national surveys
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Lisiane Freitas Leal ◽  
Claudia Garcia Serpa Osorio-de-Castro ◽  
Luiz Júpiter Carneiro de Souza ◽  
Felipe Ferre ◽  
Daniel Marques Mota ◽  

Background: In Brazil, studies that map electronic healthcare databases in order to assess their suitability for use in pharmacoepidemiologic research are lacking. We aimed to identify, catalogue, and characterize Brazilian data sources for Drug Utilization Research (DUR).Methods: The present study is part of the project entitled, “Publicly Available Data Sources for Drug Utilization Research in Latin American (LatAm) Countries.” A network of Brazilian health experts was assembled to map secondary administrative data from healthcare organizations that might provide information related to medication use. A multi-phase approach including internet search of institutional government websites, traditional bibliographic databases, and experts’ input was used for mapping the data sources. The reviewers searched, screened and selected the data sources independently; disagreements were resolved by consensus. Data sources were grouped into the following categories: 1) automated databases; 2) Electronic Medical Records (EMR); 3) national surveys or datasets; 4) adverse event reporting systems; and 5) others. Each data source was characterized by accessibility, geographic granularity, setting, type of data (aggregate or individual-level), and years of coverage. We also searched for publications related to each data source.Results: A total of 62 data sources were identified and screened; 38 met the eligibility criteria for inclusion and were fully characterized. We grouped 23 (60%) as automated databases, four (11%) as adverse event reporting systems, four (11%) as EMRs, three (8%) as national surveys or datasets, and four (11%) as other types. Eighteen (47%) were classified as publicly and conveniently accessible online; providing information at national level. Most of them offered more than 5 years of comprehensive data coverage, and presented data at both the individual and aggregated levels. No information about population coverage was found. Drug coding is not uniform; each data source has its own coding system, depending on the purpose of the data. At least one scientific publication was found for each publicly available data source.Conclusions: There are several types of data sources for DUR in Brazil, but a uniform system for drug classification and data quality evaluation does not exist. The extent of population covered by year is unknown. Our comprehensive and structured inventory reveals a need for full characterization of these data sources.

Children ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 62
Maxwell Luke Armstrong ◽  
Nicholas Smith ◽  
Rhiannon Tracey ◽  
Heather Jackman

Electronic cigarette (EC) use is highly prevalent, especially in the adolescent population, where 29% of Canadian adolescents have used an EC in the past thirty days per national surveys. Our pediatric orthopedic referral centre observed a cluster of delayed unions of bone fractures in adolescents using ECs and present the case series here. We then asked whether electronic cigarettes impair bone healing or influence orthopedic outcomes. A PRISMA-compliant systematic review was carried out, which revealed no human clinical studies and a general paucity of evidence around ECs and musculoskeletal health. The existing experimental evidence relevant to orthopedics is summarized. The effect of ECs on the musculoskeletal system is poorly understood and is a target for further research.

Retos ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
pp. 625-635
Oscar L Veiga ◽  
Manel Valcarce-Torrente ◽  
Alejandro Romero-Caballero

Esta es la sexta edición de las Encuestas Nacionales de Tendencias de Fitness en España, que reproducen de forma anual la metodología de las encuestas internacionales promovidas por el Colegio Americano de Medicina del Deporte (ACSM). El objetivo del presente estudio es identificar las principales tendencias en el sector del fitness español mediante la presentación de los resultados de la encuesta realizada para 2022, así como comparar los resultados con los obtenidos en las encuestas nacional e internacional de 2021. Además, también se analizó el posible impacto del COVID-19 en la incorporación de tecnología en el sector del fitness en España. La encuesta fue enviada electrónicamente a un total de 6551 profesionales relacionados con el sector del fitness recogiéndose un total 520 respuestas (tasa de respuesta de 7.9%), de las cuales un 27.3% fueron mujeres. Las cinco tendencias más relevantes para 2022 fueron, por ese orden: “contratación de profesionales certificados”, “entrenamiento funcional de fitness”, “entrenamiento personal en pequeños grupos”, “entrenamiento personal” y “programas de ejercicio y pérdida de peso”. Las tendencias en el top-20 en España para 2022 fueron muy congruentes con las de 2021, tanto en el número de coincidencias (18 tendencias comunes) como en las posiciones ocupadas (dentro del top-10 hubo 9 tendencias comunes a ambas encuestas). Al igual que en años anteriores, se produjo una mayor discrepancia entre la encuesta española para 2022 y la encuesta internacional de 2021, con sólo 13 tendencias comunes dentro del top-20 y únicamente dos coincidencias en el top-10.  Estos hallazgos vuelven a confirmar, en consonancia con ediciones anteriores, la estabilidad de las tendencias en el sector del fitness español y la progresiva divergencia con las tendencias internacionales.  Abstract. This is the sixth edition of the National Surveys of Fitness Trends in Spain, which annually reproduces the methodology of the worldwide surveys endorsed by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). The objective of this study is to identify the main trends in the Spanish fitness sector by presenting the results of the Spanish survey for 2022, as well as comparing the results with those obtained in the national and international surveys for 2021. In addition, the possible impact of COVID-19 on the incorporation of technology in the fitness sector in Spain was also analyzed. The survey was electronically sent to 6551 professionals related to the fitness sector, collecting a total of 520 responses (response rate 7.9%), of which 27.3% were women and 72.7% were men. The five most relevant trends for 2022 were, in that order: “employing certificate fitness professional”, “functional fitness training”, “personal training in small groups”, “personal training” and “exercise and weight loss programs”. The trends in the top-20 in Spain for 2022 were very congruent with those of 2021, both in the number of coincidences (18 common trends) and in the positions occupied (9 common trends within the top-10). As in previous years, there was a greater discrepancy between the Spanish survey for 2022 and the worldwide survey for 2021, with only 13 common trends within the top-20 and only two coinciding trends in the top-10. These findings confirm again, in accordance with previous editions, the stability of trends in the Spanish fitness sector and the progressive divergence with worldwide trends. 

