clear glass
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Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (23) ◽  
pp. 8020
Saboor Shaik ◽  
Kirankumar Gorantla ◽  
Aritra Ghosh ◽  
Chelliah Arumugam ◽  
Venkata Ramana Maduru

Strategic selection of glazing, its window-to-wall ratio, and wall thickness of building reduce the energy consumption in the built environment. This paper presents the experimental results of solar optical properties of five glasses: clear, tinted bronze, tinted green, bronze reflective, and polymer dispersed liquid crystal glasses. Laterite room models were modeled with four different thicknesses and four different glasses using Design Builder, and thermal simulation tests were carried out using Energy Plus. The energy savings and carbon emission mitigation prospective of a building’s glazing variety, window-to-wall ratio (WWR), and wall thickness were investigated. The results revealed that among the five window glasses studied, the polymer dispersed liquid crystal glazing window (PDLCGW) was found to be the most energy-efficient for low heat gain in laterite rooms. The laterite room with 0.23 m wall thickness and 40% PDLCGW WWR reduced 18.9% heat gain in comparison with the laterite room with 0.23 m wall thickness and 40% clear glass WWR. The laterite room of 0.23 m wall thickness with PDLCGW glazing of 40% WWR enhanced cooling cost savings up to USD 31.9 compared to the laterite room of 0.08 m wall thickness with 40% PDLCGW. The laterite room of 0.23 m wall thickness with PDLCGW glazing of 40% WWR also showed improved carbon mitigation of 516 kg of CO2/year compared to the 0.23 m wall thickness laterite room of 40% WWR with clear glass glazing. The results also showed that the laterite room with 0.23 m wall thickness and 100% clear glass WWR increased heat gain by 28.2% in comparison with the laterite room with 0.23 m wall thickness and 20% clear glass WWR. The results of this article are essential for the strategic design of buildings for energy saving and emission reduction.

Jurnal INFORM ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-122
Yudi Kristyawan ◽  
Zahid Faizal Kholil

Water dispensers are electronic devices that are widely available in households and offices. In general, water dispensers use faucets to drain water. During the pandemic, many people avoid touching equipment used by many people. Various ways have been done so that the water dispenser can be operated automatically without touching the faucet. Previous research on water dispensers was only applied to one type of water. This study aims to make an automatic water dispenser without touching the faucet used for two types of water, namely hot water or cold water. This research is based on hand gesture detection to choose hot water or cold water. The APDS-9960 gesture sensor detects hand movements to select hot or cold water, and then a servo motor is used to open the water faucet. After that, the position of the glass is validated by the ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04, and water will flow for 30 seconds into the glass. The entire input and output process is controlled using Arduino. The results show that this automatic water dispenser can detect hand gestures at a maximum distance of 15 cm with a hand movement speed of 2 to 3.7 seconds. This automatic water dispenser can detect three kinds of glass, namely ceramic, clear glass, and plastic, at a distance of 1 to 3 cm, and the volume of water flowing for 30 seconds is 240 ml.

Habib Arjmand Mazidi

Along with many benefits of daylight in interior space, undesirable solar heat gain and glare have been always challenging. Shading strategies like overhang, louvers, manual and automatic blinds, etc.; are to control unfavorable direct sunlight. Solar UV, IR, and glare control glazing materials are increasingly used instead of shading design, especially for high-rise buildings. Notwithstanding the advantages of solar control glazing, there is a concern about how LowE glazing affects the overall daylight availability in a space. On the other hand, in lack of shade, glare is still a big challenge for solar control glazing strategies. In this study, a MicroShade strategy (solar control coating with 37% VT) is proposed in between interior heat-control clear-glass panes and based on an optimized shading design. A single 12’ * 16’ office room is then studied based on a MicroShade window for south orientation and is compared with an ASHRAE 90.1 code approved LowE glazing strategy (65% VT) without shade. Annual daylight simulations show that totally LowE glass window contributes to higher available daylight. However, close to the window, the MicroShade system has less undesirable illuminance (above 2000 lux), and possible glare. The result of glare simulations, for 7 representative days during hot and warm seasons (5 times per day), show not many differences. Although probably due to reflections of MicroShade materials in general MicroShade system shows 1-2 DGP higher than the other two systems, for the times that solar angle is lower, MicroShade plays a better role in terms of glare control.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (9) ◽  
pp. 5266
Ahmed Abdelrady ◽  
Mohamed Hssan Hassan Abdelhafez ◽  
Ayman Ragab

