geographical study
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2021 ◽  
Vol 22 ◽  
pp. 103-133
Kyungjae Lee

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 109-116 ◽  
Vladimir A. Kolosov ◽  
Vladimir S. Tikunov ◽  
Evgeny N. Eremchenko

The natural and socio-economic characteristics of the territory play a decisive role in the spread of the pandemic of COVID-19. It provoked a restructuring process in practically all fields of the social life. Its main areas were laid before the pandemic, but the changes were sharply accelerated by the pandemic. In analyzing a number of Russian and foreign publications, the authors discuss the main areas and methods of human-geographical study of the development and consequences of the pandemic. The constantly growing flow of publications in this field can be divided into three major parts: studies of the spatial spread of infection on the different stages; analysis of demographic, (geo) political and economic implications of the pandemic, and attempts to forecast the impact of social and technological changes accelerated by it on territorial structures. The authors note in particular that the geopolitical picture of the world with the division of countries into developed and developing, rich and poor, authoritarian and democratic, Eastern and Western, became much less clear. The most obvious geopolitical consequence of the pandemic is the further fragmentation of the political and socio-economic space. Not only state, but often also administrative boundaries have turned into almost insurmountable barriers for people and trade. The COVID crisis has opened new opportunities for a reasonable combination of the concentration of social life in the «archipelago» of large cities and the development of other territories.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 77-102
Nor Hashimah Jalaluddin ◽  
Wan Athirah Adilah Wan Abdul Halim ◽  
Harishon Radzi

Kajian dialek yang dulunya bersifat tradisional dengan mencari perbezaan fonologi, telah berkembang menjadi kajian geografi, sejarawi dan sumber data kajian teoritis. Hari ini kajian dialek telah melalui inovasi dengan mensinergikan teknologi dalam penghuraian isoglos dan memasukkan elemen bukan linguistik dalam memberi penjelasan kepada penyebaran dialek itu sendiri. Demi kelangsungan ilmu ini, usaha mengisi kelompangan penyorotan kajian dialek dengan mengkhususkan kepada dialek Terengganu telah dilakukan. Dialek ini pernah dihuraikan tiga dekad yang lalu dan pastinya memerlukan input baharu. Kajian ini bermatlamat menyelidiki semula ciri dialek Terengganu, menghasilkan garis isoglos yang memisahkan dialek Terengganu dan Kelantan serta membuktikan kedominanan dialek ini di sepanjang pantai timur. Kajian ini merupakan kajian lapangan yang melibatkan 500 orang penutur dengan 64 titik kampung. Ia melibatkan warga tua, dewasa dan remaja. Kesemua responden diminta membunyikan empat puluh leksikal terpilih berdasarkan senarai Swadesh di samping temu bual untuk mendapatkan bunyi yang tepat. Hasil kajian mendapati kesemua ciri fonologi kekal seperti tiga dekad dahulu cuma input fonetik dan rumus fonologi telah dikemaskan bagi menepati piawai linguistik. Keduanya, isoglos yang tepat yang membatasi dialek Terengganu dan Kelantan telah berjaya dipetakan beserta titik kampung yang tepat. Akhirnya memang wujudnya rantaian atau kontinum dialek Terengganu di sepanjang pantai timur dari Setiu Laut hingga ke Kota Tinggi di Johor. Ketersebaran dialek ini di sepanjang jalur kawasan pantai timur diperkuatkan lagi dengan faktor topografi, sejarah dan sosio-budaya. Kajian sorotan ini telah menambah baik deskripsi dialek Terengganu berasaskan perspektif geolinguistik dan sekali gus membuktikan pendekatan multidisiplin dapat menghuraikan dialek ini dengan lebih sistematik. Kata kunci: dialek Terengganu; geolinguistik; isoglos; sorotan dialek; rantaian dialek ABSTRACT The study of dialects, which used to be traditional through the search of phonological differences, has evolved into a geographical study, historical study, and theoretical data sources. Today dialect studies have undergone innovations by synergizing technology in isogloss descriptions and incorporating non-linguistic elements in explaining the spread of the dialect itself. For the sake of this knowledge's continuity, efforts to fill the void of the study of dialect by specializing in the Terengganu dialect have been made. This dialect was once described three decades ago and certainly needed new input. This study aims to re-investigate the Terengganu dialect features, produce isogloss lines that separate the Terengganu and Kelantan dialects and prove this dialect's dominance along the east coast. This study is a field study involving 500 speakers with 64 village points. It involves the elderly, adults and adolescents. All respondents were asked to pronounce forty selected lexicals based on the Swadesh list in addition to interviews to obtain accurate sounds. The study results found that all phonological features remained the same three decades ago; only phonetic inputs and phonological rules were refined to meet linguistic standards. Secondly, the exact isogloss limiting Terengganu and Kelantan's dialects have been successfully mapped along with the exact village points. Finally, there is a chain or continuum of the Terengganu dialect along the east coast from Setiu Laut to Kota Tinggi in Johor. Topographic, historical and socio-cultural factors further strengthen the spread of this dialect along the east coast area. This study has improved the Terengganu dialect description based on the geolinguistics perspective, proving that a multidisciplinary approach can systematically describe this dialect. Keywords: Terengganu dialect; geolinguistics; isogloss; dialect revisited; dialect continuum

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