operation procedure
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2021 ◽  
Resqy Rhaudatul Jannah

Angka kekambuhan gangguan jiwa di Jawa Tengah pada tahun 2018 mencapai 2,2% per 1.000 penduduk. Puskesmas Bandarharjo sendiri merupakan Puskesmas dengan kasus kesehatan jiwa tertinggi di Semarang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan Program Kesehatan Jiwa di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Bandarharjo. Desain penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif analitik. Data dikumpulkan dari wawancara mendalam dan observasi berdasarkan kriteria purposive sampling. Subjek dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari dua orang dokter eksekutif, seorang koordinator Program Kesehatan Jiwa, dan seorang perawat. Keempat subjek ini dikategorikan sebagai informan utama. Perwakilan dari keluarga pasien gangguan jiwa dan kader kesehatan juga diikutsertakan sebagai informan triangulasi. Hasilnya, pelaksanaan program kesehatan jiwa di Puskesmas Bandarharjo belum optimal. Hal ini dikarenakan jumlah pasien gangguan jiwa berat yang mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan jiwa sesuai standar hanya 94,7%. Oleh karena itu, masih ada sekitar 5,3% pasien yang belum mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan jiwa. Masih kurangnya Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) untuk setiap tahapan pelaksanaan program, terutama tahap pengelolaan awal (pemberian obat) dan sosialisasi tentang Program Kesehatan Jiwa. Sebaiknya sosialisasi dan promosi Program Kesehatan Jiwa di Puskesmas Bandarharjo ditingkatkan. Perlu adanya perbaikan sistem pendistribusian obat dari Dinas Kesehatan Kota ke Puskesmas agar tidak terjadi keterlambatan serta review terhadap aturan BPJS terbaru terkait sistem rujukan berjenjang yang masih menjadi permasalahan di lapangan

2021 ◽  
Qi Liu ◽  
Huifeng Liu ◽  
Xi Wang ◽  
WanJun Li ◽  
Guobin Yang ◽  

Abstract At the end of the lifespan of this onshore oilfield development, all wells and oil production system, transmission pipelines and all surface infrastructures shall be decommissioned in accordance with international guidelines for abandonment of oil and gas facilities. The development and production period relevant to Block 1/2/4 shall be ceased in 2033 as the PSC law approved by South Sudan Government. Considering that South Sudan is located along the Nile River in Africa, necessary measures shall be taken with respect to activities in the field to ensure effective protection for the environment. In addition, difficulties which have negative impact on decommission assessment shall be taken into account, such as inadequate wells data, the destruction of the facility by war, high security risks of Block 1/2/4, costly decommissioning and abandonment fees and so on. This paper combines the practice of Block 1/2/4 in South Sudan to introduce the decommissioning plan, abandonment working process, standard operation procedure for wells and surface facility disposal, and the calculation of the decommissioning fund. The decommissioning may include complete removal or abandonment in-situ which based on an evaluation of cost, safety and environmental impact. While a detailed decommissioning and abandonment proposal has been compiled and updated during the production phase of the project. When the final decommissioning and abandonment plans have been developed for upstream and midstream, the costs have been updated accordingly. These estimates had utilized by the operators to fund the decommissioning and abandonment obligations in accordance with the provisions of the oil company. The D&A task was successful and finally approved by the authority of government. Due to the successful completion of the decommissioning task of Block1/2/4, a completed decommissioning and abandonment management system has been established, including D&A cost calculation and standard operation procedure for wells and facility disposal, which can lower the environmental risk and reduce the capital expenditure at the end of the project. It can be regarded as a classic practice in petroleum industry and has a strong reference value.

G. Bob Williams ◽  
Purabi Bora ◽  
Omprakash Sahu

This review work summarised new generation logging techniques such Tough Logging Conditions (TLC) & Logging While Fishing (LWF) and their advancement in drilling operations. The production of Oil & gas from the stage of exploration to production should need a lot of data for economic and safe operations. The conditions of the sub-surface cannot be simply predicted unless with some measured parameters under the LOGGING term. Logging is defined as a continuous record of Petro’s physical parameters of rock against time and depth. Instead of conventional logging techniques of wireline such as SP, Gamma-ray, Neutron, Calliper log, etc, logging while drilling, logging while fishing set them aside of their extended applications. Logging while Fishing is a new generation technology that allows unfailing operations of logging tool by a special installation even in cut and thread operation also aids economic and time enhancement. Tough logging conditions are a technique applied either when the hole has highly deviated or when you need to control the position of a tool. This project includes the study and interpretation of above discussed new generation logs. These tools offer all types of logging carried out on wireline except the SP logging. Logging while drilling provides real-time measurements of physical parameters while drilling operation itself which avoids an additional running of tools causing trips and sticking of drill pipe. The data is stored in the bottom assembled logging tool.

