equatorial diameter
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2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 815-821
V. N. Kazaykin ◽  
A. Yu. Kleymenov ◽  
E. M. Murashova ◽  
G. V. Chashchin

Purpose. To develop a method of circular buckle length calculation for optimization of circular scleral buckling in retinal detachment surgery.Methods. At the first stage of the study a formula for calculation of optimal circular scleral buckle length for patients with various axial length (AL) of the eyeball was developed (90 eyes). These healthy eyes were divided into three groups, 30 eyes in each: group 1 — AL 19 to 23.5 mm, group 2 — AL 23.6 to 27 mm, group 3 — AL over 27 mm. In all the groups AL and equatorial diameter of the eyeball were measured with ultrasound A- and B- scanning (Тomey UD8000, Tomey AL 3000). Mathematic estimation of equatorial eyeball diameter dependence on AL was performed using correlation and regression analysis and the formula for optimal circular buckle length calculation was derived. At the second stage the derived formula was used in clinic during retinal detachment surgery in 15 eyes of 15 patients aged 28 to 44 years (37.6 ± 2.6) with subtotal retinal detachment occupying 2 to 3 quadrants. Follow-up period was 1 to 4 months (2.3 ± 0.5). For control, in all patient’s intraoperative measurement of the eyeball circumference in equatorial zone was performed.Results. The first step of the study revealed high correlation coefficient (r) between AL and equatorial eyeball diameter in groups 1 and 2, 0.89 and 0.87, respectively. In group 3 correlation coefficient was 0.57 which shows moderate correlation between AL and equatorial eyeball diameter. Group 3 (AL > 27 mm) was not included in deriving the formula for circular buckle length calculation. Finally, regression equation was obtained and the following formula for circular buckle length calculation was derived: L = 0.9π (8.05 + 0.66 AL), where L — circular buckle length, π = 3.14, AL — axial length of the eyeball. At the second stage of the study (eyes with AL less than 27 mm) anatomical attachment of the retina was achieved in all 15 cases (100 %), elevation of the buckle was 1.44 to 1.6 mm (1.5 ± 0.02), circular buckle shortening made 10 % of the initial eyeball diameter. Control measurement of eyeball diameter in equatorial zone coincided with calculated values, that is, equaled the data obtained from presented formula and from preoperative ultrasound measurement of equatorial eyeball diameter.Conclusions. The derived formula for circular buckle length calculation is highly effective for eyes with AL less than 27 mm: provides optimal height of impression roll (approximately 1.5 mm), reduces the risk of postoperative complications, it is simple in use and shortens the operation time. For calculation of circular buckle length for eyes with AL over 27 mm it is reasonable to use the data of preoperative ultrasound A-scan measurement of equatorial diameter of the eyeball.

Turczaninowia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 36-51
Alexey V. Vaganov ◽  
Irina I. Gureyeva ◽  
Alexander I. Shmakov ◽  
Alexander A. Kuznetsov ◽  
Roman S. Romanets

This paper continues consideration of the spores of three paleotropical fern genera – Taenitis, Syngramma, and Austrogramme (Pteridoideae, Pteridaceae) from South-Eastern Asia and Oceania. At the second stage, we carried out a comparative scanning electron microscopy study of spores of three species of Austrogramme, four species of Syngramma, and six species of Taenitis and added information about previously studied spores of seven species of these genera. Spores of all examined species are trilete, tetrahedral or tetrahedral-globose with convex to hemispherical distal side and plane, convex or conical proximal side. The spores of Austrogramme species are the smallest, simplest in ornamentation and similar to each other. Sculpture of the proximal and distal sides are microverrucate, the surface of the spores is covered by granular deposits. Spores of most Syngrammaspecies are very similar to spores of Austrogramme species in shape and surface sculpture: their distal and proximal surfaces are microverrucate, whereas the spores of S. borneensis and S. cartilagidens have the low-tuberculate sculpture. Spores of Taenitis species are very different from the spores of Austrogramme and Syngramma. Seven of nine studied species have spores with well-expressed cingulum (T. blechnoides, T. cordata, T. diversifolia, T. interrupta, T. luzonica, T. obtusa, and T. requiniana), three species (T. cordata, T. hookeri, and T. pinnata) have spores with prominent laesural ridges. The spores have well-expressed ornamentation – tuberculate, baculate, rugate, tuberculate-rugate. The most conspicuous character of the ornamentation of spore surfaces is the presence of rodlets associated with sculpture elements. The densest rodlets are characteristic of Taenitis diversifolia, T. luzonica, T. obtusa, and T. requiniana. Spore size (equatorial diameter) ranges on average between 22 μm and 37 μm in Austrogramme, between 27 μm and 41 μm in Syngramma, and between 26 and 51 μm in Taenitis species.

