nucleus laminaris
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2019 ◽  
Vol 121 (3) ◽  
pp. 1034-1047
Thomas McColgan ◽  
Paula T. Kuokkanen ◽  
Catherine E. Carr ◽  
Richard Kempter

Synaptic currents are frequently assumed to make a major contribution to the extracellular field potential (EFP). However, in any neuronal population, the explicit separation of synaptic sources from other contributions such as postsynaptic spikes remains a challenge. Here we take advantage of the simple organization of the barn owl nucleus laminaris (NL) in the auditory brain stem to isolate synaptic currents through the iontophoretic application of the α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)-receptor antagonist 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-6-nitro-2,3-dioxo-benzo[ f]quinoxaline-7-sulfonamide (NBQX). Responses to auditory stimulation show that the temporal dynamics of the evoked synaptic contributions to the EFP are consistent with synaptic short-term depression (STD). The estimated time constants of an STD model fitted to the data are similar to the fast time constants reported from in vitro experiments in the chick. Overall, the putative synaptic EFPs in the barn owl NL are significant but small (<1% change of the variance by NBQX). This result supports the hypothesis that the EFP in NL is generated mainly by axonal spikes, in contrast to most other neuronal systems. NEW & NOTEWORTHY Synaptic currents are assumed to make a major contribution to the extracellular field potential in the brain, but it is hard to directly isolate these synaptic components. Here we take advantage of the simple organization of the barn owl nucleus laminaris in the auditory brain stem to isolate synaptic currents through the iontophoretic application of a synaptic blocker. We show that the responses are consistent with a simple model of short-term synaptic depression.

2018 ◽  
Vol 104 (5) ◽  
pp. 874-877
Paula T. Kuokkanen ◽  
Anna Kraemer ◽  
Richard Kempter ◽  
Christine Köppl ◽  
Catherine E. Carr

2018 ◽  
Vol 119 (4) ◽  
pp. 1422-1436 ◽  
Paula T. Kuokkanen ◽  
Go Ashida ◽  
Anna Kraemer ◽  
Thomas McColgan ◽  
Kazuo Funabiki ◽  

Extracellular field potentials (EFP) are widely used to evaluate in vivo neural activity, but identification of multiple sources and their relative contributions is often ambiguous, making the interpretation of the EFP difficult. We have therefore analyzed a model EFP from a simple brainstem circuit with separable pre- and postsynaptic components to determine whether we could isolate its sources. Our previous papers had shown that the barn owl neurophonic largely originates with spikes from input axons and synapses that terminate on the neurons in the nucleus laminaris (NL) (Kuokkanen PT, Wagner H, Ashida G, Carr CE, Kempter R. J Neurophysiol 104: 2274–2290, 2010; Kuokkanen PT, Ashida G, Carr CE, Wagner H, Kempter R. J Neurophysiol 110: 117–130, 2013; McColgan T, Liu J, Kuokkanen PT, Carr CE, Wagner H, Kempter R. eLife 6: e26106, 2017). To determine how much the postsynaptic NL neurons contributed to the neurophonic, we recorded EFP responses in NL in vivo. Power spectral analyses showed that a small spectral component of the evoked response, between 200 and 700 Hz, could be attributed to the NL neurons’ spikes, while nucleus magnocellularis (NM) spikes dominate the EFP at frequencies ≳1 kHz. Thus, spikes of NL neurons and NM axons contribute to the EFP in NL in distinct frequency bands. We conclude that if the spectral components of source types are different and if their activities can be selectively modulated, the identification of EFP sources is possible. NEW & NOTEWORTHY Extracellular field potentials (EFPs) generate clinically important signals, but their sources are incompletely understood. As a model, we have analyzed the auditory neurophonic in the barn owl’s nucleus laminaris. There the EFP originates predominantly from spiking in the afferent axons, with spectral power ≳1 kHz, while postsynaptic laminaris neurons contribute little. In conclusion, the identification of EFP sources is possible if they have different spectral components and if their activities can be modulated selectively.

