unfair treatment
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Shrusti Mulgund ◽  

Employees are an important asset to any organization. Their dedication, hard work and commitment play a vital part in the success of an organization. If employees are expected to give their best at work and be efficient at the optimum level, then they need to be treated fairly, equally and with respect. The main objective of this research is to study and understand Distributive Justice, Procedural Justice and Fairness at workplace and to study its impact on the efficiency of the employees. Distributive and Procedural Justice have an impact in all kinds of institutions, such as hospitals, educational institutions, factories etc. This study aims to cover all these areas under a single term of “workplace” which applies to all kind of institutions, organizations, corporations, etc. Analytical Research Design has been employed to carry out research in the present study with the help of secondary data. To understand Distributive Justice thoroughly, the researcher has explained different approaches to distributive justice, such as John Rawl’s Theory, Utilitarianism, Egalitarianism and Libertarianism. The four important pillars on which Procedural Justice is based are discussed in this study. The thin line that distinguishes distributive justice from procedural justice has been included in this research. The present study explains the importance of Fair treatment in the workplace and the behavioral attitude of employees towards unfair treatment. The difference between equity and equality in a workplace has been explained in the present study. The implication of distributive justice, procedural justice and fair treatment of employees at workplace has also been discussed by the researcher.

Aisha N. Griffith ◽  
Caniece Leggett ◽  
Janelle T. Billingsley ◽  
Audrey R. Wittrup ◽  
So Jung Lee ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Lisa Marpaung

This paper aims to explore and document the concept and meaning of dowry in the Isirawa people bride exchange system, determines its impact on women and children, and provides a reflective analysis from a feminist point of view regarding the dowry payment system. The research used the feminist ethnography qualitative method through literature studies, interviews, and observations. The results found that the dowry exchange system, when viewed from a positive side, means that women or children are considered very valuable and vital for the Isirawa community, namely to strengthen kinship between families and clumps, to continue the clan, as a tool of peace in a conflict as prevention of domestic violence. However, on the other hand, it has a negative impact that is more detrimental to women, namely limiting women's rights, violence, and unfair treatment of women and children. So, it needs to be criticized and consider changing some parts of the tradition that marginalize them by providing solutions, understandings, and new Christian values not to eliminate the existing culture but continue to enable carrying out the tradition for the welfare of the people without harming the other.AbstrakTulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi dan mendokumentasikan konsep dan makna maskawin dalam sistem perkawinan tukar pada Suku Isirawa, melihat dampaknya bagi perempuan dan anak, serta memberikan analisis reflektif dari sudut pandang feminis mengenai hal tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif etnografi feminis, melalui studi kepustakaan, wawancara, dan observasi. Hasilnya ditemukan bahwa pada sistem tukar-menukar maskawin tersebut jika dilihat dari sisi positif memiliki makna perempuan atau anak dianggap sangat berharga dan penting bagi masyarakat Isirawa, yakni untuk mempererat kekerabatan antar keluarga dan rumpun, meneruskan marga, dan sebagai alat perdamaian konflik seperti untuk mencegah kekerasan dalam rumah tangga. Tetapi, di sisi lain memiliki dampak negatif yang merugikan, beberapa di antaranya membatasi hak-hak perempuan, terjadi kekerasan, dan perlakuan tidak adil terhadap perempuan dan anak. Dengan demikian, perlu dikritisi dan dipertimbangkan untuk mengubah beberapa bagian tradisi yang memarinalkan tersebut dengan bersama-sama memberi solusi, pemahaman, dan nilai Kristiani yang baru, sehingga tidak serta-merta menghilangkan total budaya yang ada. Sebaliknya, tradisi tetap dapat terlaksana untuk menyejahterakan umat tanpa merugikan salah satu pihak.

Nancy A. Watkins ◽  
Eric James Mooney

This article discusses research about LGBTQ school leadership and notes differences in participants’ perceptions of treatment in their professional environments. The study employed mixed methods to identify the perceptions and experiences of unfair treatment and discrimination of lesbian and gay public-school administrators working in K–12 settings. A small, purposeful sample of 32 participants reported having experienced varying degrees of unfair treatment or discrimination either in their professional lives or in their private/personal lives. Findings suggest that educational leaders have a role in addressing and preventing unfair treatment and discrimination that contribute to the dissatisfaction and diminished leadership of lesbian and gay administrators serving in K–12 education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 160
Yunardi Kristian Zega