Yazmin Zapata Contreras ◽  
Eduardo Osorio Hernandez ◽  
José Hugo Silva Espinosa ◽  
Criseida Alhelí Saénz Pérez ◽  
Ma. Teresa de Jesús Segura Martínez

Objective: To evaluate the effect of three resistance inducers and an organic fertilizer on the titles of CandidatusLiberibacter asiaticus in Citrus sinensis (L.) Obseck cv. Valencia.Design/methodology/approach: The treatments consisted of Vacciplant Max and UPL-08, Fosetil aluminum. Likewise, BIO-FOM was applied on the periphery of the trees, with moisture for nutrients absorption. The evaluated variables were fruit weight, equatorial diameter, skin thickness, °BRIX, severity and chlorophyll, in each of the five treatments, which consisted of 20 repetitions.Results: The fruits of the trees treated with Vacciplant Max had lower skin thickness and a higher °BRIX. Also, the highest chlorophyll index was recorded with BIO-FOM fertilizer. However, none of the evaluated treatments significantly decreased the fruit harshness.Findings/conclusions: The best treatment against Huanglongbing was fosetyl aluminum which conferred greater fruit weight and diameter

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (19) ◽  
pp. 341-345
Margareta Corneanu ◽  
Iulia Mineață ◽  
Elena Iurea ◽  
Iuliana-Elena Golache ◽  
Sorina Sîrbu

The paper presents some aspects regarding the influence of environmental factors in 2020 on the development and fruiting of local and foreign sour cherry cultivars. Phenological stages, fruit quality traits and other chemical parameters were studied. The swelling of the buds started with March 07th (`Țarina`), while the beginning of flowering varied during 11 days, taking place between April 8-19th to April 26th. Fruit`s weight have varied between 3.34 g (`Erdi Ipari`) and 6.28 g (`Erdi Bibor`), but of the stone between 0.20 g (`Erdi Ipari`) and 0.32 g (`Erdi Bibor`). Regarding the equatorial diameter, it varied between 16.98 mm and 22.37 mm for the varieties `Erdi Ipari` and respectively `Erdi Bibor`. The fruit ripening took place between June 3rd and 20th. The values of the soluble dry solids recorded data ranging from 13.84% (`Erdi Korai`) to 17.10% (`Erdi Bibor`). The studied sour cherry cultivars showed variability, but some were remarked through the size of the fruit and the high level of soluble dry substances, or by the degree of adaptability to the soil and climate conditions in Northeastern Romania.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (AAEBSSD) ◽  
pp. 237-244
V.P. Santhi ◽  
L. Pugalendhi ◽  
D. Venkatesan

A field experiment was conducted at Horticultural Research Station, Nanjanadu farm Ooty to study the effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on yield and the soil microbial populations in garlic. The experiment was carried out ina Randomized Blocks Design with 9 treatments and three replications. The plot size of 12 m2 was laid out. The experiment was conducted for three years from 2011 -13 and the pooled data was analysed. Pooled analysis was done for the three-harvest data (2011, 2012, 2013). All the organic manures like farm Yard Manure (FYM), Vermicompost (VC) and Poultry Manure (PM) and biofertilizers viz., Azospirillum and Phosphorus Solubilizing Bacteria each @ 5 kg each/ ha was applied as a basal as per the treatment. 50 % of the recommended inorganic applied as basal at the time of planting and the remaining 50 % N was applied in two equal splits during 30 and 45 days after planting. The full dose of P, K and S applied at the time of planting as per the treatment schedule. The treatments received three levels of FYM (15, 7.5,5 t -1/ha), Poultry Manure (7.5,3.75,2.5 t -1/ha) and Vermi Compost (7.5,3.75,2.5 t-1/ha). Observations are recorded on no. of leaves, Equatorial Diameter (ED), Polar Diameter (PD), Average Bulb Weight (ABW), A-grade bulbs (AGB), B grade bulbs (BGB), C grade bulbs (CGB), Marketable yield (MY) and Total yield (TY). Soil samples were collected at two stages (bulbing and at harvest) for microbial populations of total bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes. Results were compared among the treatments for total yield of garlic. Results revealed that the highest total as well as marketable yield was recorded in T 9 (75:40:40:40 Kg NPKS + 5 t FYM / ha + 2.5 t PM + 2.5 t VC/ ha) and T6 (75:40:40:40 Kg NPKS + 7.5 t FYM / ha + 3.75 t PM/ ha). Among the nine treatments significantly the maximum plant height (68.65 cm), the number of leaves (8.17), neck thickness (3.47 cm), polar diameter (40.03 mm), equatorial diameter (36.83cm), the average weight of 10 bulbs (203.34 g). B grade bulbs (51. 27 %), minimum C grade bulbs (16. 11%), marketable yield (8.52 tonnes/ ha), total yield (10.61 tonnes/ ha) was recorded in the T9 followed by T6 (9.72 tonnes /ha). The population of bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes were found to be maximum at the harvesting stage when compared to the bulbing stage under treatment T9.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 502 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-66

