intercalated cell
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2021 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
Anna Seewald ◽  
Sabine Schönherr ◽  
Heide Hörtnagl ◽  
Ingrid Ehrlich ◽  
Claudia Schmuckermair ◽  

The amygdala plays a crucial role in attaching emotional significance to environmental cues. Its intercalated cell masses (ITC) are tight clusters of GABAergic neurons, which are distributed around the basolateral amygdala complex. Distinct ITC clusters are involved in the acquisition and extinction of conditioned fear responses. Previously, we have shown that fear memory retrieval reduces the AMPA/NMDA ratio at thalamic afferents to ITC neurons within the dorsal medio-paracapsular cluster. Here, we investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying the fear-mediated reduction in the AMPA/NMDA ratio at these synapses and, in particular, whether specific changes in the synaptic density of AMPA receptors underlie the observed change. To this aim, we used a detergent-digested freeze-fracture replica immunolabeling technique (FRIL) approach that enables to visualize the spatial distribution of intrasynaptic AMPA receptors at high resolution. AMPA receptors were detected using an antibody raised against an epitope common to all AMPA subunits. To visualize thalamic inputs, we virally transduced the posterior thalamic complex with Channelrhodopsin 2-YFP, which is anterogradely transported along axons. Using face-matched replica, we confirmed that the postsynaptic elements were ITC neurons due to their prominent expression of μ-opioid receptors. With this approach, we show that, following auditory fear conditioning in mice, the formation and retrieval of fear memory is linked to a significant reduction in the density of AMPA receptors, particularly at spine synapses formed by inputs of the posterior intralaminar thalamic and medial geniculate nuclei onto identified ITC neurons. Our study is one of the few that has directly linked the regulation of AMPA receptor trafficking to memory processes in identified neuronal networks, by showing that fear-memory induced reduction in AMPA/NMDA ratio at thalamic-ITC synapses is associated with a reduced postsynaptic AMPA receptor density.

eLife ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Ayla Aksoy-Aksel ◽  
Andrea Gall ◽  
Anna Seewald ◽  
Francesco Ferraguti ◽  
Ingrid Ehrlich

Dopaminergic signaling plays an important role in associative learning, including fear and extinction learning. Dopaminergic midbrain neurons encode prediction error-like signals when threats differ from expectations. Within the amygdala, GABAergic intercalated cell (ITC) clusters receive one of the densest dopaminergic projections, but their physiological consequences are incompletely understood. ITCs are important for fear extinction, a function thought to be supported by activation of ventromedial ITCs that inhibit central amygdala fear output. In mice, we reveal two distinct novel mechanisms by which mesencephalic dopaminergic afferents control ITCs. Firstly, they co-release GABA to mediate rapid, direct inhibition. Secondly, dopamine suppresses inhibitory interactions between distinct ITC clusters via presynaptic D1 receptors. Early extinction training augments both GABA co-release onto dorsomedial ITCs and dopamine-mediated suppression of dorso- to ventromedial inhibition between ITC clusters. These findings provide novel insights into dopaminergic mechanisms shaping the activity balance between distinct ITC clusters that could support their opposing roles in fear behavior.

Cell Reports ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (7) ◽  
pp. 109151
Douglas Asede ◽  
Divyesh Doddapaneni ◽  
Abigail Chavez ◽  
James Okoh ◽  
Sabah Ali ◽  

Function ◽  
2021 ◽  
Adrienne Assmus ◽  
Linda Mullins ◽  
Mairi Ward ◽  
Ross Dobie ◽  
Robert Hunter ◽  

Abstract The kidney cortical collecting duct (CCD) comprises of principal cells (PC), intercalated cells (IC) and the recently discovered intermediate cell type. Kidney pathology in a mouse model of the syndrome of apparent aldosterone excess (SAME) revealed plasticity of the cortical collecting duct (CCD), with altered principal cell (PC): intermediate cell: intercalated cell (IC) ratio. The self-immortalized mouse CCD cell line, mCCDcl1, shows functional characteristics of PCs but displays a range of cell types, including intermediate cells, making it ideal to study plasticity. We knocked out Adam10, a key component of the Notch pathway, in mCCDcl1 cells, using CRISPR-Cas9 technology, and isolated independent clones, which exhibited severely affected sodium transport capacity and loss of aldosterone response. Single-cell RNA sequencing revealed significantly reduced expression of major PC-specific markers, such as Scnn1g (γ-ENaC) and Hsd11b2 (11ßHSD2), but no significant changes in transcription of components of the Notch pathway were observed. Immunostaining in the knockout clone confirmed the decrease in expression of γ-ENaC and importantly, showed an altered, diffuse distribution of PC and IC markers, suggesting altered trafficking in the Adam10 knockout clone as an explanation for the loss of polarisation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Vijay Saxena ◽  
Hongyu Gao ◽  
Samuel Arregui ◽  
Amy Zollman ◽  
Malgorzata Maria Kamocka ◽  

