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Coatings ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Muhammad Shoaib ◽  
Ghania Zubair ◽  
Muhammad Asif Zahoor Raja ◽  
Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisar ◽  
Abdel-Haleem Abdel-Aty ◽  

In this article, we examine the three-dimensional Prandtl nanofluid flow model (TD-PNFM) by utilizing the technique of Levenberg Marquardt with backpropagated artificial neural network (TLM-BANN). The flow is generated by stretched sheet. The electro conductive Prandtl nanofluid is taken through magnetic field. The PDEs representing the TD-PNFM are converted to system of ordinary differential equations, then the obtained ODEs are solved through Adam numerical solver to compute the reference dataset with the variations of Prandtl fluid number, flexible number, ratio parameter, Prandtl number, Biot number and thermophoresis number. The correctness and the validation of the proposed TD-PNFM are examined by training, testing and validation process of TLM-BANN. Regression analysis, error histogram and results of mean square error (MSE), validates the performance analysis of designed TLM-BANN. The performance is ranges 10−10, 10−10, 10−10, 10−11, 10−10 and 10−10 with epochs 204, 192, 143, 20, 183 and 176, as depicted through mean square error. Temperature profile decreases whenever there is an increase in Prandtl fluid number, flexible number, ratio parameter and Prandtl number, but temperature profile shows an increasing behavior with the increase in Biot number and thermophoresis number. The absolute error values by varying the parameters for temperature profile are 10−8 to 10−3, 10−8 to 10−3, 10−7 to 10−3, 10−7 to 10−3, 10−7 to 10−4 and 10−8 to 10−3. Similarly, the increase in Prandtl fluid number, flexible number and ratio parameter leads to a decrease in the concentration profile, whereas the increase in thermophoresis parameter increases the concentration distribution. The absolute error values by varying the parameters for concentration profile are 10−8 to 10−3, 10−7 to 10−3, 10−7 to 10−3 and 10−8 to 10−3. Velocity distribution shows an increasing trend for the upsurge in the values of Prandtl fluid parameter and flexible parameter. Skin friction coefficient declines for the increase in Hartmann number and ratio parameter Nusselt number falls for the rising values of thermophoresis parameter against Nb.

2021 ◽  
Shohei Yamamoto ◽  
Akira Murata ◽  
Katsumi Oho ◽  
Chihiro Hayakawa ◽  
Shumpei Hayakawa ◽  

Abstract The objective of this study is to clarify the effects of the film-cooling flow pulsation and the differences between the Strouhal number ratios of 1.0 and v2. The surface-averaged film cooling effectiveness for the Strouhal number ratios of 1.0 and v2 had decreased and increased, respectively, in comparison with the steady cooling flow in the authors' previous large eddy simulations. Subsequently, clarification on the possible reasons for these changes was sought. Measurements of the instantaneous velocity fields over the smooth cutback surface at two different pulsation frequencies were performed using two-dimensional three-component particle tracking velocimetry (2D3C-PTV). Notably, the power spectrum density of the wall-normal velocity fluctuations showed that the strongest peaks appeared at the pulsation frequencies, and the peak value for the Strouhal number ratio of 1.0 was much higher than those for the steady cooling flow and the Strouhal number ratio of v2. When the absolute Reynolds shear stresses integrated for the mixing layer region were compared, those for the Strouhal number ratios of 1.0 and v2 were found to be higher and lower, respectively, than those for the steady cooling flow. Remarkably, the suppression of the turbulent mixing for the Strouhal number ratio v2 was caused by the suppressed development of the large-scale alternating vortices shed from the lip edge by imposing the cooling-flow pulsation at the frequency non-resonant with the vortex shedding frequency of the steady cooling flow.

