iris color
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Mirre J. P. Simons ◽  
Marion Sebire ◽  
Simon Verhulst ◽  
Ton G. G. Groothuis

Costs of reproduction shape the life-history evolution of investment in current and future reproduction and thereby aging. Androgens have been proposed to regulate the physiology governing these investments. Furthermore, androgens are hypothesized to play a central role in carotenoid-dependent sexual signaling, regulating how much carotenoids are diverted to ornamentation and away from somatic maintenance, increasing oxidative stress, and accelerating aging. We investigated these relationships in male three-spined stickleback in which we elevated 11-ketotestosterone and supplied vitamin E, an antioxidant, in a 2 × 2 design. Androgen elevation shortened the time stickleback maintained reproductive activities. We suspect that this effect is caused by 11-ketotestosterone stimulating investment in current reproduction, but we detected no evidence for this in our measurements of reproductive effort: nest building, body composition, and breeding coloration. Carotenoid-dependent coloration was even slightly decreased by 11-ketotestosterone elevation and was left unaffected by vitamin E. Red coloration correlated with life expectancy and reproductive capacity in a quadratic manner, suggesting overinvestment of the individuals exhibiting the reddest bellies. In contrast, blue iris color showed a negative relationship with survival, suggesting physiological costs of producing this aspect of nuptial coloration. In conclusion, our results support the hypothesis that androgens regulate investment in current versus future reproduction, yet the precise mechanisms remain elusive. The quadratic relationships between sexual signal expression and aspects of quality have wider consequences for how we view sexual selection on ornamentation and its relationship with aging.

Ophthalmology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Annemijn P.A. Wierenga ◽  
Niels J. Brouwer ◽  
Maria Chiara Gelmi ◽  
Robert M. Verdijk ◽  
Marc-Henri Stern ◽  

2021 ◽  
Megan Burt ◽  
Greg Skomal ◽  
Richard Dubielzig

Abstract Documentation of the iris concentrating on color, pupillary shape, and orientation has been reported in a number of elasmobranch species, but has not been documented in lamnid sharks. This study examined the eyes of three lamnid sharks, white shark (Carcharodon carcharias), mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus), and porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus) to characterize the iris color and pupil shape. All three species possess a brown color iris circling a horizontal slit pupil. A blue limbal ring of color circles the iris caused by the sclera and cartilage from the limbus which extends into the anterior chamber of the eye. The unique characteristics of the iris and pupil shape are described and implications of these findings on future research are discussed.

PLoS Genetics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (8) ◽  
pp. e1009770
Si Si ◽  
Xiao Xu ◽  
Yan Zhuang ◽  
Xiaodong Gao ◽  
Honghai Zhang ◽  

The eye color of birds, generally referring to the color of the iris, results from both pigmentation and structural coloration. Avian iris colors exhibit striking interspecific and intraspecific variations that correspond to unique evolutionary and ecological histories. Here, we identified the genetic basis of pearl (white) iris color in domestic pigeons (Columba livia) to explore the largely unknown genetic mechanism underlying the evolution of avian iris coloration. Using a genome-wide association study (GWAS) in 92 pigeons, we mapped the pearl iris trait to a 9 kb region containing the facilitative glucose transporter gene SLC2A11B. A nonsense mutation (W49X) leading to a premature stop codon in SLC2A11B was identified as the causal variant. Transcriptome analysis suggested that SLC2A11B loss of function may downregulate the xanthophore-differentiation gene CSF1R and the key pteridine biosynthesis gene GCH1, thus resulting in the pearl iris phenotype. Coalescence and phylogenetic analyses indicated that the mutation originated approximately 5,400 years ago, coinciding with the onset of pigeon domestication, while positive selection was likely associated with artificial breeding. Within Aves, potentially impaired SLC2A11B was found in six species from six distinct lineages, four of which associated with their signature brown or blue eyes. Analysis of vertebrate SLC2A11B orthologs revealed relaxed selection in the avian clade, consistent with the scenario that during and after avian divergence from the reptilian ancestor, the SLC2A11B-involved development of dermal chromatophores likely degenerated in the presence of feather coverage. Our findings provide new insight into the mechanism of avian iris color variations and the evolution of pigmentation in vertebrates.

Haihan Zhang ◽  
Yueming Liu ◽  
Kai Zhang ◽  
Shiqi Hui ◽  
Yu Feng ◽  

Previous studies have shown that light iris color is a predisposing factor for the development of uveal melanoma (UM) in a population of Caucasian ancestry. However, in all these studies, a remarkably low percentage of patients have brown eyes, so we applied deep learning methods to investigate the correlation between iris color and the prevalence of UM in the Chinese population. All anterior segment photos were automatically segmented with U-NET, and only the iris regions were retained. Then the iris was analyzed with machine learning methods (random forests and convolutional neural networks) to obtain the corresponding iris color spectra (classification probability). We obtained satisfactory segmentation results with high consistency with those from experts. The iris color spectrum is consistent with the raters’ view, but there is no significant correlation with UM incidence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Jun-Seo Go ◽  
Jin-Won Lee ◽  
Jeong-Chil Yoo

