limit linear series
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2020 ◽  
Vol 374 (1) ◽  
pp. 367-405
Fu Liu ◽  
Brian Osserman ◽  
Montserrat Teixidor i Bigas ◽  
Naizhen Zhang

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-21
Xiang He

Abstract We show that the space $G^r_{\underline d}(X)$ of linear series of certain multi-degree $\underline d=(d_1,d_2)$ (including the balanced ones) and rank r on a general genus-g binary curve X has dimension $\rho _{g,r,d}=g-(r+1)(g-d+r)$ if nonempty, where $d=d_1+d_2$ . This generalizes Caporaso’s result from the case $r\leq 2$ to arbitrary rank, and shows that the space of Osserman-limit linear series on a general binary curve has the expected dimension, which was known for $r\leq 2$ . In addition, we show that the space $G^r_{\underline d}(X)$ is still of expected dimension after imposing certain ramification conditions with respect to a sequence of increasing effective divisors supported on two general points $P_i\in Z_i$ , where $i=1,2$ and $Z_1,Z_2$ are the two components of X. Our result also has potential application to the lifting problem of divisors on graphs to divisors on algebraic curves.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 (753) ◽  
pp. 57-88 ◽  
Brian Osserman

AbstractWe introduce a notion of limit linear series for nodal curves which are not of compact type. We give a construction of a moduli space of limit linear series, which works also in smoothing families, and we prove a corresponding specialization result. For a more restricted class of curves which simultaneously generalizes two-component curves and curves of compact type, we give an equivalent definition of limit linear series, which is visibly a generalization of the Eisenbud–Harris definition. Finally, for the same class of curves, we prove a smoothing theorem which constitutes an improvement over known results even in the compact-type case.

2018 ◽  
Vol 293 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 339-369 ◽  
Brian Osserman

2018 ◽  
Vol 71 (03) ◽  
pp. 629-658 ◽  
Xiang He

AbstractWe investigate the connection between Osserman limit series (on curves of pseudocompact type) and Amini–Baker limit linear series (on metrized complexes with corresponding underlying curve) via a notion of pre-limit linear series on curves of the same type. Then, applying the smoothing theorems of Osserman limit linear series, we deduce that, fixing certain metrized complexes, or for certain types of Amini–Baker limit linear series, the smoothability is equivalent to a certain “weak glueing condition”. Also for arbitrary metrized complexes of pseudocompact type the weak glueing condition (when it applies) is necessary for smoothability. As an application we confirm the lifting property of specific divisors on the metric graph associated with a certain regular smoothing family, and give a new proof of a result of Cartright, Jensen, and Payne for vertex-avoiding divisors, and generalize it for divisors of rank one in the sense that, for the metric graph, there could be at most three edges (instead of two) between any pair of adjacent vertices.

2018 ◽  
Vol 159 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 13-38 ◽  
Max Lieblich ◽  
Brian Osserman

2018 ◽  
Vol 70 (3) ◽  
pp. 628-682 ◽  
Ye Luo ◽  
Madhusudan Manjunath

AbstractWe investigate the smoothing problem of limit linear series of rank one on an enrichment of the notions of nodal curves and metrized complexes called saturated metrized complexes. We give a finitely verifiable full criterion for smoothability of a limit linear series of rank one on saturated metrized complexes, characterize the space of all such smoothings, and extend the criterion to metrized complexes. As applications, we prove that all limit linear series of rank one are smoothable on saturated metrized complexes corresponding to curves of compact-type, and we prove an analogue for saturated metrized complexes of a theorem of Harris and Mumford on the characterization of nodal curves contained in a given gonality stratum. In addition, we give a full combinatorial criterion for smoothable limit linear series of rank one on saturated metrized complexes corresponding to nodal curves whose dual graphs are made of separate loops.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2019 (19) ◽  
pp. 6162-6178 ◽  
Brian Osserman

Abstract We show that limit linear series spaces for chains of curves are reduced. Using recent advances in the foundations of limit linear series, we then use degenerations to study the question of connectedness for spaces of linear series with imposed ramification at up to two points. We find that in general, these spaces may not be connected even when they have positive dimension, but we prove a criterion for connectedness which generalizes the theorem previously proved by Fulton and Lazarsfeld in the case without imposed ramification.

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