endolymphatic duct
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Anquan Peng ◽  
Junjiao Hu ◽  
Qin Wang ◽  
Xueying Pan ◽  
Zhiwen Zhang ◽  

Abstract Background To explore the differences between endolymphatic duct blockage, endolymphatic sac drainage and endolymphatic sac decompression surgery in the reversal of endolymphatic hydrops (EH) in patients with intractable Meniere’s disease (MD). Methods A total of 27 MD patients receiving endolymphatic duct blockage surgery (n = 10), endolymphatic sac drainage surgery (n = 9) and endolymphatic sac decompression surgery (n = 8) underwent gadolinium-enhanced inner ear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans prior to, 2 weeks after and at > 12 months following surgery. Results In the group with endolymphatic duct blockage, the second MRI revealed no changes in EH, whereas the third MRI revealed a reversal of vestibular EH in 3 patients and a downgrading of cochlear hydrops in 2 of these 3 patients, who presented with an improvement in their hearing and complete control of vertigo. In the group with endolymphatic sac drainage, the second MRI showed a reversal of EH in 4 patients, and no changes in EH in the remaining 5 patients, whereas the third MRI showed that those 4 patients who presented with a reversal of EH at the second MRI stage remained unchanged except a recurrence of vestibular hydrops in 1 patient. All 4 patients exhibited a complete control of vertigo, but hearing improved in 1, worsened in 1 and remained unchanged in 2. In the group with endolymphatic sac decompression, both the second and third MRI examination revealed no reversal of EH. Conclusions The present study has shown that both endolymphatic duct blockage surgery and endolymphatic sac drainage surgery have the potential to reduce EH in certain MD patients, but none of the patients receiving endolymphatic sac decompression surgery showed reversal of their EH. Graphical Abstract

Acta Medica ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Safak Parlak ◽  
Ayca Akgoz Karaosmanoglu ◽  
Sevtap Arslan ◽  
Levent Sennaroglu

Objective: Incomplete partition type I is an uncommon congenital anomaly of the inner ear, characterized by typical cystic cochleovestibular appearance. Incomplete partition type I was firstly defined as cystic cochlea and vestibule without large vestibular aqueduct; however, large vestibular aqueduct and/or enlarged endolymphatic duct could rarely be seen in incomplete partition type I anomaly. Correct diagnosis of the type of cochlear malformation and differentiation of incomplete partition type I is necessary for patient management and surgical approach. Our aim was to document the temporal bone imaging findings in a series of patients with incomplete partition type I. Materials and Methods: CT (n=85) and/or MRI (n=80) examinations of 99 ears in 59 incomplete partition type I patients were retrospectively evaluated. All structures of the otic capsule were retrospectively assessed. The appearances of cochlea and vestibule, vestibular aqueduct/endolymphatic duct, semicircular canals were qualitatively evaluated by an experienced neuroradiologist. The vertical dimension of vestibular aqueduct and/or endolymphatic duct (from the point where the duct arises from the vestibule) was measured on CT/MRI. Anterior-posterior diameter of the internal acoustic canal and the diameter of cochlear aperture were measured on CT. The cochleovestibular nerves were evaluated on sagittal-oblique high T2-weighted imaging. Results: All 99 ears had defective partition with unpartitioned cochlear basal turn and absent interscalar septae, separated but cystic cochlea. The vestibule was enlarged in all ears except one. Semicircular canals were usually dysplastic (92.9%). A total of 35 incomplete partition type I ears (35.3%) had large vestibular aqueduct and/or enlarged endolymphatic duct. Internal acoustic canal was wide in 21% of ears. Cochlear aperture was wide in 5.9% of ears. Cochlear nerve was either hypoplastic or aplastic in about a quarter of incomplete partition type I ears. Conclusion: In up to one-third of incomplete partition type I patients, an associated large vestibular aqueduct /endolymphatic duct could be seen accompanying typical inner ear findings. Although the cochlear nerves are normal in the majority of cases, auditory brainstem implantation may be necessary in certain cases of incomplete partition type I anomaly.

2021 ◽  
pp. 110064
Safak Parlak ◽  
Ayca Akgoz Karaosmanoglu ◽  
Merve Ozbal Batuk ◽  
Levent Sennaroglu ◽  
Burce Ozgen

BMJ Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. e054514
Annejet A Schenck ◽  
Josephina M Kruyt ◽  
Peter Paul van Benthem ◽  
Suzanne C Cannegieter ◽  
Wilbert B van den Hout ◽  

IntroductionOutcomes of surgery for Ménière’s disease (MD) remain discordant. Recently, a new surgical procedure in which the endolymphatic duct is clipped was proposed. To date, only one prospective trial assessing this technique was published, yielding promising results. This protocol describes a prospective, double-blinded, randomised controlled trial that will be carried out to assess the effectiveness of this surgical intervention.MethodsEighty-four patients with intractable MD will be recruited from 13 hospitals in the Netherlands. Intraoperatively, randomisation will determine whether endolymphatic duct blockage (EDB) or endolymphatic sac decompression (ESD) will be performed. Randomisation will be 1:1 stratified for gender and duration of MD (recent-onset versus mature MD). All participants receive vestibular rehabilitation after surgery. Patients are followed up during 1 year after surgery. Follow-up visits will take place at 1 week, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months after surgery. The main study endpoint is proportion of patients who are free of vertigo spells at 12 months postoperatively. Secondary parameters include cumulative number of vertigo bouts, co-intervention, tinnitus, hearing, quality of life, cost effectiveness and a budget impact analysis. Total duration of the study is 4 years.AnalysisThe primary analysis will follow the intention-to-treat principle. For the primary outcome, a χ2 test will be performed. Secondary outcomes will be analysed using a linear mixed model (EDB versus decompression group) at the different time measurement point.Ethics and disseminationThis study was reviewed and approved by a board of specialists before funding was obtained, as well as by the Medical Research Ethics Committee Leiden-The Hague-Delft and the boards of all participating centres. Results of this study will be published in international peer-reviewed scientific journals and will be presented on (inter)national scientific conferences and meetings.Trial registration numbersNL9095 and ISRCTN12074571; Pre-Results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Hao Li ◽  
Gunesh P. Rajan ◽  
Jeremy Shaw ◽  
Seyed Alireza Rohani ◽  
Hanif M. Ladak ◽  

