linearly independent
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Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 109
Jing Su ◽  
Hui Sun ◽  
Bing Yao

The security of passwords generated by the graphic lattices is based on the difficulty of the graph isomorphism, graceful tree conjecture, and total coloring conjecture. A graphic lattice is generated by a graphic base and graphical operations, where a graphic base is a group of disjointed, connected graphs holding linearly independent properties. We study the existence of graphic bases with odd-graceful total colorings and show graphic lattices by vertex-overlapping and edge-joining operations; we prove that these graphic lattices are closed to the odd-graceful total coloring.

Ши Тоан Нгуен ◽  
Дмитрий Викторович Христич

Рассмотрена модель упругости второго порядка для ортотропного материала. Проведенный анализ показывает, что квадратичная часть предложенной модели содержит тринадцать упругих постоянных, из которых девять являются линейно независимыми. Параметры модели определены по данным экспериментов с композитными пластинами. Модель позволяет описывать наблюдаемые в экспериментах нелинейные зависимости между напряжениями и деформациями в процессах растяжения, сжатия и сдвига, а также разносопротивляемость анизотропных материалов. A second-order elasticity model for an orthotropic material is considered. The analysis shows that the quadratic part of the proposed model contains thirteen elastic constants, nine of which are linearly independent. The parameters of the model are determined from the data of experiments with composite plates. The model allows one to describe experimentally observed nonlinear dependences of stresses and strains in the processes of tension, compression, and shear, as well as the difference in resistance of anisotropic materials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Muhammad Asif ◽  
Doha A. Kattan ◽  
Dragan Pamučar ◽  
Ghous Ali

The theory of q -rung orthopair fuzzy sets ( q -ROFSs) is emerging for the provision of more comprehensive and useful information in comparison to their counterparts like intuitionistic and Pythagorean fuzzy sets, especially when responding to the models of vague data with membership and non-membership grades of elements. In this study, a significant generalized model q -ROFS is used to introduce the concept of q -rung orthopair fuzzy vector spaces ( q -ROFVSs) and illustrated by an example. We further elaborate the q -rung orthopair fuzzy linearly independent vectors. The study also involves the results regarding q -rung orthopair fuzzy basis and dimensions of q -ROFVSs. The main focus of this study is to define the concepts of q -rung orthopair fuzzy matroids ( q -ROFMs) and apply them to explore the characteristics of their basis, dimensions, and rank function. Ultimately, to show the significance of our proposed work, we combine these ideas and offer an application. We provide an algorithm to solve the numerical problems related to human flow between particular regions to ensure the increased government response action against frequently used path (heavy path) for the countries involved via directed q -rung orthopair fuzzy graph ( q -ROFG). At last, a comparative study of the proposed work with the existing theory of Pythagorean fuzzy matroids is also presented.

V. Rovenski ◽  
P. Walczak

We introduce and study certain deformation of Minkowski norms in [Formula: see text] determined by a set of [Formula: see text] linearly independent 1-forms and a smooth positive function of [Formula: see text] variables. In particular, the deformation of a Euclidean norm [Formula: see text] produces a Minkowski norm defined in our recent work; its indicatrix is a rotation hypersurface with a [Formula: see text]-dimensional axis passing through the origin. For [Formula: see text], our deformation generalizes the construction of [Formula: see text]-norms which form a rich class of “computable” Minkowski norms and play an important role in Finsler geometry. We characterize such pairs of a Minkowski norm and its image that Cartan torsions of the two norms either coincide or differ by a [Formula: see text]-reducible term. We conjecture that for [Formula: see text] any Minkowski norm can be approximated by images of a Euclidean norm.

Shida Wang

Dai, Hom, Stoffregen and Truong defined a family of concordance invariants [Formula: see text]. The example of a knot with zero Upsilon invariant but nonzero epsilon invariant previously given by Hom also has nonzero phi invariant. We show there are infinitely many such knots that are linearly independent in the smooth concordance group. In the opposite direction, we build infinite families of linearly independent knots with zero phi invariant but nonzero Upsilon invariant. We also give a recursive formula for the phi invariant of torus knots.


Abstract In this paper we study the existence of higher dimensional arithmetic progressions in Meyer sets. We show that the case when the ratios are linearly dependent over ${\mathbb Z}$ is trivial and focus on arithmetic progressions for which the ratios are linearly independent. Given a Meyer set $\Lambda $ and a fully Euclidean model set with the property that finitely many translates of cover $\Lambda $ , we prove that we can find higher dimensional arithmetic progressions of arbitrary length with k linearly independent ratios in $\Lambda $ if and only if k is at most the rank of the ${\mathbb Z}$ -module generated by . We use this result to characterize the Meyer sets that are subsets of fully Euclidean model sets.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2091 (1) ◽  
pp. 012048
Yu L Nikolaev ◽  
P N Shkatov ◽  
A V Chernova ◽  
E F Akhmetshina ◽  
A A Samorukov

Abstract The ways of increasing the information content of magnetic flaw detection based on spectral analysis when registering magnetic fluxes of leakage from defects by a vibration induction probe (VIP) are considered. It is shown that the VIP signals, caused by the normal and tangential components of the strength of the magnetic scattering fluxes, are linearly independent, and the corresponding harmonic components of the spectra of these signals are weakly dependent on the noise component and carry information about the coordinates and parameters of the defect.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 175-181
Gudrun Kalmbach H.E.