2021 ◽  
Joana Santos ◽  
Joana Alves ◽  
Paula Braz ◽  
Roberto Brazao ◽  
Alexandra Costa ◽  

Hypertension is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, which can be caused by excessive salt intake. In Portugal, one of the main foods to contribute to ingestion of salt is bread. Thus, a voluntary Protocol was signed between stakeholders with the aim to reduce salt content in bread by 2021. Herein, a retrospective HIA was carried out to assess the impact in blood pressure (BP) after this agreement. In order to find average values of salt intake and BP in Portuguese population, national surveys were used. Also, estimates of BP reduction and its size effects were calculated based upon meta-analysis data. It is expected that salt intake will be reduced mostly in individuals with low educational level, men, aged between 65-74 years old and residents in South region of Portugal. Results in hypertensive patients indicate that a higher effect on BP will occur in the same profile of individuals, except age (between 55 and 64 years old). However, the estimated effect is very low for all groups, suggesting that the Protocol will contribute to modest health gains. Complementary measures supported by HIA studies need to be adopted to actively promote salt intake reduction and effectively prevent hypertension.

2021 ◽  
pp. 135406882110477
Nicole McMahon ◽  
Anthony Sayers ◽  
Christopher Alcantara

What effect has the COVID-19 pandemic had on the political donations gender gap in Canada? Drawing on data from two national surveys conducted in May and August 2020, as well as Elections Canada data from 2019 and 2020, we find an overall decline in contributions to political parties and a reduced but still significant gender gap, with women less likely to donate to political parties than men.

2021 ◽  
pp. 014616722110549
Anni Sternisko ◽  
Aleksandra Cichocka ◽  
Aleksandra Cislak ◽  
Jay J. Van Bavel

Conspiracy theories related to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have propagated around the globe, leading the World Health Organization to declare the spread of misinformation an “Infodemic.” We tested the hypothesis that national narcissism—a belief in the greatness of one’s nation that requires external recognition—is associated with the spread of conspiracy theories during the COVID-19 pandemic. In two large-scale national surveys ( NTotal = 950) conducted in the United States and the United Kingdom, and secondary analysis of data from 56 countries ( N = 50,757), we found a robust, positive relationship between national narcissism and proneness to believe and disseminate conspiracy theories related to COVID-19. Furthermore, belief in COVID-19 conspiracy theories was related to less engagement in health behaviors and less support for public-health policies to combat COVID-19. Our findings illustrate the importance of social identity factors in the spread of conspiracy theories and provide insights into the psychological processes underlying the COVID-19 pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 206-206
Bei Wu ◽  
Susie Keepper ◽  
Michèle Saunders

Abstract Poor oral health, diabetes mellitus (DM), and cognitive impairment are common problems in older adults. Using national surveys, this symposium aims to present new findings regarding the impact of the co-occurrence of DM and poor oral health on cognitive function, cognitive decline, and mortality. This symposium will also cover the topic of dental care use among adult populations in the U.S. Using data from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) (2006- 2018), the first study shows that adults with both DM and edentulism had the worst cognitive function, followed by those with edentulism alone, and those with DM alone. Using the same HRS data, the second study found that co-occurrence of DM and edentulism had a higher risk of more rapid cognitive decline with advancing age than the presence of each condition alone. The third study used data from the 2006-2016 HRS linked with mortality files, and revealed that the risk of diabetes and edentulism on mortality may vary across racial/ethnic groups. Using the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System survey (2002-2018), the fourth study examined disparities of dental service utilization among racial/ethnic groups (Whites, Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, American Indians or Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islanders). Age differences in dental services were also compared between older adults and other younger and middle-aged populations. This symposium highlights the role of oral health in improving cognitive health. Policies and programs are needed to increase dental care access, a critical way to help maintain good oral health.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 28-46
James Shepherd ◽  
Paula Britton ◽  
Taylor McVay

Increasing positives attitudes toward medical marijuana (MM) is evident by the number of states who have authorized MM and in national surveys. Based on 177 participants responding to an anonymous electronic survey, the study found that Ohio licensed counselors and social workers hold generally positive views about MM regardless of one’s license or supervisory status. Participants’ attitude toward national legal adult use and opinion regarding recreational use significantly predicted participants attitude toward national legalization of MM, but age, having a chemical dependency license, and personal use of MM did not add to the prediction model. In addition, most reported having clients who use marijuana and directly asked about MM, yet nearly all had clients they believed should not use MM and would be reluctant to refer if a history of substance abuse was present. Additional concerns about MM were expressed by participants, and the training needs for practice and future directions for research are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 100063
Nasheeta Peer ◽  
Olalekan A. Uthman ◽  
Andre-Pascal Kengne

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