dynamic constraint
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Hongbin Luo

The pedestrian recognition in public environment is influenced by the pedestrian environment and the dynamic characteristic boundary factors, so it is easy to produce the tracking error. In order to improve the ability of pedestrian re-identification in public environment, we need to carry out feature fusion and metric learning, and propose pedestrian re-identification based on feature fusion and metric learning. The geometric grid area model of pedestrian recognition in public environment is constructed, the method of fuzzy dynamic feature segmentation is used to reconstruct the dynamic boundary feature point of pedestrian recognition in public environment, the method of bottom-up modeling is used to design the dynamic area grid model of pedestrian recognition in public environment, the design of dynamic area grid model is three-dimensional grid area, the grayscale pixel set of pedestrian recognition dynamic constraint under public environment is extracted, the boundary feature fusion is carried out according to the distribution intensity of grayscale, the image fusion and enhancement information processing of pedestrian recognition under public environment, and the method of 3D dynamic constraint is used to realize the local motion planning of pedestrian recognition under public environment, and the recognition feature fusion and learning of pedestrian recognition under public environment is realized according to the result of contour segmentation. The simulation results show that the method is used for pedestrian recognition again in public environment, and the fuzzy judgment ability of pedestrian dynamic edge features is strong, which makes the error controlled below 10 mm, and the fluctuation of pedestrian recognition again is more stable, the recognition accuracy is higher and the robustness is better.

2021 ◽  
Mehdi Bidar ◽  
Malek Mouhoub

Abstract Combinatorial applications such as configuration, transportation and resource allocation, often operate under highly dynamic and unpredictable environments. In this regard, one of the main challenges is to maintain a consistent solution anytime constraints are (dynamically) added. While many solvers have been developed to tackle these applications, they often work under idealized assumptions of environmental stability. In order to address limitation, we propose a methodology, relying on nature-inspired techniques, for solving constraint problems when constraints are added dynamically. The choice for nature-inspired techniques is motivated by the fact that these are iterative algorithms, capable of maintaining a set of promising solutions, at each iteration. Our methodology takes advantage of these two properties, as follows. We first solve the initial constraint problem and save the final state (and the related population) after obtaining a consistent solution. This saved context will then be used as a resume point for finding, in an incremental manner, new solutions to subsequent variants of the problem, anytime new constraints are added. More precisely, once a solution is found, we resume from the current state to search for a new one (if the old solution is no longer feasible), when new constraints are added. This can be seen as an optimization problem where we look for a new feasible solution satisfying old and new constraints, while minimizing the differences with the solution of the previous problem, in sequence. This latter objective ensures to find the least disruptive solution, as this is very important in many applications including scheduling, planning and timetabling. Following on our proposed methodology, we have developed the dynamic variant of several nature-inspired techniques to tackle dynamic constraint problems. Constraint problems are represented using the well-known Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) paradigm. Dealing with constraint additions in a dynamic environment can then be expressed as a series of static CSPs, each resulting from a change in the previous one by adding new constraints. This sequence of CSPs is called the Dynamic CSP (DCSP). To assess the performance of our proposed methodology, we conducted several experiments on randomly generated DCSP instances, following the RB model. The results of the experiments are reported and discussed.

2021 ◽  
Weijie Shen ◽  
Lei Yuan ◽  
Junfu Huang ◽  
Songyi Gao ◽  
Yuyang Huang ◽  

2021 ◽  
Alexander Coppock ◽  
Donald P. Green

Noel H. Reynolds ◽  
Eoin McEvoy ◽  
Juan Alberto Panadero Pérez ◽  
Ryan J. Coleman ◽  
J. Patrick McGarry

2020 ◽  
Vol 357 (17) ◽  
pp. 12495-12517
Shahram Aghaei ◽  
Abolghasem Daeichian ◽  
Vicenç Puig

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 55-75
Xuezhi Yu ◽  
Chunyang Ye ◽  
Bingzhuo Li ◽  
Hui Zhou ◽  
Mengxing Huang

Traditional service composition methods usually address the constraint-satisfied service composition (CSSC) problem with static web services. Such solutions however are inapplicable to the dynamic scenarios where the services or their QoS values may change over time. Some recent studies are proposed to use reinforcement learning, especially, integrate the idea of Q-learning, to solve the dynamic CSSC problem. However, such Q-learning algorithm relies on Q-table to search for optimal candidate services. When the problem of CSSC becomes complex, the number of states in Q-table is very large and the cost of the Q-learning model will become extremely high. In this paper, the authors propose a novel solution to address this issue. By training a DQN network to replace the Q-table, this solution can effectively model the uncertainty of services with fine-grained QoS attributes and choose suitable candidate services to compose on the fly in the dynamic scenarios. Experimental results on both artificial and real datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the method.

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