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И.В. Ковалёва ◽  
Т.В. Новикова

С 9 по 14 сентября 2021 года состоялся ежегодный международный Конгресс ESPEN, организованный Европейской ассоциацией клинического питания и метаболизма (The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism). В связи с продолжающейся пандемией COVID-19 этот главный международный форум диетологов и нутрициологов уже второй год проходит в онлайн-формате. В рамках Конгресса по сложившейся традиции обсуждались вопросы, связанные с ролью метаболических процессов в развитии и течении различных заболеваний, а также значимостью проведения целенаправленной нутритивной поддержки как важного компонента в комплексной терапии пациента на разных этапах его лечения и реабилитации. Представленные на Конгрессе данные клинических исследований свидетельствуют о том, что пациенты с COVID-19 по сравнению с больными «нековидного» профиля нуждаются в более активной и целенаправленной нутритивной терапии, которая, в частности, осуществляется с помощью специализированных продуктов – готовых к употреблению смесей для диетического лечебного и профилактического питания. Специализированная нутритивная поддержка способствует ускорению восстановления пациентов в период лечения и реабилитации при различных заболеваниях, в том числе после перенесенной коронавирусной инфекции, и является жизненно необходимой пациентам как во время пребывания в стационаре, так и в процессе дальнейшего восстановления, которое может занять до полугода и даже больше. The annual Congress of ESPEN (The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism) was held from September 9 to 14. The Congress was organized by the European Association for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. In connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, this main international forum of nutritionists has been held online for the second year. There were traditionally discussed issues related to the role of metabolic processes in the development and course of various diseases, as well as the significance of targeted nutritional support in the complex therapy of the patient at different stages of treatment and rehabilitation. The data of clinical studies presented at the Congress indicate that patients with COVID-19, in comparison with patients with a non-covid profile, need more active nutritional therapy, which, in particular, is carried out with the help of specialized products – ready-to-use mixtures for dietary therapeutic and preventive nutrition. The annual Congress of ESPEN (The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism) was held from September 9 to 14. The Congress was organized by the European Association for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. In connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, this main international forum of nutritionists has been held online for the second year. There were traditionally discussed issues related to the role of metabolic processes in the development and course of various diseases, as well as the significance of targeted nutritional support in the complex therapy of the patient at different stages of treatment and rehabilitation. The data of clinical studies presented at the Congress indicate that patients with COVID-19, in comparison with patients with a "non-covid" profile, need more active nutritional therapy, which, in particular, is carried out with the help of specialized products – ready-to-use mixtures for dietary therapeutic and preventive nutrition.

Aysegül Ilhan-Mutlu

SummaryThe oncological community witnessed several practice-changing clinical reports in this years’ annual congress of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). Many immunotherapeutic agents were shown to be beneficial for upper gastrointestinal tumors. For advanced squamous cell carcinoma, immunotherapy and chemotherapy combinations revealed by the CheckMate 648 and ESCORT-1st trials have been implemented into the clinical practice. The updates on the CheckMate 649 and CheckMate 577 trials again underlined the significant clinical contribution of nivolumab in advanced and localized gastroesophageal cancer, respectively. However, this effect seems to be dependent to PD-L1 expression. Not only immunotherapy trials, but also targeted therapy studies such as the FIGHT trial investigating the anti-FGFR2b monoclonal antibody bemarituzumab attracted huge interest, not only due to extension of survival in experimental group, but also due to the innovative design of this trial. This review summarizes the highlights regarding gastroesophageal tumors at the ASCO 2021 congress.

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