response coefficient
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2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 38
Aminullah Assagaf ◽  
Alvy Mulyaning Tyas

Abstract : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan phenomena in indonesia stock exchange  yang paling aktif sahamnya ditransaksikan. Motivasi penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis respon investor dalam mengambil keputusan setelah manajemen mempublikasikan laporan keuangan perusahaan. Penelitian ini memilih 20 perusahaan dengan metode purposive sampling berdasarkan data panel yaitu data time series tahunan dan cross sectioan perusahaan yang terpilih sebagai sampel. Untuk menguji hipotesis penelitian, maka  digunakan model regresi linear dan  non linear, sedangkan vraiebl penelitian terdiri dari dua variabel independen, satu variabel moderator dan dua variabel control. Temuan pada penelitian ini, yaitu variabel profitabilitas berpengaruh negative dan signifikan terhadap earning response coefficient, terutama karena setelah lima hari sejak laporan keuangan dipublikasi, pihak investor atau speculator melepaskan sahamnya terutama terhadap saham yang mengalami kejenuhan pertumbuhan harganya sehingga harga cenderung menurun pada hari ke lima dan seterusnya. Liqudity berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap earning response coefficient, karena perusahaan meningkatkan kemampuannya dalam memenuhi kewajiban keuangan dan semakin dipercaya oleh bank dan pihak ketiga, sehingga direspon positif oleh investor di pasar modal. Keywords : Financial Management, Earning Management, and Strategic Management.

Andi Ayu Frihatni ◽  
Amiruddin Amiruddin ◽  
Darmawati Darmawati ◽  
Ahmad Abbas

This research aims to examine the nexus between Earnings Response Coefficient (ERC), Sharia Online Trading System (SOTS), and firm value. The research sample was all companies listed on the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII). The research model used path analysis employing the regression with common, fixed and random effect models as well as the robustness check through Generalized Method of Moment (GMM). The result demonstrates that ERC and SOTS can’t determine the level of firm values. This research found no effects of ERC and SOTS on firm value, but nexus between ERC and SOTS was found. These findings indicate that ERC and SOTS have no effect at all on the firm value, meanwhile ERC has the negative effect on SOTS. Nevertheless, the result of this research found no intervening effect of SOTS on the ERC and firm Value. It shows that SOTS can’t mediate the nexus between ERC and firm value.

2021 ◽  
Nor Balkish Zakaria

<p>This study examines the effect of corporate governance on the relationship between default risk and the earnings response coefficient (ERC). Using a sample of 2,004 firm-years comprising 334 firms listed on the Bursa Malaysia over a six year period from 2002 to 2007, this study tests whether corporate governance mitigates the effect of default risk on ERC while controlling for the established determinants of ERC — beta, growth, earnings persistence and size. Using reverse regression, the study confirms that beta is negatively related to ERC and that growth, earnings persistence and size are positively related to ERC. Default risk is found to be negatively related to ERC thus confirming that beta is only a partial measure of risk relevant to ERC. Corporate governance — as indicated by audit quality, audit committee expertise and independence, and board independence and board shareholding — mitigates the negative effect of default risk on ERC. The results of the study hold both for the pooled sample of 2,004 firm-year observations and on a year by year basis for the 334 firms in the sample. The results are also found to be robust to various sensitivity tests including to alternative measures of the variables. The study thus provides systematic and comprehensive additional evidence on the determinants of ERC. Of itself this is an important contribution to the literature but especially so given that the evidence comes from Malaysia — an emerging economy — whereas the existing empirical literature relates mainly to developed countries.</p>

