accepted standard
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2021 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 287-303
Radoslav Raspopovic

The paper is dedicated to furthering the research into different aspects of Montenegrin sovereign status gained the Congress of Berlin, with a focus on the country’s financial sovereignty. Becoming an independent state had great historical significance for Montenegro, marking the realisation of the centuries-old aspirations for liberation. Still, exercising sovereign power proved challenging for Montenegro as the country was still an underdeveloped, agrarian country with a high percentage of illiterate population, scarce human resources and modest economic opportunities. Aside from this, there were still many congressional restrictions to exercising the rights acquired by gaining access to the sea. The author seeks to determine the reasons for the high level of indebtedness, as well as the decisions made in trying to resolve the challenges in maintaining the country’s financial sovereignty. The author also touches upon the broader subject of the role of gold standard in international trade and argues to which extent Montenegro was able to adhere to this internationally accepted standard, having established its banking institutions and having introduced its own currency. Considering that this paper is a part of the scientific research work on the project ‘Montenegro on the political and cultural map of Europe’ (CLIO MAP), exhibiting the reasons for minting the first Montenegrin coin is but a way to examine a segment in exibiting the country’s sovereign status acquired at the Congress of Berlin.

GigaScience ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
Nathan C Sheffield ◽  
Michał Stolarczyk ◽  
Vincent P Reuter ◽  
André F Rendeiro

Abstract Background Organizing and annotating biological sample data is critical in data-intensive bioinformatics. Unfortunately, metadata formats from a data provider are often incompatible with requirements of a processing tool. There is no broadly accepted standard to organize metadata across biological projects and bioinformatics tools, restricting the portability and reusability of both annotated datasets and analysis software. Results To address this, we present the Portable Encapsulated Project (PEP) specification, a formal specification for biological sample metadata structure. The PEP specification accommodates typical features of data-intensive bioinformatics projects with many biological samples. In addition to standardization, the PEP specification provides descriptors and modifiers for project-level and sample-level metadata, which improve portability across both computing environments and data processing tools. PEPs include a schema validator framework, allowing formal definition of required metadata attributes for data analysis broadly. We have implemented packages for reading PEPs in both Python and R to provide a language-agnostic interface for organizing project metadata. Conclusions The PEP specification is an important step toward unifying data annotation and processing tools in data-intensive biological research projects. Links to tools and documentation are available at

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
Aitor Navarro

It is the aim of this contribution to sustain that, despite the inherent complexity that the enforcement of the arm’s length rationale entails, it is feasible—and desirable—to introduce simplification measures without abandoning this worldwide accepted standard, especially in the context of developing countries and despite reticence shown by international organizations such as the OECD. Complexity in transfer pricing erodes fairness and equity and promotes profit shifting, which paradoxically constitutes the opposite outcome that this set of rules wants to achieve. This is the reason why it is urgent to propose and encourage the adoption of a means to neutralize unnecessary complexity in this field. The adoption of rebuttable predetermined margins and/or methods is proposed as the best solution in a context in which policymakers want to keep the arm’s length rationale intact. Also, even despite its shortcomings, irrebuttable predetermined safe harbors should be considered potentially feasible and a valid policy option.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 353-366
Anton S. Shabunin ◽  
Marat S. Asadulaev ◽  
Sergei V. Vissarionov ◽  
Andrej M. Fedyuk ◽  
Timofey S. Rybinskikh ◽  

BACKGROUND: Reconstruction of extensive defects to bone tissue is one of the important problems of orthopedics and traumatology. Especially in acuteis, the problem is associated with the restoration of bone tissue in conditions of its deficiency in pediatric patients. AIM: The aim of the study is to analyze modern methods of surgical treatment in children with extensive bone tissue injuries based on the published literature. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Our report presents a review of the literature of methods of surgical treatment of extensive bone defects. The literature search was carried out in several databases such as PubMed, ScienceDirect, E-library, GoogleScholar for the period from 2005 to 2020, using the keywords given below. As a result of the search, 105 foreign and 37 domestic sources were found. After exclusion, 56 articles were analyzed, all presented works were published in the last 15 years. RESULTS: The gold standard for replacing bone defects is still the use of autografts, including the use of technologies on a vascular pedicle. Various types of xenografts and allografts of bone tissue are increasingly being replaced by various kinds of synthetic implants. CONCLUSIONS: To date, there is no single generally accepted standard for the surgical treatment of extensive bone defects. The option of surgical treatment of extensive bone tissue defects using tissue-engineered bone implants with axial blood supply seems to be extremely interesting and promising.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. A17-A19
C Whenn ◽  
D Wilson ◽  
T Churchward ◽  
W Ruehland ◽  
C Worsnop ◽  

