economic significance
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2023 ◽  
Vol 74 (10) ◽  
pp. 6138-2023

Infectious bursal disease (IBD) is a highly infectious and contagious immunosuppressive viral disease of chickens with a worldwide economic significance to the poultry industry. Over fifty years have passed since the first confirmed occurrence of the disease, and the virus has spread all over world and evolved into multiple genetic, antigenic and pathotypic variants, becoming a serious threat to the poultry industry. The primary tool in IBD eradication is the maintenance of strict biosecurity in poultry farms and implementation of vaccination programmes which should take into account the current epidemiological knowledge about the IBDV strains circulating in the field. This review article presents the current state of knowledge about the infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) with special regard to the molecular biology of the virus, immunological aspects, as well as current and future prevention strategies.

Water ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 183
Xingyun Hu ◽  
Linghao Kong ◽  
Feng Zhu ◽  
Xianjia Peng

Little work has been focused on the recycling of hazardous acid waste with high concentrations of organic matter from petroleum refining. This study developed an innovative, effective, and simple method for the recycling of acid waste that can successfully resolve this significant problem in industry. After parameter optimization, the optimal process is as follows. (1) Through heat treatment at 170 °C, liquid acid waste was transformed into solid; (2) by washing the solids, 70% by weight of sulfuric acid was recycled; and (3) the solid residue after washing was activated by alkali (NaOH or KOH) at an alkali and organic carbon ratio of 2:1, at a temperature of 650 °C for 60 min, producing superior-grade activated carbon with a specific surface area of 1378 m2/g, a pore volume of 0.5107 cm2/g, an iodine number of 1800 mg/g, and a methylene blue adsorption capacity of 240 mg/g. Thus, in this way, both waste sulfuric acid and organic impurities are turned into valuable resources, and no hazardous waste gypsum residues are generated. This method both reduces carbon emissions and recycles valuable resources, which is of important environmental and economic significance.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-26
Maureen Carroll

Abstract This article focuses on the establishment of a winery on the Roman imperial estate at Vagnari in southeast Italy in the 2nd c. CE and the ceramic vats (dolia defossa) needed to mature and store the estate's vintages. A scientific analysis of the clay used to make the dolia has revealed their likely place of manufacture to have been in Latium or on the border between Latium and Campania on the Tyrrhenian (west) coast of Italy. With these analytical results in hand, it is now possible to inquire into the historical and economic significance for the imperial fiscus of importing dolia for wine making in the vicus at Vagnari, the route and mechanisms by which they might have traveled to the other side of the Italian peninsula, and the connectivity between this Apulian imperial estate and other potential imperial properties in western Italy. This places the present study at the intersection of agriculture, manufacturing, and property transfer within the patrimonium Caesaris.

Rafia Jan ◽  
Roohi Mohi-ud-din ◽  
Kaiser Un Nisa ◽  
Reyaz Hassan Mir

Mohammed Asadullah Jahangir ◽  
Abdul Muheem ◽  
Syed Sarim Imam ◽  
Sadaf Jamal Gilani ◽  
Ameeduzzafar Zafar ◽  

Vijender Kumar ◽  
Jasleen Kaur ◽  
Rakesh Chawla ◽  
Roohi Mohi-ud-din ◽  
Reyaz Hassan Mir

2021 ◽  
Olga Gurgula ◽  
Maciej Padamczyk ◽  
Noam Shemtov

Abstract Intellectual property (‘IP’) is one of the key instruments for fostering innovation and promoting the growth of national economies. Given both the economic significance and the legal complexities associated with IP rights due to constant technological development, the benefits of having a specialised IP judiciary are being increasingly recognised across the globe. Many countries have either established or have been considering the introduction of various forms of such a specialised judiciary. This paper examines this trend and explores some key considerations in relation to the efficacy of an IP judiciary. It draws on some of the findings of a recently completed project funded by the UK government on the creation and functioning of a new IP court in Ukraine. While there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ model when creating a specialised IP judiciary, the discussion in this article sheds light on a number of key factors that should be taken into account and carefully assessed when establishing or reforming such a judiciary. This includes specific considerations related to the structure of an IP judiciary, its location, the specialisation of IP judges, exclusive jurisdiction and other procedural issues. We believe that the guidance provided in this article will assist policymakers in their choices regarding the most suitable design of an IP judiciary for a particular jurisdiction, leading to the enhancement of its operation for the benefit of all the stakeholders in the IP enforcement system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 351-356
A. A. Popova ◽  
E. A. Aksenova

This article considers the scientific problem of managing the financial results of an enterprise, presents the procedure for forming the financial results of an enterprise. The concept of financial results management at the enterprise and its main components are defined. The economic significance of profit and the features of its impact on the activities of enterprises are analyzed. The essence, role and features of the process of forming financial results as an element of the general enterprise management system and its main goals are determined. The principles and methods of managing financial results in order to optimize the profitability of modern enterprises are described. The methods of improving the indicators of financial results of the enterprise in the conditions of digitalization of the economy are disclosed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (8) ◽  
pp. 81-97
Oleh Semenenko ◽  
Ivan Marko ◽  
Iryna Chernyshova ◽  
Viktoriia Koverga ◽  
Roman Pekuliak

Today, the study of the military-economic significance of agriculture is given considerable attention by both the leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the state as a whole, so the main purpose of the article is to determine some methodological aspects of the militaryeconomic significance of agriculture to strengthen the military-economic potential of the state and reveal the problems of using food resources for military purposes. In the article, the authors analyse statistical data on the dynamics of the main indicators that characterise the military-economic significance of the agro-industrial complex in the general system of national security of the state, as well as the dynamics of their growth over the years, with further research of correlations between these indicators and defence expenditures of Ukraine in order to develop recommendations for assessing the importance of indicators for the development of the agricultural sector in ensuring a sufficient level of military-economic potential of the state. Through the analysis, the economic capabilities of the state to provide Armed Forces were established, the views on determining the share of GDP in the protection of national interests in order to strengthen the country’s MEP were formed, the main priorities for further development of the country as a whole were formulated. Also in the article, using the method of an expert survey based on pairwise comparisons, the indicators of the contribution of the main components to the overall indicator of sufficiency of the level of military and economic potential of the state are evaluated in order to determine the importance of the agricultural sector in the development of this potential. Based on the results, it was determined that the basis of any MEP of the state is the stability of the functioning of industry and the agricultural sector, since this is the basis for ensuring the country’s defence capability as a whole. The collected statistical data and practical results obtained can be useful for specialists in the defence and agricultural sectors of the state, as well as scientists for conducting further research in the area defined in the article

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