correlation interval
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (2) ◽  
V.P. Pashintsev ◽  
S.A. Koval ◽  
D.A. Potyagov ◽  
A.D. Skorik ◽  

In this articlea a refined method have been developed for determining the spatial correlation interval for fading in a decameter radio link with one discrete beam (mode), which are caused by wave diffraction on small-scale ionospheric irregularities. A refined dependence of the spatial correlation interval of fading in a single-beam decameter radio line on the parameters of small-scale ionospheric irregularities, the equivalent length of the radio line and the choice of the operating signal frequency through the value of the root-mean-square deviation of fluctuations of the wave phase front at the output of the inhomogeneous ionosphere is obtained. It is shown that under conditions of disturbances (diffuseness) of the ionosphere, as well as the approach of the operating frequency of the radio line to the maximum applicable frequency, when fluctuations of the phase front of the wave at the output of the ionosphere exceed 1.25 radians, the well-known simplified expression for estimating the interval of spatial correlation of fading can be used in a single-beam decameter radio links with an error of no more than 5%.

Yulistia Yulistia

The purpose of this study: 1) to find out the level of effectiveness and efficiency of working capital 2) To find out financial performance 3) To determine the relationship of working capital effectiveness with financial performance. 4) To find out the relationship between working capital efficiency and financial performance. This study uses the RS Bukittinggi National Stroke as object research, with a population of financial statements observed from 2012 - 2018 and the sample used is the Total Sampling technique. The analytical method used in this study uses the analysis of Ratio, Reward Ratio for Fixed Assets and Correlation Analysis. The results showed : 1. that working capital management at Bukittinggi National Stroke Hospital had not been carried out effectively and efficiently. This can be seen that there has been a decline in financial performance in the past six years. 2. In addition there is a positive and strong relationship between the effectiveness of working capital with financial performance with a correlation interval value of 0.7114 and there is a positive and very strong relationship between working capital efficiency with financial performance with a correlation interval value of 0.871. The working capital at Bukittinggi National Stroke Hospital is used more to make payments for activities with less liquidity

Energies ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 2774 ◽  
Andrey Privalov ◽  
Vera Lukicheva ◽  
Igor Kotenko ◽  
Igor Saenko

The paper proposes a method for improving the accuracy of early detection of cyber attacks with a small impact, in which the mathematical expectation is a fraction of the total, and the pulse repetition period is quite long. Early detection of attacks against telecommunication networks is based on traffic analysis using extreme filtering. The algorithm of fuzzy logic for deciding on the results of extreme filtering is suggested. The results of an experimental evaluation of the proposed method are presented. They demonstrate that the method is sensitive even with minor effects. In order to eliminate the redundancy of the analyzed parameters, it is enough to use the standard deviation and the correlation interval for decision making.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-178
Roro Rodiah Rodiah ◽  
Jalaludin Jalaludin ◽  
Ahmad Damiri

Based on Observations in Tanjungsiang District There are several building shops that sell paint, but the majority of people buy paint at TB Adeng Jaya because there are several kinds of paint products that are sold from paint kilos, cans, to buckets. Making it easier for consumers to buy paint in accordance with what is desired. This study aims to discuss and analyze. Effect of product quality on customer satisfaction, The effect of paint prices on customer satisfaction, as well as the influence of product quality and paint prices on customer satisfaction. The effect of paint prices on customer satisfaction, as well as the influence of product quality and paint prices on customer satisfaction. The research method used is the survey method which is sourced from primary and secondary data about the quality of product X1 and the price of paint X2 on customer satisfaction Y. seen from the purpose of this study included in the research explanatory research, because it involves 3 variables that are interconnected with each other. Based on the results of testing using SPSS 26.0 software, this study can be concluded as follows,, the effect of (X1) on (Y) has a value of Tcount 9,055> Ttable 1,988 with a significance value of 0,000 <0.05 and R square value of 0.494, this shows the quality of paint products (X1) significantly influence customer satisfaction (Y) 49.4% while the remaining 50.6% is determined by other variables, the influence of (X2) on (Y) has a T-value of 2.081> Ttable 1.988 with a significance value of 0.000 <0.05, and an R Square value of 0.049, this shows that the price of paint (X2) has a significant effect on customer satisfaction (Y) of 4.9% while the remaining 95.1% is determined by other variables,and the influence of (X1) and (X2) on (Y) has a value of F count 0.330 < Ftable 3.11 with a significance value of 0.720> 0.05, and the R square value of 0.089 does not lie in the correlation interval, this shows the quality of the product (X1) and the price of paint (X2) has no effect on customer satisfaction (Y).  

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (6) ◽  
pp. 75-85 ◽  
D. D. Gabrielyan ◽  
P. I. Kostenko ◽  
O. A. Safarian

The article deals with the problems of frequency stabilization of generators in distributed information-measuring systems on the basis of the static frequency stabilization method. The examples of similar systems are given. The necessity to ensure high stability of signal frequency generated by subscribers to improve the efficiency of the stated systems is noted. Two main features of applying the static frequency stabilization method are stated. The first one is determined with a delay in signal input into the device for estimating the frequency-time signal parameters in relation to the signal phase measurement interval. The second feature involves the entry delay of the formed control signal of generator frequency correction. It is shown that the mentioned features lead to divergence of the current variation of generator frequency and the value under correction, obtained considering the delay. The description of information signals enabling to specify a mathematical model of the process of assessment forming of the information signal frequency variation, taking into account the mentioned factors, is offered. It is shown that the possibility of using a statistical method to stabilize the frequency of generators in distributed informationmeasuring systems is determined not only with the values of nominal frequencies and relative instabilities of generators included into the information-measuring system, but also by the autocorrelation function of a random process describing the change of information signal frequency. In case of small time delays between the evaluation of information signal frequency and frequency stabilization, the use of the method to be considered allows to reduce the relative instability of information signal frequency. When time delays are greater than the correlation interval, the use of the statistical method does not lead to the change of relative instability of information signal frequency. Within the correlation interval, the use of the statistical method of frequency stabilization can cause depending on the autocorrelation function values both decrease and increase of the relative information signal frequency instability.

2019 ◽  
Vol 55 (11) ◽  
pp. 667-669 ◽  
Chunjiang Ma ◽  
Zhicheng Lv ◽  
Xiaomei Tang ◽  
Zhibin Xiao ◽  
Guangfu Sun

Meiffa Herfianti ◽  
Diman Wido Saputra

The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is arelationship between the implementation of relationship marketing with customer loyalty at PT. Bank BRI Syariah Branch Office of Bengkulu. This research uses qualitative and quantitative analysis, data collection method using questionnaire, tested by using rank spearman formula and hypothesis test. Based on the calculation of Spearman rank obtained correlation coefficient value of spearman rank or rho count (p) amount 0,765 is at the correlation interval 0,60 – 0,799 with strong criteria, meaning that the implementation of relationship marketing has a strong relationship with customer loyalty at PT. Bank BRI Syariah Branch Office of Bengkulu. Based on the hypothesis test of spearman rank correlation coefficient obtained t count 9,792 then the value of t arithmetic is compared with the value of t table at the level of confidence 95% or error rate 5% known value of t table is 1.66757 means that the value of t arithmetic greater than the value of t table (9,792 > 1,66757) then the hypothesis proposed in this study is acceptable means there is a significant positive relationship between variable relaionship marketing (X) with customer loyalty (Y) at PT. Bank BRI Syariah Branch Office of Bengkulu.

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