2021 ◽  
Abdul Wahab ◽  
David Hoyal ◽  
Mrugesh Shringarpure ◽  
Kyle Straub

Abstract A remarkable diversity exists in the morphology and dynamics of submarine fans, which influence the transport of microplastics, burial of organic carbon, subsea geo-hazards, and their potential to house geofluids and high-resolution paleo-environmental records. Like river deltas, submarine fan morphology is a product of evolving fluid and sediment transport fields, but unlike their terrestrial counterparts, we lack a unifying framework to predict their morphology. Here, we simplify critical environmental forcings, like regional slopes and sediment properties, through a dimensionless framework defined by the densimetric Froude number (ratio of inertial to gravitational forces) and Rouse number (ratio of settling velocity of sediments to shear velocity) of turbidity currents. We explore this framework by leveraging a depth-averaged numerical model and measure fan rugosity as a proxy for their morphological complexity. We show a systematic increase in rugosity by either increasing the densimetric Froude number or decreasing the Rouse number of the simulated flows. These changes reflect observed gradients in the dynamics of channel migration and help discriminate submarine fans that have the potential to impact global climate through sequestration of organic carbon.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-29
Syed Najihuddin Syed Hassan ◽  
Siti Nurfatihah Shaari

Since 2005, the Faculty of al-Quran and Sunnah Studies in Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) has published Ma‘alim al-Quran wa al-Sunnah as a trilingual and bi-annual journal. The 16-year-old journal underwent a lengthy process of improvement before obtaining MyCite recognition in 2019. Since its inception, the journal has successfully published a total of 187 quality articles in the field of Quranic and Sunnah studies. This article then examines journal publication statistical data from the first publication in 2005 to 2020. As a result, the quantitative approach to statistically evaluating the findings was chosen as the research method. This study's findings are associated with writing patterns such as writing language, author gender, authors affiliation, writing frequency, and writing field. According to the findings, 408 authors published a total of 186 articles, with the majority of 323 are men. The data also show that 116 articles were in Arabic, 54 articles were in Malay, and the rest were in English. In this journal, single authorship is the most preferred method (92 articles), and the highest page number ratio is 11 to 20 pages (78 articles). Quranic studies account for 53.23% of the articles, and thematic studies are the most popular among authors, accounting for 55 articles. Malaysian authors contribute the most articles (267) followed by Jordanians (41). The authors with the most contributions, 250 in total, were all affiliated with USIM.

Jifeng Cui ◽  
Umer Farooq ◽  
Raheela Razzaq ◽  
Waseem Asghar Khan ◽  
Mogtaba Ahmed Yousif

Abstract The authors regret in the published paper referenced above and agree with the discussion by Pantokratoras [1]. In this corrigendum, non-similar mathematical model is developed to describe the mixed convective nanofluid flow over vertical sheet which is stretching at an exponential rate. In the published article referenced above similarity transformations are utilized to convert the governing nonlinear partial differential equations (PDE's) into ordinary differential equations (ODE's). The important physical numbers such as magnetic field, Brownian motion parameter, thermophoresis, Eckert number, ratio of mass transfer Grashof to heat transfer Grashof, buoyancy parameter and Reynolds number appearing in the dimensionless ODE's are still functions of coordinate "x", therefore the problem is non-similar. In this corrigendum, non-similar model is developed by using non-similarity and pseudo-similarity variables. The dimensionless non-similar model is numerically simulated by employing local non-similarity via bvp4c. The graphical results show no change in behavior. The important thermal and mass transport quantities such as Nusselt number and Sherwood number have been computed for the non-similar model and results are compared with the published article.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Chao Peng ◽  
Yu Huang ◽  
Chao Bian ◽  
Jia Li ◽  
Jie Liu ◽  

AbstractAlthough there are various Conus species with publicly available transcriptome and proteome data, no genome assembly has been reported yet. Here, using Chinese tubular cone snail (C. betulinus) as a representative, we sequenced and assembled the first Conus genome with original identification of 133 genome-widely distributed conopeptide genes. After integration of our genomics, transcriptomics, and peptidomics data in the same species, we established a primary genetic central dogma of diverse conopeptides, assuming a rough number ratio of ~1:1:1:10s for the total genes: transcripts: proteins: post-translationally modified peptides. This ratio may be special for this worm-hunting Conus species, due to the high diversity of various Conus genomes and the big number ranges of conopeptide genes, transcripts, and peptides in previous reports of diverse Conus species. Only a fraction (45.9%) of the identified conotopeptide genes from our achieved genome assembly are transcribed with transcriptomic evidence, and few genes individually correspond to multiple transcripts possibly due to intraspecies or mutation-based variances. Variable peptide processing at the proteomic level, generating a big diversity of venom conopeptides with alternative cleavage sites, post-translational modifications, and N-/C-terminal truncations, may explain how the 133 genes and ~123 transcripts can generate thousands of conopeptides in the venom of individual C. betulinus. We also predicted many conopeptides with high stereostructural similarities to the putative analgesic ω-MVIIA, addiction therapy AuIB and insecticide ImI, suggesting that our current genome assembly for C. betulinus is a valuable genetic resource for high-throughput prediction and development of potential pharmaceuticals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 1293-1301
Chuanyang Shen ◽  
Gang Zhao ◽  
Chunsheng Zhao