2021 ◽  
Vol 881 (1) ◽  
pp. 012004
S Lawanyawatna ◽  
M Schoch

Abstract With the continuous need for COVID-19 testing in Thailand, the country lacks appropriate screening and sample-taking facilities. Based on an earlier functional prototype realized by the authors, this research aims to design, plan, and realize a screening station at a safe distance from healthcare facilities to protect those involved from coronavirus infection while the sample is being collected. The design, planning, and realization methodology combines design rationalization processes, including an expert survey based on a prototype analysis, a user survey of potential operators, and an SOP derivation based on government guidelines. Outcomes to improve the resulting station design allow later use changes, improved transportation, and speedier installation in the required locations. Results show the station design improved to the earlier prototype version, suggesting better operation flow and flexible usage, especially in rural regions where the need for isolated testing facilities is prevalent. The constructed screening station design is considered safe, operational, and suitable for implementation near healthcare facilities, offering a low risk of contamination and adaption to individual needs. Its long-lasting character and variable use also help improve health care facilities’ future pandemic preparedness. This research is funded through the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA).

2021 ◽  
pp. 61-62
Suraj Dhage ◽  
Madhuri Barabde ◽  
Rahul Hantodkar

This prospective study used hypoalbuminemia as one of the indicator of nutritional status for patients who are admitted for elective or emergency surgery. It will be invaluable to have the predictors that can assess the complication before the operation procedure,so that deciet factors can be corrected in order to reduce wound healing complications (like wound infection,wound dehiscence and anastomotic leak). Effect of Hypoalbuminemia in wound healing and AIM: related complications in surgical patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS:This study conducted on patients admitted in surgery deparment of Dr. PDMMC & Hospital Amravati,for major elective or emergency surgery between 1Jan2021 to 30Aug2021 over 100 patients. Pati RESULT: ents with hypoalbuminemia are more tends to develop wound related complications than patients with normal albumin level. Serum albumin levels can be consider CONCLUSION: one of best predictor for wound related complication.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (6) ◽  
pp. 4203-4217
René Stübi ◽  
Herbert Schill ◽  
Eliane Maillard Barras ◽  
Jörg Klausen ◽  
Alexander Haefele

Abstract. The longest ozone column measurement series are based on the Dobson sun spectrophotometers developed in the 1920s by Gordon B. W. Dobson. These instruments still constitute an important part of the World Meteorological Organization's global network due to their optical qualities and ruggedness. The primary drawback of this instrument is the effort needed for its manual operation. In industrialized and some less developed countries, most stations have made the choice to replace the Dobson by the automated Brewer sun spectrophotometers, but some are still relying on the Dobson instrument. One of them is the Arosa station where both instrument types are run in parallel. Here, an automated version of the Dobson instrument was developed and implemented recently. In the present paper, the results of the analysis of simultaneous measurements from pairs of Dobson instruments that were either collocated at Arosa or Davos or operated one at each location are presented for four distinct time periods: 1992–2012 – manual vs. manual operation of collocated Dobson instruments (MMC); 2012–2013 – manual vs. automated operation of collocated Dobson instruments (MAC); 2012–2019 – automated vs. automated operation of collocated Dobson instruments (AAC); 2016–2019 – automated vs. automated operation of distant Dobson instruments (AAD). The direct comparison of two instruments using the standard operation procedure during the MMC period gives a metric necessary to validate the automated version of Dobson instruments. The direct comparison of two collocated instruments using the standard manual operation procedure reveals random differences of coincident observations with a standard deviation of ∼ 0.45 % and monthly mean differences between −1.0 % and +0.8 %. In most cases the observed biases are not statistically significant. The same analysis of two automated Dobson instruments yields significantly smaller standard deviation of ∼ 0.25 % and biases of between −0.7 % and 0.8 %. This demonstrates that the repeatability has improved with the automation, while the systematic differences are only marginally smaller. The analysis of the AAD period of coincident measurements from the distant sites Arosa and Davos reveals a small positive bias (not significant) compatible with the 250 m altitude difference. The description of the automated data acquisition and control of the Dobson instrument is presented in a separate paper (Stübi et al., 2020).

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