Jason Tait Sanchez ◽  
Yuan Wang ◽  
Yong Lu ◽  
R. Michael Burger ◽  
Armin H. Seidl ◽  

This chapter focuses on the microcircuitry of the chicken nucleus laminaris (NL), which is an excellent example of neural architecture exquisitely tailored for its specialized function in sound localization. Neurons in NL are binaural coincidence detectors, encoding temporal information of sound arriving at the two ears by responding maximally when resulting action potentials arrive simultaneously. The text will discuss the important anatomical and physiological specializations of NL that optimize this fundamental ability for binaural hearing in most birds and mammals.

2017 ◽  
Vol 220 (22) ◽  
pp. 4270-4281 ◽  
Katie L. Willis ◽  
Catherine E. Carr

eLife ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Thomas McColgan ◽  
Ji Liu ◽  
Paula Tuulia Kuokkanen ◽  
Catherine Emily Carr ◽  
Hermann Wagner ◽  

Extracellular field potentials (EFPs) are an important source of information in neuroscience, but their physiological basis is in many cases still a matter of debate. Axonal sources are typically discounted in modeling and data analysis because their contributions are assumed to be negligible. Here, we established experimentally and theoretically that contributions of axons to EFPs can be significant. Modeling action potentials propagating along axons, we showed that EFPs were prominent in the presence of terminal zones where axons branch and terminate in close succession, as found in many brain regions. Our models predicted a dipolar far field and a polarity reversal at the center of the terminal zone. We confirmed these predictions using EFPs from the barn owl auditory brainstem where we recorded in nucleus laminaris using a multielectrode array. These results demonstrate that axonal terminal zones can produce EFPs with considerable amplitude and spatial reach.

2017 ◽  
Vol 525 (15) ◽  
pp. 3341-3359 ◽  
Hitomi Sakano ◽  
Diego A. R. Zorio ◽  
Xiaoyu Wang ◽  
Ying S. Ting ◽  
William S. Noble ◽  

2017 ◽  
Thomas McColgan ◽  
Ji Liu ◽  
Paula T Kuokkanen ◽  
Catherine E Carr ◽  
Hermann Wagner ◽  

AbstractExtracellular field potentials (EFPs) are an important source of information in neuroscience, but their physiological basis is in many cases still a matter of debate. Axonal sources are typically discounted in modeling and data analysis because their contributions are assumed to be negligible. Here, we show experimentally and theoretically that contributions of axons to EFPs can be significant. Modeling action potentials propagating along axons, we showed that EFPs were prominent in the presence of a terminal zone where axons branch and terminate in close succession, as found in many brain regions. Our models predicted a dipolar far field and a polarity reversal at the center of the terminal zone. We confirmed these predictions using EFPs from the barn owl auditory brainstem where we recorded in nucleus laminaris using a multielectrode array. These results demonstrate that axonal terminal zones produce EFPs with considerable amplitude and spatial reach.

2015 ◽  
Vol 114 (3) ◽  
pp. 1862-1873 ◽  
Catherine E. Carr ◽  
Sahil Shah ◽  
Thomas McColgan ◽  
Go Ashida ◽  
Paula T. Kuokkanen ◽  

Axons from the nucleus magnocellularis form a presynaptic map of interaural time differences (ITDs) in the nucleus laminaris (NL). These inputs generate a field potential that varies systematically with recording position and can be used to measure the map of ITDs. In the barn owl, the representation of best ITD shifts with mediolateral position in NL, so as to form continuous, smoothly overlapping maps of ITD with iso-ITD contours that are not parallel to the NL border. Frontal space (0°) is, however, represented throughout and thus overrepresented with respect to the periphery. Measurements of presynaptic conduction delay, combined with a model of delay line conduction velocity, reveal that conduction delays can account for the mediolateral shifts in the map of ITD.

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