head start programs
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Annemarie H. Hindman ◽  
Jean M. Farrow ◽  
Kate Anderson ◽  
Barbara A. Wasik ◽  
Patricia A. Snyder

Child-directed speech (CDS), which can help children learn new words, has been rigorously studied among infants and parents in home settings. Yet, far less is known about the CDS that teachers use in classrooms with toddlers and children’s responses, an important question because many toddlers, particularly in high-need communities, attend group-care settings. This exploratory study examines the linguistic environment during teacher-led book readings in American Early Head Start classrooms serving 2-year-olds from households in poverty. Seven teachers in four classrooms were trained to emphasize target words while reading story and informational books. We first analyzed the nature and quality of their book readings from a macro-level, exploring global instructional quality [Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS)] and linguistic complexity [i.e., diversity of vocabulary (D) and sophistication of syntax (MLU-w)], and we also examined micro-level teacher-child talk strategies and use of target words. Compared to prior research, these classrooms had similar global quality and syntactic complexity, although less lexical diversity. Exploratory results also revealed three distinct teacher talk patterns—teachers who emphasized (1) comments, (2) questions, and (3) a balance of the two. Question-focused teachers had more adult and child talk during reading, as well as more repetitions of target words, and stronger CLASS Engaged Support for Learning. However, comment-focused teachers used more diverse vocabulary and had stronger CLASS Emotional and Behavioral Support. Results illuminate the nature and quality of CDS in toddler classrooms, particularly in the context of an intervention emphasizing target vocabulary words, and highlight applications for professional development and questions for further research.

2021 ◽  
Alison Tovar ◽  
M. Elizabeth Miller ◽  
Virginia C. Stage ◽  
Jessica A. Hoffman ◽  
Emily Hill Guseman ◽  

Sherry Deiter ◽  
Yitza A. Arcelay-Rojas

Using the social-ecological model, this basic interpretive qualitative study sought to examine the phenomenon of food insecurity among Idaho Head Start enrolled families, focusing on barriers and deterrents to accessing available nutrition assistance programs. A total of 11 interviews were conducted with parents who had children enrolled in five Idaho Head Start programs. The data were coded and analyzed and are reflective of how individual, interpersonal, community, and organizational levels factors are reflected in participants’ decisions to access available nutrition assistance programs. Participants reported feelings of stigma and shame and transportation concerns as individual barriers as well as the interpersonal barrier of a lack of support systems. Lack of awareness of resources, limited food choices, and the questionable quality of foods provided at pantries were noted among the community and organizational deterrents. The results of this study may be used to create interventions that promote food security among Head Start families.

Thomas G. Power ◽  
Jennifer O. Fisher ◽  
Teresia M. O'Connor ◽  
Nilda Micheli ◽  
Maria A. Papaioannou ◽  

Previous research has shown that general parenting styles, general parenting dimensions, maternal feeding styles, and maternal feeding practices all show specific relationships with the weight status of young children. This study examined the relationships between general parenting and maternal feeding styles/practices in a sample of 187 Hispanic mothers with low incomes. As part of a larger study, mothers of preschool children were recruited through Head Start programs and completed validated questionnaires assessing their general parenting, feeding styles, and feeding practices. Results identified numerous associations between general parenting dimensions and specific feeding practices: i.e., maternal nurturance was positively associated with healthy eating guidance and feeding responsiveness; inconsistency was positively associated with restriction for weight and promotion of overconsumption; follow through on discipline was positively associated with monitoring, healthy eating guidance, and feeding responsiveness; and family organization was positively associated with monitoring and healthy eating guidance. General parenting styles were associated with feeding practices as well, with authoritative mothers showing the highest levels of healthy eating guidance and authoritarian mothers showing the lowest levels of monitoring. There were no significant associations between mothers’ general parenting styles and mothers’ feeding styles. Implications of these findings for the prevention of childhood obesity are considered.

