biological contamination
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Fluids ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
pp. 410
Alban Gossard ◽  
Fabien Frances ◽  
Camille Aloin ◽  
Clara Penavayre ◽  
Nicolas Fabrègue ◽  

Chemically, biologically, or radiologically contaminated surfaces can be treated using colloidal “vacuumable” gels containing alumina particles as a thickening agent, decontaminating solutions to inhibit/eliminate biological and chemical contaminants, and Pluronic PE 6200 as a surfactant to adjust the gel’s physicochemical properties. These gels have been shown to remain efficient even after prolonged storage. In the present study, the properties of gels with different surfactant concentrations were monitored over several months using rheological analyses, contact angle measurements, and ion chromatography. Results show that the surfactant reacts with the hypochlorite ions in the decontaminating solution. This leads to sedimentation, which modifies the rheological properties of the gel. Increasing the surfactant concentration ensures the physicochemical properties of the gel are preserved for longer, but because the surfactant reacts with the hypochlorite ions, the concentration of the latter decreases drastically and thus so do the decontamination properties of the gel. There is therefore a trade-off between the efficiency of the gel against chemical and biological contamination at a given time and how long its physicochemical properties are preserved, with the optimal balance depending on its intended use.

Bidhu Bhusan Makut ◽  
Saubhagya Manjari Samantaray

Microalgae biomass is a budding raw material for the origination of food, fuel, and other value-added products. However, bulk production of microalgal biomass at commercial level is a herculean task for the current microalgal mass production technologies due to the undesirable contaminations by biological pollutants. These contaminants hamstring the production of microalgae biomass by debilitating the growth of cultures, crumble the quality of biomass and sometimes may crash the whole culture. The best utilization of the microalgae biomass at industrial level could be attained by avoiding various possible biological contaminations in mass cultivation system, understanding the contamination mechanisms, and the complex interactions of algae with other microorganisms. This review explores the various types of biological pollutants, their possible mode of infection along with mechanisms, different controlling methods to maintain desired microalgae culture.

Natalia G. Kuramshina ◽  
Alexey N. Yelizariev ◽  
Elvira V. Nafikova ◽  
Irina V. Vdovina ◽  
Tatyana P. Smirnova ◽  

The high significance of the problem of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) is associated with the scale of spread, damage to persons of active age, a long period of reduced working capacity and high economic damage. The work presents an assessment of biological contamination by natural - focal viral infection - HFRS in the Re-public of Bashkortostan (RB). The most active foci are associated with linden forests, which prevail in the republic. The work shows the dynamics and features of infection. Analysis of the geoecological state of the territory according to HFRS showed that in the territory of most regions of the republic there are natural-focal infections of HFRS. There is an increase in infection of rodents with the HFRS virus, so in 2016 it was 5.0 %, and in 2019 - 16.2 %. The increase in the incidence of the population has characteristic epidemiological signs for the territory of RB, and the increase in high-risk areas indicates trends in the expansion and activation of foci of infection in them. At the same time, there is an increase in incidence, and infection in 50 % of cases occurs when visiting forests. In the capital of Bashkortostan - the city of Ufa, which is located in the natural zone, the incidence of HFRS is almost 50 % of the entire territory of the republic. In connection with climate changes, the diversity of environmental aspects of natural-focal infection of HFRS should be more widely assessed to counter their spread and measures to reduce this dangerous disease in the RB should be significantly strengthened.

2021 ◽  
Nuthida Wongwirawat ◽  
Nirachorn Kuchonthara ◽  
Sorrawit Boontanomwong ◽  
Krit Pongpirul

Abstract BackgroundAs commercial low-dose atropine eye-drops for myopia progression control are available in some countries, in-house preparation by diluting the 0.1% atropine eye-drop with sterile water or normal saline has been a common practice. Atropine injection is readily available and could be a more feasible alternative.ObjectiveTo assess the properties of the in-house low-dose atropine eye-drops prepared by diluting the atropine injection in two solvents and tested in two temperature conditions.MethodThe 0.01% atropine eye-drops (15ml) were prepared by diluting atropine sulfate injection with normal saline and lubricant eye-drops and stored at room temperature and in a refrigerator. All samples were daily dropped for 12 weeks to mimic real-life use, one of which was assessed every two weeks for the biological contamination and chemical properties. The active substance was compared with freshly prepared samples at the 12th week.ResultsThe 0.01% atropine eye-drops contains no bacteria, fungi, or particulate matter. The levels of atropine sulfate on all samples were comparable to the freshly prepared samples at the 12th week, regardless of the solvents used or storage conditions.ConclusionThe low-dose atropine eye-drops prepared from readily available atropine sulfate injection at healthcare facilities could be alternative to commercial products.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 211
Annisa Salsabila Setya Budi ◽  
Trias Mahmudiono