Gender equality is still an interesting issue to be discussed today. Most people, especially those living in various regions in Indonesia, still misinterpret this. Gender equality is seen as an act that puts women first. In Christian circles, this thought is caused by Christian leaders in the past who gave teachings about gender who had unfair treatment between men and women. To provide a solution to these problems, the author uses qualitative research with the literature study method. The author finds that, gender is a characteristic that can be exchanged between each other and can be shared by both. Allah distinguishes the sexes but does not differentiate between the roles of the two. Thus, PAK plays a vital role in building gender understanding in the family and community, especially in the field of education, and in the field of education. AbstrakKesetaraan gender masih menjadi isu menarik untuk diperbincangkan hingga saat ini.  Sebagian besar masyarakat khususnya yang tinggal di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia, masih salah mengartikan hal tersebut. Kesetaraan gender seolah-olah dianggap sebagai tindakan menomorsatukan perempuan. Dalam lingkungan Kristen, pemikiran ini disebabkan karena adanya para tokoh Kristen di masa lalu yang memberikan ajaran tentang gender yang membuahkan perlakuan tidak adil antara laki-laki dengan perempuan. Untuk memberi solusi permasalahan tersebut, penulis menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode studi pustaka. Penulis menemukan bahwa, gender adalah sebuah karakteristik yang dapat saling dipertukarkan antara satu sama lain dan dapat dimiliki oleh keduanya. Allah membedakan jenis kelamin manusia tetapi tidak membedakan peran antara keduanya. Dengan demikian, PAK berperan penting untuk membangun pemahaman kesetaraan gender di dalam lingkungan keluarga, masyarakat khususnya di bidang pendidikan, dan di gereja.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 236
Yuniarti Sibuea ◽  
Wening Udasmoro ◽  
Hayatul Cholsy

Kehidupan perempuan yang dianggap bergantung kepada laki-laki membuat perempuan diperlakukan semena-mena dan tidak adil. Claudine en Menage (1902) adalah novel karya seorang pengarang Prancis, Colette. Novel ini menceritakan tentang seorang perempuan yang hidup sebagai istri yang mengalami eksploitasi berlapis karena ras, budaya, dan seksualitasnya yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang terdekatnya, yaitu ayah dan suaminya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi ideologi dari novel terkait dengan perlawanan perempuan terhadap eksploitasi laki-laki dan mengajak pembaca untuk membuka paradigma baru yang lebih luas mengenai perlawanan perempuan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori perlawanan perempuan dari Hélène Cixous, yang berpendapat bahwa perempuan dengan keahlian dan kemampuannya menulis mampu keluar dari belenggu penindasan yang mereka alami. Teori interseksionalitas dari Kimberlé Crénshaw, yang menerangkan tentang diskriminasi ganda perempuan yang bersifat interseksional yang memuat aspek ras, budaya, agama, serta seksualitas juga dijadikan lensa pendukung di dalam tulisan ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis isi cerita dengan fokus pengumpulan data dan analisis data pada kemampuan perempuan keluar dari belenggu patriarki dan mampu menjadi perempuan independen dengan kemampuan yang mereka miliki.Women's lives are seen as dependent on men, and as such they are prone to abuse and unfair treatment. Claudine en Menage (1902) is a novel written by the French author Colette, which narrates a woman's experiences with racial, cultural, and sexual exploitation at the hands of her father and husband. This study seeks to explore the novel's ideology, as related to its depiction of women's resistance to male exploitation and its invitation to readers to explore broader paradigms about said resistance. This study employs Hélène Cixous' theory of struggle, which holds that women are able to penetrate the barriers of oppression through their writing skills and abilities, and Kimberlé Crénshaw's theory of intersectionality, which holds that sexual discrimination intersects with racial, cultural, religious, and sexuality discrimination. This study uses content analysis methode, with a particular focus on collecting and analyzing data that depict women's ability to shatter barriers of patriarchy and become independent through their own abilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 130
Mbusiseni Celimpilo Dube

Trust between the supervisor and student is the most important element that can pave the way to the completion of a postgraduate degree. If the trust is eroded, it may be difficult for both supervisor and student to work in tandem for the common goal of completing a research study. Trust is the responsibility of both supervisor and student. Using an exploratory case study design, this study sought to explore issues that can erode supervisor-student trust. For data generation, semi-structured interviews were used for five master’s and five PhD students who had completed their degrees; these students were purposively sampled. Data were thematically analysed, and revealed that a harsh manner of approach, a temperamental supervisor, long turnaround time, communication barriers, failure to understand a student’s circumstances, impatience and intolerance, unfair treatment and disrespect can erode supervisor-student trust. Therefore, this study recommends that supervisors should always recognise that the manner in which they interact with students may either make or break that trust. Supervisors should give prompt feedback to students while students can still remember what they wrote. They should always bear in mind that students have other big responsibilities, and take that into account when relating with them.   Received: 4 May 2021 / Accepted: 21 July 2021 / Published: 5 November 2021

