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Antibiotics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. 1047
Qianrui Li ◽  
Jiaqi Shen ◽  
Tao Qin ◽  
Ge Zhou ◽  
Yifeng Li ◽  

Dental fluorosis (DF) is an endemic disease caused by excessive fluoride exposure during childhood. Previous studies mainly focused on the acid resistance of fluorotic enamel and failed to reach a consensus on the topic of the caries susceptibility of DF patients. In this review, we discuss the role of DF classification in assessing this susceptibility and follow the “four factors theory” in weighing the pros and cons of DF classification in terms of host factor (dental enamel and saliva), food factor, bacteria factor, and DF treatment factor. From our analysis, we find that susceptibility is possibly determined by various factors such as the extent of structural and chemical changes in fluorotic enamel, eating habits, fluoride levels in diets and in the oral cavity, changes in quantity and quality of saliva, and/or oral hygiene. Thus, a universal conclusion regarding caries susceptibility might not exist, instead depending on each individual’s situation.

AgriPeat ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (01) ◽  
pp. 21-32
Putri Nuraini ◽  
Dedik Budianta ◽  
Fitri Siti Nurul Aidil

This research was conducted at the ATC Experimental Garden, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University, Indralaya, Ogan Ilir Regency, and began in September 2019 until February 2020. The analyzes of soil and plant have been carried out at the Laboratory of Chemistry, Biology, and Soil Fertility, Soil Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University, Indralaya. This study aims at determining the effect of dolomite and cow manure on the growth and production of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr) in Ultisol Soil. This study used a factorial randomized block design with 2 treatment factors and 3 replications. The first factor is dolomite CaMg (CO3)2 consisting of two levels, 5 tons ha-1 and 10 tons ha-1. The second treatment factor is cow manure consisting of three levels, namely without manure, 10 tons ha-1, and 20 tons ha-1. The results indicated that interaction the giving of dolomite and cow manure had a significant effect in increasing soil pH, and plant N uptake. The giving of dolomite 10 tons ha-1 significantly affected the weight of 100 seeds and soybean production The giving of cow manure 20 tons ha-1 had a very significant effect on plant height, total number of pods, and the number of filled pods of soybean in Ultisols.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Celvia Carlinawati Ndruru ◽  
Maria Marina Herawati

Shallots (Allium ascalonicum L.) have a short shelf life because these tubers can experience decay and premature germination. Therefore, innovation is needed in shallot processing, one of which is by processing shallots into pasta products. This research conducted the making of onion paste with the addition of vegetable oil to improve the quality of the paste. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of vegetable oil concentration treatment on shelf life and quality of shallot paste and to determine the level of preference for the panelists to shallot paste by organoleptic test. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD), namely one treatment factor with the addition of vegetable oil concentrations of 30%, 25%, and 20%. The data were analyzed using variance, if the results were significantly different, then it was further tested with DMRT with a significant level of 5%. The results showed that the concentration of vegetable oil on shelf life and quality of shallot paste were not significantly different so that the addition of vegetable oil concentration had no effect on shelf life and quality of shallot paste. Panelists preferred color and taste parameters of shallot paste with the addition of 30% vegetable oil. Meanwhile, for the pasta aroma that the panelists like, the paste with the addition of 25% and 20% vegetable oil.

Iqbal Effendy ◽  
Samsul Bahri

To increase the income of smallholder oil palm farmers through the developmentof a polyculture pattern, which is expected to increase the LER (land Equivalent Ratio) byplanting porang Plant, witch tolerant to low light intensity. This study aims to determine theeffect of cutting the tip of oil palm fronds to increase light interception and to evaluate varioustypes of biochar on the growth of porang plants, using a randomized block design (RBD)arranged in factorial with three replications. The first treatment factor is cutting the tip of thepalm frond (C), namely cutting 1 m (C1), cutting 2 m (C2), and cutting 3 m (C3). The secondtreatment factor is the type of biochar (B) namely rice husk biochar (B1), corn cobs biochar (B2), and coconut shell biochar (B3). The results showed that the interaction between thetreatments had a significant effect on plant height, the number of leaves, stem diameter, anddry weight of stalks. Overall, the results of this study provide hope for the development ofpolyculture oil palm plantations with porang plants to increase farmers' income and at the sametime become an alternative source of carbohydrates considering that porang is capable ofproducing tubers of up to 40-50 tons per ha.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
Yulistiati Nengsih ◽  
Aditya Deska Wahyu

