lynx rufus
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2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (4) ◽  
Hasan Hüseyin Ari ◽  
Sema Uslu

Abstract: This study reveals the macroscopic and microscopic structures of the Eurasian lynx planum nasale using materials from three dead females obtained from the Sivas Forestry Branch of Agriculture and Forestry Ministry of the Republic of Turkey. To accomplish the purpose, planum nasale was investigated using macroscopic, histological, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. The microscopic examination showed that the planum nasale consists of hairless, moist, glabrous skin and resembles a ship anchor with arm, palm, stock, and sickle parts. The planum nasale’s surface is formed by epidermal plates or epidermal ridges, which  were separated from each other by primary and secondary fissures showed in SEM and macroscopic figures. Based on the microscopic examination, the Mercel’s cells and nerve ends are located in the basal sheet of the planum nasale’s epidermal layers. In addition, the pores situated on the surface of the epidermal ridges and the dense connective bundles were settled in the dermal layers, based on the SEM examination.Key words: Eurasian lynx (Lynx rufus); morphology; nasal plane; planum nasaleMORFOLOGIJA IN HISTOLOGIJA SMRČKA EVRAZIJSKEGA RISA (Lynx lynx)Izvleček: V študiji so opisane makroskopske in mikroskopske strukture smrčka evrazijskega risa, ki je bila opravljena s proučevanjem tkiv treh mrtvih samic, ki so jih pridobili s pomočjo gozdarske podružnice Sivas Ministrstva za kmetijstvo in gozdarstvo Republike Turčije. Strukturo smrčka so raziskovali z uporabo makroskopskih, histoloških metod ter uporabe vrstičnega elektronskega mikroskopa (SEM). Mikroskopska preiskava je pokazala, da smrček sestavlja brezdlaka, vlažna, gola koža, ki po obliki spominja na ladijsko sidro. Površinski del smrčka tvorijo epidermalne plošče ali grebeni, ki jih ločujejo primarne in sekundarne razpoke, vidne na makroskopskih slikah in s pomočjo vrstične mikroskopije. Na histoloških preparatih so bile v bazalni plasti smrčka epidermisa opazne Merkelove celice in živčni končiči. S pomočjo metode SEM so v plasti epidermisa pokazali pore, ki se nahajajo na površini epidermalnih grebenov in snope togega fibrilarnega veziva, ki segajo v plast dermisa.Ključne besede: Evrazijski ris (Lynx rufus); morfologija; nosna ravnina; smrček

2021 ◽  
Vol 121 (2) ◽  
pp. 78-89
Ryan Shell ◽  
Kristin Zimmerman ◽  
David Peterman ◽  
Charles Ciampaglio ◽  
Lauren Fuelling ◽  

Karst features in the Silurian dolomites of Taylorsville MetroPark (Dayton Metropolitan Area, Ohio, United States) were explored from 2017 to 2018 to identify sites of paleontological interest. Initial landscape surveys recovered 124 skeletal elements (from 12 sites) that were attributed to 17 vertebrate species—including evidence of such extirpated animals as bobcats (Lynx rufus) and rattlesnakes (Crotalus sp.). Of the 12 sites, 9 sites contained remains from the historical era and 3 sites contained much older remains (n = 17) that were radiocarbon dated to approximately 1,400 years before present (YBP). Human remains at one site, butchered bones at another, and artifacts from a third suggest a long period of pre-colonial human use of the area. The presence of rare taxa expands pre-historical species lists and confirms the coexistence of many previously undocumented taxa from the area during the late, pre-colonial, Holocene Epoch.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
Song-Yi Ning ◽  
Ming-Ming Zhou ◽  
Jie Yang ◽  
Jian Zeng ◽  
Jia-Ping Wang

