schema change
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2018 ◽  
Vol 159 (3) ◽  
pp. 270-283
Julie A. Brunson ◽  
Camilla S. Øverup ◽  
Linda K. Acitelli

Domenico Lembo ◽  
Riccardo Rosati ◽  
Valerio Santarelli ◽  
Domenico Fabio Savo ◽  
Evgenij Thorstensen

In this paper we study the evolution of ontology-based data access (OBDA) specifications, and focus on the case in which the ontology and/or the data source schema change, which may require a modification to the mapping between them to preserve both consistency and knowledge. Our approach is based on the idea of repairing the mapping according to the usual principle of minimal change and on a recent, mapping-based notion of consistency of the specification. We define and analyze two notions of mapping repair under ontology and source schema update. We then present a set of results on the complexity of query answering in the above framework, when the ontology is expressed in DL-LiteR.

2016 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-150 ◽  
Stefan W. Konlechner ◽  
Barbara Müller ◽  
Wolfgang H. Güttel ◽  
Irina Koprax ◽  
Karin Link

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 160 ◽  
Abdullah Baqasah ◽  
Eric Pardede ◽  
Wenny Rahayu ◽  
Irena Holubova

Zouhaier Brahmia ◽  
Fabio Grandi ◽  
Barbara Oliboni ◽  
Rafik Bouaziz

tXSchema (Currim et al., 2004) is a framework (a language and a suite of tools) for the creation and validation of time-varying XML documents. A tXSchema schema is composed of a conventional XML Schema annotated with physical and logical annotations. All components of a tXSchema schema can evolve over time to reflect changes in the real-world. Since many applications need to keep track of both data and schema evolution, schema versioning has been long advocated to be the best solution to do this. In this paper, we complete the tXSchema framework, which is predisposed from the origin to support schema versioning, with the definition of the operations which are necessary to exploit such feature and make schema versioning functionalities available to final users. Moreover, we propose a new technique for schema versioning in tXSchema, allowing a complete and safe management of schema changes. It supports both versioning of conventional schema and versioning of annotations, in an integrated manner. For each component of a tXSchema schema, our approach provides a complete and sound set of change primitives and a set of high-level change operations, for the maintenance of such a component and defines their operational semantics.

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