Background: The etiology of Meniere's disease (MD) and endolymphatic hydrops believed to underlie its symptoms remain unknown. One reason may be the exceptional complexity of the human inner ear, its vulnerability, and surrounding hard bone. The vestibular organ contains an endolymphatic duct system (EDS) bridging the different fluid reservoirs. It may be essential for monitoring hydraulic equilibrium, and a dysregulation may result in distension of the fluid spaces or endolymphatic hydrops.Material and Methods: We studied the EDS using high-resolution synchrotron phase contrast non-invasive imaging (SR-PCI), and micro-computed tomography (micro-CT). Ten fresh human temporal bones underwent SR-PCI. One bone underwent micro-CT after fixation and staining with Lugol's iodine solution (I2KI) to increase tissue resolution. Data were processed using volume-rendering software to create 3D reconstructions allowing orthogonal sectioning, cropping, and tissue segmentation.Results: Combined imaging techniques with segmentation and tissue modeling demonstrated the 3D anatomy of the human saccule, utricle, endolymphatic duct, and sac together with connecting pathways. The utricular duct (UD) and utriculo-endolymphatic valve (UEV or Bast's valve) were demonstrated three-dimensionally for the first time. The reunion duct was displayed with micro-CT. It may serve as a safety valve to maintain cochlear endolymph homeostasis under certain conditions.Discussion: The thin reunion duct seems to play a minor role in the exchange of endolymph between the cochlea and vestibule under normal conditions. The saccule wall appears highly flexible, which may explain occult hydrops occasionally preceding symptoms in MD on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The design of the UEV and connecting ducts suggests that there is a reciprocal exchange of fluid among the utricle, semicircular canals, and the EDS. Based on the anatomic framework and previous experimental data, we speculate that precipitous vestibular symptoms in MD arise from a sudden increase in endolymph pressure caused by an uncontrolled endolymphatic sac secretion. A rapid rise in UD pressure, mediated along the fairly wide UEV, may underlie the acute vertigo attack, refuting the rupture/K+-intoxication theory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Jun He ◽  
Anquan Peng ◽  
Junjiao Hu ◽  
Zhiwen Zhang ◽  
Yichao Chen ◽  

Objective: The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the dynamics of endolymphatic hydrops (EH) and symptoms in a group of patients who underwent endolymphatic duct blockage (EDB) for treatment of intractable Meniere's Disease (MD), and to explore a metric for verifying the effectiveness of EDB procedure.Methods: A total of 22 patients with intractable MD patients who underwent EDB participated in the present study. EH was visualized using locally enhanced inner ear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) prior to and following surgery. The vestibular hydrops ratio (VHR) in the second MRI examination was compared with the pre-surgery recordings.Results: Following EDB, 6 patients exhibited complete or partial reversal of EH, complete control of vertigo spells and reported improvement in hearing; 13 patients showed no changes in EH or hearing, but 5 of these patients exhibited complete control of vertigo attacks, and the other 8 patients exhibited improved control of vertigo attacks. The final 3 patients showed an increase in EH, but symptomatic worsening in 2 patients, and symptomatic improvement in 1 patient. There was a significant difference in the average VHR prior to and following EDB. Postoperative VHR was positively correlated with the frequency of vertigo spells in the latest 6 months of follow-up and improvement of postoperative average hearing threshold.Conclusion: The decreased EH accompanying the reduction in vertigo attacks and hearing preservation may provide a metric for verifying the effectiveness of EDB treatment in patients with MD.

2020 ◽  
Wenqi Jiang ◽  
Junjiao Hu ◽  
Anquan Peng ◽  
Qin Wang ◽  
Xueying Pan ◽  

Abstract To explore the differences between endolymphatic duct blockage (EDB) and endolymphatic sac drainage (EDD) surgery in the reversal of endolymphatic hydrops (EH) in patients with intractable Meniere’s disease (MD). A total of 19 MD patients receiving EDB (n=10) and EDD (n=9) treatment underwent gadoliniumenhanced inner ear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans prior to, 2 weeks after and at >12 months following surgery. In the EDB group, the second MRI revealed no changes in EH, whereas the third MRI revealed a reversal of vestibular EH in 3 patients and a downgrading of cochlear hydrops in 2 of these 3 patients, who presented with an improvement in their hearing and complete control of vertigo. In the EDD group, the second MRI showed a reversal of EH in 4 patients, and no changes in EH in the remaining 5 patients, whereas the third MRI showed that those 4 patients who presented with a reversal of EH at the second MRI stage remained unchanged, with the exception of one patient who experienced a recurrence of vestibular hydrops. All 4 patients exhibited a complete control of vertigo, although hearing improved in only 1 of them, worsened in 1 and remained unchanged in 2. The present study showed the reversal in EH was likely due to the delayed effect of surgery accompanied by an improvement in hearing in EDB group, whereas the reduction in the endolymph volume presented as an acute reversal of hydrops in EDD group without a causeeffect relationship with hearing function.

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