Indonesia is one of the largest coffee producing and exporting countries in the world. Most of the production is robusta variety. Coffee is the fourth largest foreign exchange earner for Indonesia after palm oil, rubber and cocoa and is a source of income for the community. Coffee can be developed in a generative (seed) and vegetative way, including using cuttings. Efforts to accelerate the formation of roots in cuttings can be done by using natural growth regulators, one of which is shallots which contain auxins. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of shallot extract on the growth of robusta coffee cuttings (Coffea canephora). This research was conducted from December 2019 to February 2020 at Campus II, Batanghari University (Pijoan). The design used in this study was a completely randomized design (CRD) with one treatment factor, namely shallot extract including; .k0 (without giving onion extract), k1 (250 g of shallots in 1 liter of distilled water), k2 (500 g of shallots in 1 liter of distilled water), k3 (750 g of shallots in 1 liter of distilled water), and k4 (1000 g of shallots in 1 liter of distilled water). Each stage of the experiment was repeated 3 times, so that there were 15 experimental plots, for each experiment there were 10 cuttings with a total of 150 cuttings. The observed data were analyzed using analysis of variance followed by the DNMRT test at α 5%. From the immersion treatment in 750 g of shallot extract in 1 liter of distilled water (k3), there was an increase in the percentage of live cuttings 47.37%, the percentage of shoots and roots growth of 83.51%, 106.06% of shoot length, and 98.03% of roots. , and the root dry weight of 225.27% compared without giving onion extract (k0).

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 345-350
Wuri Prameswari ◽  
Welly Herman ◽  
Umi Salamah

Long pepper (Piper retrofractum Vahl.) It is one of the potential medicinal plants in Indonesia. However, information related to the cultivation of this plant is still minimal. Therefore, research needs regarding the determination of suitable planting media for the growth of herbal chilies. This experiment used a complete randomized group design (RKLT) with one treatment factor for the composition of the growing media, namely soil, soil + sand (3: 1, v / v), soil + rice husk charcoal (3: 1, v/v), and soil + manure (3: 1, v / v). Each treatment repeats six times, and each consisted of 10 plants. Data analysis using a variance. The plant material used was in soil tendrils and polybags measuring 30 cm x 30 cm as a container. NPK + Mg inorganic fertilizer with an equivalent dose of 12: 12: 17: 2. The results of the experiment showed that the composition of the different growing media affected all observed variables. The use of soil planting medium + cow manure showed the best growth results of chili herbs for plant height, the number of leaves, root length, root and canopy wet weight, and root and canopy dry weight.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-120
Herpandi Herpandi ◽  
Rinto Rinto ◽  
Indah Widiastuti ◽  
Sherly Ridhowati ◽  
Wulandari Wulandari ◽  

Crackers is a product made through a roasting process. This study aims to determine the effect of the addition of liquid smoke on the physical and sensory characteristics of snakehead fish crackers (Channa striata). This research method used a randomized block design (RBD) with one treatment factor and was carried out with 3 replications. The treatment used was the difference in the concentration of liquid smoke (0%, 2.5%, 5%, and 7.5%). The stages of this research include physical analysis (crispness) and sensory analysis (appearance, aroma, taste, and texture). The results showed that the treatment of different concentrations of liquid smoke had no significant effect on crispness (525.67 gf-580.67 gf). The results of sensory analysis showed that the treatment of different concentrations had a significant effect on appearance, aroma and taste, but had no significant effect on the texture of kemplang. The best treatment of this research is the A1 treatment with a liquid smoke concentration of 2.5%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 306 ◽  
pp. 05003
Syarifah Renny Fauzi ◽  
Syakur ◽  

The medical function of patchouli oil as an anti-virus allows it to be developed into a drug for COVID-19. The management of marginal soil namely Ultisol for patchouli development is very important because of its vast potential in Aceh. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out the effect of cow dung manure and SP-36 fertilizer on the quality of patchouli oil (Pogostemon cablin Benth.) on Ultisol. This study used factorial randomized block design with 3 replications. The first treatment factor was the dose of cow dung manure (control, 10 tonnes ha-1, 20 tonnes ha-1, 30 tonnes ha-1). The second treatment factor was the dose of SP-36 fertilizer (control, 100 kg ha-1, 200 kg ha-1, 300 kg ha-1). The results showed that the treatment had no significant effect on patchouli oil yield. The highest Patchouli Alcohol obtained was 27.74% on the combination of 30 tonnes ha-1 cow dung manure and 300 kg ha-1 SP-36 fertilizer.

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