2021 ◽  
Nor Balkish Zakaria

<p>This study examines the effect of corporate governance on the relationship between default risk and the earnings response coefficient (ERC). Using a sample of 2,004 firm-years comprising 334 firms listed on the Bursa Malaysia over a six year period from 2002 to 2007, this study tests whether corporate governance mitigates the effect of default risk on ERC while controlling for the established determinants of ERC — beta, growth, earnings persistence and size. Using reverse regression, the study confirms that beta is negatively related to ERC and that growth, earnings persistence and size are positively related to ERC. Default risk is found to be negatively related to ERC thus confirming that beta is only a partial measure of risk relevant to ERC. Corporate governance — as indicated by audit quality, audit committee expertise and independence, and board independence and board shareholding — mitigates the negative effect of default risk on ERC. The results of the study hold both for the pooled sample of 2,004 firm-year observations and on a year by year basis for the 334 firms in the sample. The results are also found to be robust to various sensitivity tests including to alternative measures of the variables. The study thus provides systematic and comprehensive additional evidence on the determinants of ERC. Of itself this is an important contribution to the literature but especially so given that the evidence comes from Malaysia — an emerging economy — whereas the existing empirical literature relates mainly to developed countries.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 207-232
Robick Faliana ◽  
Wiwik Utami ◽  

The governance mechanism is different for each company. Therefore, companies need an indicator to measure the quality of governance and one of them is the ASEAN Scorecard. This indicator is used as a standard for measuring the quality of corporate governance in the ASEAN region. The corporate governance mechanism can be a factor in price changes in the stock market. Investors will react to any issues related to it. Price changes that occur on the stock market are a measure of the size of investors in investing because they can affect expected earnings. Although there is quite a lot of research related to it, research on earnings quality that discusses market response to price changes that occur due to the influence of governance mechanisms is limited. This study aimed to examine the effect of corporate governance on earnings quality using companies listed on the Financial Time Stock Exchange ASEAN Star (FTSE ASEAN Star). The study was conducted by examining financial ratios of companies using a cross-sectional data regression model with the Earnings Response Coefficient (ERC) as a proxy. The results showed that corporate governance affected ERC, especially on the disclosure of corporate governance and shareholder rights. Keywords: ASEAN scorecard, corporate governance, earnings response coefficient, disclosure, fraud

2021 ◽  
JinYu Wang ◽  
Peiliang Qi ◽  
Ayuan Lin ◽  
yuxin chen ◽  
Yuanying Zhang ◽  

Alexander Nekrasov ◽  
Siew Hong Teoh ◽  
Shijia Wu

AbstractWe propose the visual attention hypothesis that visuals in firm earnings announcements increase attention to the earnings news. We find that visuals in firms’ Twitter earnings announcements are associated with more retweets, consistent with greater user engagement with announcements that have visuals. This result holds for earnings tweets sent by the same firm and on the same day in firm-level and tweet-level analyses. Consistent with managerial opportunism, firms are more likely to use visuals in their earnings tweets when performance is good but less persistent. Consistent with visuals increasin g investor attention, the initial return response to earnings news is stronger and the post-announcement response is lower when visuals are used. Our evidence of a post-announcement return reversal indicates that visuals can be a double-edged sword. Furthermore, the higher earnings response coefficient from visuals is more pronounced on days with high investor distraction (when many other firms are also announcing earnings). Graphical abstract

Haryono Umar ◽  

The research aimed to analyze the factors which provide earning response coefficient (ERC) received by automotive manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange using indicators of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability accounting from 2013 through 2017. The purposive sampling technique was used to gather data with the criteria, according which 13 companies were obtained as samples, (1) automotive manufacturing companies in 2013 – 2017 listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) (2) automotive manufacturing companies that published the annual reports. Meanwhile, the data were obtained from IDX & published annual reports. The research used a panel data regression panel and data regression model as the analysis technique. The analysis consists of three methods, namely common effect method, fixed-effect and random effect, while the hypothesis testing used t-statistics to test partial regression coefficients and f statistics to test the effect simultaneously at the significance level of 5%. Eventually, the results of the analysis used E-views to show whether: (1) corporate social responsibility (CSR) influences the earnings response coefficient (ERC) and (2) sustainability accounting influences the ERC. The T-test analysis results used E-views to reveal whether CSR and sustainability accounting influence ERC in automotive manufacturing companies listed on the IDX in 2013 – 2017.

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