Abstract Background Rodents are widely distributed and are the natural reservoirs of a diverse group of zoonotic viruses. Thus, analyzing the viral diversity harbored by rodents could assist efforts to predict and reduce the risk of future emergence of zoonotic viral diseases. Rodents are commonly used in animal testing, particularly mice and rats. Experimental rats are important animal models, and a history of pathogenic infections in these animals will directly affect the animal trial results. The pathogenicity of Anellovirus (AV) remains poorly understood due to the lack of a suitable model cell line or animal to support the viral cycle. This study aimed to discover possible anelloviruses from the virome in feces of experimental rats by viral metagenomic technique. Methods Fecal samples were collected from 10 commercial SD rats and pooled into a sample pool and then subjected to libraries construction which was then sequenced on Illumina MiSeq platform. The sequenced reads were analyzed using viral metagenomic analysis pipeline and two novel anelloviruses (AVs) were identified from fecal sample of experimental rats. The prevalence of these two viruses was investigated by conventional PCR. Results The complete genomic sequence of these two AVs were determined and fully characterized, with strain name ratane153-zj1 and ratane153-zj2. The circular genomes of ratane153-zj1 and ratane153-zj2 are 2785 nt and 1930 nt in length, respectively, and both include three ORFs. Ratane153-zj1 closely clustered with members within the genus Wawtorquevirus and formed a separate branch based on the phylogenetic tree constructed over the amino acid sequence of ORF1 of the two AVs identified in this study and other related AVs. While the complete amino acid sequences of ORF1 of ratane153-zj2 (nt 335 to 1390) had the highest sequence identity with an unclassified AV (GenBank No. ATY37438) from Chinchilla lanigera, and they clustered with one AV (GenBank No. QYD02305) belonging to the genus Etatorquevirus from Lynx rufus. Conventional PCR with two sets of specific primers designed based on the two genomes, respectively, showed that they were detectable at a low frequency in cohorts of experimental rats. Conclusion Our study expanded the genome diversity of AVs and provided genetic background information of viruses existed in experimental rats.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (4) ◽  
Amy E. Mayer ◽  
Thomas J. McGreevy ◽  
Mary E. Sullivan ◽  
Charles Brown ◽  
Thomas P. Husband ◽  

PeerJ ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. e12460
Viorel D. Popescu ◽  
Madeline Kenyon ◽  
Ryan K. Brown ◽  
Marissa A. Dyck ◽  
Suzanne Prange ◽  

Terrestrial carnivores are among the most imperiled species worldwide, yet some species are resilient and are recovering in human-dominated landscapes after decades or centuries of absence. Bobcat (Lynx rufus) populations were extirpated from much of Midwestern US in the mid-1800’s, and are currently expanding and recolonizing their former range. In this study, we investigated multi-scale habitat selection for Ohio’s expanding bobcat population, and examined habitat connectivity in order to evaluate the conduits for dispersal statewide. We used citizen observations collected between 1978 and 2019 and logistic regression to evaluate population-level habitat selection, and GPS telemetry data for 20 individuals collected between 2012 and 2014 and a distribution-weighted exponential Resource Selection Function to evaluate individual-level habitat selection within home ranges. At the population level, bobcats selected for higher amounts of forest and pasture (at a 50 km2 scale) and herbaceous vegetation (at 15–50 50 km2 scales), thus overall heterogeneous forested habitat. At individual (home range) level, bobcats selected for forested habitats with low road density and farther away from high traffic roads; they also showed weak selection for open habitat at the home range level. Male home ranges were significantly greater than female home ranges. Lastly, we used the population-level spatial outputs (i.e. habitat suitability map) to parameterize habitat connectivity models using circuit theory in the program Circuitscape. We tested three relationships between habitat suitability and resistance to movement and used a subset of data on potential dispersing individuals to evaluate which relationship performed best. All three relationships performed almost equally well, and we calculated a weighted averaged connectivity map as our final map. Habitat was highly permeable to movements between core areas of two genetically distinct subpopulations located in southeastern Ohio. We also identified potential dispersal corridors from the core areas to other regions of Ohio dominated by agriculture and suburban development via forested riparian corridors. Overall, our analysis offers new information on habitat selection and connectivity in a rebounding felid population and offers important ecological information for wildlife management strategies. We recommend that the suitability and connectivity models should be periodically updated until the population reaches an equilibrium, and be integrated with data from neighboring states for a comprehensive assessment of a conservation success story.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (11) ◽  
pp. e0259260
Amanda M. Veals ◽  
John L. Koprowski ◽  
David L. Bergman ◽  
Kurt C. VerCauteren ◽  
David B. Wester

