adverse action
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2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 1
Dilan A Gohil ◽  
Richard D Nair ◽  
Masoud Mohammadnezhad ◽  
K. Venkata Raman Reddy

BACKGROUND: An outbreak of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), has influenced every aspect of life. Healthcare workers, especially dentists, are at a high risk of getting infected due to close contact with patients Aim: to identify factors that can affect the psychological health of dental professionals during the COVID – 19 pandemic. METHOD: This systematic review was conducted for the full-text English articles focusing in the field of dentistry, specifically looking at the impact of COVID – 19 on the psychological health of dental professionals, from January 1st 2020 to April 1st 2021. RESULTS: A total of 677 papers were retrieved, reduced to 136 following removal of duplicates. The abstracts were screened using the eligibility criteria, and 52 were found to match the criteria. After screening the full-text articles, 32 were excluded, resulting in a total of 20 studies. The significant findings and conclusions from these studies were extracted and grouped under themes. CONCLUSION: The 3 major factors responsible for affecting the psychological health of dental professionals during the COVID – 19 pandemic include: fear of contagion, subjective overload, and perceived job insecurity and loss of income. There is a need for countries to enact measures that ensure positive mental wellbeing of dental professionals, so that they do not take any adverse action or decisions. Furthermore, should another pandemic or viral outbreak occur in the future, policies and strategies designed and implemented, will ensure dental professionals continue to deliver service without significant psychological distress.

Prasanta Mujrai

Soft Power (application and collaboration power) is gaining significance in diplomacy at the moment. India's foreign policy has been established based on its policies and values. V. Narasimha Rao is a politician from India. India is now known as one of Asia's forces and an important player. India is one of the strategic focal points of South Asia. Neighbouring countries have the potential to play an important direct role. India's foreign policy has been established based on its policies and values. India is now known as one of Asia's forces and an essential player in the international arena. India is one of the strategic focal points of South Asia. Since taking office, India has sought to prioritize its neighbours in foreign policy. India does not want to be limited to a specific selection. Chin is ready to develop exclusive supremacy in this region. New Delhi will not hesitate to use muscle strength in response to anti-India activities. India wants to retain friendly ties with Russia as well as reconciliation with China. The relationship between India and China is currently very complex. Conservatism, nationalism, and the Post-truth doctrine are all on the rise. China's recent border incidents are the country's worst adverse action since 1962. Europe is embroiled in internal conflict after decades in charge. India must devise a new strategy for establishing ties with the European Union, writes Ravi Agrawal. The last two decades have seen an increase in turbulence and complexity in India's relations with the Middle East, he says. In India's foreign policy, the African continent is a critical topic, he writes. India's alliance with the African Union is now much better, according to the BRICS or IBSA. India has a lot to do with the pace at which the global system is changing. The solar alliance was established in November 2015 on Prime Minister Modi's initiative. The aim is to help the Paris Climate Agreement go into effect. As one of the world's leading forces, India must send a message to the world about its capability. The nation is demonstrating how to balance economic development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 359-382
Nita Triana ◽  
Farah Nuril Izza

This study discusses the implementation of the Polluter Pays Principle in Law Number 32 of 2009 regarding Environmental Management and Protection and relates it to Islamic Law. This research is normative juridical research, a study conducted to find legal rules, legal principles, and legal doctrine in order to address legal issues. This research finds that Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning environmental pollution and destruction contains the Polluter Pays Principle which is indicated by the affirmation that compensation does not only cover environmental restoration measures but also includes providing compensation to victims of pollution. The Law also regulates that responsibility for the perpetrators of pollution is instantaneous at the time of the occurrence of adverse action and not necessarily to be associated with an element of error. The application of this principle is in accordance with the Islamic law principles which explicitly state that environmental damage and pollution are included in actions prohibited by Allah. It's only that Islamic law does not specifically regulate the legal sanctions, but leaves it up to government policy (ta'zir).