2021 ◽  
pp. 014616722110470
Payton A. Small ◽  
Brenda Major ◽  
Cheryl Kaiser

Three experiments investigated how framing diversity as all-inclusive affects recognition of racial injustice. Among Whites, viewing a company mission statement that specifically included Whites/European Americans when defining diversity or made no mention of diversity led to increased recognition of unfair treatment of racial minorities relative to viewing a standard multicultural diversity statement (Experiment 1). Decreased concern about losing out on resources to racial minorities mediated these effects. Among racial minorities, viewing a company statement that included Whites/European Americans or made no mention of diversity similarly increased recognition of unfair treatment of racial minorities, an effect mediated by minorities’ reduced feelings of inclusion (Experiment 2). Experiment 3 replicated these effects using a more subtle manipulation of the all-inclusive diversity statement. These studies suggest defining diversity as inclusive of Whites/European Americans increases Whites’ sensitivity to racial injustice against minorities but simultaneously increases racial minority Americans’ concerns about exclusion and unfair treatment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (28_suppl) ◽  
pp. 115-115
Nicole E. Caston ◽  
Courtney Williams ◽  
Kathleen D. Gallagher ◽  
Rebekah Angove ◽  
Eric Anderson ◽  

115 Background: Patients with cancer who perceive discrimination and unfair treatment from the health care system are at risk for lower health-related quality of life. This study seeks to better understand the characteristics of under-resourced patients who report unfair treatment from the health care system and providers. Methods: This cross-sectional analysis used data from a nationwide survey distributed in December 2020 by Patient Advocate Foundation (PAF), a US non-profit organization providing case management and financial aid to individuals with chronic illness. The survey was fielded via email to those who received PAF services from July 2019-April 2020. Inclusion criteria included a valid e-mail address, aged ≥ 19, and either current or previous cancer treatment. Respondents reported unfair treatment in connection to their health care. Age, sex, race/ethnicity, and annual household income were abstracted from the PAF database. The validated Group-Based Medical Mistrust Scale was used to assess respondents’ level of mistrust in medical providers as it relates to their ethnic group. Scores range from 12-60 and were categorized based on tertiles as high mistrust (scores ≥ 29), neutral (21-28), and low mistrust (≤ 20). Frequencies and percentages were calculated for categorical variables. Results: There were a total of 429 survey respondents with cancer. Most respondents were female (73%) and aged 56-75 (57%); 31% were Black, Indigenous, or Persons of Color (BIPOC). The most common cancer types were hematologic (33%) and breast (33%). Overall, 20% (n = 86) of respondents reported having received unfair treatment. Of those reporting unfair treatment, 56% reported receipt from their doctor, nurse, or health care provider, 51% insurance company, 38% the health care system, and 14% pharmacist. When asked why they felt unfairly treated, the most common responses were related to insurance status (51%), disease or condition (45%), and income (35%). Notably, unfair treatment due to race/ethnicity (6%), sex (9%), and sexual orientation/gender expression (3%) were uncommon. When compared to those who reported objective treatment, respondents reporting unfair treatment were more often unemployed/other (28% vs 11%), privately insured (38% vs 27%), having income < $23,000 (40% vs 25%), having 3+ comorbidities (40% vs 23%) and reporting more mistrust in medical providers (53% vs 27%). There did not appear to be a difference in reporting of unfair treatment by race/ethnicity. Of BIPOC respondents, 51% reported high mistrust in medical providers. Conclusions: This under-resourced population of respondents with cancer reported unfair treatment related to their finances, insurance, and disease status. Our data suggest health care-associated discrimination may occur based on socioeconomic resources. This work identifies a novel equity consideration warranting further evaluation.

Moh Ashif Fuadi

The discourse of feminism in the perspective of the pesantren kiai invites attention to be studied. Feminism is a movement that arises due to the arbitrary treatment of women who further demands equal rights and proper behavior between men and women. It’s just that, in its practice, there is a conventional way of thinking, and civilized has placed women not worth and even under men. This kind of culture has given birth to many problems and suffering in women because women are discriminated against, even receiving a lot of unfair treatment. Therefore, the feminist movement is trying to fight for women to get an equal and fair position in this era. This paper discusses the equality of rights between women and men in the book al-Mar’a al-Sholihah by Kiai Masruhan Maghfuri, who comes from pesantren. He is a scholar of Nusantara who discusses the praiseworthy morals for the generation of Muslim women. This research is classified as library research using a qualitative approach. The study results show that the study of feminism in the book and its relevance in its role in the era of revolution 4.0. Women have the right to get a balanced job and education with men to be good women for their country and change the economic sector by becoming a career women after carrying out their obligations to take care of the household. Women are given space to actualize themselves in the community without forgetting their nature.

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