Abstract Introduction The oxygen desaturation index (ODI) is an important measure of sleep disordered breathing during polysomnography (PSG) however there is no accepted standard for its calculation. The AASM Manual for the Scoring of Sleep and Associated events (V2.6) does not specify whether oxygen desaturations occurring during awake epochs should be included. More generally, epoch-based scoring is potentially problematic for accurate ODI calculation. This study aims to compare the calculation of ODI including and excluding oxygen desaturations occurring during awake epochs and to determine the impact of sleep efficiency (SE) on any discrepancy. Methods Using twenty-one consecutive unattended PSG’s for investigation of OSA, two oxygen desaturation indices were calculated from each PSG; one excluding (ODIsleep) and one including (ODIall) oxygen desaturations marked in awake epochs. Results The median (IQR) ODIall was 19.3/h (10.3, 27.0) and ODIsleep was 13.0/h (6.6, 16.7). The median (IQR) difference (ODIall - ODIsleep) was 5.2/h (2.7, 10.4). This difference was greater with decreasing SE (r = -.63, p = .002). Patients with SE ≤ 75% (n=10) had a median ODI difference of 11.5/h (4.0, 17.6), and those with SE > 75% (n=11) had a difference of 2.8/h (2.0, 5.5) (p = .02). Discussion ODI was greater when including oxygen desaturations during awake epochs, with this discrepancy being greatest when SE is ≤ 75%. We plan to confirm these findings in a larger sample. This investigation informs clinical practice, highlights the difficulties of epoch scoring, and informs future standards for the scoring of sleep and associated events.

2021 ◽  
Vol 108 (Supplement_6) ◽  
A Mc Carthy ◽  
C Taylor

Abstract Background Slipped upper femoral epiphysis(SUFE) is an adolescent hip disorder requiring rapid surgical intervention. Faced with the prospect of their child undergoing surgery, many fearful parents will turn to the internet to provide information and reassurance. Previous studies have shown the orthopaedic information can be difficult to comprehend. Objective Assess the readability of healthcare websites regarding SUFE. Method The term Slipped Upper Femoral Epiphysis was searched in Google, Bing and Yahoo and evaluated using readability software with seven specialised readability tests. A Flesich Read Ease Score (FRES) score above 65 and a Reading Grade Level (RGL) of sixth grade and under was considered acceptable. Results 21 unique websites were assessed. The average FRES was 52.5 +/- 15.4. Only 3 websites scored 65 or higher (14%). There was a statistically significant difference between website scores based on affiliation, with physician websites having the overall highest mean(P = 0.004). The average RGL was 8.67 +/- 1.8. Only two websites met the accepted RGL criteria (9.5%) while five websites were marked as extremely difficult to understand (23.8%). Only five websites offered translations (23.8%). There was no statistically significant difference in readability scores between websites which offered translation and those which did not. One-way t-tests showed that both the RGL (p < 0.001; CI: 1.83-3.49) and the FRES (P < 0.001, CI: -19.4 to -5.4) scores were significantly different from the accepted standard. Conclusions Most websites reviewed were deemed inaccessible. Improving readability would enhance the internet’s usability as a healthcare tool for parents.