Interspecific interactions among mesocarnivores can influence community dynamics and resource partitioning. Insights into these interactions can enhance understanding of local ecological processes that have impacts on pathogen transmission, such as the rabies lyssavirus. Host species ecology can provide an important baseline for disease management strategies especially in biologically diverse ecosystems and heterogeneous landscapes. We used a mesocarnivore guild native to the southwestern United States, a regional rabies hotspot, that are prone to rabies outbreaks as our study system. Gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus), striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis), bobcats (Lynx rufus), and coyotes (Canis latrans) share large portions of their geographic ranges and can compete for resources, occupy similar niches, and influence population dynamics of each other. We deployed 80 cameras across two mountain ranges in Arizona, stratified by vegetation type. We used two-stage modeling to gain insight into species occurrence and co-occurrence patterns. There was strong evidence for the effects of elevation, season, and temperature impacting detection probability of all four species, with understory height and canopy cover also influencing gray foxes and skunks. For all four mesocarnivores, a second stage multi-species co-occurrence model better explained patterns of detection than the single-species occurrence model. These four species are influencing the space use of each other and are likely competing for resources seasonally. We did not observe spatial partitioning between these competitors, likely due to an abundance of cover and food resources in the biologically diverse system we studied. From our results we can draw inferences on community dynamics to inform rabies management in a regional hotspot. Understanding environmental factors in disease hotspots can provide useful information to develop more reliable early-warning systems for viral outbreaks. We recommend that disease management focus on delivering oral vaccine baits onto the landscape when natural food resources are less abundant, specifically during the two drier seasons in Arizona (pre-monsoon spring and autumn) to maximize intake by all mesocarnivores.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 125-131
Víctor H. Luja ◽  
Ricardo Rodríguez-Estrella ◽  
Diana J. Guzmán-Báez ◽  
Luis Jiménez

El gato montés, Lynx rufus, es una de las seis especies de felinos silvestres que habitan en México. Se distribuye desde el nivel del mar hasta los 3,600 m, ocupando una gran variedad de hábitats entre los que se encuentran los desiertos, ecosistemas de montaña y humedales.  Sin embargo, a la fecha, no existe información ecológica de la especie en humedales costeros.  El objetivo general de este trabajo es proveer la primera información ecológica obtenida de forma sistemática sobre el gato montés en la Planicie Costera de Nayarit (PCN).  Evaluamos su presencia histórica y actual, su abundancia relativa y patrones de actividad.  Determinamos la presencia histórica del gato montés en la PCN mediante una búsqueda en bases de datos electrónicas utilizando las palabras: “Lynx”, “rufus”, “lince”, “bobcat” y “Nayarit”.  Implementamos el protocolo del Censo Nacional del Jaguar usando cámaras trampa en un área de 72 km2 para documentar la presencia, distribución, abundancia relativa y patrones de actividad del gato montés. A través de la búsqueda en bases de datos encontramos 23 registros de gato montés en un área de al menos 3,000 km2 de la PCN. A partir de nuestro trabajo de campo obtuvimos 30 registros independientes con una abundancia relativa de 1.28 fotografías de gato montés / 100 días cámara.  Documentamos la presencia de al menos 10 individuos diferentes, incluyendo adultos de ambos sexos y una hembra presuntamente embarazada. Su actividad es nocturna; 40 % de los registros ocurrieron entre las 00:00-06:00 hr.  El gato montés habita los ecosistemas costeros de Nayarit.  Los valores elevados de abundancia relativa sugieren una población estable en la PCN con respecto a lo que ha sido reportada en hábitat ideales para la especie tales como los matorrales y bosques templados.  Su actividad nocturna coincide con lo que reportan otros trabajos para la especie.  Aunque, en general, el gato montés se adapta bien al disturbio generado por actividades humanas, los impactos que estas tienen sobre sus poblaciones en los humedales costeros aún se desconocen.  Para asegurar la permanencia de sus poblaciones es necesario realizar futuros estudios sobre su dieta, reproducción, ámbito hogareño y conectividad genética de la especie en los ecosistemas costeros del occidente de México.

2021 ◽  
Vol 92 (0) ◽  
pp. 923639
Cristina Nicté Vega-Flores ◽  
Verónica Farías-González

Mason V. Reichard ◽  
Tiana L. Sanders ◽  
Natasha L. Prentiss ◽  
Stacy R. Cotey ◽  
Ryan W. Koch ◽  

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