (Moniliophthora perniciosa) is considered as one of the main threats for cacao production and, consequently, for chocolate production worldwide.. In this work, the genetic diversity and population structure of M. perniciosa were analyzed for 59 isolates collected in five departments of Colombia and using 10 microsatellite markers. Analyses revealed 35 multilocus genotypes (MLGs) and clonal populations structure according to linkage disequilibrium analysis. One of the objectives of this study was to determine whether populations were differentiated by geographic origin or T. cacao host genotype. Analysis of molecular variance, Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC) and Bruvo genetic distance suggested that the genetic structure was driven by geographic origin and not by T. cacao genotype. The results of this study were consistent with previous findings obtained in other cocoa producing countries. Important insights were discussed regarding the dispersal patterns of the pathogen in Colombia and the genetic change of its populations due to different environmental conditions.

2021 ◽  
Kornélia Kurucz ◽  
Safia Zeghbib ◽  
Daniele Arnoldi ◽  
Giovanni Marini ◽  
Mattia Manica ◽  

AbstractBackgroundThe mosquito Aedes koreicus (Edwards, 1917) is a recent invader on the European continent that was introduced to several new places since its first detection in 2008. Compared to other exotic Aedes mosquitoes with public health significance that invaded Europe during the last decades, this species’ biology, behavior, and dispersal patterns were poorly investigated to date.Methodology/Principal FindingsTo understand the species’ population relationships and dispersal patterns within Europe, a fragment of the COI gene was sequenced from 130 mosquitoes, collected from five countries where the species has been introduced and/or established. Oxford Nanopore and Illumina sequencing techniques were combined to generate the first complete nuclear and mitochondrial genomic sequences of Ae. koreicus from the European region. The complete genome of Ae. koreicus is 879 Mb. COI haplotype analyses identified five major groups (altogether 31 different haplotypes) and revealed a large-scale dispersal pattern between European Ae. koreicus populations. Continuous admixture of populations from Belgium, Italy, and Hungary was highlighted, additionally, haplotype diversity and clustering clearly indicate a separation of German sequences from other populations, pointing to an independent introduction of Ae. koreicus to Europe. Finally, a genetic expansion signal was identified, suggesting the species might be present in more locations than currently detected.Conclusions/SignificanceOur results highlight the importance of genetic research of invasive mosquitoes to understand general dispersal patterns, reveal main dispersal routes and form the baseline of future mitigation actions. The first complete genomic sequence also provides a significant leap in the general understanding of this species, opening the possibility for future genome-related studies, such as the detection of ‘Single Nucleotide Polymorphism’ markers. Considering its public health importance, it is crucial to further investigate the species’ population genetic dynamic, including a larger sampling and additional genomic markers.Author SummaryIn the present context of globalization and changing environment, the rapid spread of Invasive Mosquito Species (IMS) across Europe represents a serious public health threat because some species are competent vectors for several pathogens. A better knowledge of the IMS population relationships, demographic trends, and dispersal patterns can help the relevant authorities mitigating further spread. Aedes koreicus is an IMS that invaded the continent and has been expanding its geographic range over the last decade. In the present study, one of the most popular DNA marker (COI) was used to investigate the pan-European haplotype diversity and phylogenetic relatedness within and between Ae. koreicus populations. Also, the first complete mitochondrial genome and draft nuclear genome of Ae. koreicus were generated using combined high-throughput sequencing techniques (Oxford Nanopore, Illumina). This provides a significant leap in the general understanding of this species and opens the possibility for future genomic studies.

2021 ◽  
Ellen Irwin

<p>With human impacts like habitat destruction and climate change contributing to range contractions in species, translocations stand out as an important tool for conserving species suffering from these effects. However, an understanding of the life history of many threatened species prior to translocation is often lacking, but critical for translocation success. For example, dispersal away from the release site—particularly when a protected release site is surrounded by unmanaged habitat—can result in translocation failure, and therefore successful translocation practice must include an understanding of a species’ dispersal patterns. I conducted a study examining the breeding biology and post-fledging dispersal of a population of red-crowned parakeets Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae), or kakariki, recently translocated to a mainland sanctuary in Wellington, New Zealand. The sanctuary, ZEALANDIA, is fenced to exclude invasive mammalian predators; however, birds can and do leave. Approximately one-third of juveniles that dispersed outside the sanctuary were killed by predators. Kakariki post-fledging dispersal was male-biased, possibly driven by inbreeding avoidance, and distance dispersed decreased with increasing body condition. Parental age may have also influenced offspring dispersal. In addition, I found that kakariki reproductive success may be affected by age, and estimated lifetime reproductive success was >30 fledglings by age five. Conservation initiatives could work on controlling predators in currently unprotected reserves and around food sources that kakariki targeted, particularly in summer and autumn when many plants are fruiting and recently fledged juveniles are more active. Future translocations should consider selecting younger birds to translocate to take advantage of their high lifetime reproductive success and therefore improve viability of populations.</p>

