full relaxation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
Katja Klobas ◽  
Bruno Bertini

We study the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of the quantum cellular automaton Rule 54 using a time-channel approach. We exhibit a family of (non-equilibrium) product states for which we are able to describe exactly the full relaxation dynamics. We use this to prove that finite subsystems relax to a one-parameter family of Gibbs states. We also consider inhomogeneous quenches. Specifically, we show that when the two halves of the system are prepared in two different solvable states, finite subsystems at finite distance from the centre eventually relax to the non-equilibrium steady state (NESS) predicted by generalised hydrodynamics. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first exact description of the relaxation to a NESS in an interacting system and, therefore, the first independent confirmation of generalised hydrodynamics for an inhomogeneous quench.

Crystals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 1590
Xuefei Li ◽  
Jianming Xu ◽  
Tieshi Wei ◽  
Wenxian Yang ◽  
Shan Jin ◽  

The extended wavelength InGaAs material (2.3 μm) was prepared by introducing compositionally undulating step-graded InAsyP1−y buffers with unequal layer thickness grown by solid-source molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The properties of the extended wavelength InGaAs layer were investigated. The surface showed ordered crosshatch morphology and a low roughness of 1.38 nm. Full relaxation, steep interface and less than one threading dislocation in the InGaAs layer were demonstrated by taking advantage of the strain compensation mechanism. Room temperature photoluminescence (PL) exhibited remarkable intensity attributed to the lower density of deep non-radiative centers. The emission peak energy with varied temperatures was in good agreement with Varshni’s empirical equation, implying high crystal quality without inhomogeneity-induced localized states. Therefore, our work shows that compositionally undulating step-graded InAsP buffers with a thinner bottom modulation layer, grown by molecular beam epitaxy, is an effective approach to prepare InGaAs materials with wavelengths longer than 2.0 μm and to break the lattice limitation on the materials with even larger mismatch.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 472-488
Carole Vignals ◽  
David W. Dick ◽  
Rodolphe Thiébaut ◽  
Linda Wittkop ◽  
Mélanie Prague ◽  

Non-pharmaceutical interventions have been implemented intermittently for more than a year in most countries of the world to mitigate the COVID-19 epidemic. In France, while the vaccination campaign is progressing, the French government has decided to remove many public health restrictions such as business closure, lockdowns, and curfews. Nonetheless, social distancing, mask wearing, and hand washing (also called barrier gestures) are still recommended. We utilize an age-structured compartmental SEIR model that takes into account the SARS-CoV-2 waning immunity, vaccination, and increased transmissibility from variants of concern to estimate if barrier gestures can be relaxed without causing a resurgence of severe infections. This model assumes that the susceptibility to infection is a function of immunity status, which depends on initial infection severity and vaccination status. It is calibrated on confirmed COVID-19 cases from the French surveillance database, and accounts for changes in contact behaviors due to the implementation of nation-wide public health policies. We study the partial and full relaxation of barrier gestures occurring from August to December 2021 under various immunity duration assumptions. Maintaining the application of barrier gestures appears essential to avoid a resurgence of severe infections that would exceed French health care capacities, while surmounting vaccine hesitancy represents the key to consider their relaxation. Immunity duration assumptions significantly influence the short-term dynamic of the epidemic, which should be considered for further modelling.

2021 ◽  
Carole Vignals ◽  
David W Dick ◽  
Rodolphe Thiébaut ◽  
Linda Wittkop ◽  
Mélanie Prague ◽  

Non-pharmaceutical interventions have been implemented intermittently for more than a year in most countries of the world to mitigate COVID-19 epidemic. In France, while the vaccination campaign is progressing, the French government has decided to remove many public health restrictions such as business closure, lockdowns and curfews. Nonetheless, social distancing, mask wearing, and hand washing (also called barrier gestures) are still recommended. We utilize an age-structured compartmental SEIR model that takes into account SARS-CoV-2 waning immunity, vaccination, and increased transmissibility from variants of concern, to estimate if barrier gestures can be relaxed without causing a resurgence of severe infections. This model assumes that susceptibility to infection is a function of immunity status, which depends on initial infection severity and vaccination status. It is calibrated on confirmed COVID-19 cases from the French surveillance database, and accounts for changes in contact behaviors due to implementation of nation-wide public health policies. We study partial and full relaxation of barrier gestures occurring from August to December 2021 under various immunity duration assumptions. Maintaining application of barrier gestures appears essential to avoid a resurgence of severe infections that would exceed health care capacities, while surmounting vaccine hesitancy represents the key to consider their relaxation. Immunity duration assumptions significantly influence the short-term dynamic of the epidemic which should be considered for further modelling.