Abstract. The humidified tandem differential mobility analyzer (HTDMA) is widely used to measure the hygroscopic properties of submicron particles. The size-resolved aerosol hygroscopicity κ measured by a HTDMA will be influenced by the contribution of multiply charged aerosols, but this effect on field measurements has seldom been discussed for previous field measurements. Our calculations demonstrate that the number ratio of multiply charged particles is quite considerable for some specific sizes between 100 and 300 nm, especially during a pollution episode. The presence of multiple charges will lead to a compression effect on the aerosol hygroscopicity in HTDMA measurements. Therefore, we propose a new algorithm that performs multi-charge correction of the size-resolved hygroscopicity κ, taking both the compression effect and the multi-charge number contribution into consideration. Application of the algorithm to field measurements showed that the relatively high hygroscopicity in the accumulation size range leads to the overestimation of the hygroscopicity of particles smaller than 200 nm. The low hygroscopicity of coarse-mode particles leads to the underestimation of the hygroscopicity of accumulation particles between 200 and 500 nm in size. The difference between the corrected and measured κ values can be as large as 0.05, highlighting that special attention must be paid to the multi-charge effect when a HTDMA is used for aerosol hygroscopicity measurements.

2021 ◽  
Kaori Ueda ◽  
Akishi Onishi ◽  
Masayo Takahashi ◽  
Makoto Nakamura

Abstract This study evaluated the impact of hypoxia on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) biogenesis in retinal organoids of patients with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) with an mtDNA G11778A mutation. The induced pluripotent stem cells derived from the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of LHON patients and a healthy individual were differentiated into three-dimensional retinal organoids with confirmed morphology and retinal ganglion cell (RGC) markers. The retinal organoids were cultured in alternating hypoxic and normoxic states. The ratio of the mtDNA copy number in an organoid to the mtDNA copy number in the white blood cells was calculated. Under both conditions, the control and LHON organoids had similar morphology and RGC marker patterns. Under the normoxic condition, the LHON organoids had a smaller but similar mtDNA copy number ratio as the controls. Hypoxic exposure significantly reduced the mtDNA copy number ratio in both groups. However, the magnitude of reduction was significantly smaller in LHON organoids than in the controls. One LHON patient had a similar and relative mtDNA copy number in the white blood cells to the controls, but the other patient had a much higher number. Therefore, the hypoxic response of retinal mtDNA biogenesis was reduced in LHON patients.

2021 ◽  
Vol 502 (3) ◽  
pp. 4350-4358
Weijia Sun ◽  
Richard de Grijs ◽  
Licai Deng ◽  
Michael D Albrow

ABSTRACT The impact of stellar rotation on the morphology of star cluster colour–magnitude diagrams is widely acknowledged. However, the physics driving the distribution of the equatorial rotation velocities of main-sequence turn-off stars is as yet poorly understood. Using Gaia Data Release 2 photometry and new Southern African Large Telescope medium-resolution spectroscopy, we analyse the intermediate-age ($\sim 1\text{-}{\rm Gyr}$-old) Galactic open clusters NGC 3960, NGC 6134, and IC 4756 and develop a novel method to derive their stellar rotation distributions based on SYCLIST stellar rotation models. Combined with literature data for the open clusters NGC 5822 and NGC 2818, we find a tight correlation between the number ratio of slow rotators and the clusters’ binary fractions. The blue-main-sequence stars in at least two of our clusters are more centrally concentrated than their red-main-sequence counterparts. The origin of the equatorial stellar rotation distribution and its evolution remains as yet unidentified. However, the observed correlation in our open cluster sample suggests a binary-driven formation mechanism.

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