2021 ◽  
Ellen Irwin

<p>With human impacts like habitat destruction and climate change contributing to range contractions in species, translocations stand out as an important tool for conserving species suffering from these effects. However, an understanding of the life history of many threatened species prior to translocation is often lacking, but critical for translocation success. For example, dispersal away from the release site—particularly when a protected release site is surrounded by unmanaged habitat—can result in translocation failure, and therefore successful translocation practice must include an understanding of a species’ dispersal patterns. I conducted a study examining the breeding biology and post-fledging dispersal of a population of red-crowned parakeets Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae), or kakariki, recently translocated to a mainland sanctuary in Wellington, New Zealand. The sanctuary, ZEALANDIA, is fenced to exclude invasive mammalian predators; however, birds can and do leave. Approximately one-third of juveniles that dispersed outside the sanctuary were killed by predators. Kakariki post-fledging dispersal was male-biased, possibly driven by inbreeding avoidance, and distance dispersed decreased with increasing body condition. Parental age may have also influenced offspring dispersal. In addition, I found that kakariki reproductive success may be affected by age, and estimated lifetime reproductive success was >30 fledglings by age five. Conservation initiatives could work on controlling predators in currently unprotected reserves and around food sources that kakariki targeted, particularly in summer and autumn when many plants are fruiting and recently fledged juveniles are more active. Future translocations should consider selecting younger birds to translocate to take advantage of their high lifetime reproductive success and therefore improve viability of populations.</p>

2021 ◽  
Eli Bussel

The gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) is among the most destructive invasive species in North America, responsible for defoliating millions of hectares of oak forest. The spatial dynamics of defoliating lepidopteran populations, such as those of the gypsy moth, are thus of great interest to forestry and conservation efforts. Despite numerous studies on the long-range dispersal patterns of defoliators, there is comparatively little theoretical understanding or field research concerning short-range dispersal via ballooning. Previous studies of ballooning have assumed random diffusion, but these models cannot account for non-random biases, such as the effect of wind on the angle of dispersal.Here, I develop models of short-range dispersal in larvae via ballooning, informed by methods from the seed dispersal kernel literature. I then fit models to field data of gypsy moth larvae dispersal using MCMC to perform Bayesian inference, and PSIS-LOO to perform model selection. I found that dispersal kernel models are able to reliably detect biases in angle of dispersal due to wind direction, and allow for testing of correlations between experimental variables and measures of dispersal. These modeling methods can help inform future studies into short-range larval dispersal and provide a novel framework with which to analyze dispersal data.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
A. Martínez-Doñate ◽  
A. M-L. J. Privat ◽  
D. M. Hodgson ◽  
C. A-L. Jackson ◽  
I. A. Kane ◽  

Submarine landslides can generate complicated patterns of seafloor relief that influence subsequent flow behaviour and sediment dispersal patterns. In subsurface studies, the term mass transport deposits (MTDs) is commonly used and covers a range of processes and resultant deposits. While the large-scale morphology of submarine landslide deposits can be resolved in seismic reflection data, the nature of their upper surface and its impact on both facies distributions and stratal architecture of overlying deposits is rarely resolvable. However, field-based studies often allow a more detailed characterisation of the deposit. The early post-rift Middle Jurassic deep-water succession of the Los Molles Formation is exceptionally well-exposed along a dip-orientated WSW-ENE outcrop belt in the Chacay Melehue depocentre, Neuquén Basin, Argentina. We correlate 27 sedimentary logs constrained by marker beds to document the sedimentology and architecture of a &gt;47 m thick and at least 9.6 km long debrite, which contains two different types of megaclasts. The debrite overlies ramps and steps, indicating erosion and substrate entrainment. Two distinct sandstone-dominated units overlie the debrite. The lower sandstone unit is characterised by: 1) abrupt thickness changes, wedging and progressive rotation of laminae in sandstone beds associated with growth strata; and 2) detached sandstone load balls within the underlying debrite. The combination of these features suggests syn-sedimentary foundering processes due to density instabilities at the top of the fluid-saturated mud-rich debrite. The debrite relief controlled the spatial distribution of foundered sandstones. The upper sandstone unit is characterised by thin-bedded deposits, locally overlain by medium-to thick-bedded lobe axis/off-axis deposits. The thin-beds show local thinning and onlapping onto the debrite, where it develops its highest relief. Facies distributions and stacking patterns record the progradation of submarine lobes and their complex interaction with long-lived debrite-related topography. The emplacement of a kilometre-scale debrite in an otherwise mud-rich basinal setting and accumulation of overlying sand-rich deposits suggests a genetic link between the mass-wasting event and transient coarse clastic sediment supply to an otherwise sand-starved part of the basin. Therefore, submarine landslides demonstrably impact the routing and behaviour of subsequent sediment gravity flows, which must be considered when predicting facies distributions and palaeoenvironments above MTDs in subsurface datasets.

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