washington navel
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Dilara Gerdan Koç ◽  
Mustafa Vatandaş

In this study, an image processing algorithm and classification unit were developed to classify the fruits according to their size and color characteristics. For this purpose, a total of 300 fruits (50 fruit samples from each of the Starkrimson Delicious and Golden Delicious apple varieties, Washington Navel and Valencia Midknight orange varieties, Ekmek and Eşme quince varieties) were used in the experiments. The size and color values measured with a caliper and a spectrophotometer were entered in the developed image processing algorithm to determine the success rates of classifying the fruits. The integration of image processing algorithm with the classification unit classified 88%, 100%, 96%, 82%, 86%, respectively. On the other hand, the size and color values read in fruits with the image processing algorithm were evaluated using predictive techniques used in data mining. For this purpose, K Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Decision Tree (DT), Naive Bayes classification and Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network (MLP) algorithms were used. Algorithms were run with 10-fold cross validation method. In the training of artificial classifiers, the success was 93.6% for KNN, 90.3% for DT, 88.3% for Naive Bayes, 92.6% for MLP and 94.3% for RF.

Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 2577
Sherif F. El-Gioushy ◽  
Zheli Ding ◽  
Asmaa M. E. Bahloul ◽  
Mohamed S. Gawish ◽  
Hanan M. Abou El Ghit ◽  

Iron (Fe) is required for most metabolic processes, including DNA synthesis, respiration, photosynthesis, and chlorophyll biosynthesis; however, Fe deficiency is common in arid regions, necessitating additional research to determine the most efficient form of absorbance. Nano-fertilizers have characteristics that are not found in their traditional equivalents. This research was implemented on Washington navel orange trees (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) to investigate the effect of three iron forms—nano (Fe-NPs), sulfate (FeSO4), and chelated (Fe-chelated)—as a foliar spray on the growth, fruiting aspects, and nutritional status of these trees compared to control. The highest values of the tested parameters were reported when the highest Fe-NPs level and the highest Fe-chelated (EDTA) rate were used. Results obtained here showed that the spraying of the Washington navel orange trees grown under similar environmental conditions and horticulture practices adopted in the current experiment with Fe-NPs (nanoform) and/or Fe-chelated (EDTA) at 0.1% is a beneficial application for enhancing vegetative growth, flower set, tree nutritional status, and fruit production and quality. Application of Fe-NPs and Fe-chelated (EDTA, 0.1%) increased yield by 32.0% and 25% and total soluble solids (TSS) by 18.5% and 17.0%, respectively, compared with control. Spraying Washington navel orange trees with nano and chelated iron could be considered a significant way to improve vegetative growth, fruit production, quality, and nutritional status while also being environmentally preferred in the arid regions.

Horticulturae ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (8) ◽  
pp. 233
Sherif Fathy El-Gioushy ◽  
Rokayya Sami ◽  
Amina A. M. Al-Mushhin ◽  
Hanan M. Abou El-Ghit ◽  
Mohamed S. Gawish ◽  

The goal of this study was to examine how to improve the vegetative growth, nutritional status, productivity, and fruit quality of Washington navel orange trees by examining the effect of foliar application of ZnSO4 (0, 300, and 600 mg/L) solutions in combination with CuSO4 (0, 200, and 400 mg/L) solutions on Washington navel orange trees, which were 11 years old and grown in clay loam soil with a surface irrigation system. The results showed that all the investigated measurements responded specifically to each investigated factor. ZnSO4 elicited a stronger and more effective response than CuSO4. Nonetheless, the response varied only slightly or moderately from one measurement to the next. In terms of the interaction effect between ZnSO4 and CuSO4 concentrations, the effect of each investigated factor was directly reflected in its combinations, with ZnSO4 (600 mg/L) and CuSO4 (200 and 400 mg/L) being the most effective for the majority of the measurements under consideration. When the highest level of ZnSO4 was combined with the highest level of CuSO4, the highest values for the various vegetative growth parameters shoot length and diameter, number of leaves per shoot, leaf area, and total assimilation area per shoot were obtained. As a result, the nutritional status (the highest total leaf chlorophyll and leaf mineral contents) was significantly coupled with the treatment of 600 mg/L ZnSO4 in combination with 400 mg/L CuSO4. Moreover, the combinations of the highest ZnSO4 concentration (600 mg/L) and CuSO4 concentration (400 mg/L) exhibited the greatest statistical values of the measurements of fruiting aspects as well as fruit quality. Consequently, it can be recommended that using 600 mg/L ZnSO4 in combination with 400 mg/L CuSO4 as a foliar spray on monthly basis during the period from March to July could be safely recommended under similar environmental conditions and horticulture practices adopted in the present experiment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-156
Hayam Elmenofy ◽  
Abdelfattah Kheder ◽  
Ahmed Mansour