Some finite subspace models L are presented for quantum structures which replace the use of countable infinite Hilbert space H dimensions. A maximal Boolean sublattice, called block, is 24, where its four atoms directly above 0εL, base vectors of H in 24 are drawn as four points on an interval. Blocks can overlap in one or two atoms. Different kinds of operators can map one block onto another and interpretations are given such that subspaces can carry on their base vector tuple real, complex or quaternionic numbers, energies, symmetries and generate coordinate lines. Describing states of physical systems is done using L and its applications for dynamical modelling. They don‘t need the infinte dimensional vectors of H. L has in the first model 11 blocks and 24 atoms (figure 1). They correspond to the 24 elements of the tetrahedral S4 symmetry. S4 arises from a spin-line rgb-graviton whirl operator with center at the tip of a tetrahedron and a nucleon triangle base with three quarks as vertices. The triangles factor group D3 of S4 is due to the CPT Klein normal subgroup Z2 x Z2 of S4 . It has a strong interaction SI rotor for the nucleons inner dynamics which is used for integrating functions, exchanging energies of nucleon with its environment and setting barycentrical coordinates in the triangle. At their intersection B as barycenter sets a Higgs boson or field the rescaled quark mass of a nucleon. Each factor class of one element from D3 assigns to it a color charge, a coordinate, an energy vector and a symmetry. Symmetries attached can be different according to interactions involved. Every atom of L has then a specific character with different properties.Three characters are added to octonian base vectors, listed by their indices as n = 0,1,…,7, and named for the atoms of L as na, nb, nc. The structure and element attributes of the finite subspace lattices L are desribed in many examples and models which technical constructed run macroscopically. Several models are described below. Example, the color charge whirl as rgb-graviton projection operator maps the block 2c3b5a6a to 0a1a2a3a. The symmetries change dimension from 3x3- to 2x2-matrices. From SU(3) are λ1 on 3b mapped to the SU(2) x-coordinate Pauli matrix σ1, from λ2 on 5a to σ2 y-coordinate and from λ3 on 6a to σ3 z-coordinate of real Euclidean space R³. The SU(3) matrices have complex w3 = z +ict, w2 = (iy,f), w1 = (x,m) coordinates. In figure 3 is shown how a rotation of two proton tetrahedrons for fusion changes the two linearly independent wj vectors to the 1-dimensional x,y,z base vectors. In deuteron then on one coordinate line sit with Cooper paire u-d-quarks at the ends the Heisenberg coupled energy or space vector rays 15 (x,m), m mass measured in kg, x in meter, 23 (iy,E(rot)), E(rot) rotational energy measured in Joule J, y in meter, 46 (ict,f), t time measured in seconds, f = 1/∆t frequency s inverse time interval measured in Hz. The six color charges are red r on +x as octonian coordinate 1, green g on +y as 2 , blue b on -z as 6, turquoise on -x as 5, magenta on -y as 3, yellow on +z as 4..

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-54
Ya.I. Savchuk ◽  
A.I. Bandura

We introduce a concept of asymptotic vector of an entire curve with linearly independent components and without common zeros and investigate a relationship between the asymptotic vectors and the Picard exceptional vectors. A non-zero vector $\vec{a}=(a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_p)\in \mathbb{C}^{p}$ is called an asymptotic vector for the entire curve $\vec{G}(z)=(g_1(z),g_2(z),\ldots,g_p(z))$ if there exists a continuous curve $L: \mathbb{R}_+\to \mathbb{C}$ given by an equation $z=z\left(t\right)$, $0\le t<\infty $, $\left|z\left(t\right)\right|<\infty $, $z\left(t\right)\to \infty $ as $t\to \infty $ such that$$\lim\limits_{\stackrel{z\to\infty}{z\in L}} \frac{\vec{G}(z)\vec{a} }{\big\|\vec{G}(z)\big\|}=\lim\limits_{t\to\infty} \frac{\vec{G}(z(t))\vec{a} }{\big\|\vec{G}(z(t))\big\|} =0,$$ where $\big\|\vec{G}(z)\big\|=\big(|g_1(z)|^2+\ldots +|g_p(z)|^2\big)^{1/2}$, $\vec{G}(z)\vec{a}=g_1(z)\cdot\bar{a}_1+g_2(z)\cdot\bar{a}_2+\ldots+g_p(z)\cdot\bar{a}_p$. A non-zero vector $\vec{a}=(a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_p)\in \mathbb{C}^{p}$ is called a Picard exceptional vector of an entire curve $\vec{G}(z)$ if the function $\vec{G}(z)\vec{a}$ has a finite number of zeros in $\left\{\left|z\right|<\infty \right\}$. We prove that any Picard exceptional vector of transcendental entire curve with linearly independent com\-po\-nents and without common zeros is an asymptotic vector.Here we de\-mon\-stra\-te that the exceptional vectors in the sense of Borel or Nevanlina and, moreover, in the sense of Valiron do not have to be asymptotic. For this goal we use an example of meromorphic function of finite positive order, for which $\infty $ is no asymptotic value, but it is the Nevanlinna exceptional value. This function is constructed in known Goldberg and Ostrovskii's monograph``Value Distribution of Meromorphic Functions''.Other our result describes sufficient conditions providing that some vectors are asymptotic for transcendental entire curve of finite order with linearly independent components and without common zeros. In this result, we require that the order of the Nevanlinna counting function for this curve and for each such a vector is less than order of the curve.At the end of paper we formulate three unsolved problems concerning asymptotic vectors of entire curve.

Estevão Esmi ◽  
Beatriz Laiate ◽  
Francielle Santo Pedro ◽  
Laécio C. Barros

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