The pollen morphology of 17 taxa of Gundelia, of which 13 taxa are endemic to Turkey, was investigated by light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In this study, the pollen morphology of 16 taxa except G. tournefortii was investigated for the first time. The quantitative data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and multivariate statistics. The pollen grains are oblate spheroidal and prolate spheroidal in shape with the polar diameter of 37.01–61.2 μm and the equatorial diameter of 31.2–63.4 μm. The smallest pollen grains were observed in G. anatolica, G. rosea and G. tournefortii, while the largest pollen grains were observed in G. vitekii, G. komagenensis and G. colemerikensis. Pollen ornamentation is echinate in LM and echinate-microperforate in SEM. Statistically, the relationships between pollen characters of the examined taxa were identified using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Clustering Analyzis. In addition, a dendrogram was constructed by applying UPGMA based on the determined 15 pollen morphological characters, and the degree of their relationship was discussed. Polar axis, equatorial diameter and colpus length were the major explanations of the pollen morphological characters’ total variation in PCA. Pair group method was used to divide the main pollen taxa into three groups based on the pollen morphology by using arithmetic averages analysis (PCA scatterplot and cluster analysis). As a result, the pollen shape, polar axis, equatorial diameter and spine length were important characters distingushing the taxa from each other. We found some matches and mismatches between pollen and morphological characters, whose significance requires further study.

Hartutiningsih M. Siregar ◽  
. Sudarmono ◽  
Joko Ridho Witono ◽  
Hary Wawangningrum

Aims: This study aims to determine pollen morphological differences in six Indonesian Begonia species. Study Design: All fresh pollen grain of six Indonesian Begonia species were collected using a standard method and observed at SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) Laboratory. Place and Duration of Study: The pollen is collected from Bogor Botanic Gardens, then observed using an SEM in The Museum Zoologicum Laboratory, Research Center for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), on August 2018. Methodology: The results of SEM pollen ultrastructure observations were analyzed descriptively by describing images of size, P/E index, aperture, endoaperture, and ornamentation of pollen. The size of pollen morphology is calculated based on the length of the polar axis and the equatorial axis on a micrometer scale. Determination of the shape of pollen can be determined by comparing the length of the polar axis with the equatorial axis. Results: All species examined share common pollen grain characters, i.e. isopolar and three zonocolporate. The longest polar axis (P) and equatorial diameter (E) presented by B. puspitae, whereas the shortest of P is shown by B. kudoensis and the shortest of E by B. sudjanae. Only B. hooveriana has prolate – perprolate aperture, whereas other species perprolate. Endoaperture types of B. puspitae, B. sudjanae, and B. hooveriana is lalongate, while the other species is lolongate. The coarsely striate ornamentation forms are presented by B. holosericeoides and B. natunaensis, whereas other species has fine striate ornamentation. Conclusion: The size, P/E index, aperture, endoaperture, and ornamentation of pollen are not useful for section classification of six Indonesian Begonia species. Pollen morphology should be incorporated to other characters, such as morphological, cytological, and molecular characters for making delimitation of Begonia species.