AbstractKidney intercalated cells are involved in acid-base homeostasis via vacuolar ATPase expression. Here we report six human intercalated cell subtypes, including hybrid principal-intercalated cells identified from single cell transcriptomics. Phagosome maturation is a biological process that increases in biological pathway analysis rank following exposure to uropathogenicEscherichia coliin two of the intercalated cell subtypes. Real time confocal microscopy visualization of murine renal tubules perfused with green fluorescent protein expressingEscherichia colior pHrodo GreenE. coliBioParticles demonstrates that intercalated cells actively phagocytose bacteria then acidify phagolysosomes. Additionally, intercalated cells have increased vacuolar ATPase expression following in vivo experimental UTI. Taken together, intercalated cells exhibit a transcriptional response conducive to the kidney’s defense, engulf bacteria and acidify the internalized bacteria. Intercalated cells represent an epithelial cell with characteristics of professional phagocytes like macrophages.

2020 ◽  
Ayla Aksoy-Aksel ◽  
Andrea Gall ◽  
Anna Seewald ◽  
Francesco Ferraguti ◽  
Ingrid Ehrlich

AbstractDopaminergic signaling plays an important role in associative learning including fear and extinction learning. Dopaminergic midbrain neurons encode prediction error-like signals when threats differ from expectations. Within the amygdala, GABAergic intercalated cell (ITC) clusters receive the densest dopaminergic projections, but their physiological consequences are incompletely understood. ITCs are important for fear extinction, a function thought to be supported by activation of ventromedial cluster ITCs that inhibit central amygdala fear output. In mice, we reveal two distinct mechanisms how mesencephalic dopaminergic afferents control ITCs. Firstly, they co-release GABA to mediate rapid, direct inhibition. Secondly, dopamine suppresses inhibitory interactions between distinct ITC clusters via presynaptic D1-receptors. Early extinction training augments both, GABA co-release onto dorso-medial ITCs and dopamine-mediated suppression of dorso- to ventromedial inhibition between ITC clusters. These findings provide novel insights into dopaminergic mechanisms shaping the activity balance between distinct ITC clusters that could support their opposing roles in fear behavior.

2020 ◽  
Vol 318 (6) ◽  
pp. F1441-F1453 ◽  
John Ketz ◽  
Vijay Saxena ◽  
Samuel Arregui ◽  
Ashley Jackson ◽  
George J. Schwartz ◽  

Carbonic anhydrase II knockout ( Car2−/−) mice have depleted numbers of renal intercalated cells, which are increasingly recognized to be innate immune effectors. We compared pyelonephritis susceptibility following reciprocal renal transplantations between Car2−/− and wild-type mice. We examined the effect of pharmacological CA suppression using acetazolamide in an experimental murine model of urinary tract infection. Car2−/− versus wild-type mice were compared for differences in renal innate immunity. In our transplant scheme, mice lacking CA-II in the kidney had increased pyelonephritis risk. Mice treated with acetazolamide had lower kidney bacterial burdens at 6 h postinfection, which appeared to be due to tubular flow from diuresis because comparable results were obtained when furosemide was substituted for acetazolamide. Isolated Car2−/− kidney cells enriched for intercalated cells demonstrated altered intercalated cell innate immune gene expression, notably increased calgizzarin and insulin receptor expression. Intercalated cell number and function along with renal tubular flow are determinants of pyelonephritis risk.

JCI Insight ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (8) ◽  
Rolando Carrisoza-Gaytan ◽  
Evan C. Ray ◽  
Daniel Flores ◽  
Allison L. Marciszyn ◽  
Peng Wu ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 451-452
Jens Leipziger ◽  
Helle Praetorius

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