complex sample
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Stat ◽  
2022 ◽  
Jerzy Wieczorek ◽  
Cole Guerin ◽  
Thomas McMahon

Healthcare ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 112
Jeonghee Jeong ◽  
Mijin Kim

This study aims to identify the awareness of dyslipidemia and the factors affecting it in menopausal women to prevent cardiovascular disease, a major cause of female mortality. This study used data from 2019, the first year of the eighth (2019–2021) Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey conducted by the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency. A total of 975 women fulfilled the selection criteria. Dyslipidemia awareness and the related factors were analyzed with SPSS 26.0 complex sample software. Only 27.3% of menopausal women over age 40 with dyslipidemia were aware of the condition. Factors affecting their awareness level were age, subjective health awareness, body mass index, and underlying disease. The prevalence of dyslipidemia in menopausal women was high, but their awareness was significantly low. This finding confirms the need for measures to improve dyslipidemia awareness to prevent cardiovascular diseases in menopausal women.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Brian Erard

Abstract Although one often has detailed information about participants in a program, the lack of comparable information on non-participants precludes standard qualitative choice estimation. This challenge can be overcome by incorporating a supplementary sample of covariate values from the general population. This paper presents new estimators based on this sampling strategy, which perform comparably to the best existing supplementary sampling estimators. The key advantage of the new estimators is that they readily incorporate sample weights, so that they can be applied to Census surveys and other supplementary data sources that have been generated using complex sample designs. This substantially widens the range of problems that can be addressed under a supplementary sampling estimation framework. The potential for improving precision by incorporating imperfect knowledge of the population prevalence rate is also explored.

2021 ◽  
Vol 924 (1) ◽  
pp. 012005
H Rostiyanti ◽  
A Z Mubarok

Abstract The use of pesticides for agricultural cultivation may prevent losses due to pest attacks, but excessive and uncontrolled use of pesticides may cause contamination of pesticide residues in the fruits and vegetables. Organophosphate pesticides are highly toxic and their residue in fruits and vegetables may cause neurological disorders in humans. Organophosphate residues may enter the body of animals and humans through oral routes or respiratory systems. Common analytical methods to detect organophosphate require complex sample preparation and sophisticated equipment. Electrochemical detection methods are an alternative in developing organophosphate detection methods in fruits and vegetables. This review provides an overview of the development and performance of electrochemical sensor technology to detect organophosphate residues in fruits and vegetables.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2103 (1) ◽  
pp. 012131
D M Mitin ◽  
A.A. Vorobyev ◽  
Y S Berdnikov ◽  
A M Mozharov ◽  
A G Nasibulin ◽  

Abstract The length of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) affects the optoelectronic and mechanical properties of macroscopic SWCNT layers. Modern methods are capable to measure the length of short nanotubes, and also require complex sample preparation procedures. In this work we show that the average length of SWCNTs can be estimated by measuring the resistance of randomly oriented SWCNTs array. We observe the change in the slope of the resistance dependence on the distance between the contacts with the interval between 100 and 200 μm. The change of resistance slope indicates a change in the path of current flow through the SWCNT. The change in the conduction path can be associated with the “effective bundle length”, which should be related to the average nanotube length. Thus, we have demonstrated a simple and quick technique to measure SWCNT bundle length, which can be used in-situ and does not require special sample preparation.

Kayla L. Vanden Esschert ◽  
Catherine E. Barrett ◽  
Sarah A. Collier ◽  
Amanda G. Garcia-Williams ◽  
Elizabeth Hannapel ◽  

Abstract Tap water that is safe to consume may cause respiratory illness (e.g., Legionnaires’ disease) when water conditions allow for proliferation and aerosolization of biofilm-associated pathogens. This study assessed household tap water consumption, exposure to aerosolized tap water, and associated demographics. A nationally representative FallStyles survey administered by Porter Novelli Public Services was sent to 4,677 US adult panelists in October 2019. There were 3,624 adults that completed the survey (77.5% response rate). Respondents were asked about self-reported use of household tap water for consumption (i.e., drinking, rinsing produce, or making ice) and use through water-aerosolizing devices (e.g., showerheads, humidifiers). Demographics included gender, age, race/ethnicity, education, income, region, and health status. Weighted analyses using complex sample survey procedures were used to assess tap water exposure by route and demographics. Most US adults are exposed to aerosolized tap water through showering (80.6%), and one in five are exposed through other water-aerosolizing devices (20.3%). Consumption and showering were greatest among older, White, higher educated, and higher-income adults. Aerosolized tap water can transmit waterborne pathogens and cause respiratory illness, especially among older age groups and people with weakened immune systems. These results will help target health messages for using water-aerosolizing devices safely.

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