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 304-312
Zurab Mikeladze ◽  
Nunu Kutaladze ◽  
Shota Lominadze

Our goal is to incorporate in the complex of citrus agrotechnical activities such technologies that will significantly increase the natural storability of mandarin fruits, in production and in short time in normal conditions, in the process of storage and sale. To this end, we conducted a large-scale experiment and included in the complex of agrotechnical measures the biopreparation “Gaupsin” of Ukrainian production, which protects plants from pests and diseases, promotes their growth and development, improves fruit bearing and qualitative indicators, in their number, increasing of storability. Gaupsin, as a bacterial fungicidal preparation, exhibits insecticidal properties, destroys pests, and with these and other properties, Gaupsin allows us to obtain high-quality and storable mandarin fruits. Its use is effective for  processing of containers and boxes. At the same time, the preparation is environmentally friendly. Use of the biopreparation Gaupsin has shown a tendency to improve agrochemical parameters of soil; yield and quality parameters significantly increase. The parameters of adverse action of pests and diseases (especially silver mites and anthracnose) decreased to minimum. Natural fruit storability increases, at the cost of improvement of general physiological condition of fruits and neutralization of the pathogen, which shows the positive impact of the biopreparation in terms of fruit bearing. It should also be noted that the use of Gaupsin has practically eliminated the alternating bearing of mandarins and we every year obtain quantitatively and qualitatively stable harvest. During the experimental period, we monitored the spread of pest disease on a monthly basis by means of commissions, focusing on monitoring the spread of such pests that significantly harm the growth and crop quality of mandarin. These include silver mites (40-45% harmfulness), citrus red mites Panonychus citri (45-50% harmfulness), elongated grey citrus scale (20-25% harmfulness), anthracnose (20%), wart disease (25%), black spots  (25-30%). They each damage leaves, fruits, twigs and buds of plants. Anthracnose is particularly potent in conditions of fruit storage. The blackness caused by the fungal excretion of saprophyte fungi inhibits plant respiration and photosynthesis processes. The crop decreases and fruit loses its commodity, so these fruits are most easily damaged during storage by fungi of penicillium group and they spoil as quickly as possible. Losses from fruit breakdown are so significant that such fruits are virtually unusable not only for fresh consumption, but also from the point of view of industrial processing. At the same time, the environment is heavily polluted and it is also dangerous in subsequent years.           Based on our experimental data, we have developed calibrator for mandarin fruit and a mobile device for processing with Gaupsin, which has been handed over to newly established cooperatives. Serial manufacturing of such simple machine will resolve the problem of commodity processing of mandarin fruit by the biopreparation Gaupsin, and the farmer will be able to obtain on the spot products storable in commodity state, and the retailer will be guaranteed to minimize losses  during the transportation and sale.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-24
Fitra Rizal

Copyright infringement is the use or adverse action done by another party to the creator or copyright holder. This study aims to discuss critically how Islam views infringement in copyright. This research uses a qualitative research methodology using a descriptive-interpretative library research approach. The results showed that in the concept of religion and the State all forms of use of property rights of others without the permission of the official owner is a crime and sin. Such is the case in the case of copyright infringement. Copyright infringement in Islam is strictly prohibited because of the element of deception, is another form of theft, kills the creativity and the spirit of thinking of the inventors of the work, and violates the goal of Islamic law which is to damage the mind. Pelanggaran hak cipta merupakan pemanfaatan atau dan tindakan merugikan yang dilakukan pihak lain terhadap pencipta atau pemegang hak cipta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas secara kritis bagaimana Islam memandang pelanggaran dalam hak cipta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kepustakaan (library research) deskriptif-interpretatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam konsep agama dan Negara segala bentuk penggunaan hak milik orang lain tanpa seizin pemilik resmi merupakan sebuah kejahatan dan dosa. Hal tersebut seperti yang terjadi dalam kasus pelanggaran hak cipta. Pelanggaran hak cipta dalam Islam sangat dilarang karena  adanya unsur pembohongan, merupakan bentuk lain dari tindakan pencurian, membunuh kreatifitas dan semangat berfikir para penemu karya, dan melanggar tujuan syariat Islam yaitu merusak akal (hasil karya).