Building insulation based on nanomaterials is considered one of the most effective means of reducing energy consumption in the hot desert climate. The application of an energy-efficient insulation system can significantly decrease the energy consumed via a building’s air-conditioning system during the summer. Hence, building insulation has become an interesting research topic, especially with regards to the use of insulation based on nanomaterials due to their low U-values. In the present study, the use of nano vacuum insulation panels (VIPs) or polystyrene foam in the walls enabled a significant reduction in the annual energy consumption, a savings of 23% compared to the uninsulated wall in a study in New Aswan City. The application of nanogel glazing to the windows (two layers of clear glass filled with the nanogel) achieved approximately 11% savings in annual energy. This savings, twice that obtained by using double-glazed windows, could be due to the low U-value of nanogel compared to the U-values of argon or air. The embedded nanogel layer between two layers of argon and two layers of single clear glass showed a significant reduction in annual energy consumption, saving 26% compared to the use of a single layer of glass. Moreover, the integration between this window and embedded walls with 50 mm of polystyrene foam exhibited a significant improvement of energy efficiency by 47.6% while presenting the lowest value of simple payback period (SPP). This research provides a way for buildings to be insulated to make them more energy efficient as well as attractive from the economic standpoint.

Science ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 372 (6538) ◽  
pp. 126-127
Rebecca Dylla-Spears

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 786-796
Norihito Kishimoto ◽  

<abstract> <p>Packaging material plays an important role in minimizing food waste in the supply chain. This study evaluated the light-protective effects of wrapping films as a secondary packaging material on the deterioration of extra virgin olive oil after exposure to sunlight for 5 weeks. Milky white polyethylene terephthalate (MW-PET) and aluminum oxide vapor-deposited polyethylene terephthalate (AV-PET) were used on bottles of different transparency (clear or amber glass) as the primary packaging material. Wrapping the bottles with either PET film resulted in protection against fatty acid release and secondary oxidation of the oils upon exposure to sunlight, but no protection against the primary oxidation of the oils. Although sunlight exposure induced the degradation of minor components, including chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments, in oils stored in clear glass bottles with no film, in oils stored in clear and amber glass bottles with either type of PET film, these compounds were partially protected from degradation during storage. In addition, sunlight exposure induced a decrease in E2-hexenal, which has a positive olive aroma in oils stored in clear glass bottles with no film, but this decrease was not observed to the same extent in oils stored in clear and amber glass bottles with either PET film. The light-protective effects of the AV-PET film were significantly higher than those of the MW-PET film. These results showed that secondary packaging with these PET films provided more effective protection against sunlight-induced oxidative deterioration of extra virgin olive oil during storage in primary materials, such as glass bottles, compared with storage in glass bottles with no secondary packaging.</p> </abstract>

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-21
Abdelhakim Mesloub ◽  
Artira Ghosh ◽  
Ghazy Abdullah Albaqawy ◽  
Emad Noaime ◽  
Badr M Alsolami

In modern architecture, highly glazed commercial buildings account for considerable amount of energy, specifically in cold and hot climates because of heating, cooling, and lighting energy load demand. Abatement of this high building energy is possible by employing semitransparent photovoltaic (STPV) window which has triple point advantages as they control the admitted solar gain and daylight and generates benign electricity. Integration of internal light shelves (ILS) to this STPV window assists in controlling visual comfort. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the impact of a nonuniform layout of double-glazing (DG) low-e STPV and DG low-E argon-filled clear glass integrated into a fully glazed open-office facade combined with ILS in cardinal orientations under Riyadh, London, Kuala Lumpur, and Algiers climates. Comprehensive energetic and radiance simulations were conducted to evaluate three groups of STPV configurations. The first group replaced the glazing area with amorphous silicon (a-Si) modules with different transparencies; the second and third groups changed only 75% and 50% of the glazing area, respectively, with STPVs integrated with the ILS. The results revealed that the integration of a-Si modules did not meet the visual comfort requirements but obtained the maximum saving in the east-west axis. It was also found that the optimum design on the south-facing facade with the nonuniform facade achieved 50% of STPV10 coverage in clear glazing windows combined with ILS; the energy saving ratios comparing the reference models were 76%, 83%, 65%, and 70% in Riyadh, London, Kuala Lumpur, and Algiers, respectively. Thus, the integration of STPVs with ILS is considered a more efficient way and effective solution to reduce the possibility of glare discomfort.