A well-known visual signal, hawk-like features such as yellow eyes and feet, and barred underparts have been recognized as coevolutionary traits obtained against host defense in Cuculus cuckoos. However, the variation of these traits within and among species remains poorly understood because empirical studies quantifying these traits are limited in terms of the number of studies and the number of species concerned, and mostly depend on museum collections. In this study, we quantified and compared these traits as well as other new features (e.g., inner wing spot and underpart background color) in the four sympatric Cuculus cuckoos (Cuculus poliocephalus, Cuculus micropterus, Cuculus optatus, and Cuculus canorus) that were wild-captured in South Korea. We found that the yellow color of the eye ring and feet was fairly consistent across the four species. However, the iris color appeared to vary within a species (e.g., between sexes) and varied more substantially among species from nearly black in C. micropterus to bright yellow in C. canorus. In addition, there were significant differences among species with respect to the thickness of the underpart bars, from the thinnest in C. canorus to the thickest in C. micropterus. We also found that the underpart color (pure white versus yellowish brown) and the number of inner wing spots varied within and among species. These results indicate that although hawk-like traits are widely present in Cuculus cuckoos, detailed quantitative features of these traits vary across species. We discuss the potential reasons that generate such variations and suggest future directions to increase our understanding of visual signals in avian brood parasitism.

Mitra Nejad ◽  
Shawn R. Lin ◽  
Linda H. Hwang ◽  
Mark Landig ◽  
Saba Al-Hashimi ◽  

Abstract Purpose To evaluate the effect of brimonidine tartrate 0.025% ophthalmic solution on pupil size under scotopic conditions in healthy adults Methods Pupil size was measured in 56 eyes of 28 volunteer participants using a pupillometer under scotopic conditions. Age, gender, and iris color were recorded. Subjects using any ophthalmic medications other than artificial tears were excluded. The pupil size was subsequently measured again under scotopic conditions 60 min after instillation of brimonidine tartrate 0.025% ophthalmic solution. Results Statistically significant miosis was seen after instillation of brimonidine tartrate 0.025% (p = 0.04). Average pupil size prior to brimonidine 0.025% instillation was 7.28 ± 1.05 mm, and average pupil size after instillation of brimonidine 0.025% was 6.36 ± 1.68 mm, a reduction of − 23.7% in pupil area. Subjects with light irides demonstrated a greater miotic effect than subjects with dark irides (1.55 mm vs. 0.67 mm, p < 0.0001), with a pupil area reduction of − 37.6% and − 17.4%, respectively. The amount of miosis was independent of initial pupil size. Conclusions Brimonidine tartrate 0.025% causes significant miosis in scotopic settings, although the effect is not as great in darker colored eyes. Further studies are needed to determine the latency and duration of the effect and whether the amount of miosis is clinically significant.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Jessica L. Yorzinski ◽  
Christopher A. Thorstenson ◽  
Trezze P. Nguyen

The white sclera is important in facilitating gaze perception in humans. Iris color may likewise influence gaze perception but no previous studies have directly assessed its effect. We therefore examined how the interaction between sclera and iris color influences human gaze perception. We recorded the eye movements of human participants as they performed a visual search task with human faces exhibiting directed or averted gaze. The faces either exhibited light or dark irises. In addition, the faces had sclera that were depigmented (white) or pigmented (matched the color of the iris). We found that participants were quick and accurate in evaluating gaze regardless of iris color in faces with depigmented sclera. When the sclera were pigmented, participants were slower to evaluate the gaze of faces with both light and dark irises but these effects were most pronounced in the faces with dark irises. Furthermore, participants were generally less accurate in assessing faces with pigmented sclera when the irises were dark rather than light. Our results suggest that depigmented sclera are especially important for gaze perception in faces with dark irises. Because depigmented sclera likely evolved at a time when ancestral humans exhibited dark irises, the depigmented sclera may have been crucial for efficient and accurate gaze perception in ancestral humans.

M. N. Shapturenko ◽  
A. V. Kondratiuk ◽  
S. I. Vakula ◽  
M. V. Seredenko (Shinkevich) ◽  
I. G. Gudzievskaya ◽  

The human genetic phenotyping is one of the most intensely developing area of forensic genetics. Externally visible traits, including eye color, can be predicted by analyzing single nucleotide polymorphisms with a high predictive rate. We studied the polymorphisms rs12913832 and rs1800407 in the HERC2 and OCA2 genes, respectively, to evaluate its prognostic availability in relation to the iris pigmentation of the Belarusian population. For this, both eye images and DNA samples were collected from 314 individuals to analyze the key polymorphisms by the TaqMan assay. Our data confirmed a relevance of rs12913832:A>G and rs1800407:G>A in the prediction context. The highest values of the sensitivity (SE = 0.94) and the specificity (SP = 0.90) were obtained for rs12913832, demonstrating the high efficiency of this marker as a classifier of phenotypic groups. The presence of the ancestral dominant allele rs12913832-A causes a dark (brown) iris pigmentation, how- ever, the heterozygous state rs12913832:GA includes a range of mixed variants. The predictive value of rs1800407 for the genetic phenotyping is highly significant (SE = 0.98), but has a low specificity (SP = 0.14), thus rs1800407, not being an effective classifier, can be used as an auxiliary in the eye color predictive model. The analysis of a cumulative impact of the both poly- morphisms on the iris color variation shows their high prospects for the genetic phenotyping of the Belarusian population.

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