written expression
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يمينة عطال

Writing is the pride of the human mind throughout its long history, as it is a symbol of its humanity and the title of its civilization and its memory and its history. Writing is one of the means of communication by which a person can express his thoughts and feelings, and records what he would like to record of incidents, facts and information, in order to preserve them from oblivion and disappearance. We will address in this research paper writing in two main axes; The first is an introduction to writing, the factors helping to acquire it, the stages of its learning, and methods of teaching it. As for the second axis, we will dedicate it to writing skills, each skill separately. handwriting, spelling and written expression, in terms of definition and teaching methods, as well as weaknesses in some of them and the reasons for that.

ACC Journal ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 24-29
Věra Höppnerová

The paper summarizes the results of previous research on educational needs of German students at universities of economics in the Czech Republic. The new textbook of German corporate communication entitled “Jobchance Deutsch”, intended for intermediate B1 students, is based on this research. The texts it contains encourage studets to express their opinion concerning controversial topics. Grammatical phenomena are selected with regard to their frequency in professional communication. The most comprehensive section of the textbook—the exercises section—contains exercises designed for pairwork, collocation ones or lexical and phonetic ones as well as those meant to make develop students’ written expression and many others.

Itinera ◽  
2021 ◽  
Valentina Sperotto

Space and movement are not central concepts in discussing Diderot’s physical and philosophical thought, however they become quite interesting when the discussion shifts to aesthetics. Because of that, the question of space and movement in Diderot’s works is the main focus of this issue of Itinera. An analysis is carried out of the rhetorical and literary use of space and movement by Diderot to spatialise his materialist written expression and “put thinking in motion”. Special attention is devoted to the philosopher’s aesthetic considerations, of which space and movement are an important theoretical piece. Some of Diderot’s main works - among which the Lettre sur le aveugles, the Salons, Jacques le fataliste - are investigated under different perspectives in order to show the relevance of space and movement.

2021 ◽  
Sterett Mercer ◽  
Joanna Cannon

We evaluated the validity of an automated approach to learning progress assessment (aLPA) for English written expression. Participants (n = 105) were students in Grades 2–12 who had parent-identified learning difficulties and received academic tutoring through a community-based organization. Participants completed narrative writing samples in the fall and spring of one academic year, and some participants (n = 33) also completed a standardized writing assessment in the spring of the academic year. The narrative writing samples were evaluated using aLPA, four hand-scored written expression curriculum-based measures (WE-CBM), and ratings of writing quality. Results indicated (a) aLPA and WE-CBM scores were highly correlated with ratings of writing quality; (b) aLPA and more complex WE-CBM scores demonstrated acceptable correlations with the standardized writing subtest assessing spelling and grammar, but not the subtest assessing substantive quality; and (c) aLPA scores showed small, statistically significant improvements from fall to spring. These findings provide preliminary evidence that aLPA can be used to efficiently score narrative writing samples for progress monitoring, with some evidence that the aLPA scores can serve as a general indicator of writing skill. The use of automated scoring in aLPA, with performance comparable to WE-CBM hand scoring, may improve scoring feasibility and increase the likelihood that educators implement aLPA for decision making.

Salih Kürşad Dolunay ◽  
Seher Çiçek

The present study aims to submit a general perspective to the conjunctions which Arab students whose language levels were B1 and B2 have structured in their written texts. To this end, this research was designed as a document analysis. In the study, the documents were obtained from free writings by 90 Arab students who were studying at Bolu Branch of TÖMER, Turkey. In order to analyse the conjunctions used by the study group in their written texts, frequency and percentage analyses were employed in quantitative findings obtained through this analysis. Additionally, Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare students’ use of conjunctions according to their language levels. The results of the study have indicated that the most commonly used conjunctions by Arab students whose language levels were B1 and B2 were additive, causal, adversative and time; on the contrary, the least commonly used conjunctions were coordinating, expository, exemplificatory and conditional. The general perspectives on the use of conjunctions across Arab students whose language levels were B2 were found to be higher in their written texts compared to those whose language levels were B1. Consequently, it was revealed that Arab students whose language levels were B2 used ‘adversative, conditional and exemplificatory conjunctions’ to a greater extent; contrary to this, it was found that they were not able to progress in the remaining five conjunctions. According to the findings of the study, teaching of the conjunctions used less commonly by Arab students should be focused more to enable them to comprehend what they read and to convey their ideas in written expression more proficiently.