2021 ◽  
Áron Horváth ◽  
Eszter Ferentzi ◽  
Kristóf Schwartz ◽  
Nina Jacobs ◽  
Pieter Meyns ◽  

Proprioceptive accuracy refers to the individual’s ability to perceive proprioceptive information, i.e., the information referring to the actual state of the locomotor system, that originates from mechanoreceptors located in various parts of the locomotor system and from tactile receptors of the skin. Proprioceptive accuracy appears an important aspect in the evaluation of sensorimotor functioning; however, no widely accepted standard assessment exists. In this systematic review, our goal was to identify and categorize different methods that are used to assess different aspects of proprioceptive accuracy. A literature search was conducted in five different databases (PubMed, SPORTDiscus, PsycINFO, ScienceDirect and SpringerLink). Overall, 1139 articles reporting 1346 methods were included in this review. The methods measure eight different aspects of proprioception, i.e., the perception of joint position, movement, trajectory, velocity and the sense of force, muscle tension, weight and size. They apply various paradigms of psychophysics (i.e. the method of adjustment, constant stimuli and limits). The appropriate measurement method should be chosen based on theoretical considerations or ecological validity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (7) ◽  
pp. e243513
Angela Vidal ◽  
Cristina Nastasia ◽  
Markus Hodel ◽  
Joachim Kohl

In twin pregnancies, amnionicity and chorionicity are crucial as they strongly determine prenatal and perinatal management. First trimester ultrasound allows a highly reliable diagnosis of amnionicity and chorionicity, making it an internationally accepted standard in antenatal care. However, in rare cases, amnionicity can change from diamniotic to monoamniotic throughout pregnancy, substantially impacting perinatal management. We report the case of a confirmed monochorionic diamniotic twin pregnancy with a diagnosis of spontaneous septostomy of the dividing membrane (SSDM) at 28 weeks of gestation, resulting in a pseudomonoamniotic pregnancy. Even though SSDM is a rare condition and its sonographic diagnosis might be challenging, it should be considered if, in a known diamniotic pregnancy, there is a sudden failure to visualise the intertwin membrane truly separating both twins.

Alan Cowley ◽  
Dan Cody ◽  
Magnus Nelson

Abstract Background: Synchronized cardioversion is an internationally accepted standard therapy for unstable tachyarrhythmias, but it is conventionally an in-hospital physician-led intervention. Increasingly, it is being brought forward into the prehospital setting as part of a specialist paramedic scope of practice; however, very little literature exists regarding the epidemiology or efficacy in this setting. Methods: All patients receiving cardioversion within a United Kingdom (UK) ambulance service were identified using an electronic database. The period of inclusion was March 1, 2017 through October 31, 2020. These data were then interrogated to provide demographic, physiological, and efficacy data, and then a sub-group was created to identify those who presented with a primary arrhythmia (as opposed to post-cardiac arrest). Results: From a total of 93 patients, prehospital synchronized cardioversion successfully terminated the tachyarrhythmia in 96% of patients presenting with a primary arrhythmia (85% in the allcomers group) with a predominance towards males (82% of patients) and an average age of 67 years. Hypotension and reduced level of consciousness were the most commonly documented unstable features (84.4% and 44.4%). Conclusion: Cardioversion within a paramedic-led service results in efficacy rates of 96% in patients presenting with a primary tachyarrhythmia. This is a similar efficacy rate to traditional doctor-led therapies. Demographic data show that males make up over 80% of the patient population, in keeping with previously published work across the spectrum of cardiac interventions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 189-198
Salisu Modi ◽  
Hanan Abdulrahman Taher ◽  
Hoger Mahmud

Unified modelling language (UML) is the accepted standard and modelling language for modeling in software development process. UML is widely used by most course tutors in teaching modules of software engineering and system analysis and design. Students taking such courses do submit assignments with UML diagrams such as use case, class, sequence, activity and so on. Different versions of such diagrams produced by the students for a given problem have to be assessed by the course tutor which is a challenging and time-consuming task. This paper presents a java-based tool which is developed based on a simple yet effective algorithm developed by the authors that will read student and tutors solution diagrams as inputs and evaluate and grade the diagrams automatically. The output of the tool is the score of the student diagram in respect of lecturer’s final solution. The output is presented in two feedback files, one containing students’ score for the lecturers and the other to be send to the student to note the areas that were incorrect. The tool has been tested and evaluated using a simple and assumed UML class diagram. The result shows that the tool functions effectively and can produce detail feedbacks for both students and tutors. The outcome of this paper contributes towards automating UML diagram evaluations.

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