Kinetic parameters of SO2 adsorption on unburned carbons from lignite fly ash and activated carbons based on hard coal dust were determined. The model studies were performed using the linear and non-linear regression method for the following models: pseudo first and second-order, intraparticle diffusion, and chemisorption on a heterogeneous surface. The quality of the fitting of a given model to empirical data was assessed based on: R2, R, Δq, SSE, ARE, χ2, HYBRID, MPSD, EABS, and SNE. It was clearly shown that it is the linear regression that more accurately reflects the behaviour of the adsorption system, which is consistent with the first-order kinetic reaction – for activated carbons (SO2+Ar) or chemisorption on a heterogeneous surface – for unburned carbons (SO2+Ar and SO2+Ar+H2O(g)+O2) and activated carbons (SO2+Ar+H2O(g)+O2). Importantly, usually, each of the approaches (linear/non-linear) indicated a different mechanism of the studied phenomenon. A certain universality of the χ2 and HYBRID functions has been proved, the minimization of which repeatedly led to the lowest SNE values for the indicated models. Fitting data by any of the non-linear equations based on the R or R2 functions only, cannot be treated as evidence/prerequisite of the existence of a given adsorption mechanism.