Esra Nur Ti̇ryaki ◽  
Gülşat Bi̇can

It is observed that individuals have problems in written expression in the Turkish education system, and a permanent solution can not be developed to solve these problems. Therefore, the primary objective of this research is to determine the problems of prospective Turkish teachers in paragraph creation. This research was carried out in the descriptive survey model. The study group consists of 88 students studying in the 3rd grade at Hatay Mustafa Kemal University in the 2018-2019 academic year. In the data collection process, the “paragraph creation problem inventory” developed by the researchers was used in the study. According to research results, it was found that the students suffered the most in “inability to create an introductory paragraph” (n=86), “inability to maintain the thought unity in the paragraph” (n=84), and “inability to develop thought in the paragraph” (n=83). In this study, solutions to the problems experienced by the students were also presented. The study findings are expected to contribute to teaching paragraph development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 187-208
Sergio Suárez Ramírez ◽  
Marta Mateos Núñez ◽  
Miriam Suárez Ramírez

La enseñanza de la lengua y la literatura ha de ser una experiencia lúdica y sensorial para el alumnado, sobre todo a la hora de desarrollar contenidos curriculares referidos a la reflexión sobre la propia lengua y la gramática. Este trabajo expone una investigación empírica llevada a cabo mediante el trabajo de campo y la realización de actividades lúdicas en torno a los usos del lenguaje, desarrollada primero con 18 alumnos del Grado de Maestro de la Facultad de Educación de Soria (Universidad de Valladolid) y, después, con 274 escolares de seis centros de Educación Primaria de la ciudad donde desarrollan sus prácticas curriculares. La experiencia consistió en la realización, bajo la supervisión de sus tutores, de actividades a modo de juegos creativos en tres niveles lingüísticos: letras, palabras y textos. Los objetivos planteados fueron: despertar la curiosidad y el sentido critico del alumnado participante en la experiencia, tanto universitario como de la etapa de Educación Primaria; propiciar la reflexión sobre el código lingüístico para mejorar la expresión oral y escrita de los escolares; y facilitar la asimilación de diversos contenidos curriculares de forma libre, autónoma y cooperativa. Al presentarse como juegos, pudieron aplicarse con igual rendimiento en estas dos etapas educativas (Primaria y Universidad). En su realización, los errores se contemplaron como una oportunidad creativa. Los resultados obtenidos confirman el valor de la enseñanza de la gramática de forma lúdica y creativa. La mayoría de los escolares de Educación Primaria mejoró los resultados en cuanto a esfuerzo, corrección lingüística o lectura en voz alta; por su parte el alumnado universitario apreció la importancia de incluir recursos lúdicos en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, al repercutir sobre una mejor actitud afectiva del alumnado, reforzando la importancia de la sugestopedia como metodología en la enseñanza lingüística. Este trabajo expone una experiencia basada en actividades lúdicas que han sido desarrollada primero con 18 alumnos del Grado de Maestro de la Facultad de Educación de Soria (Universidad de Valladolid) y, después, con 274 escolares de seis centros de Educación Primaria de la ciudad donde desarrollan sus prácticas curriculares. La experiencia consistió en la realización, bajo la supervisión de sus tutores, de actividades a modo de juegos creativos en tres niveles lingüísticos: letras, palabras y textos, con el objetivo de despertar la curiosidad y el sentido crítico, propiciar la reflexión sobre el código y mejorar la expresión oral y escrita de los escolares, al tiempo que se asimilaban de forma libre, autónoma y cooperativa diversos contenidos gramaticales. Al presentarse como juegos, pudieron aplicarse con igual rendimiento en diversas etapas educativas. En su realización se contempló el error como una oportunidad creativa (Rodari, 2008). Los resultados obtenidos confirman el valor de esta metodología, al tiempo que se destaca la ayuda que pueden ofrecer al profesorado para el tratamiento de contenidos académicos que, con enfoques más tradicionales, presentan más dificultades de asimilación entre el alumnado, debido a su escasa capacidad para motivarle y para despertar su interés, pero necesarios para desarrollar la competencia lingüística y comunicativa. Teaching language and literature should be a ludic and sensorial experience for students, especially when it comes to developing curricular content targeting students’ own reflection about their language and grammar. Data were obtained through the completion of creative and playful activities about language, developed first with 18 students of Education Degree in Soria (University of Valladolid) and, later, with 274 students from six Primary schools where university students developed their curricular practices. The experience consisted of the design and conduction, under school tutors’ supervision, of creative games which targeted three linguistic levels: letters, words and texts. More specifically, the objectives included: to awake learners’ curiosity and critical thinking; to promote reflection on the linguistic code for improving oral and written expression; and to facilitate the assimilation of several grammatical contents freely, autonomously and cooperatively. Since these activities were presented as games, they were applied with the same performance levels at university and at primary school settings. Mistakes were considered opportunities for creativity. The results obtained confirm the value of teaching grammar in a playful and creative way. Most of the Primary students improved their results in terms of effort, linguistic correction and reading aloud. University students highlighted the importance of including recreational resources in teaching and learning processes as this had a positive effect on primary school learners’ affective attitude. The results obtained reinforce the importance of suggestion-pedagogy as a method in language teaching. This work exposed an experience with 18 university students from Education Degree in Soria (University of Valladolid) who have been involved as part of their own university training and later they have applied this experience to 274 students from six schools of the city, during its curricular practices. This experience consisted, under the supervision of their tutors in Schools, in several activities applied as creative games with three linguistic levels: letters, words and texts, with the aim of awakening curiosity and critical sense, promoting reflection on the linguistic code and improve oral and written expression, while assimilating various grammatical contents freely, autonomously and cooperatively. When activities are presented as games, they could be applied with equal performance in various educational stages. In its realization, error was seen as a creative opportunity (Rodari, 2008). The results confirm the value of this methodology, while highlighting the help it can offer to teachers for the treatment of academic content that, with more traditional approaches, presents more assimilation difficulties among students, due to its limited ability to motivate him and arouse his interest, but necessary to develop linguistic and communicative competence.

