analog and digital circuits
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Manoj Kumar Tomar ◽  
Vimlesh Singh ◽  
Laxya Laxya

Uma Bisht

Abstract: The study of FinFET Response under various parameters change is widely studied in many branches of Electronics Engineering. FinFET structure is going beyond the downscaling limit of the conventional planar CMOS technology. The major applications of FinFET have been mainly devoted to digital circuits, analog circuits, and targeting a successful mixed integration of analog and digital circuits. The purpose of this paper is to provide a clear and exhaustive understanding of the state of the art, challenges, and future trends of the FinFET technology from a microwave modeling perspective. Inspired by the traditional modeling techniques for conventional MOSFETs, different strategies have been proposed over the last years to model the FinFET behavior at gamma radiation. With the aim to support the development of this technology, a comparative study of the achieved results is carried out to gain both useful feedbacks to investigate the microwave FinFET performance as well as valuable modeling. Keywords: CMOS, MOSFET, FinFET, Hot carriers, Gamma Chamber, SCE, DIBL, Oslo Si-Bulk FinFET, Wafer probe station.

2021 ◽  
Yanjun Yan ◽  
Robert Adams ◽  
Paul Yanik ◽  
Hugh Jack ◽  
Andrew Ritenour ◽  

Sandeep Kakde ◽  
Rajesh Thakare S ◽  
Shailesh Kamble ◽  
Umakant Mandawkar ◽  

Area and power are main design constraints in analog and digital circuits. In this paper, a low-power 8-bit shift register is implemented by using true phase single clock (TSPC) D- flip flop which is based on single clock and two clocked transistors. The proposed design successfully solves the long discharge path problem which is bound to occur in conventional type of D-Flip Flop. This paper describes 8 bit serial in parallel out (SIPO) shift register using True Single-Phase Clock(TSPC) technique which reduces an area in terms of transistor count by 85.29%.

Yener Yüzüak ◽  
Halil Yiğit

In a period of rapid adaptation to technology in today’s world, limiting education to traditional methods leads to a rapid decline in the perception and interest of the learner. Augmented Reality (AR), which is among the most interesting technological innovation of the last years, are manifested in many sectors. It is used more widely in the field of education thanks to its superior advantages such as being portable, adapting to different devices/equipment, offering interactive digital content and arousing interest. In this study, AR application has been realized for the modeling of N-type MOSFET element, which is one of the basic courses of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and is widely used in analog and digital circuits. The contribution of the application to students’ perception of theoretical concepts was also examined. It concluded that AR made an important contribution to the concretization of abstract concepts and the developed educational material increased the motivation of the students.

Electronics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 998 ◽  
Andrea Ballo ◽  
Michele Bottaro ◽  
Alfio Dario Grasso ◽  
Gaetano Palumbo

This paper proposes a comparative study of regulation schemes for charge-pump-based voltage generators using behavioral models in Verilog- Analog Mixed Signal (AMS) code. An accurate and simple model of the charge pump is first introduced. It allows reducing the simulation time of complex electronic systems made up by both analog and digital circuits while maintaining a good agreement with transistor-level simulations. Finally, a comprehensive comparative study of the different regulation schemes for charge pumps is reported which allows the designer to choose the most suitable topology for a given application and Charge Pump (CP) operative zone.

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