Jakob Dall Dall Asmussen ◽  
Rupert Michiels ◽  
Katrin Dulitz ◽  
Aaron Ngai ◽  
Ulrich Bangert ◽  

The relaxation dynamics of superexcited superfluid He nanodroplets is fully unravelled by means of extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) femtosecond electron and ion spectroscopy complemented by time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT). Three main...

2019 ◽  
Vol 41 (6) ◽  
pp. 932-932
Mengmeng Wu Mengmeng Wu ◽  
Rongkai Pan Rongkai Pan ◽  
Jilei Liang Jilei Liang ◽  
Guohai Zhou Guohai Zhou ◽  
Li Ma and Chunyu Zhang Li Ma and Chunyu Zhang

The γ˝ phase (Mg4GdZn) precipitate in Mg-Gd-Zn alloy was calculated via first-principle density functional theory within the generalized gradient approximation. Through structure optimization of full relaxation, the lattice parameters were theoretically obtained, and the calculated Mg4GdZn is the most energetically stable in view of the formation energy. Independent elastic constants were also calculated, illustrating the calculated Mg4GdZn is mechanically stable. The shear modulus, polycrystalline bulk modulus, Poisson ratio, and Young’s modulus of Mg4GdZn were calculated via the Voigt-Reuss-Hill approximation. Elastic anisotropy and ductility were analyzed in details. Seen from their charge density distribution and electronic density of states, both metallic bond and covalent bond were found in Mg4GdZn.

2017 ◽  
Vol 01 (02) ◽  
pp. 121-124
Carlos Higuera ◽  
Michael Bloomfield ◽  
Daniel Mesko

AbstractBuilding on a paucity of prior reported cases, we report on a patient with an off-label dual mobility liner, who sustained a dislocation. Following closed reduction in the emergency room, catching/grinding was felt, and imaging confirmed an intraprosthetic dislocation (IPD). This required revision hip arthroplasty. Dual mobility dislocations have the unique risk of conversion to IPDs during closed reduction attempts. There should be a low threshold to perform closed reductions in the operating room (OR) setting by an orthopaedic surgeon under full relaxation/sedation to optimize success and reduce the risk of creating an IPD.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. 1-11 ◽  
Xiao-Yan Bai ◽  
Ping Zhang ◽  
Qin Yang ◽  
Xiao-Cheng Liu ◽  
Jun Wang ◽  

Suxiao JiuxinPill, a compound Chinese traditional medicine with main components of tetramethylpyrazine and borneol, is widely used for antiangina treatment in China but its pharmacological effect on human blood vessels is unknown. We investigated the effect and possible mechanism of SJP in the human internal mammary artery (IMA,n=78) taken from patients undergoing coronary surgery. SJP caused full relaxation in KCl- (99.4±10.5%,n=6) and U46619- (99.9±5.6%,n=6) contracted IMA. Pretreatment of IMA with plasma concentrations of SJP (1 mg/mL), calculated from the plasma concentration of its major component borneol, significantly depressed the maximal contraction to KCl (from35.8±6.0 mN to12.6±5.6 mN,P=0.03) and U46619 (from19.4±2.9 mN to5.7±2.4 mN,P=0.007) while SJP at 10 mg/mL abolished the subsequent contraction. Endothelium denudation and inhibition of eNOS significantly altered the SJP-induced relaxation without changes of eNOS expression. We conclude that SJP has a potent inhibitory effect on the vasoconstriction mediated by a variety of vasoconstrictors in human arteries. The vasorelaxation involves both endothelium-dependent and -independent mechanisms. Thus, the effect of SJP on human arteries demonstrated in this study may prove to be particularly important in vasorelaxing therapy in cardiovascular disease.

2013 ◽  
Vol 58 (4) ◽  
pp. 1023-1027 ◽  
Y. He ◽  
W. Zhi ◽  
C. Rong

Abstract Theoretical investigations were performed to study on alloying stability, and electronic structure of (AlCu3, AlCu2Zr and AlZr3). The results show that the lattice parameters obtained after full relaxation of crystalline cells are consistent with experimental data, and these intermetallics have a strong alloying ability and structural stability due to the negative formation energies and the cohesive energies. The further analysis find out that single-crystal elastic constants at zero-pressure satisfy the requirement of mechanical stability for cubic crystals. The calculations on Poisson’s ratio show that AlCu3 is much more anisotropic than the other two intermetallics. In addition, calculations on densities of states indicates that the valence bonds of these intermetallics are attributed to the valence electrons of Cu 3d states for AlCu3, Cu 3d and Zr 4d states for AlCu2Zr, and Al 3s, Zr 5s and 4d states for AlZr3, respectively; in particular, the electronic structure of the AlZr3 shows the strongest hybridization.

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