Sudgeh Awad Falaah Tarawneh Sudgeh Awad Falaah Tarawneh

The aim of the research is to identify the common grammatical errors in the written expression of high school students in Jordan, and to identify the level that enables the students to employ grammatical skills in their writing. The sample of the study consisted of (42) high school students who were assigned to write an expressive topic in about (150) words in two topics that were identified by the researcher, and after the students ’papers were corrected and the grammatical errors were classified in their writings, the results of the research showed that the number of types of errors The grammatical expression in the written expression of high school students totaled (58) grammatical errors, the percentage of those errors ranged between (5.17% - 18.97%) and the type of error (the syntax of the plural of the peaceful masculine) came in the first place, as the number of this error reached (11) errors. With percentages amounting to (18.97), and the error came in (the sentence of Anna and her sisters) with a frequency of (10) occurrences with a percentage of (17.24%), followed by the error in (Kana's sentence and its sisters) with a frequency of (9) iterations and a percentage of (15.52) The error in (the parsing of al-Muthanna) came in fourth place with (8) iterations with a percentage of (13.79%), followed by the error in (number and count) with a frequency of (7) errors with a percentage of (12.07%), followed by a mistake (Assert the present tense verb ineffective) enumerates (6) iterations with a percentage of (10.34%), followed by a mistake (the parsing of the five verbs) after occurrences of (4) occurrences and a percentage of (6.90%), and the error in (parsing the five names) came in the last place with a number of (3) occurrences and a percentage of (5.17%). The results also showed that the standard percentages of the types of grammatical errors common in written expression among high school students ranged between (5.17% - 18.97%), all of which were less than (40%), which indicates that high school students have a good level of employing grammar skills. needed for written expression. The researcher made a number of recommendations, the most important of which are: teachers' training for students from the first basic grades on expressive writing situations, so that they get used to correctly formulating the sentence. and accustom students to reading and reading so that the circle of their culture expands and they have a linguistic wealth that helps them to write expressively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (09) ◽  
pp. 310-312
Sunila Thomas ◽  
Gibina Jacob ◽  

In mathematics education ethnomathematics is the study of the relationship between mathematics and culture. Often associated with cultures without written expression, it may also be defined as the mathematics which is practiced among identifiable cultural groups. It refers to a broad cluster of ideas ranging from distinct numerical and mathematical systems to multicultural mathematics education. The goal of ethnomathematics is to contribute both to the understanding of culture and the understanding of mathematics, and mainly to lead to an appreciation of the connections between the two.

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