Ruth Crutchfield ◽  
Sonya Salinas ◽  
Roy Chen

Purpose: Children at risk of delayed speech and language development and speech-language disorders come from a broad range of demographic backgrounds, including ethnicities, sexes, and socioeconomic statuses. A vast body of research in speech-language pathology has demonstrated that early intervention is crucial for helping children acquire the necessary communication skills they need to become effective communicators, successful students, and ultimately accomplished adults. Currently, commercials, billboards, online sources, and personal referrals are the methods most often used to promote awareness of early childhood intervention services. Method: This study aimed to identify whether the current promotional methods used to increase parental awareness of early childhood speech therapy intervention are effective in the Hispanic population in South Texas. A total of 299 parents and guardians recruited from 18 Head Start programs took part in the survey study. The 18-item Early Intervention Parental Awareness Questionnaire was utilized to assess the participants’ level of awareness. Results: The results of this study suggest face-to-face interaction is needed to increase awareness of services for early childhood intervention amongst the Hispanic population. Conclusion: These findings support the need for increasing recognition of the value of early intervention for children with communication disorders amongst the Hispanic population.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Ann M. Cheney ◽  
Tanya Nieri ◽  
Ana Ramirez Zarate ◽  
Gretel Garcia ◽  
Lucero Vaca ◽  

Abstract Background The prevalence of obesity among children remains high. Given obesity’s significant lifelong consequences, there is great interest in preventing obesity early in life. There is a need to better understand the relation of common infant feeding styles and practices to obesity in infants using longitudinal study designs. There is also an urgent need to understand the role of caregivers other than mothers in feeding. A better understanding of variation in feeding styles and practices can inform the identification of risk groups and the tailoring of interventions to them. Methods In partnership with Early Head Start programs across four counties in southern California, mothers and infants will be enrolled in a two-year longitudinal study collecting survey and anthropometric data. A subsample of mothers and their selected other caregivers will participate in qualitative research involving feeding diaries and dyadic interviews. The results will be used to develop and test an enhanced nutrition education program. Discussion We outline a study methodology to examine feeding styles and practices and their association with early childhood obesity risk and enhance an existing intervention to promote healthy infant feeding and growth among children in low-income families.

2020 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 172-186
Alexandra Nicole Davis ◽  
Cathy Huaqing Qi

We examined the relations between language skills and behavior problems and whether social skills mediated these relations among preschool children enrolled in Head Start programs. Participants included 242 preschool children and their parents in Head Start programs. Over a 2-year period, parents and teachers reported children’s behavior problems using the Child Behavior Checklist Ages 1½-5, and social skills using the Social Skills Improvement System-Rating Scales. Children’s expressive and receptive language skills were assessed individually using the Preschool Language Scale-5. Results suggested that children’s early receptive language predicted later teacher-reported child internalizing and externalizing behaviors. Social skills did not mediate associations between language skills and parent- or teacher-reported child behavior problems.

2020 ◽  
pp. 019394592094648
Christine Pajunar Li-Grining ◽  
Elizabeth Vera ◽  
Linda Janusek ◽  
Karen Saban ◽  
Yarina Liston ◽  

Using a participatory action research approach, this pilot project examined how mindfulness techniques could be integrated into classroom routines in Head Start programs, which serve children who live below the federal poverty line. In Study 1, we conducted limited-efficacy testing and examined the implementation of our intervention, which we refer to as Project CaLM (Children Learning Mindfulness). Although the study lacked adequate statistical power, when comparing the well-being of children who did and did not receive the intervention, most results were in the expected direction, but were non-significant. Still, findings show that teachers generally implemented Project CaLM at greater frequencies and duration than expected. Study 2 investigated the acceptability of and demand for mindfulness strategies among teachers and parents using both survey and open-ended questions. Results revealed favorable views of and interest in mindfulness practices. Future research should consider extending Project CaLM in terms of sample size and context.

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