Kadry Abdel khalik ◽  
Suad Al- Ruzayza ◽  
Abdullah Assiri ◽  
Ahmed Elkordy

Pollen morphology of 20 species belong to seven genera (Abutilon, Althaea, Hibiscus, Malva, Pavonia, Senra and Sida) of Malvaceae from Saudi Arabia were studied by using light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Quantitative and qualitative pollen morphological characters which vary among investigated taxa are found in the pollen polarity, symmetry, size, shape, polar axis, equatorial diameter, P/E ratio, average height and width of spine, aperature character and spine index. The pollen grains vary from spheroidal, prolate spheroidal, oblate spheroidal to suboblate. All taxa were characterized by relatively large to medium sized pollen grains, numerous pores scattered irregularly all over the grain, and echinate sculpturing. Sida ovata is the largest size pollen grain (138.95) µm. On the other hand, Malva parviflora showed the smallest pollen size (52.28 µm). The average height and width of spine varied greatly among studied taxa. The highest spines (20.65µm) found in Sida ovata, while the shortest (3.19 µm) was found in Abutilon pannosum. Results of the pollen shape, size, and exine sculpture characters offered useful data for evaluating the taxonomy of Malvaceae both on subgeneric and sectional levels. A key for the identification of the investigated taxa based on pollen grains characters is also provided

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (no 1) ◽  
Gamal M. A. Lashin ◽  
Usama Y. Abo-Salama ◽  
Ekram M. Abd El Haliem ◽  
Gehad A. A. Hamouda ◽  
Gehad A. A. Hamouda ◽  

In this work, spore morphology of eight species, Tortula muralis, Tortula brevissima, Aloina brevirostris, Syntrichia leavipila, Microbryum clavallianum (Pottiaceae); Funaria hygrometrica, Entosthodon muhlenbergii, Entosthodon attenuates (Funariaceae); were examined by Light microscopy (LM) and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM). All spores are small; the length of polar axis is between 7.5 ?m and 18.5 ?m, equatorial diameter is between 10.5 ?m and 27 ?m. The smallest spores of them are Tortula brevissima and the biggest spores of them are Entosthodon attenuates. The shapes of the spores are determined as suboblate for Tortula muralis, Aloina brevirostris, Syntrichia leavipila, and oblate for Tortula brevissima, Funaria muhlenbergii, Funaria hygrometrica, Entosthodon attenuates. The ornamentation observed can be regulate, verrucate- regulate, baculate, verrucate, clavate- foveolate, clavate, foveolate- psilate on the distal pole, spore ornamentation of the proximal face is different or less complex than the distal face. We can concluded that the spore ultrastructure give important role for identification and taxonomic significant.

2021 ◽  
Vol 45 ◽  
pp. e73655
Aleksandra Patrjcia Wal ◽  
Sonia Molino ◽  
Antonio Murciano ◽  
Carmen Prada ◽  
José María Gabriel y Galán

Parablechnum is the most diverse genus of Blechnaceae (ca. 65 species), with a pantropical distribution and two centers of diversity, in America and in the Austro-Pacific region. The species are dimorphic, with often erect rhizomes and rhizomatic scales, 1-pinnate fronds, with truncate blade at base, conform apex and stalked pinnae. This group presents many taxonomic problems, needing more detailed studies to resolve these conflicts of separation between species. This work deals with the American complex of P. cordatum in which the species P. cordatum, P. schiedeanum, P. chilense, P. falciforme and Blechnum varians are included. A biometric analysis of sporangia and spores, important taxonomic structures in the distinction of ferns, has been carried out. The data were subjected to a one-way analysis of variance and a discriminant analysis. In addition, the spores were observed under a scanning electron microscope to study their ornamentation. Of the characters we have studied thickness of the arcus, number of cells in the arcus, number of cells in the hypostome and major equatorial diameter of the spore have statisticalParablechnum is the most diverse genus of Blechnaceae (ca. 65 species), with a pantropical distribution and two centers of diversity, in America and in the Austro-Pacific region. The species are dimorphic, with often erect rhizomes and rhizomatic scales, 1-pinnate fronds, with truncate blade at base, conform apex and stalked pinnae. This group presents many taxonomic problems, needing more detailed studies to resolve these conflicts of separation between species. This work deals with the American complex of P. cordatum in which the species P. cordatum, P. schiedeanum, P. chilense, P. falciforme and Blechnum varians are included. A biometric analysis of sporangia and spores, important taxonomic structures in the distinction of ferns, has been carried out. The data were subjected to a one-way analysis of variance and a discriminant analysis. In addition, the spores were observed under a scanning electron microscope to study their ornamentation. Of the characters we have studied thickness of the arcus, number of cells in the arcus, number of cells in the hypostome and major equatorial diameter of the spore have statistically supported taxonomic significance and are therefore useful for species separation.  

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