Information ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 137
Navdeep Gill ◽  
Patrick Hall ◽  
Kim Montgomery ◽  
Nicholas Schmidt

This manuscript outlines a viable approach for training and evaluating machine learning systems for high-stakes, human-centered, or regulated applications using common Python programming tools. The accuracy and intrinsic interpretability of two types of constrained models, monotonic gradient boosting machines and explainable neural networks, a deep learning architecture well-suited for structured data, are assessed on simulated data and publicly available mortgage data. For maximum transparency and the potential generation of personalized adverse action notices, the constrained models are analyzed using post-hoc explanation techniques including plots of partial dependence and individual conditional expectation and with global and local Shapley feature importance. The constrained model predictions are also tested for disparate impact and other types of discrimination using measures with long-standing legal precedents, adverse impact ratio, marginal effect, and standardized mean difference, along with straightforward group fairness measures. By combining interpretable models, post-hoc explanations, and discrimination testing with accessible software tools, this text aims to provide a template workflow for machine learning applications that require high accuracy and interpretability and that mitigate risks of discrimination.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-128
Mey Jayanti ◽  
Subyantoro Subyantoro

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah, 1) mendeskripsi bentuk pelanggaran tindak pengancaman muka positif, 2) mendeskripsi tindak pengancaman muka negatif pada tuturan teks media sosial berdasarkan teori Brown dan Levinson, 3) mendeskripsi strategi kesantunan dalam tuturan pada teks media sosial. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tuturan teks media sosial facebook dan twitter tahun 2018. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik catat. Tindak pengancaman muka positif pada teks media sosial facebook terdapat tiga subbidal, yaitu 1) ungkapan ketidaksetujuan, 2) ungkapan emosi, 3) ungkapan yang tidak sopan. Tindak pengancaman muka negatif pada teks media sosial facebook terdapat dua subbidal, yaitu 1) ungkapan peringatan, dan 2) ungkapan perasaan negatif. Tindak pengancaman muka positif pada teks media sosial twitter terdapat lima subbidal, 1) ungkapan ketidaksetujuan, 2) ungkapan emosi, 3) ungkapan yang tidak sopan, 4) ungkapan yang tidak kooperatif, dan 5) ungkapan yang menunjukan sebutan 2 data. Tindak pengancaman muka negatif pada teks media sosial twitter terdapat dua subbidal, yaitu 1) ungkapan peringatan, dan 2) ungkapan perasaan negatif. Strategi ketidaksantunan pada teks media sosial facebook dan twitter terdapat empat subbidal, yaitu 1) strategi tanpa basa-basi, 2) strategi kesantunan postif, 3) strategi kesantunan negatif, dan 4) strategi kesantunan tidak langsung. The purpose of this study is, 1) to describe the form of violation of positive face-threatening action and negative face-to-face on social media text texts based on Brown and Levinson's theory; 2) to describe the politeness strategy in speech on social media texts. This research was conducted on social media text texts facebook and twitter in 2018. The method used is qualitative descriptive method. Technique of collecting data using technique note. There are four subbidal faces in facebook text media, namely 1) expression of disapproval, 2) emotional expression, 3) impolite expression. Adverse action on facebook social media text there are two subbidal, namely 1) warning expression, and 2) expression of negative feelings. There are five subbidials, 1) expression of non- negative on the text of social media twitter there are two subbidal, that is 1) warning expression, and 2) expression of negative feelings. Strategy is generally done to reduce the threat to the self-image of the speaker, respect it and to reduce the threat. The politeness strategy on the social media text facebook and twitter there are four subbidal, that is 1) the strategy of no-nonsense, 2) the positive politeness strategy, 3) the strategy negative politeness, and 4) indirect indirection strategy.

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