2021 ◽  
Abdolkarim Ejraei

Abstract AimMany methods have been proposed to recommend plant nutrients, all of which are qualitative and based on the concentration of the element in the soil or leaves. But, in the "Integrated Plant and Soil System" (IPSS) method, there is a recommendation of fertilizer quantified and based on the correlation between concentration of elements in plant and soil organs. MethodsIn this study, 39 Washington Navel Oranges orchards were selected and in each orchard, three trees were chosen and sampled from roots, stems, leaves, fruit as well as the soil around the roots. Sampling was performed in late March and early May for two consecutive years and phosphorus was measured in the samples. After a correlation analysis between "soil properties and phosphorus of plant organs" with soil phosphorus, those factors that had a significant correlation with soil phosphorus were selected. And based on that, there was determined a regression model between them.ResultsAmong all the studied factors, fruit phosphorus had the highest correlation with soil phosphorus. Based on that, two regression equations were obtained by which the required phosphorus can be calculated.DiscussionsSince the physicochemical properties of each element are different from the other, so the leaf alone cannot be a good indicator to determine the nutritional status of all elements. Therefore, it is more logical that the fertilizer recommendation of each element is based on the correlation between the element in that organ of the plant that has the highest correlation with that element in the soil.

A. A. EL- Khwaga ◽  
F. M. Abd El- Latif ◽  
M. H. M. Baiea ◽  
S. F. EL- Gioushy

This research was conducted during seasons 2018 & 2019 on nine-years-old Washington navel orange trees. These trees were grafted on Sour orange rootstock, planted at 5 x 5 meters apart, under surface irrigation conditions, in a private orchard at Manzala village, Toukh region, Qalubia Governorate, Egypt. The seven treatments were used for comparison as follows: T1-100% of chemical NPK (NPK fertilization program adopted at 5, 3 and 1 kg/tree from (NH4)2SO4, superphosphate and K2SO4, respectively) according to the Ministry of Agriculture Recommendation (Control or recommended doses RD). T2-RD+Calcium boron 2 cm3 /L; T3-RD+Calcium boron 3 cm3/L; T4-RD+Carpox-K 1g/L; T5-RD+Carpox-K 1.5g/L; T6-RD+Calcium boron 2 cm3 /L +Carpox-K 1g/L, and T7-RD+Calcium boron 3 cm3/L +Carpox-K 1.5g/L.  The main goal of this investigation was directed towards increasing Washington navel orange fruit quality. The obtained data revealed that all investigated treatments increased fruit quality parameters (physical and chemical properties). However, T7- RD + Calcium boron 3 cm3 /L + Carpox-K 1.5g/L was statistically superior. On the contrary, T1- Control or recommended doses (RD) ranked statistically the lowest treatment in this concern. From the obtained results, It can be concluded that the use of RD+ Calcium boron 3 cm3 / L + Carpox-K 1.5g / L or RD+ Calcium boron 2 cm3/ L + Carpox-K 1g / L could be safely recommended under similar environmental and horticultural practises adopted in this experiment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (12) ◽  
pp. 1936-1951 ◽  
Jessica Y. Franco ◽  
Shree P. Thapa ◽  
Zhiqian Pang ◽  
Fatta B. Gurung ◽  
Thomas W. H. Liebrand ◽  

Huanglongbing (HLB) is the most devastating and widespread citrus disease. All commercial citrus varieties are susceptible to the HLB-associated bacterium, Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas), which resides in the phloem. The phloem is part of the plant vascular system and is involved in sugar transport. To investigate the plant response to CLas, we enriched for proteins surrounding the phloem in an HLB susceptible sweet orange variety, Washington navel (Citrus sinensis (L) Osbeck). Quantitative proteomics revealed global changes in the citrus proteome after CLas inoculation. Plant metabolism and translation were suppressed, whereas defense-related proteins such as peroxidases, proteases and protease inhibitors were induced in the vasculature. Transcript accumulation and enzymatic activity of plant peroxidases in CLas infected sweet orange varieties under greenhouse and field conditions were assessed. Although peroxidase transcript accumulation was induced in CLas infected sweet orange varieties, peroxidase enzymatic activity varied. Specific serine proteases were up-regulated in Washington navel in the presence of CLas based on quantitative proteomics. Subsequent activity-based protein profiling revealed increased activity of two serine proteases, and reduced activity of one protease in two C. sinensis sweet orange varieties under greenhouse and field conditions. The observations in the current study highlight global reprogramming of the citrus vascular proteome and differential regulation of enzyme classes in response to CLas infection. These results open an avenue for further investigation of diverse responses to HLB across different environmental conditions and citrus genotypes.

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