2020 ◽  
Vol 56 (25) ◽  
pp. 1423-1425
T. Yilmaz ◽  
O.B. Akan

2020 ◽  
Vol 39 (81) ◽  
pp. 857-895 ◽  
Luz Karime Abadía Alvarado ◽  
Sara De la Rica

This paper studies the evolution of the gender wage gap in Colombia at different points of wage distributions. Using DiNardo, Fortin, and Lemieux’s (1996) decomposition, we find that the enormous increase in female workers’ educational achievement has helped to reduce the gender gap, mainly at the top of the wage distribution. However, this effect has been countered by the reduction in the proportion of female workers in the public sector and those with indefinite contracts. Moreover, using the Arellano et al. (2017) methodology, we estimate the adjusted gender wage gap whilst controlling for sample selection. In both analysed years, our main finding was a clear glass-ceiling pattern that was slightly reduced in 2010.

2020 ◽  
Vol 73 (2) ◽  
M Mihaela Friciu ◽  
Hugo Alarie ◽  
Mylène Beauchemin ◽  
Jean-Marc Forest ◽  
Grégoire Leclair

ABSTRACTBackground: Until October 2014, methadone hydrochloride forinjection (10 mg/mL) was available in Canada through Health Canada’s Special Access Programme. Diluted to 5 mg/mL in saline, it was used in pediatrics for acute and cancer-related pain. More recently, the department of pharmacy of the Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-Justine in Montréal, Quebec, proposed compounding a solution of methadone hydrochloride for injection (5 mg/mL) from bulk powder and saline solution for pediatric administration.Objective: To assess the stability of the proposed compounded preparation.Methods: Solutions of methadone hydrochloride in saline were prepared from bulk powder and stored in clear glass vials for up to 180 days at room temperature (25 °C) or with refrigeration (5 °C), with testing on days 0, 7, 14, 30, 60, 90, and 180. The appearance of the solutions and presence of particulate matter were assessed. A stability-indicating highperformance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method was developed to assay the concentration of methadone over time.Results: No notable changes in appearance of the methadone solution were observed, particle counts did not exceed limits specified by the United States Pharmacopeia, and no microbial growth was observed. The HPLC analysis showed that the concentration of methadone remained above 90% on all study days.Conclusions:Methadone hydrochloride for injection prepared from bulk powder in saline solution at a concentration of 5 mg/mL remained chemically stable for at least 180 days when stored in clear glass vials at 5 °C and at 25 °C.RÉSUMÉContexte : Jusqu’en octobre 2014, le chlorhydrate de méthadone pourinjection (10 mg/mL) était disponible au Canada à l’aide du Programme d’accès spécial de Santé Canada. Dilué à 5 mg/mL dans une solutionsaline, il était utilisé en pédiatrie contre les douleurs aigües et celles liées au cancer. Plus récemment, le département de pharmacie du Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-Justine de Montréal au Québec a proposé de préparer une solution de chlorhydrate de méthadone pour injection (5 mg/mL) à partir d’une poudre en vrac et d’une solution saline en vue de l’administrer en pédiatrie.Objectif : Évaluer la stabilité de la préparation proposée.Méthodes : Les préparations de chlorhydrate de méthadone diluées dans une solution saline se font à partir d’une poudre en vrac, elles sont stockées dans des fioles en verre transparent pendant180 jours à la température ambiante (25 °C) ou réfrigérées (5 °C) et sont soumises à des tests les jours 0, 7, 14, 30, 60, 90 et 180. L’apparence des solutions et la présence de substances particulaires ont fait l’objet d’une évaluation. Une méthode de chromatographie liquide à haute performance (CLHP) indiquant la stabilité a été développée pour tester la concentration de methadone dans le temps.Résultats : Aucun changement notable de l’apparence de la solution de méthadone n’a été observé, le nombre de particules ne dépassait pas les limites précisées par l’United States Pharmacopeia et aucune croissance microbienne n’a été observée. L’analyse CLHP a indiqué que la concentration de méthadone était demeurée au-delà de 90% durant toute la durée de l’étude.Conclusions : Le chlorhydrate de méthadone pour injection préparé à partir de poudre en vrac dans une solution saline à une concentration de5 mg/mL est resté chimiquement stable pendant au moins 180 jours lorsqu’il était stocké dans des fioles en verre transparent à 5 °C et à 25 °C

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