ABSTRACTBackground: Aerofood ACS Surabaya as an international inflight catering service is required to have good food safety standards to ensure the quality of the products. The food safety system implemented by Aerofood ACS Surabaya on all its product is Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP), including the banana cake. HACCP needs to be applied to prevent the possibility of physical, chemical, and biological contamination on food product that can cause foodborne disease.Objectives: The purpose of this research is to identify the application of HACCP system to banana cake in Aerofood ACS Surabaya.Methode: The method of this research is a qualitative descriptive method including field observation, interviews, and analyzes HACCP documents of aerofood ACS Surabaya.Result: There are 18 steps to produce banana cake until it can distributed to airlines and can be consumed by consumers: receiving of eggs, receiving of banana, receiving of dry goods (flour, sugar, baking soda, and oil), eggs storage, banana storage, dry goods storage, egg cracking, flour sifting, weighing, mixing, baking, chilling, shaping, packaging, storage of banana cake, setting in the tray, holding room, and delivery to plane. From 18 steps to produce banana cake, there are six critical control points: receiving of eggs, eggs storage, baking, cooling, storage of banana cake, and holding room.Conclusions: Physical, chemical, and biological contamination on banana cake can be prevented by paying attention to each steps, especially the critical control point. Aerofood ACS Surabaya has implemented the HACCP system properly and accordance with the established HACCP plan.Keywords: HACCP, food safety, airlines catering service, foodborne diseaseABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Aerofood ACS Surabaya sebagai perusahaan jasa boga penerbangan bertaraf internasional diharuskan memiliki standar keamanan pangan yang baik untuk menjamin mutu produk yang dihasilkan. Sistem keamanan pangan yang diterapkan oleh Aerofood ACS Surabaya pada semua produknya adalah Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP), termasuk pada banana cake. HACCP perlu diterapkan untuk mencegah kemungkinan kontaminasi fisik, kimia, dan biologi pada produk pangan yang dapat menyebabkan foodborne disease.Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi penerapan sistem HACCP pada produk banana cake di Aerofood ACS Surabaya.Metode: Metode dari penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif yang meliputi observasi lapangan, wawancara, dan menganalisis dokumen HACCP Aerofood ACS Surabaya.Hasil: Terdapat 18 tahap produksi banana cake hingga produk dapat didistribusikan ke peswat dan dapat dinikmati oleh konsumen, yaitu penerimaan telur, penerimaan buah pisang, penerimaan bahan baku kering (tepung, gula, baking soda, dan minyak), penyimpanan telur, penyimpanan buah pisang, penyimpanan bahan baku kering, pemecahan telur, pengayakan tepung, penimbangan, mixing, baking, pendinginan, pembentukan, pengemasan, penyimpanan banana cake, penataan pada tray, penyimpanan pada holding room, dan delivery ke pesawat. Dari 18 tahap produksi banana cake, terdapat enam titik kritis yaitu penerimaan telur, penyimpanan telur, baking, pendinginan, penyimpanan banana cake, dan penyimpanan pada holding room.Kesimpulan: Kontaminasi fisik, kimia, dan biologi pada produk banana cake dapat dicegah dengan memerhatikan setiap langkah terutama titik kritis. Aerofood ACS Surabaya telah melaksanakan sistem HACCP dengan baik dan sesuai dengan HACCP plan yang telah ditetapkan.Kata Kunci: HACCP, keamanan pangan, jasa boga penerbangan, foodborne disease

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (1) ◽  
Antonio Peña-Fernández ◽  
María Carmen Lobo-Bedmar ◽  
Umar Anjum

2021 ◽  
pp. 137-145
V. Mineralova ◽  
A. Parfenuk ◽  
I. Beznosko

The results of research on the influence of foliar treatment of raspberry plants with organic fertilizer VITERI on the population size and species composition of micromycetes in the mycobiome of the rhizosphere and vegetative organs of raspberry plants of Joan J in the Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine are presented. Microbiological, phytopathological, mycological methods and methods of sampling of raspberry plants during the growing season were used for the study. To determine the effect of VITERI fertilizer on the mycobiota of the rhizosphere and vegetative organs of raspberry plants during plant ontogeny, additional foliar treatment was performed with 1% aqueous solution of VITERI fertilizer. It was found that the population is dominated by fungi of following species: Septoria rubi, West, Aspergillus niger,  V. Tiegh, Alternaria alternata, (Fr.) Keissl, Fusarium spp. These micromycetes are producers of mycotoxins and can cause disease in animals and humans, as well as contribute to biological contamination of agroecosystems. During foliar treatment of raspberry plants with VITERI fertilizer, a significant decrease in phytopathogenic load was observed in the phase of intensive fruiting compared to other phases of ontogenesis of raspberry plants.

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