photo multiplier tube
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Instruments ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 26
Raffaele Scafè ◽  
Marco Puccini ◽  
Rosanna Pellegrini ◽  
Roberto Pani

The present work deals with a 10 × 10 array of (Lu0.7Y0.3)AP:Ce 2 × 2 × 10 mm3 pixels, manufactured by Crytur (Cz), that has been utilized in a previous paper. The crystal-array has been coupled to an 8 × 8 anodes H10966 model Hamamatsu (Jp) Position-Sensitive Photo Multiplier Tube (PSPMT) connected to electronics for single events scintillation read-out. The response of such a detector has been studied under Co-57, or Ba-133, or Cs-137 gamma-ray emissions, as well as with Lu-176 self-activity only. The present work is aimed at characterizing the individual crystal-pixels’ single-event responses in terms of pulse-height and of spreads of the 2-D charge-distributions. In particular, the charge-spread characterization pointed out several defects in the crystal-array assembly, not detected by usual pulse-height studies. The diagnostic method based on charge-spread analysis seems also well suited for scintillation array characterizations for gamma-ray detectors studies, as well as for quality controls of such pixelated devices during the lifetime of systems in the field of radionuclide medical imaging (SPECT and PET). The method is also appropriate for other applications where gamma-ray spectroscopy is required, like nuclear physics, astrophysics, astroparticle physics, homeland security, and non-proliferation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
pp. 244-252
Alexandros Clouvas ◽  
Fokion Leontaris ◽  
Stelios Xanthos

Radiation portal monitors are commonly used to detect and intercept unauthorized movement of nuclear and other radioactive materials at country borders. A total of twelve double-pillar portal monitors are present at the Greek-North Macedonian border, each containing two polystyrene scintillating detectors per pillar. Spatial and spectral response testing of the scintillating detectors to gamma radiation was performed by using different radioactive sources and comparing the measurement results with Monte Carlo simulations. A good agreement of the experimentally deduced activities of different point sources, needed for alarm triggering of the radiation portal monitors with Monte Carlo calculated values, was observed. Spectral results show no photopeaks in the spectra due to low resolution of these detectors. The broad peaks observed in the spectra correspond to the Compton edge. Measured spectra with a 137Cs source placed directly on the scintillating detector, at several positions away from the photo multiplier tube, show an energy shift of the Compton edge towards lower energies, as the source is moving away from the photo multiplier tube. The energy shift is due to light transfer mechanisms within the scintillator volume and therefore, it is only observed in optical simulations and not in gamma-ray particle simulations.

2019 ◽  
Melinda Sweany ◽  
Peter Marleau ◽  
Gene A. Kallenbach

2018 ◽  
Vol 170 ◽  
pp. 07001
Michael D. Aspinall ◽  
Ashley R. Jones

Systems that adopt organic scintillation detector arrays often require a calibration process prior to the intended measurement campaign to correct for significant performance variances between detectors within the array. These differences exist because of low tolerances associated with photo-multiplier tube technology and environmental influences. Differences in detector response can be corrected for by adjusting the supplied photo-multiplier tube voltage to control its gain and the effect that this has on the pulse height spectra from a gamma-only calibration source with a defined photo-peak. Automated methods that analyze these spectra and adjust the photo-multiplier tube bias accordingly are emerging for hardware that integrate acquisition electronics and high voltage control. However, development of such algorithms require access to the hardware, multiple detectors and calibration source for prolonged periods, all with associated constraints and risks. In this work, we report on a software function and related models developed to rescale and regenerate pulse height data acquired from a single scintillation detector. Such a function could be used to generate significant and varied pulse height data that can be used to integration-test algorithms that are capable of automatically response matching multiple detectors using pulse height spectra analysis. Furthermore, a function of this sort removes the dependence on multiple detectors, digital analyzers and calibration source. Results show a good match between the real and regenerated pulse height data. The function has also been used successfully to develop auto-calibration algorithms.

2017 ◽  
Vol 88 (9) ◽  
pp. 093503 ◽  
Jungmin Jo ◽  
MunSeong Cheon ◽  
Junghee Kim ◽  
YoungHwa An ◽  
Seungil Park ◽  

G. Barbarino ◽  
F.C.T. Barbato ◽  
G. De Rosa ◽  
G. Fiorillo ◽  
D. Vivolo ◽  

2014 ◽  
Vol 9 (04) ◽  
pp. C04016-C04016
R de Asmundis ◽  
G Barbarino ◽  
F C T Barbato ◽  
L Campajola ◽  
G De Rosa ◽  

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